Are you an Inspy Romance fan? Of course you are! But there are fans… and then there are fans. Let’s find out where you fit with this fun little quiz. Keep track of your answers… I didn’t manage to set up anything that does it automatically.
1. I read
a. over 100 books a year
b. a book a week
c. a book a month
d. book… I’ve heard of books… somewhere…
2. I review
a. nearly every book I read on Goodreads and the store I bought it
b. a few books I can really recommend
c. only when an author begs or bribes me
d. I never have opinions
3. I might join an Inspy Romance author’s street team…
a. so I can pray for and encourage her
b. so I can feel like an insider and get sneak peeks of covers and new series
c. so I can get free books
d. wait… there’s a way to get free books?
4. I tell friends what I’m reading
a. every chance I get: Facebook, Pinterest, and hey, even in person!
b. if they read the same genre
c. if they catch me with my nose in a book
d. my friends don’t read
5. I go to my library and
a. ask them to buy Inspy Romance authors’ books so other readers can enjoy them, too
b. ask for Inspy Romance authors’ books by inter-library loan
c. borrow Inspy Romance authors’ books if they have them
d. library? Is that like “free books?”
6. I give books as gifts
a. so often no one expects anything else
b. only when I’m positive the recipient will love this title
c. only to children
d. I don’t really give anyone anything
7. I subscribe to Inspy Romance authors’ email lists
a. when I can’t get enough of their stories
b. when they offer something I want badly enough
c. and then don’t bother to open them. Oops.
d. I’m not giving you my email. No way, no how.
8. What I do on Goodreads
a. create lists and start discussions
b. add books I love to lists and participate in discussions
c. post reviews when I remember
d. why would I want to talk about books?
9. What I do on Pinterest
a. follow Inspy Romance and my favorite authors and repin
b. create boards for my favorite authors
c. repin bookish quotes
d. I thought Pinterest was only for crafts and food
10. I’ve read:
a. a book by every single Inspy Romance author
b. a book by at least half the Inspy Romance authors
c. a book by my favorite 2-4 Inspy Romance authors
c. what is an Inspy Romance author? Where am I, anyway?
For every “a” answer, score 4 points. For every “b,” score 3 points. For every “c,” score 2 points, and for every “d,” I’ll grant you 1 point, though I really shouldn’t!
31+ You make our hearts sing and dance!
21-30 You make our hearts rejoice!
11-20 You make our hearts beat!
10- You make our hearts… flatline! (But you can do better in 2016!)
Thanks for being part of our Inspy Romance community in 2015. I’d like to give a $10 Amazon gift card to one commenter in the USA or Canada. If you live outside North America, I can definitely do one of my e-books instead! You can give us your score if you like, but you don’t have to.
Please comment by Saturday, January 2. The winner will be announced in the Sunday Edition on January 3.
(Psst, the kids are here this week, so if I don’t reply right away, I’m snuggling grandgirls and will be back when I can!)
Great quiz, Val! I can’t wait to see some of the scores. I loved the 10- explanation.
That was a fun quiz. I scored well! :) 31 points. Thanks.
I thankfully don’t make you guys flat line but….I could do better. New Year’s Resolution #2 Review, Review, Review……And what is a street team?
Hi Jill! I had a lot of fun putting the quiz together!
Woohoo! Thank you for a singing, dancing heart! :)
I scored 21, so I just barely make your hearts rejoice. This was a very busy year for me (got married) so I didn’t do as much reading as normal…
Hi Katy! Yes, we love reviews – I guess you could tell! ;) Many of our authors (though not all) have a street team. Mine is a private Facebook group of avid fans where we visit often. I give sneak previews of covers in progress, ask for input, and give beta reading and reviewing opportunities. In exchange I ask my street team members to share my books in whatever ways they can. I love these ladies!
Congrats on your marriage this year! Making your husband’s heart beat faster is definitely more important than doing that for us!
I got 28! I love to. Read but sometimes struggle to remember to do reviews, sometimes I don’t really know what to,say,
Nice Quiz Valerie! Three questions #4, 8, and 9 – none of the answers were applicable. Still scored 26. Could do a better job discussing what I read with others. While I do not use Pinterest, but make comments on authors’ pages on Facebook. Since I purchase and download books from Amazon, I do write reviews there. I am trying to leave a review for the books I read. But often finish reading in the middle of the night and not awake enough to write a review. I also am trying to encourage other reviewers, by clicking that their review helped me in my selection. I like to know whether the reviews I write are beneficial. Since I belong to a Book Club, I do check both libraries in the area to see which authors and books they have and make suggestions. Plus I plan to check out our local independent book store. Enjoy receiving Inspy Romance daily email and reading each author’s blog. Happy New Year to all readers.
I got in the high 20s. I love to read and read all the time. I’m not familiar enough with pinterest or good reads to do much with them. But I know what they are. ☺ I’ve done a few reviews recently, but am still figuring out how to do them. Happy new year!
I got 34. I love to read and have only in the last 2-3 years started writing a reading diary. I try to give reviews of books for my favorite authors and sometimes I am overwhelmed by the amount of reading I do. I am working on book #219 this year. It helps that I volunteer at my church library and am retired so I have access and time. There are only a few things I like to do more than read.
I got 29. I get lazy on doing reviews because I don’t like trying to type them on my Kindle, and then forget to do it on my desktop computer later :-) I’ve really enjoyed the Inspy Romance authors I’ve read this year!!! I’ve given up finding any of you at my local library, however :-( I used to request the library purchase books I wanted when I lived in Hong Kong, but haven’t done it here in Calif.
Great quiz, Valerie! I know we have some A+ fans here on Inspy.
28 is awesome, Cindi! Reviews can be really short! People love to know how a story made other readers feel. :)
Thanks so much, Renate! The quiz was more for fun than for a truly accurate score. I appreciate your encouragement and reviews. :)
I don’t do much on Pinterest or Goodreads either. It’s a treat for me when I find discussions or pins about my books or those of my Inspy Romance friends. :) Thanks so much for being here!
Wow! 219? You are my reading hero!!
whoohoo! I scored 51! :D Ummm… I may have selected a, b, and c for a couple of the answers lol.
Our traditionally published authors, especially those with Love Inspired, can often be found in libraries. But I know a lot of libraries want to offer what their readers want, so it never hurts to ask :) We appreciate you, Margaret.
We absolutely do! :D
Nice, Carrie! My heart is singing, dancing, and doing cartwheels, LOL. You are appreciated!
as are you, dear authors :D
Aw, thanks!! #mwah
Enjoyed the quiz but do not do Pinterest, Facebook or any social media. I spend most of my free time reading. I do write reveiws in several places and I tell all my reading friends about the great books I have been reading. I love to read the blog and I do go to author’s pages. I am trying to read at least one of every Inspy Romance author’s books. Hope you have a Happy New Year!
Some of these questions didn’t exactly apply! A few had more than one answer and a few had answers that weren’t offered. Can’t give you a score……
But I can say, I do review & recommend authors in various ways. I’ve asked my library to order books but they seem reluctant on some of the titles….maybe because we’re a small town? I’ve even donated books to be put in circulation (read only once by me) and some have been rejected. That’s disheartening to me! I’ve recommended ebooks for Overdrive (library loan site) too. I also receive many an authors newsletters because I like to keep in touch with what’s going on in their lives. I have Pinterest and Twitter but only use those to re-post or enter contests & I’ve read many books by Inspy Romance authors here. I hope this makes your heart sing & dance :-)
Thanks so much for being part of our community and the many ways you support us!
We appreciate you, Trixi! Thanks for taking the quiz. I know it isn’t perfect – it was meant to be a bit of fun, and some of it is DEFINITELY over the top. :)
Hi Valerie,
It was fun taking the test. I must admit that I didn’t do well with question #5 because I read all my books on my kindle and so I don’t go to the library. I also had a hard time with #9 because I haven’t gotten a Pinterest account so I don’t know it.
With that said, I did get a 31 for the score so I feel pretty good.
Thanks that was fun.
Well, I had more than one answer for some of the questions. :-) So my score was 41. I love InspyRomance blog. This blog has introduced me to so many new authors and great stories. Thank you all for all you do for the readers. :-) Happy New Year!
Like you, I read entirely on my Kindle and so I rarely go to the library anymore. Which is kind of sad, as we were such regulars for many years! Happy New Year, Marilyn! And thanks for being here. :)
We’re so glad to have you here, Mimi! What a great score! Happy New Year :)
I enjoy this blog, the Christian authors I’ve met, the great stories I’ve read…and yes, my score was well over 31+. Praying for your continued inspiration and creativity. Thank you for a great year of reading and encouragement.
So glad to have you here, too! We appreciate your encouragement!
I only got 20 but I don’t do pinterest or Goodreads. I only discovered Inspy Romance authors a short while ago so am hoping to read more of them in 2016, and get a higher score:)
We’re so happy to have you here, Lientjie! Welcome to Inspy Romance… and don’t worry about your score! It was just for fun.
I know this is l a text but thought I would comment anyway. I liked your quiz. Got a 31? I just finished reading More than a Tiara and I loved it. Thank you for a great story?
Thanks so much for the comment, Chris! I’m glad you loved More Than a Tiara. Maybe you’ll be glad to know I’ll be writing Bren’s story this year. :)
Can’t wait. I loved her character. She needs to meet someone?
I agree! If you’re on my email list, you’ll hear about it when Other Than a Halo releases.