Lindi here!! Hello December, right? I can’t believe another year has gone by.
But it has.
And 2016, like every other year, has had its challenges. But it’s had amazing moments as well.
And, when I post next month, I’ll be a year older! Jan 4th is my birthday. And I love birthdays.
My daughter was born December 20th. (Her due date was December 25th, and when I told people they asked “why did you do that?”)
Here we are when she was pregnant with her son, who was born on December 31st.
So, first contest today—anyone with a December birthday, let me know and you’ll be in a drawing for a$10.00 Amazon gift card!
Happy birthday to all December birthdays–you guys share the month and I hope your special day doesn’t get lost!
Now, onto last months post. I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to everyone who commented. You guys made my story SO MUCH BETTER with your comments and insights. I’m grateful and thankful that you took the time to do that. I am a behind on announcing the winner of the contest–it will be in this Sunday’s edition, along with today’s winners. (Yes, winners–read on for contest #2.)
Okay, back to where I was when I started this post. There have been many good and challenging things that happen every year. I did manage to learn a new day job, write 2 novellas in the midst of that, then write another one, and now am on the last one. I appreciate the support and encouragement I’ve received here. It does honestly take a village sometimes, and I feel like you guys are my village. :)
My dad has cancer and has been going through chemo all year. It’s been tough, but he’s amazing and has gone through it all without complaint. I’m thankful he is still here and I’m treasuring every minute I have with him.
Again, I can’t believe another year is just around the corner.
What have been some of your ups and downs this year? We’d love shout for joy with you and encourage you where we can. I’d love to gift a copy of Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts to someone who comments. (Separate from the December birthday comments.)
I recently heard her speak and oh, man, she is a powerhouse of love for Jesus! Thank you for trusting us with your joys and not-so-joys. We are all in this life together, lifting one another up when and where we can.
Merry Christmas!
December birthdays are the best! Although my birthday is in April, 18 years ago this coming Christmas day, I was in the hospital giving birth to my firstborn, Sadie Rose. It was the best Christmas present ever! My daughter loves sharing her birthday with Christmas and my husband and I love having such an amazing daughter with a heart for the Lord.
Happy Birthday December people and Lindi for January:) Agree, this year has flown by and been a big one.
Ups- my youngest son started school and had the best teacher and LOVED school, I went back to work full time, meeting and becoming good friends with a beautiful family who moved here at the start of the year, an amazing group of year 12 (senior) students, good mate coming through chemo with the all clear…lots!
Downs: my oldest son’s hearing issues (just discovered unilateral deafness), having to put my Masters study on hold…I’m sure there are lots more, but well and truly balanced out by the highs and the continued grace and mercy of God.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Lindi and to all December readers!
My grandson’s birthday is December 19, my daughter-in-law’s is January 6, and my youngest son is January 9. We are anxiously expecting a new baby girl in the family mid January (maybe Seeley Rose will share mom’s birthday on January 6.)
Hard to believe another year is coming to a close. Except for breaking my wrist in April, this year even though busy as been rather uneventful. Thankful to be close to family, so as retirees we can enjoy spending time with our three sons, their wives, and our wonderful three grandkids. Best wishes.
Happy Birthday, Lindi!
What a beautiful picture of you and your daughter.
I’m so sorry to hear about your father. I’ll keep him in my prayers. It’s so difficult to watch our parents age. This year, I’ve struggled with my mother’s dementia diagnosis, but I thank God that aside from that, she’s still healthy.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
My youngest daughter, #3 of 4 kids, was born in December. I love celebrating her day, making sure not to use Christmas paper for unwrapping. ;)
I am sorry to hear of your dad’s cancer. Sadly it has affected many that I know this year, seemingly more so than other years. I keep saying, “Cancer sucks!”
Both my mom & I have December birthdays. Mine is the 30th, and I’ve always loved having friends & family around to celebrate with me throughout the holidays! Plus, I’ve never had to go to school or work on my birthday :)
Happy birthday and Merry Christmas to all the December babies!
This year has been full of highs and lows…publishing in a novella collection, back surgery, new writing opportunities, losing a dear friend. In short, life happened, but the Lord has taught me I never need be afraid no matter what waits around the next bend. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
May the Lord bless every moment of this holiday season.
Terrill—-how awesome! I love your story. And you’re right, best Christmas present ever!! And i love that your daughter has a heart for Jesus. That is a treasure of hope and joy for you and your husband. (I’ll enter your name in the giveaway—for your daughter!!) :)
Wemble—Thanks for the birthday wish. :) Wow–sounds like your 2016 was turned all around–and I love your cancer beating story–those are always to be celebrated! That Masters will be waiting for you–I know it. God sees this big picture–and yes, the grace of mercy of God is amazing and will carry us through. :)
Happy birthday in advance and Merry Christmas. I know a few December babies, but my family got the memo a bit delay and many of us were born January (grandma, uncle, 2 cousins, and me). It’s a lovely time to celebrate. I find it quite interesting how our family ended up celebrating most birthdays in few months throughout the year (January, March, June, October, and November). Even my husband’s family birthdays are in the same months, so we have many gatherings in just a few months every year. It makes for busy months (I’d rather sometimes have them more spread around), but still I love birthdays. Speaking of which, I’m really excited for Christ’s birthday this year (I love Christmas, right up there with Easter are my favorite times of the year).
It was a difficult year professionally for both me and my husband, but we’re hanging in there. We’re trying to forget all the down side and think about our little one that is coming to join our family this February (new month!). It’s been the best coping mechanism for sure.
Renate–Yay for grandsons’s birthday! (He’s in the drawing!) And you have Jan birthdays as well. Love this. I hope your wrist is a-okay! Broken bones are never fun. What a blessing to be close to your children and grandchildren. 3 of our 4 kids live around us. We love it!! (And we have a great vacation place when we visit the 4th!)
Jill–thank you. :) It is difficult. To go from bowling on a team with your dad every week for 15+ years to watching him barely able to get out of a chair at times. But he’s still my dad, strong in my mind and heart. I’ll keep your mom in my prayers as well. I know that is a hard diagnosis.
Yes, I’m putting kids and grandkids in the drawing–:) and how funny about the Christmas paper wrapping. I probably did that when mine was younger. Ha! Now we just give a card with some $ in it. But, I did buy my daughter the same birthday card 2 years in a row—she remembered, I didn’t. And yes, cancer is probably a part of everyone’s life in some way.
Jenni—Whoot!! Happy birthday to you–and your Mom!! Love this! And how great it is you don’t have to work on that day. That is a present in itself, right? Thanks for commenting!
Barbara, congrats on publishing the novella–boo on the surgery. I hope all went well and you are doing great. And yes, the joy of the Lord is our strength. :)
Priscila—I too have Easter as my fav holiday–Christmas right behind it–they go together for sure!! We do the same things with birthdays—our months are Nov, Dec Jan, Feb and Sept—we have one lone bday in May–that’s with our kids and their hubbys–and all of our kids got married within 5 weeks—Beginning of August to Sept 10th—so, that is awesome–easy to remember. Congrats on the new additions–I know joy will come with that–I’m sorry about the job issues–but God. He sees that big picture like I mentioned earlier. Love!
Happy birthday to all the December babies! And Lindi, praying for you and your Dad.
I love 1000 Gifts, so awesome to be reminded to focus on gratitude!
You share a birthday with my daughter! She will be 14. My friend was born on Christmas and she likes it. Merry Christmas!
I love your testimony of God’s grace and mercy!
Dementia is The Worst. I’m so sorry.
The loss of your friend (our mutual friend) hit many of us. You are so right, though, that it doesn’t diminish the strength we draw from the joy of the Lord. Blessings.
Our family seems to tend to lumped birthdays, too. Most of my hubby’s nieces and nephews were born in July and August. In our own family, our son’s February birthday was joined, years later, by our son-in-law’s Feb birthday. My daughter and son-in-law’s two daughters were born in February (2010 and 2012) and a new baby is due to them… this February! What are the odds?!?!?!
Thank you Lindi and Val. The hardest is watching what it’s doing to my father…he loves her so.
Prayers for your family. I love that book and the praise it encourages. Thank your for sharing.
My youngest son was born in December!
Autumn–Hi!! Thanks for praying. :) And that Ann Voskamp–whoa–she is amazing.
Beth–Yay for Jan 4th birthdays!! Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)
Janet–thank you for praying. And yes, the 1000 gifts book. :) so awesome.
Karen–Whoo!! All these December birthdays are amazing. :) It’s a great month all around–:)
Valerie–that’s crazy!! All these birthdays in the same month. It”s weird how that happens. :) February rocks, though–that’s my hubby’s birthday month.
Contest #2
This year, I’ve learned to lay down my dreams at the feet of Jesus and leave them there. Trust is being built up better than ever, and I’m so grateful for God’s patient work in my heart.
(My dad’s b-day is in late December. Does that count for contest #1? Lol.)
Merry Christmas!
Writer and Copyeditor
Jill–I know what you mean. People keep asking me how my stepmom is doing. (She’s totally taking amazing care of my dad.) But I say I don’t know how she’s doing because she won’t let us know if she isn’t. She’s that kind of amazing. But I make sure to keep an eye on her–she needs care too, like your dad does, I”m sure.
Val and Barbara–what a great community there is in this writing and reading world–we all lift each other up in times of joy and sorrow–:)
Andrea—Yes, it counts. :) I do love hearing about all these birthdays. And trust–trusting in Jesus is something we all need to do–thank you for sharing about that. It is sometimes easy to just try and go it alone, or the way we want to….I’ve been there too many times. #trustjesus
This has really been a tough year for our family. We lost our oldest daughter, at age 41 (my stepdaughter) in February due to an extended illness. Six months later we lost her daughter at age 26 in a car accident. Her birthday by the way was December 28. And my 93 yr old father in law has been in and out of the hospital numerous times with various health problems. Recently diagnosed with untreatable lung cancer, we realize this will be our last Christmas with him. Lots of stress for all of us but especially for my husband. But we cling to the Lord and pray and know that He is in control.
Merry Christmas to all of you and happy birthday to all the December “babies”!
My mother-in-law, who has gone to be with the Lord, was born on Christmas, and my older granddaughter who will turn eight this week was born on December 13. She was supposed to be a Christmas baby, but she decided to come a little early.
Hi Merrillee—Wow–you have December birthdays as well. :) It’s always fun trying to figure out how to celebrate amongst the holidays, :)
Gail—OH! My heart goes out to you and your family. Loss is already hard, but to experience so much in a short time is something we can’t comprehend. And I’m sure, with as much joy as there is around this holiday season, it will be a mixed time for all of you. Especially December 28th. I’ll be praying extra hard for you on that day. Thank you for sharing with us. My dad has untreatable lung cancer as well. :( Boo-hiss cancer! But God—He is good and gracious and will pull our fragile hearts through when we cling to him–just like you and your family are doing. We won’t be the same, but we’ll settle into our new normal and keep praising Jesus!
I ask myself the same question, how can it be December AGAIN? Where did 2016 go?
No December birthday’s here. My daughter is a leap-year baby so she’s in February, my son in April, my grand-girl & niece in March and then my husband, myself and my sister-in-law are all in August.
Ups: My husband started a new job a year ago in October, well he’s had TWO raises & gotten several employee recognitions for a job well done. He was just nominated employee of the quarter a few days ago! Which is awesome because the job he was in for 6 years before this one, he never got a raise (he was manager) and never got any recognition. God is so good and has shown His favor over my husband :-)
Downs: We tried buying 2-3 houses this year only for someone else to come along and snag it right from under us (one seller changed her mind). One of the houses we just loved & would have fit our family perfect. But God is in control and after a time of being very disappointed & discouraged, we accepted His answer as no for now. If we’re suppose to have a home, He’ll make all the pieces fall into place :-)
We’re incredibly blessed and even in times of difficulty we know God has our best interest in mind!
Trixi—Thanks for stopping by. How cool about your husband’s job. :) And I’m sorry about the house hunt. It does seem to be stressful. And yes, all the pieces will fall into place.
Yes, I’m keeping a watchful eye on my father, Lindi. xo