Thank you for being part of our reader community at Inspy Romance! Over 350 of you receive our daily emails inviting you to read the newest post by one of our authors. If you’re not one of them, slide your gaze slightly to the right… there! See it? It only takes a minute to join the In Crowd!
We want to know if we’re doing a good job giving you content you like to read. Would you mind completing the polls below? It will only take a minute or two. Then, comment to say you’ve entered for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Plus, we’d love to hear anything else you’ve want to tell us about your experience with Inspy Romance.
Wemble says
Hi Valerie:) Whenever we are away on holidays (basically away from internet access) I miss my daily inspyromance read. Thanks for the huge amount of effort involved in this site, I appreciate spending time with others who love good books.
We went paddling last Sunday and I thought of some of the trips you have shared about, particularly since our friends with us have spent some time paddling in Canada. We did 18km on the Goulburn river, I had our 9 yr old in the canoe with me, hubby had our 7 yr old- I had sore arms that evening!! Magic day.
Paula Dye says
I love the getting to know about the authors and upcoming book releases!
Renate says
Hi Valerie! Hope you are feeling better and wishing you the very best. Thanks for your poll and the instant feedback to the reader. Fun educational positive questions. Nicely done and appreciated, Valerie. Entered.
I first became part of the Inspy Romance group in early 2015 after reading your Farm Fresh Romance Raspberries and Vinegar in a boxed set. You had me hooked and after reading book 2 Wild Mint Tea. I checked out your website and then discovered Inspy Romance blog. I have been reading the blog ever since and enjoy discovering new authors, reading fascinating inspiring clean romances, and traveling the world (Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa). The diversity of the authors and their creativity is inspiring. This blog is a delightful way to get to know the authors on a professional and personal level and interact with readers from around the world.
Thanks Valerie and best wishes.
Sherri G says
I hope my answers help. I enjoy getting to know the different authors and especially like that it’s multiple people writing the blog. I love hearing about new books that I might miss otherwise, knowing I don’t have to worry about the content. Keep up the good work!
Amy Johnson says
Entered. And I’m only guessing I started here from an author’s newsletter…I honestly don’t remember.
Priscila says
This was interesting. I never stopped to think about what I liked reading about.
I felt like the line of posting changed a lot this year, but I can’t really say how. I definitely miss some of the old posts that were more personal (something in line with Ginger’s love series post and Autumn’s personal stories–if I remember correctly, there used to have more of those), but I really like getting to know about new authors too (there has been a lot of those), so it’s a trade off I think.
Susan P says
I voted in all of them. :) Great questions! I know it has to be hard to figure out how and where to advertise to expand your audience. I like getting to know the authors – as in funny anecdotes, little happenings, life things. I also read them mostly in my email – don’t often click to come here, so I don’t know if that affects the numbers you see?
Valerie Comer says
Thanks for stopping in faithfully! I’m so blessed to have a great tteam here, both the bloggers and the admins. And definitely the readers!
It sounds like you had a lovely paddling day. :)
Valerie Comer says
And we love getting to know you!
Valerie Comer says
Thank you! And yes, I’m feeling quite a lot better. How fun to hear that’s how we “met!” I really enjoy the international aspect of Inspy Romance, too.
Valerie Comer says
I think group blogs are more fun for readers and bloggers both! We’re so happy to have you here.
Valerie Comer says
Sometimes it’s hard to remember! At any rate, we’re glad you found us. :)
Lee Tobin McClain says
You’re a genius, Valerie–so glad you did this poll. I’m eager to learn more about our readers.
Valerie Comer says
Thank you for that, Priscila. Topics (and bloggers!) do seem to come and go. Our main post guideline is: is this a topic that appeals to readers of Christian romance? A wide variety of ideas fit that parameter!
Andrea Byers says
I was coming over here quite frequently for awhile, then life got super busy and I’ve been avoiding all my book places. Will see about getting back into the swing of checking out posts at least weekly again. :)
Valerie Comer says
Thanks for the input, Susan! I get the emails, too, but the whole post doesn’t show so I have to click read-more to read the remainder. It’s interesting the whole post shows in yours! Hmm. A mystery.
Valerie Comer says
Not so sure about the genius part. LOL. I’m looking forward to the complete results, too. Should be fun.
Valerie Comer says
Life is good at curve balls. Glad to have you back. :)
alyssaweinzapfel says
Love the site! Thanks for all the great posts!
Diana says
I love the blog and read it most mornings. I think I found it through one of Valerie’s books but I’m not sure. I love having a group of Christian authors. It gives me such a wide group of “clean” books to choose from. I really appreciate all the effort that goes into the blog and the books.
Margaret Nelson says
Entered! I honestly can’t remember how I first found out about InspyRomance. I know that when I got my first tablet in 2014, I somehow found out about you, Valerie, and Carol Moncado real early on. Anyway, I’ve got tons of new favorite authors now :-)
mimionlife says
Great questions. I love receiving the daily messages from InspyRomance. I look forward to reading all the wonderful information.
Beth Gillihan says
I answered all the questions. I enjoy getting to know authors and their books.
Marylin Furumasu says
HI Valerie,
I always love reading these posts. I feel like you covered all many of the areas we all like. This blog was my first Christian readers/book blog that I received and over the years I’ve really enjoyed all the many posts. I’ve gotten to know a few of the authors and it has enriched my life. Thank you so much for making this available.
sbmcmh says
I hope the survey helps! I love coming to this site every day to read something inspirational or something new about authors I love following.
Laura says
Great questions! Just the last question was a little tough to answer.. I don’t hate receiveing e-mails from authors, I just don’t have time to read them, thus, I don’t subscribe much. I was really glad though I could pick more than one option concerning what I like to read about, otherwise that would have been really hard to choose!
Gail Hollingsworth says
I answered all the survey questions but it took me several try’s to get all of them.
Jessica B. says
I voted in the polls. :) Thanks for the effort you are all putting in to make sure that Inspy Romance is the best it can be. Some of my favorite posts are behind the scenes and process posts.
Paula says
I voted. I really like finding out something personal about the authors. They seem to be just folks who happen to write, too. They go through the same stuff others do. They can relate. Thanks for the post!
janet estridge says
I just voted in the polls. The questions were great and it was nice to see the answer immediately.
Thanks to you and all the authors for their inspirational works.
susanmsj says
I entered. I had to guess at some of them, but I did my best.
Valerie Comer says
Thank you for coming!
Valerie Comer says
Yay, thank you!!
Valerie Comer says
We started in Feb 2014 :) Yay for lots of fave authors.
Valerie Comer says
Thank you for coming every day!
Valerie Comer says
And we enjoy getting to know YOU, too. :)
Valerie Comer says
We’re so happy to have you here!
Valerie Comer says
So happy to see you here every day!
Valerie Comer says
I could probably have worded that last one a bit better… ;)
Valerie Comer says
Thank you! The site was having technical difficulties?
Valerie Comer says
Ah, thanks for that. I should have had that as one of the options. Oops…
Valerie Comer says
I was surprised to find writers were normal people who just happened to write…. and then I realized maybe our brains aren’t “quite” normal after all. ;)
Valerie Comer says
Thanks, Janet! We’re happy you enjoy our works :)
Valerie Comer says
The poll does have a margin of error… maybe a large one, since it’s not very scientific!
Winnie Thomas says
Thanks for the post, Valerie. I enjoy checking in several times a week to see what’s going on. Thanks to all of you for sharing your time and talents!
Valerie Comer says
We’re glad to have you!
Jackie Smith says
I answered all the questions! I love Inspy…found it through Jill W. after she wrote her debut novel. I love learning more about the authors, their families, etc.
Valerie Comer says
We’re hoping Jill will be able to come back when her life settles down! She’s a great person and author.
lelandandbecky says
I answered all the questions. Inspy is a fun stop every day! I’m late today, but I try to get here every morning.
Ellie says
I really enjoy reading the posts on Inspy Romance! I was happy to answer your poll questions. I’ve found several new authors here and am looking forward to many more new releases from the authors here.
Valerie Comer says
Great to see you!
Valerie Comer says
Thanks Ellie! We love to share our stories.
Trixi says
Fun polls! I don’t remember when I first started here but however long it’s been, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the authors. Any kind of posts are great for me, I’m not picky…lol!
It was fun to see what everyone else thought too :-)
Valerie Comer says
Thanks Trixi! I’ve enjoyed the answers, too!
Rachael Birch says
Voted here. I really enjoy taking a few minutes to get inside some of your brains. It’s like having a conversation with each of you. Easy to think that we are coming to know you, and consider many of you as friends. I mean, you already write up imaginary friends that we get to know, love and adore… but these posts help us to fall in love with some of the best writers out there.
Thanks, and have a fantastic holiday!