Does a Series Ever Have to End?
99-cent 4-book Southern Hearts Series!
I love a good series! How about you?
I’ve read a number of book series that I wish had never ended. I was so deep in the story world. I’ve read a series or two where I thought the author stretched the series a little too far.
For me, I want each novel to end on a little happily-ever-after for at least one character. I don’t want a total cliffhanger where I feel forced to read the next book or the next or the next for any kind of resolution.
The Southern Hearts Series was my first time to try my hand at being an author. Honestly, I’d only planned to write one novel about living with anxiety—Leaving Oxford.
This came out of my own experience with anxiety. But… The secondary characters had fully come to life in my mind, and several of them shouted for their own novels! Authors are a little strange, right?
After the fourth book, Blown Together, I had another story idea pressing, Magnolia Storms, which didn’t seem to be a part of the Southern Hearts, so I made the decision to move on from my Oxford, Mississippi, characters. Other stories came after that which were unrelated to the Southern Hearts, as well.
I’ve had requests from some readers for more Southern Hearts stories, particularly for Bryan, Emma, and Grant. Some readers wanted more of Jess and Sarah Beth from Leaving Oxford. At the very least, I’ve pondered and I’m praying about a book for Bryan, Emma, and Grant, but I’m still waiting on the press of inspiration for the right story.
I’ve priced the eBook which includes all four books in the series (so far) at only 99 cents for the month of March, so if you’ve missed any, get your bargain here! Amazon
What do you think? Should the series end? Any ideas, if you’ve read the books? How do you feel about series in general? I’d love to hear your opinions!
PS: Praying you have peace today :)
Mary Preston says
Some series I have read I feel outstayed their welcome, but I have read series that I wanted to go on and on. It really does just depend.
Yvonne Cruz says
I prefer that a series has an end. I find that
1- if I have missed one or two stories , I lose interest.
2- Or if there are over 6 books in the series, and there are too many characters to remember, I just give up
Paula Marie says
I love series…and I heartbroken when they end
Melissa Henderson says
Looking forward to reading your stories Janet. :-)
Trudy says
I love series! However, I do think some can go on for too long. I don’t mind seeing recurring characters, as long as they don’t take over the story, and as long as their backstory isn’t rehashed every time. If they just pick up where they left off is fine, and move forward.
Angela says
I prefer series with books that can be read as stand-alone (I always feel cheated with cliff hangers). Some secondary characters waltz onto the page and demand their own story (like Dylan 😉 in Southern Hearts). Some may harbor an intriguing secret that just begs to be explored. But there’s an element of something MORE to them that grabs my attention and makes me want to discover their story.
Thanks for considering this idea with your writing, Janet, and I hope you and your family are well!
Janet Ferguson says
I agree! Hope you are doing well today!
Janet Ferguson says
That make total sense! I am trying to remember who’s who in some of them!
Janet Ferguson says
Sweet Paula Marie! Yes, we do miss our book friends. :)
Janet Ferguson says
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Melissa!
Janet Ferguson says
Ha! I never expected to write about Dylan when I wrote Leaving Oxford, but yes, he did waltz on and demand. He’s like that, LOL!
We are all doing well so far. Thank you! I pray you are too :)
Lincoln says
The many series that I have enjoyed, long or short, have had a strong story for each book and a sense that the author was paying attention to continuity. I think it shows when the author is running out of steam when maintaining the secondary characters becomes too much. I’ve also read a series where it was clear that the publisher just wanted to capitalize on reader interest but the author had not planned on more books. The gruel gets pretty thin. Looking forward to Southern Hearts. Praying all is well on the home front.
Jessica B. says
I love series and with few exceptions, the more books it has the better.
Janet Ferguson says
Yes, Trudy! Back story can be very tricky for authors. Especially in a series when you have multiple characters!
Janet Ferguson says
Fun! I do love to be immersed in a story world! Do you have a fav?
Janet Ferguson says
Ha! I love the way you put that about the gruel gets pretty thin! That’s it exactly!
I hope you enjoy Southern Hearts!
We are good here so far. Thank you :) Prayers back to you!
Dawn Turner says
I LOVE long series. I’ve been keeping up with three urban fantasy series that are now in their teens. *G* For contemporary romance, I enjoy Valerie Comer’s longer series, too, and the fact some of her series cross over – i.e. characters from one appearing in another. I’ve already loved Joann Durgin’s Lewis series, and it’s more books than most Christian authors do for a series. I’ve enjoyed series that are only 3 or 4 books, or even the occasional 5, but I truly prefer those that are at least 6 books long. I get wrapped up in the characters and their lives, and I want MORE. LOL
Oh, and I’m like you, Janet. No cliffhangers. I don’t mind if a subplot thread is left hanging from one book to the next, but if the main plot for the primary characters in a specific book is left unresolved, I find it frustrating and won’t pick up the next one because I’ll be anticipating the same frustration slapping me again.
Jessica B. says
My all-time favorite and a series that I’ve read multiple times is Jan Karon’s Mitford series. I don’t usually re-read but I make an exception for those books.
Janet Ferguson says
That’s such a sweet one!
Janet Ferguson says
That’s great, Dawn, that you get so wrapped up in the characters that you love the longer series! And it speaks to how well the author writes too! Yay, Valerie and Joann!
Exactly what you said about subplot threads!
Thanks for chiming in!
Susan Bailey says
I love a good series. I feel like it is a chance to catch up with old friends. I have read one series that went on far too long and in too many directions. Usually, I am so happy to see story continue from a different character’s perspective.
Janet Ferguson says
I totally agree with all of that!! Perfect!
Judy says
I love this series! Series are great if each book is able to stand alone. I enjoy seeing characters from other stories popping up. They’re like the equivalent of the video Easter Egg: The story is fine if you haven’t read the other books, but if you have, then it’s a lovely surprise visit from old friends.
Janet Ferguson says
Thanks Judy! I’m thrilled you enjoyed! That’s such a creative way to describe it! You’re good!
Caitlyn Santi says
Hi, Janet!
I’ve only read Leaving Oxford so far in the Southern Hearts series, I really enjoyed it and am so looking forward to reading Dylan’s story! Also, The Art of Rivers and Star Rising are going to be my first April reads and I am so excited about them both!
I love series, and in general I prefer them to have 3 or 4 books, but if I fall in love with the characters (which I almost always do!) I’m totally okay with the series kind of continuing forever as long as each book is equally unique and interesting!
((Hugs)) 🙂💕
Janet Ferguson says
Hi Caitlyn! I’m thrilled you enjoyed Leaving Oxford! Dylan was a lot of fun to write!
Like you, I do fall in love with a story world as long as they keep it interesting :)
Blessings and hugs,