[ded-i-key-shuh n]
- a formal, printed inscription in a book, piece of music, etc., dedicating it to a person, cause, or the like.
I love reading dedications in the front of books, to discover who the writer found worthy of those few special words that readers see first.
Each of my published or contracted books I’ve dedicated to someone special and for a specific reason.
My first published novella, Helsinki Sunrise, I dedicated to my youngest son, Kyle. Why? The dedication says it all. The fact that he and his wife, Tiia, landed up as my cover models was yet another good reason to dedicate this book to them.
For my son, Kyle…I’m so glad you became a missionary and married a Finn. You inspired this story in so many ways.
My second published novella, Oslo Overtures, was dedicated to someone who I only met once but whose own story bore some similarities to the story I had written. On researching Taya Weiss, I came to the conclusion that this brave lady was (in my eyes at least) probably the best female wingsuiter in the world. Plus, she had lived for many years in my country, South Africa, with her fiancé prior to his death in a wingsuiting accident. Although I didn’t know Taya well, I felt it appropriate to dedicate this book to her. She was really touched the day I met her and told her of my decision over coffee.
This book is dedicated to Taya Weiss, an incredible woman who touches the clouds. Taya, you’re an inspiration. http://tayaweiss.com
My third Passport to Romance novella which is contracted and will be published in 2016, Glasgow Grace (working title), I dedicated to the love of my life because the hero and heroine of Glasgow Grace were childhood sweethearts. Although Noel and I hadn’t been childhood sweethearts, I did have a crush on him around age ten, and he was such a gentleman even as a young boy, allowing me access to play in his treehouse.
For Noel… Every day with you is another twenty-four hours basking in the grace of Ephesians 5:25.
What does Ephesians 5:25 say, you wonder? “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” And that’s the way Noel loves me—with a sacrificial love, without which none of my books would have been written.
Poles Apart, my Christmas novella releases on October 1 as part of the box set Snowflakes and Mistletoe. I dedicated this novella to the only One worthy of this dedication, the One who is the true reason for Christmas.
To Jesus…Without Him, this book, written in the most difficult season of my life, would not have been completed.
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. ~ Hebrews 12:1-3
Which brings me to the dedication for my first box set novella, Orphaned Hearts, dedicated to my wonderful mom and dad.
For my matriarch and patriarch…Mom, an orphaned heart. Dad, loving one for a lifetime. I dedicate this book to you ~ for your love of the wild, and your love of family. Thank you for instilling both in me.
When I wrote that dedication to my parents, I had no idea that not even a month after SPLASH! released (the box set Orphaned Hearts was part of), I would lose my mom (17 July 2015), and a month thereafter my dad (19 August 2015). I guess my dad in his death silently wrote the greatest love dedication of them all ~ I can’t live without you. I need to be where you are.
I miss them every day and it still seems so unreal that I won’t see them again this side of heaven. But how thankful I am that I do have that blessed hope.
In this difficult season of hospitals, and funerals, and open graves, I was faced with a looming deadline for Poles Apart and my commitment to write this story. That’s why only Jesus could get the glory for this novella’s completion, because only He could sustain me and give me the strength I needed to ensure I got to write, ‘The End.’ And it’s only because of His dedication to the cross that I can have a peace that passes understanding despite the storms that have raged around me.
Over to you now. If you had to write a book, who would you dedicate it to? What would you say?
Marylin says
Thanks so much for sharing your heart with us. I pray that God will give you sweet comfort during these months ahead. We appreciate your willingness to be used by God even when you don’t have the strength to carry on.
As for my dedication it would be to my father. He was the one who introduced me to Christ many years ago. He showed me how to love, laugh, and cherish God’s Word.
Valerie Comer says
I love your dedications, Marion! Like you, I don’t dedicate my stories in the order of people importance in my life, but also with regards to the story itself. I’ve dedicated two to my husband, for two different reasons, one to my daughter, and one to my daughter-in-law. I dedicated one to a young woman I barely know (and I’m not sure she knows its for her despite her first name being mentioned). My most recent I dedicated to my mother-in-law. This week she has been in the hospital with a staph infection and, while she is doing MUCH better, it reminded me of fleeting time and I’m glad I dedicated a book in her name while she could enjoy it. And she did!
linderellar says
I love your dedications and I if write a book I would dedicate the book to my Aunt Julia, who has been my inspiration my whole life.
Linda Rainey
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Love this, Marion. I try to dedicate my books in a meaningful way, too. My latest book I dedicated to a young woman I never met, but whose mother I met briefly at a concert. But the story she told me about her daughter still sticks with me.
Trixi says
I, too, love reading the dedications authors write in the front of the book! I especially LOVE it when the very first person they dedicate it to is the Lord. After all, I believe that’s who gives them the inspiration for a story :-) So, I guess if I were to write a book, that would be who I’d dedicate the book to from the start. Then from there, probably my spouse for his support of my writing & then the varying editors, publishers & etc who made the book possible to put into readers hands.
I am also so sorry about the loss of your parents, Marion! So heartbreaking to read about :-( My heart grieves right along with you & my prayers ascend heavenward. May you feel the peace that passes all understanding in your heart and feel the Father’s comforting arms around you always.
rcraig418 says
I have never written a book, but if I did, my first one would be dedicated to my Mom! She has been such a hero in my life. My dad passed away when I was 15, and my little brother was 9. My 2 older sisters and my older brother were already moved out of the house by that time, and she was, and still is, mom and dad to each one of us.
But I am like you, I always love reading the dedications of books, and so many times I have wondered what, if any, was the reason for who the author dedicated to.
Good luck on your upcoming release! :)
Kyle Ueckermann says
It would say, “To my parents, thank you for encouraging me to pursue my dreams and supporting me along the way.” Love you Mom.
Andrea Cox says
When my books get published, I’d like to dedicate them all to the One who gave me the stories in the first place. The people I love know the role they played, and I thank them for it already. Who do I want the world to know I thanked? Jesus Christ, my Savior. If anything I write can lead even one person to look to Jesus for help, then I’ll consider it a job well done.
Kathy Anderson says
If I were to write a book it would be dedicated to my parents. They have been married 55 years. For years my mother supported my father in his activities: Running the household while my father is deployed, Caring for my sister who was critically ill and hospitalized while Dad was away on a no-families allowed tour of duty and Adjusting her cooking to accommodate Dad’s diabetes diagnosis. Now the roles are reversed, Dad is caring for Mom since her recent Alzheimers and Parkinson’s Disease Diagnoses. The best part Mom still likes to lure Dad into the bedroom for a kiss without so many little eyes watching.
Lindi Peterson says
When I was writing the first book that would be contracted (of course I didn’t know it at the time I was writing) I had used the name Allison for the heroine. My dad wanted to name me Allison after June Allison–but my mom said no. :) My dad then wanted one of us kids to name our girls Allison and we didn’t. So, I decided to write an Allison for my dad. Well, my stepdaughter and her husband were expecting their first child. It was a girl, and the surprise would be the name. (They had no clue about my dad’s love of the name Allison.) So, while I was pounding away at the keyboard (I wrote the book in 74 days) Melanie was pregnant, growing this girl inside of her. When we were at the hospital and she told us the name, I gasped, and said Allison? She thought I didn’t like the name, but I told her the story. The dedication in the book, Her Best Catch, is Ally-B God created both Allisons at the same time. Dad- here’s your Allison-thanks for the inspiration.
I LOVE how God works!!! Marion–I love that your son and his wife are on your cover–how cool! And your dedications are thoughtful and inspiring. :)
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks so much for your kind words, Marylin. Daddy dedications are always special :)
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks, Valerie. I know how you feel about having dedicated your book to your mom-in-law. I feel the same way about my parents, and although they couldn’t really enjoy the fact of the dedication, I know that in the moment I told them I had, they would have felt a sense of pride deep down inside. I’m so glad I had the right story at the right time.
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks, Linda. I had an aunt like that who was almost like a second mother and an inspiration. Will have to put my Aunt Minnie on my list of people to dedicate my books to :)
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks Elizabeth. I felt the same way on my Oslo Overtures dedication, and although I didn’t really know Taya, I couldn’t see dedicating the book to anyone else. But, there are still many people close to me who I know I want to see a book dedicated to … better get cracking on writing the next story, and the next :)
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks for your prayers, Trixi. I do feel that unexplainable peace and God’s comfort.
Marion Ueckermann says
I believe there’s always a reason for a dedication, but yes, often that reason is not apparent. One of the greatest messages I got after my mother passed away was “She was a woman ahead of her time.” One day when I finish writing and editing the book I wrote on my mom’s life, that line will make it into the dedication.
Marion Ueckermann says
Ah, Kyle, as I keep telling your brother – That’s what parents do :) Love you, too! xxx
Marion Ueckermann says
I love your positive attitude, Andrea, and pray that you’ll find a publishing home for your books soon. Our stories do touch lives! Keep on writing.
Marion Ueckermann says
Kathy, I love that last little line. My parents would have been married 66 years this December. Cherish every moment with them. We’re blessed to have parents who have been together, happily, for decades.
Marion Ueckermann says
Lindi, I love how God works, too, and I see Him working over and over in every book I write. Like a loving parent, he delights in the surprises he drops into our lives. I love your Allison story and know that’s one of those heaven-sent surprises.
Lindi Peterson says
Oooh–I love that–heaven sent surprises!! :)
Renate Pennington says
I also enjoy reading dedications. Enjoyed reading Orphaned Hearts and learning more about African elephants.
Marion Ueckermann says
Thanks, Renate. So glad you enjoyed your time in the pages of Orphaned Hearts :)