Are you a dog person or a cat person?
It seems like most people are one more than the other, although the rare person has equal love for both. In my immediate family of five, we are definitely dog people. My husband and I raised our family of two boys with our loving border collie mix, Gracie who was just as much a part of our family as anyone else. Our older son, now 31, has Izzy, a beautiful yellow Labrador, and our younger son and daughter-in-law have Buster, a beagle mix. When a few years had gone since Gracie’s passing, my hubby and I added feisty Weezer to our once-quiet retirement lifestyle. She really knew how to liven things up again! Dogs are wonderful family members. They make us laugh, they never turn down a hug or kiss, and they get us up and moving with their constant need for exercise.
We’ve developed a routine on Sunday mornings: my husband, son and I go to church and then, more often than not, to our favorite breakfast place: Dead Dog Saloon.
Yeah, it’s a strange name, and the interior lives up to the moniker. Every
wall is filled to the gills with dogs who have, well, died. Most of the photos include the dog’s name and death year. Sound depressing? Well … yes and no. Although I didn’t savor the idea of submitting Gracie’s photo for their vast collection, I do love to scan the walls whenever we are seated to discover the dogs who were so beloved by their humans.
One time I was standing by the front desk waiting to be seated. A couple, on their way out after eating, stopped by a nearby display case, opened the cabinet door, and said fondly, “See ya, Lace,” before closing the door. The man saw me observing them and he told me, “Our dog Lacy is in there, and whenever we come here, we say hello and good-bye. We miss her but we know she’s here in spirit.”
It’s no surprise that authors include dogs on the pages of their CCR stories. My own book, Path to Discovery, features a German Shepherd named Duchess who is at the very center of a mystery that theater actors Roxanne and Tieg work together to solve throughout the pages of the book. In fact, Duchess is not only the reason Roxanne can’t forgive Tieg and refuses to let him into her heart despite her romantic feelings toward him, she’s also the reason that Tieg proves himself to Roxanne as a hero and trustworthy partner, which leads to the Happily Ever After ending!
In Comments, let me know if you have a treasured dog, or any pet! What do you love about your pet?
I tapped into the other InspyRomance authors to find out who else had included dogs in their Christian romance stories and I got quite a list! Dog lovers, take a look! I’m sure you’ll find your next great read.
Deb Kastner: My recent Rocky Mountain Family series all contain different breeds of service dogs. (The Black Sheep’s Salvation, Opening Her Heart, The Marine’s Mission, Their Unbreakable Bond, A Reason to Stay)
Shannon Taylor Vannater: My Reuniting with the Cowboy has a vet heroine who runs a shelter. And has a dog on the cover.
Tabitha Bouldin: All of my books in the Independence Islands series have dogs in the story. They’re more in the forefront in Mishaps off the Mainland, Footprints on Her Heart, and Waiting on the Tides.
Julie Carobini: Reunion in Saltwater Beach has a one-eyed dog in the story.
Valerie Comer: My very first book, Raspberries and Vinegar, has a Border collie as a significant part of the story. Memories of Mist also has a dog who plays a role, a Great Pyrenees named Duke.
Tara Grace Ericson: Forgiven by the Hero has a loyal Search and Rescue dog named Liberty and a singing search and rescue drop out named Dobby.
Toni Shiloh: An Unlikely Alliance features an emotional support dog.
Merillee Wren: My book, Hometown Hero is full of dogs. Lots of dogs. My heroine sings, The Twelve Dogs of Christmas.
Happy reading, and before I say good-bye, Weezer wants to pop in and say farewell too!
I grew up with dogs, starting with a Scottie, then mainly mixtures. However when we married we invested in two Bassett hounds which we enjoyed in three different countries. We then inherited a border collie and border collie x bull terrier who had an amazingly gentle temperament, which came with the house we bought! For the past thirty years we have had black Giant Schnauzers and think they are the best dogs ever!
I think I love dogs because they love their humans.
I had cats growing up I do love a cat snuggled on my lap! My husband is more of a dog person though.
We don’t currently have any pets, although my 7 year old loves animals and keeps asking for one. I have promised that when my youngest is a bit older and out of nappies, we will think about a pet – although we may start small with a guinea pig lol.
Wow! You have definitely opened your hearts to many many canines. God bless you!
Your story reminds me of one of my own! When my son was 6 he started asking for a dog. We kept putting him off till he was older and take care of one. Finally the time was right and we found our sweet Gracie. The morning we were set to pick her up and take her home our son woke up and said, “This is the day I’ve been waiting for half my life!” He was 12.
We are definitely a dog family! Although we have had cats here and there along the years. Right now my husband and I have a spoiled rotten cocker spaniel, who turned three years old on Christmas day.
My sister sister, and her husband have two dogs.
My parents had a cat for quite a few years, but when they retired, and started traveling, they rehomed her to a friend who lived outside of town with a farm. They see her every once in a while when they visit my dad’s friend.
I love cocker spaniels! Our across the street neighbor recently adopted one and she and Weezer now gaze across the street at each other in their fenced in yards, barking their greeting’s occasionally!
I’m crazy about all animals and always include pets in my books. Currently we have 3 dogs on our ranch, 2 horses, 3 dairy goats, and loads of chickens and cats.
We used to have many, many more animals than this.
My husband and I are not really pet people. More him than me. When my kids were growing up they had pets like turtles, crabs, fish. We did inherit a barn cat of our neighbors. The mom cat had 2 babies in her last litter. For some reason she had her litters in our wood pile. The mom cat and one of the babies were hit on the road in front of our house. We (the kids and I) watched after the remaining baby to make sure she was okay. When I heard coyotes one night, that baby came into my house with the understanding that one of the kids took her with them when they went out on their own. They didn’t take her and I had her for 14 years.
Both my son and daughter have dogs now. My daughter, 2, and my son, 3.
thank you for sharing today. well my list of adored pets is long, so I will only give a few. Burgundy Rose a Shorthorn heifer was my best friend on the farm. She was such a gentle animal with a huge heart. I could lay against her and read or sleep and she would not move a muscle until I did. We went on to win a trophy for best in show for AZ, CA, NV then we went to national. just had fun there. Then there was Goldie, my palomino, we barrel raced together and were quite the team. She was always looking out for me. If I fell off she would stop and come back. She could sense when something wasn’t right with me and she herself would adjust. Then there was Squeak, I saved him being born because he was a runt and dad was going to get rid of him. He lived in the house with me in a box with a blanket. we fed him with a bottle. mom would feed him while I was at school. When he had to go potty he would rub his nose up and down on the sliding glass door. Then rub it on the sliding glass door to come in. He had free reign of the farm. He would walk up the long drive way to our bus stop and when I got on the bus he would head home. Then he would meet me at the bus stop when I got off the bus. He grew to be 800 lbs and was a fantastic boar after he got over his fear of the female in heat. LOL There was Lady dog who was a cocker spaniel. We got her when she was only six months old and she was the best family dog ever. Then Sherri our Irish setter was another family dog and she was viscous towards anyone who wanted to hurt her five human kiddos. I loved her exuberance and love of life. And so many more. As far as cats and dogs, I am one of the rare ones who love both in very different ways
I much prefer cats, but I do like dogs, too!! I’ve actually made friends with a few dogs that only like their owners, and no other people! I don’t have any pets. Mom and I always said that we’d get a cat when we didn’t travel anymore. However, since Mom had age-related macular degeneration, she couldn’t see well, and I was too afraid a cat would trip her. Mom didn’t really care for dogs. I’ve also discovered I don’t cleaning out litter boxes, so that put a real damper on things! I much prefer reading about animals than having to deal with them! When I need a pet fix, I go next door to my neighbor, who has dogs and cats!
I really like dogs, but wouldn’t mind having a cat either. My parents had 1 dog for about 15 years (Angi), and then 2 dogs (brothers) for anothter 15 years or so (Tom & Jerry). Terriers. Lots of fun.
I always wanted to live in the country where I could have animals like horses and goats! How fun that must be!
So you’re a “reluctant” pet person! But how kind of you to help those cats in their time of need and give a long term home to one special kitty!
Lori you could be the star of your own animal reality show!! God bless you and your kind loving heart!
Yes taking on a pet changes your lifestyle, that’s for sure! I’m glad you have pets available to visit when you need a fix!
Dogs with great longevity! They must’ve taken very good care of them!
I am a cat person. I am scared of dogs. Although one of my favourite tv shows was about a dog Inspector Rex (it was Austrian, and I watched reading subtitles) I also love the Littlest Hobo.
But I am more a cat lover. I have two cats, Big Handsome Dude otherwise known as Henry, and little Brakski AKA Libby (short for Liberty). Both are rescue cats and bonded together at the vets so it was a package deal. Henry is a free spirit who loves to wander at times but always comes back and loves his food. Libby is a stay at home tortie who is scared of people and many things but shes mine. (When I first saw her thought she was the ugliest cat you could ever see her fur was harsh and wiry and she looked like a hyena, But with love and care her fir is now so soft and shes grown on me). I still say shes not the prettiest but she has character and is a total nut at times. This year they left the Christmas tree alone.
Oh sounds like you and your rescue cats share a special love and fondness for each other! God bless you for giving them both a home!
Yes we do. Although at times I wish Libby would love a different place to sleep. She doesn’t sleep every night on my bed but often I have to fight her for my leg room which she greets with nips. Henry not so bad he just brings in live mice for me to catch.
I had a Westie, Roxie, for 17 years. I had to say goodbye a few months ago and it’s been one of the hardest things. I lost a family member & would totally be the one to talk to my dogs picture at the cafe. She was so sweet and always by my side. I’ll never forget her,
fun interview
We currently have three cats. I have had dogs in the past. When I was a child, we had a dog by the name of Candy. She went everywhere. When we went on vacation, she would go too. We would go to my Mom’s childhood home where most of my Mom’s brother’s and their families would also be there. I would sleep in a sleeping bag. It would be the end of August. Candy would crawl into the bottom of the sleeping bag. She would sleep there all night.
When I started college, I picked up a small ball of a dog from the Humane Society. we named her Lady. Lady would go on trips with my Mom. You would never know she was in the car.
The last dog we had we received from some friends who found him as a stray. We named him Bear. My husband used to work nights so I would be home alone at night. Bear turned out to be very protective of me. Actually, I owe my life to him. One morning I was sleeping. Bear kept nudging the bed to wake me up. It was about 5:00am. I did not have to get out of bed yet. I told him he could wait to go to the bathroom. It was too early. He would not let me go back to sleep. I finally got up and went to the bathroom. My Bible and devotional books were on the hamper. I picked them up and did my daily readings. When I left the bathroom, there was smoke in the hallway. I hurried and changed my clothes. We went down the stairs. The fire was not in our apartment. Bear stayed right with me. He sat so I could put on his leash. He was not good about walking with his leash, but he was so good that morning. My Mom lived across the street. We headed out the door. I saw at that time that the fire was in the unit next door. Bear saved my life by waking me up.
Thank you for sharing. God bless you. Happy New Year.
I have always been a cat person. I currently live with 2. Happy New Year!
I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand. When we lost Gracie all our hearts were broken.
Thank you!
Wow! Bear is a hero! Hallelujah! You’ve had some wonderful dogs in your life!
Happy New Year to you and your kitties!
I am one of the people who likes both dogs and cats, although right now I am a littkemore of a cat person. I grew up with a collie mix named Cody and have had two cats. Dickens, the perfect cat for my family, and Wrigley who is a piece of work but makes me laugh regularly.