For some, the holidays aren’t all bright lights and Christmas cheer…
I have to admit, I’m struggling this year to keep my holiday happiness. After losing a family member to cancer days before Thanksgiving, there’s been a fog hanging around that dims the twinkling lights and dulls the cheerful music.
Have you ever found yourself in that place?
I’ve been thinking a lot about this and trying to work my way through the gloom because I know that the Lord’s plans are always for the good because He is good. And I know what the real reason for this season is His coming to save the world.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been fighting to get my cheer back and I’m going to share a few things I’ve done… just in case you need a little boost too.
- Remember the reason for the season. Seriously. One thing that’s helped me a lot is finding a few Christmas devotionals to remind myself why we’re actually celebrating.
- Taking stock of what I have to be grateful for and writing those things down in my gratitude journal. There’s something about focusing on what’s good, to help push out all the dark thoughts. (Colossians 3:2)
- Listening to Christmas music and movies. Even if they can be a little cheesy, one can’t help but be lifted when that bell rings, or the drummer boy plays his little heart out for the baby Jesus.
- Decorate, even if you don’t feel like it. Just do it. For me, finding old ornaments full of memories always makes me smile.
- Make time for friends or church family. Go to the parties. Surround yourself with people who care for and love you. Don’t allow yourself to become isolated. Friends and family can make all the difference when you feel like you’re facing hard things. (I shared a bit about this on my blog this past week.)
These are things that have helped me get through my foggy gloom. How about you? Any suggestions for those struggling to find their happy place in all the holiday madness? =)
Please share.
Below is a list of my holiday books. Some are only based around the holidays, some are Christmas stories. Some will be on sale until the end of this year! If you enjoy quick escapes and sweet romances, then enjoy!
Snow Belle – Always .99¢
Candy Lane Christmas – .99¢ until Dec. 31st.
A Thousand Wishes – New Release!
Nate’s Gift – New Release!
My Beastly Billionaire– Fairytale retelling that takes place during the holidays
I find that all of the traditions, many generations old, make me contented, happy and full of joy. The familiar brings peace and love.
Merry Christmas Jackie! Excellent suggestions, which I try to do. As a retiree living in the frigid north I try to be grateful that my sons are hard workers, even when I don’t see or hear from them often. I have enjoyed all your holiday books and stories. Thanks and best wishes.
I understand how you feel as my daddy transitioned to heaven just before Thanksgiving and like you I decorated even though I didn’t feel like it. The lights and Christmas hymns help, as well as waking up each day and choosing Joy. Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 I’m sorry for your loss.
I have found the most help in the connection to others. Something about the way God has made the universe. Go to the special Christmas programs at church. Make sure to say thanks and encourage the performers. Especially the young people. Give a hug (or five). I have found that reaching out to bless others goes a long way to lift my spirit.
I like to listen to Christmas music, all different kinds. You can’t help but perk up to some of the upbeat Christmas songs. I also like to watch Christmas movies, but ones like White Christmas and Holiday Inn. I’m not that crazy about all of the Hallmark movies, which is a big part of the reason I don’t have the Hallmark channel, the other being that cable package is expensive! I do get ION, which has the same type of movies, and I don’t watch them much, either. I also like to read, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a Christmas book or not this time of year! I just love to read! I also like to get with friends, that way it gets me out of the doldrums.
I have been having hoilday blues the last couple of years. It seems my anxiety and depression is the worse this time of year. I did put my tree up last Wednesday and I been watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. I have been trying to stay positive at work they are some negative people I work with.
It’s difficult when you’re surrounded by negative people. Praying you find a group to spend time with who has contagious joy.
I am so sorry for your loss, Jackie…this time of year is always hard when you lose a loved one. My FIL died in Thanksgiving day years ago and it is never forgotten….
Great tips. Thanks.
I believe there is strength in groups. =)
Sorry for yours, too. Blessings to you.
Thank you, Renate
Amen. =)
It is hard to get over, isn’t it? Blessings.
Jackie, thanks for the great tips. Merry Christmas.
Firstly my condolences on your loss.
The year mum died I wanted to do something different and new for Christmas. I read a book about by Cecil Murphey called “Words of comfort for times of Loss. In it the co-author mentioned how for the first Christmas after her loss they started a new tradition. I don’t remember what they did but it gave me the idea to do something different to help change the focus. I thought of a few ideas and then decided to have a small Christmas village. I have always loved them but its also something mum would have thought was a waste of money and to much effort. For many years she had found Christmas to much to handle and would have gladly not decorated or anything. I love Christmas and even if its only me (and now 2 cats) I want the tree up and find the village fun. (It has grown with the help of a few friends). If you get a chance to read the book it is one of the best books to deal with grief I have read. It gives some practical ideas which helped the authors. I have been playing music and watching some movies on tv. (with this heat it passes the time).
Thanks for the book suggestion. Changing things up is a great idea.
I’m so sorry for your loss Jackie. And I’m glad you’re making the effort to enjoy the holiday despite the sadness. I love all your suggestions. I’ll add putting my favorite Christmas CDs in the car so I can listen to them while driving.
Also I recommend clearing your calendar a little. Looking at a jam packed schedule with something to go to every night, especially after working all day, stresses me out. Sometimes a quiet evening with no plans is just the gift I need!
Merry Christmas.