Do you ever feel like all of the different things you need to make a decision on hit at the exact same time? That’s how I’ve been feeling over the last couple of weeks. It seems like every time I make one decision, two more things pop up. From our homeschooling summer schedule to the changes in our activities, from household stuff to how I’m managing my time in general, there is a lot to consider. Toss in my writing schedule, and it’s a mess!
I have papers with notes all over my desk, but most importantly, I have a to do list so I can focus and cross things out as I go. It helps a lot, though I find I’m moving things from one day to the next when I can’t get everything done like I’d hoped I could.
One of the decisions I’m wrestling with right now has to do with my Love’s Compass series of books. And I thought, who better to ask for some input than you wonderful readers? I hope you don’t mind!
When I first started writing the Love’s Compass series, I originally intended for it to contain enough books to cover the members of two specific families: The Chandlers and the Davenports.
Finding Peace – Tuck Chandler and Laurie Blake
Finding Hope – Lexi Chandler (Tuck’s older sister) and Lance Davenport (Tuck’s best friend)
Finding Courage – Avalon McNeil (Lance’s sister) and Duke McNeil
Finding Faith – Serenity Chandler (Tuck and Lexi’s little sister) and Aaron Randall
Finding Joy – Chelsea Blake (Laurie’s sister) and Parker Wilson
Finding Grace (coming later this year) – Elizabeth Davenport (Lance’s little sister) and Andrew Martin
With the exception of writing Chelsea’s story in Finding Joy (and I think that one was close enough to count), I’ve pretty much stuck to my plan. But once Finding Grace is released, I won’t have any members of either family left to write about.
So here’s my dilemma: Do I end the series there at six books? Or do I start writing about people who are loosely connected to the two families? Like Elizabeth’s best friend or Serenity’s colorful coworker?
Even if you haven’t read my books, I value your opinion based on how you feel about a series. Would you like to see the series continue even if you’re not getting direct updates on the main set of characters? Or would you rather see the series end at that point when all members of the two families have basically gotten their forever afters?
Comment below and let me know your thoughts!
Giveaway: I’ll choose one random person who comments, and the winner will receive his or her choice of one of my books (digital). I’m going to leave this open until Wednesday, June 7th, at midnight. Can’t wait to read what you think!
Hi Melanie. I enjoy reading the stories of characters I have ‘met’ from other books. It is nice to read their stories:)
When I feel overwhelmed by a decision, usually I’ll pray first. Then I’ll go back and make a pro and con list of my original plan. I understand it can be hard to say goodbye to a series, but it can also be so exciting to start something fresh.
I think maybe the series should end unless there is someway you can do a spinoff from the story and go in a new direction. I know the answer will come to you and we will all be happy with your choice. Good luck!
Hi Melanie! Even though retired, I still work with a To Do List. Keeps me focused and prioritized for the week. I enjoyed reading Calming the Storm (A Marriage of Convenience). Downloaded Finding Hope (Love’s Compass Book 2), but unfortunately haven’t had time to read it yet. As an avid reader I prefer shorter sets; because since I read so many different authors, it becomes difficult to keep characters straight. Since authors need time to write, edit, and publish their stories, too much time passes and then as a reader, I spend time reviewing the previous books. Since I have too much to read and never enough time (yes even in retirement); I prefer to spend time discovering new authors and new works. As an English and creative writing teacher, I also think a new series with a different setting, new characters might stretch the writer and varies the writing style. Variety is the spice of life. Best wishes and happy writing.
Thank you for your thoughts, Wemble! I think it’s fun to see characters again in a different setting.
I appreciate that, Jill. Prayer always helps things become clearer. Yes, it’s a case of having a hard time saying goodbye to a series. But I’m really ready to start something new!
Thanks so much for responding and letting me know what you think! I know, either way, it’ll be okay. It’s just a harder decision than it ought to be lol
Thanks, Renate. I’m glad you enjoyed Calming the Storm! You mentioned variety is the spice of life and I think that’s where I’m at right now. I need something new to work on, but there’s only so much time in a day! I’ve felt there are more books in the series until Finding Grace. I do think it could nicely tie up the series when it comes out.
I for one am always sad when a series ends, but maybe you can have a spin-off series using the lovely connected people!
Thanks for the great idea, Paula! I agree, it’s always sad when a series ends! I’ve also thought about maybe writing a Christmas story with all the characters at some point, too.
I think it’s mostly up to whether you have their stories to write or if you’re struggling to come up with something. Chelsea’s story was a must but the friends’ stories not so much in my opinion. If they are begging to come out, I’m sure I’ll read it.
Thanks, Priscila! I agree that Chelsea’s story was a must. I intended to write it immediately after Finding Peace, but the others begged to be written first. lol
I have a six-book series, which seems to me to be a nice length. I have a couple of series that will end with three books, and one I’m currently into that will probably end with twelve, but they are more loosely connected (same neighborhood).
One of the advantages of starting something new is it gives readers a new entry point to your work! But series tend to do better than stand-alones.
Thanks for your thoughts, Valerie. Very true about how a new project gives readers a new entry point to my work. I’m ending my other series at three books next year. But yes, I’m a big fan of series as opposed to stand-alones.
Everyone above has already said the things I would mention :-)
Thanks, Margaret!
I think it is good to know where those characters we love are now, but sometimes you need to add more people, and “replace” some old with new. I definitely like when paths cross and you get a little glimpse of former friends… because who DOESN’T think of the people we have met in past books, as friends. Family even.
That being said, i am sure it opens the writer up to finding new adventures and discovery when you have less of the story filled with older story lines. Lol. J hope that made sense.
I think that if you’ve covered the families, you should move on. If it’s too loosely connected folks might wonder why you continued with the series. Something different might seem fresher and garner new readers. But another series with characters that were secondary in the first might be an option, if there was enough to write about (or think up) those characters.
I love series when the previous people show up or are somehow integrated into the story! I have to agree with the others, if you feel that you’ve covered the families then it is time to move to another series. Although a Christmas revisit might be nice :)
I love series, but if the series gets too long, I would probably lose interest.
I’m not commenting for a digital copy just giving my opinion. I would end the series and start a new project. :)
I think either approach would work. A spin off series is another good option
I am reading a 10-book series, but in general I prefer 3-4 books. Maybe I have a short attention span. I am also one of those people who like to have the whole series before I start reading, if possible, so I don’t forget characters and situations between books.
That definitely makes sense. Thanks, Rachael! I always think it’s fun to get a glimpse of former friends once in a while, even if it’s just a mention.
I appreciate your thoughts, Paula. That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t want the readers to feel like I’m trying to squeeze out just one more story because I can. I want each book to have a true purpose!
Thanks, Julianne! I think a Christmas revisit would be fun. :-)
That’s how I feel personally as well. They have to be closely connected to keep my interest as a reader.
Thanks for your thoughts, Sabrina. I appreciate it! :-) :-)
Thanks, Diane! A spin off series is definitely an option.
I’m the same way! If it’s too long between books, I feel disconnected. Thanks, Susan! :-)
All good things must come to an end. Stick with your plan. It’s good to be true to your vision. And new is generative.
I would be interested in reading any of these books!
Hard question! I do like series but I sometimes feel some of them go on too long and I start getting bored with them. For each person, that length can vary. On the other hand, some series I want to go on because I’ve become so involved with the characters. But I think overall, a series needs to end at some point in time. If you think some of your characters stories still need to be told, then I’d go with that :-)
Sorry if that wasn’t as concise as it could have been! Each reader is different on if they like series stories and just how many they want to read.
I would end it and start a new series. Sometimes when I’m reading a series about a group of people, the books start to drag, and the stories start overlapping to the extent that I already know how the next book is going to end. I’m not talking about this series but several I have read lately. Hope this helps?
If you have enough to write about secondary characters, I say continue the series!!
I’m one who loves series, and the more the better. You could add more books to this one, or do a spin-off series, with minor characters from the Compass series, and include some brief stop ins from those main characters from the Compass series.
Thanks, Mary! I appreciate that!
Thanks, Robin! :-)
I appreciate your thoughts, Trixi. I feel much the same way. I hate to see this series end, but I do feel like the story I wanted to tell will be complete after Finding Grace. After reading a lot of the responses here, I think I’ll probably make that decision. But I was feeling so torn. All of these perspectives have really helped!
That does help, Mandi. And I completely know what you mean!
Thanks, Linda! Some of my secondary characters would be fun to write about. But the more I think about it, the more I realize none of their stories are just insisting they be told. Know what I mean? The more I think about it and read the responses here, the more I think I’m being led to end the series. It’ll certainly end on a good note, though!
A spin-off series would be fun. And it would be neat to see some of the main characters show up here and there. I’m definitely going to consider that!
I like to read series of books (for example Karen Kingsbury) and then she added characters and they were mixed in other series that she wrote. I think it would be neat to see you write books with the characters that you wrote about in your first series and let them be stars in their own books.
I think that depending on how you focus on their friends it will already seem like a whole new series. I liked the spin-off idea someone gave above..