I have a confession to make: I am a veteran of online dating.
When I went through an unexpected divorce seven years ago, my self-image was bruised. I hadn’t dated for almost twenty years, and the game had changed. Match.com, eHarmony, Christian Mingle… according to my friends, that was the way to go. So I experimented with all of them.
A lot of good came from these experiences. I met genuinely nice men and made some new friends. Sharing online dating stories with another single mom led to our teaming up to start a singles group at our church. Best of all, I’ve met a wonderful companion, a true gentleman who entices me away from my workaholism, embraces my imperfections, and makes me laugh.
But there were a few bad, or just strange, apples in the fruit stand that is online dating. Like the terribly nervous fellow who opened his briefcase and handed me his multi-paged resume at the beginning of our coffee date. The scruffy professor who took one look at me and said, “my goodness, you’re an exceptionally tall individual, aren’t you?” And the guy who kept making obscene gestures while carrying on an ordinary conversation (in a public place, thank heavens!).
So can you blame me for making a bad online date the opening of my new release from Love Inspired? In A Family for Easter, Fiona Farmingham is still hurting from her ex-husband’s unfaithfulness, and she struggles with her body image. And she has four young children. She’s leery of the online dating scene, but her friends talk her into it.
Her first (and only, as it turns out) online date doesn’t go well. Here’s an excerpt:
Chapter One
Fiona Farmingham clutched the edge of Chez La Ferme’s elegant tablecloth and wished she were home on the couch with her kids, eating popcorn and watching movies. Wearing sweats and slippers rather than heels and a dress and shapewear.
Based on tonight, at least, dating was way overrated.
“You should come see me in Cleveland,” Henry said loudly, forking braised lamb shank into his mouth. “We have restaurants that would put this place to shame. Really fancy.”
She forced her face into something resembling a smile and pushed her roasted vegetables around her plate, not daring to look around at all the Rescue River customers and waitstaff Henry had probably just offended.
A throat cleared a couple of tables away, and she glanced up. A soccer-dad friend, Eduardo Delgado, was looking over his date’s shoulder, smiling at Fiona with what looked like sympathy.
Her tight shoulders relaxed a little. Eduardo’s warm, friendly face reminded her of school parent nights and carpools and kids’ league games. Her normal life.
She was a little surprised to see Eduardo, a single parent who worked as a groundsman at Hinton Enterprises, dining at their small Ohio town’s only upscale restaurant. He never even bought himself nachos or a hot dog at the school concession stand, always relying on a cooler from home for himself and his two kids, instead. She’d thought that meant he was economizing, but maybe he was just into eating healthy.
“Did you hear me?” Henry scooted his chair closer. “I have a nice big house. Six bedrooms and three-and-a-half bathrooms. You should come visit!”
Like that was going to happen. She channeled her society-perfect mother, who could out-polite the Queen of England, even managing a small smile. “With my kids, it’s hard for me to get away.”
“Yeah, four kids, that’s a lot!” Henry shook his head and attacked his spring pea risotto with vigor. She turned her chair half away and pretended to hear a sound from the evening bag she hadn’t used since attending society events with her late husband three years ago. She pulled out her cell phone and studied its blank screen. “Henry, I’m so sorry, but I think my kids need me.” Not a lie; kids always needed their parents, hers in particular. Right now, though, it was she who needed her kids.
“I thought you said you had a sitter. I was hoping we could spend more time together.”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I really do have to go.” Fiona tried to keep her voice low, even though half the restaurant’s patrons had surely heard their discussion.
Why, oh, why had she let her friends Daisy and Susan talk her into online dating? But they’d both approved Henry’s profile, and he’d sounded nice on the phone.
She knew why: Because she thought her kids might benefit from having a man in their lives. And, maybe a tiny bit, because she wished for a male companion who would care for her, even love her, just as she was.
Fat chance of that, fat being the operative word.
“Look, Fiona.” He gulped his drink and wiped a napkin across his mouth. “I wouldn’t have sprung for this expensive dinner if I’d known…”
Fiona stood and grabbed her purse, thankful she’d driven there in her own car. “Henry, it’s been…interesting to meet you.”
“Hey! You can’t just leave in the middle of—”
“Actually, I can.” She fumbled for her wallet. Why had she thought, for one minute, that she should try a relationship again?
She extracted two twenties and handed them to Mia, the waitress. Then she turned, keeping her eyes on the front door. If she didn’t look to the right or the left, she could avoid the pitying stares that were surely coming her way.
“Oh, Mrs. Farmingham,” Mia called after her, “that’s way too much. You just had an appetizer and salad, and you didn’t even order a drink!”
Let the world know I’m dieting, would you? “It’s fine, keep the change.”
She was opening the door when Henry caught up with her. “Hey, come on, what did I say wrong?” He grabbed her arm. “I like big gals!”
Seriously bad pickup line, buddy.
Want to read more? Click here to learn more or find A Family for Easter at your favorite online retailer.
I’m giving away three copies of Small-Town Nanny, the Rescue River book in which Fiona was first introduced. All you have to do is comment today. Tell a bad date story, offer your view of online dating, or let me know what you think will happen next in A Family for Easter.
Hi Lee, hmm, do Eduardo and Fiona get together? Henry sounds like a loser! I imagine online dating would be a bit scary, wondering if a person has been honest with their profile, deciding who to meet…then meeting a stranger… good fodder for stories:)
Oh, my word! I relate so well to that scenario! ?
Like many others, I’ve had good and bad results with the online dating adventure. I gained a best friend❣️ and I had a stalker for a short time. ?
Content with where I am, I’ve decided to leave the online dating world to others now.
This story does start out great. Looking forward to reading it!
Hi Lee! Not sure I would know how to date again after 45 years of marriage. You definitely have me hooked with this story. Thanks for sharing. Stay dry and safe. Been raining all night in the Midwest, melting the snow. Not a good mix. Best wishes.
Hello, Lee! I have this already pre ordered, after reading some of it already from some where (can’t remember where it came from, but loved it!) Cannot wait to get it in March!
I have read all the others in the series, no need to enter me to win a copy of Small Town Nanny, just wanted to tell you I am looking forward to this!
Hi Wemble,
I don’t want to spoil the story, but… you made a good guess!
Oh, no, a stalker! I’m sorry that happened. It definitely makes sense to leave that scene behind for a while. Hope you enjoy A Family for Easter.
Hi Renate,
We finally have a day where it’s at least not raining. Our ground is really saturated… my back yard is a puddle! Stay safe.
Thank you so much for reading the series and for preordering A Family for Easter. I appreciate your support and your kind words… that really means a lot.
I told my hubby this morning that I’ll be home a little late because I’m stopping by the bookstore to buy this book. :)
I did some on-line dating before I got married (to a man I did not meet on-line). I agree with you about meeting a lot of nice gentlemen. I do have a number of stories that I could share…One guy picked something out of his teeth, flung that something under the table and it landed on my leg. Ick! He did not get a second date.
I’ve preordered this book and can’t wait to read it. I’ve never tried on line dating to scary. Love reading s good love story.
Ive never experienced online dating, but have experienced a couple of uncomfortable dates with people I only knew as acquaintances. My good friend met her husband through an online dating site. Obviously, that worked out for them. I’ve never asked her if she has any stories of dates that didn’t go well with me she met online before her husband. I think I will though!
This dating experience sounds like something that would happen to me if I ever tried it. Fortunately, I’m still happily married for almost 28 years. I pray I never have to enter the dating scene again. It was not my happiest time. This book does sound like good reading.
I’m glad to hear you have found a companion, that’s great to hear!
This story sounds terrific, I love the unique and original storyline!
I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you for buying the book, Elizabeth! But…. I SO WISH I’d known your story before writing A Family for Easter, because that icky “picking teeth” event would have been perfect for Fiona’s bad date with Henry!
Thanks, Brenda and Melynda… you’re right, ALL dating can be a bit scary! But ideally, there’s a reward at the end. :)
Sherri, congratulations on 28 years… that is a rare thing and not always easy, either, I’m sure!
Thanks, Tracey!
Love the opening! I do think that Eduardo and Fiona get together. As far as online dating, I hate it!
This is great, Lee.
I’ve never experienced online dating, but I did get set up once by friends. The guy (I can’t call him a man. We were still in high school.) and I talked on the phone, but had never met. I thought we’d hit it off. Sadly, I’m an introvert, and he was either the same or extremely shy. We didn’t speak the entire evening. Also sadly, we went to a dance where I knew lots of people, and I left him to his own devices. I never spoke to him again after that. :(
I don’t even remember how I got home. Not the best date ever. :D
Lee, I love the beginning of this story. I’ve been married for 42 years, and online dating didn’t exist back in my dating days, but my brother met his wife through eHarmony.
Uh-oh… voice of experience?
Ah, the memories! You should write a book about introvert dating!
Merrillee, I’m in awe of anyone who can stay married through the ups and downs of 42 years. Orchids to you!
Sounds like an interesting story. My son tried online dating briefly. I keep praying for God to send him a godly spouse.
Bad date story? How do I choose? lol I suppose I’ll pick one that turned out fine in the end. My then boyfriend, now husband once took me to the U-District in Seattle for dinner. Well, he didn’t exactly know where he was going, but we did at least end up on the right street.
However, we had to stroll up and down it and it was getting dark. We thought one place set back a little ways might be it, so we ventured back to it only to have a man solicited me as a Uh-hem–I just can’t say it–I was dressed very conservatively too–slacks and a modest button up blouse.
After that dude left, we happened upon a drug deal and had to duck into another shop–at the time she didn’t realize what was going on, only that a bunch of thugs were blocking our path. We were scared so went inside the nearest store. After they left we finally found the Greek restaurant we were looking for. We were seated by the window and guess what? Another drug deal happened right outside it! It was a horrible night, and I have never been back to that part of Seattle since. We were both college students at the time, so I’m guessing I was only 18.
I hated online dating! The guys just wanted to small talk at midnight, not any real conversations and the guys seemed to think highly of themselves and not me. It wasn’t for me! But my cousin met her now husband on an online dating site! So I do think they can be wonderful!
I had lots of bad online dating stories after the death of my last husband but I was blessed to meet my present husband online.
Love this opening! I laughed so hard at the “seriously bad pick up line.” I’ve heard some really good ones from my younger girls, who’ve both tried online dating.
Just finished A Family for Easter and it was great. Would love to read the book where Fiona is introduced. I’ve never had a “bad” date but an awkward one where I didn’t realize it was actually a date because I was with a good friend……and then realized during the meal that he felt differently. Sigh.
My bad date story started off on the wrong foot.
This was before such a thing as online dating.
It was a blind date. Sight unseen, knew nothing about this guy, except for his first name,
My friend knew him and she set us up. She and her husband went along with us too.
I don’t remember what we did, where we went, but all I remember is that very, very long hair hanging down his back, in a ponytail.
Renate, I have the same feeling. Hubby and I will be celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary in June.
Online dating sounds rather scary to me. I was way before its time. I have pre-ordered the book. Sounded so good to me. Can’t wait till March first when it will download to my Kindle.
I never dated much, but once as a teen I went to the theater with a guy who had just graduated. I was a Jr. afterwards he took me home and in the driveway he asked me where was a good place to go parking. I said I don’t know, I’ve never went parking. I got out slammed the door and never spoke to him again. Jerk
I’d say Fiona and Edurado end up together at the end of the book :-) I had to laugh at the excerpt…that was a poor choice of words ” I like big gals”…as if Fiona would ever give him a chance again…OY!
I’ve never had a blind date, but I have dated a couple of guys that I wished I would have never met. They ended up not being the greatest for me. I don’t really have a “bad” date story either & I would never see myself as going for online dating. I told my husband that if the Lord took him first…I wasn’t going to get involved with anyone else. :-)
Thank you for the giveaway chance Lee, this book sounds terrific! Now I want to know more about Fiona!
I can’t wait to read the whole book, great teaser ?
I’m too much an introvert too try online dating, I’ll just live it through Fiona’s story.
Your books have always caught and held my attention and imagination, thank you for sharing your gift inspirationally.
Oh my hannah! Poor Fiona! I had a date where he wouldn’t tip the waitress and that upset me so I did it myself. I had a date where I had brand new slides and the guy decided to go hiking through the forest and he used expletives all the time like it was for shock value or something. There was the time i had an anxiety attack and MY date had to pull his truck over while i got sick in the gutter. I haven’t had bad dates so much as they just weren’t good and i haven’t dated that much. I’m not good at it with my anxiety so i avoid it.
oh and i forgot to mention the shoes got ruined and my jeans got tree sap on them and it wouldn’t come off so ruined pair of jeans too….lol
I haven’t tried internet dating but it seems really scary! You can be deceived in person but it would be even easier online I think! Thanks for sharing the snippet of poor Fiona’s date! I enjoyed it!
A friend in college set me up with a double date with her and her friend. I got carsick, and had to lay in the back seat until we returned to the dorm.
I can’t see myself ever trying online dating. I’m a serious introvert and it seems pretty scary and overwhelming. But I do know of someone who met her husband through online dating, so for the right person it can definitely work out.
Going back to high school I went to the homecomimg dance with a guy from another school. We had been talking and he had recently broken up with his girlfriend. We get to the dance and he disappears. His best friend is chatting me up. The date had evidently made up with his girlfriend and he was trying to pass his best friend off as my date. I made him take me home (not a short drive). The following Monday his best friend called trying to go out with me!
Love these books,Thanks for a chance to win
I love the cover! I don’t know much about online dating, but my aunt and uncle met online and they are happily married, so I think it can be a great success! Thanks for the opportunity to win your book!
I was on a trip, so didn’t get to read this until today. I enjoyed the excerpt. I have several friends who met their now husbands through on-line dating, so I know it can work :-) I’d love to win the book, if it’s not too late!
The excerpt was great. I met my husband online, but not through a dating site. We’ve been married 20 years.