Happy March, everyone! We had our birthday bash and an introduction to spring in some areas.
And, along with those things, I had the opportunity to do something I’ve always dreamed of doing. Our favorite winery that we visit in North Georgia was the location for a movie shoot. We are friends with the owners and were able to be there when they filmed.
And my husband told them I wanted to be in the movie….Hmmm….so we were extras!
Here we are! I’m on the far right, my husband is in the middle, and our good friend is on the left.
So, we were there from 8:30 to 3:30. They gave us a nice lunch as well. But here’s the thing. I was only in the movie shots for about 30 minutes. (Which was really fine with me.) Because I got to sit and watch everything! I’ve always wanted to watch a movie being filmed and here I was, watching! How interesting.
I took some pictures, but am not allowed to share them until the movie is out, which won’t be until August. But it was fascinating watching the crew and the actors all day. And it was a romance. Seriously! A clean, sweet romance. And the scene we were filming was a wedding! Ha! I can’t give away anything about the movie, but there were twists. I guess I can say that much.
As a writer, I was intrigued by how many times they would shoot a scene. I mean I know all the lines to the wedding ceremony, it was that many. And from all different angles. Where I was sitting I could watch 2 different computer screens where they each had the scene from 2 different perspectives. Some up close, some further away. Then they’d stop, switch angles, start shooting again. The actual scene I was in they had one of the actors say his lines 5 different ways, with different tones and words. I guess they decided while editing which one fits the movie the best. They were all good, just different.
So as a writer, and reader, I found this process inspiring. Everyone with the movie crew and the actors all worked really hard. Yes, it was repetitive, yes, I’m sure it was tiring, but that’s what it takes to put out a good product. It reminded me of editing my books. How many times does an author read their books before sending to their editor, or publishing the book? More than once, that’s for sure.
And how many different ways do we see a scene?
I probably could look for more ways. What I learned that day as a writer was invaluable. I keep revisiting the day in my mind as I’m working on my book. Can this be better? Would a different look on this scene be beneficial? And as I reader, I love the final product. The book that was crafted together by someone with imagination, tenacity, and a will to share what’s in their heart and soul.
In honor of my movie shooting day, I’m giving away a $5.00 Amazon gift card—you can rent a movie! (Or buy a book!) And just as side note, my husband was in the movie for more than 3 hours of shooting, and has gone back 2 more days for more scenes. I told him he now has a new career!
My question to you is this. Have you ever seen a movie being shot? Do you even care to if not? And if so, what did you find fascinating about it? I’ll pick a commenter at random for the gift card. Any comment made by midnight March 24th will be eligible.
Pam Whorwell says
I have never seen a movie being shot but would love to. I think it would be very interesting.
Renate says
Hi Lindi! Thanks for sharing your delightful experience. While I have never seen a movie being shot, while living in the Chicago area in the 1980s I was aware of filming for movies. My oldest son loved watching The Blues Brothers and would point out the scenes when we visited Downtown Chicago and other areas in the movie. Recently several Hallmark movies have been filmed in down town Chicago and while I now live on the other side of Lake Michigan in Michigan, I am familiar with the sites – the Wrigley Building and the Chicago River walk. It would be fascinating to see the takes and retakes. Never thought about dialog changing with different tones, facial expressions; but makes sense. Best wishes. Spring is in the air.
Lori R says
My cousin was a director in Hollywood and I got to go on a set and watch them film a movie a long time ago. They worked on one scene and filmed it over and over. My cousin said most of it would end up being cut and that what we watched would only amount to a couple of minutes in the actual movie. I found it interesting.
Jessica B. says
I have never gotten to see a movie being shot but when I was 12 I had the chance to be in a VBS promo video that was being filmed at my church. I got lunch, some snacks, and a t-shirt and even got paid a small amount. It was a really fun experience.
Laurie Larsen says
What a cool experience to put in your author bag of tricks!!
Jcp says
Can’t wait until you can tell us the title of the movie.
Cathy French says
I was in Las Vegas when they were shooting Vegas Vacation. My friend and I sat on the curb in front of the Riviera while they were shooting an outdoor scene with people just walking by. I assume they were extras as we didn’t see anyone featured in that film.
Lindi says
Pam—I’m not sure where you live, but in the Atlanta area we are always having movie shoots. Check your area. It might be more common than you think. I hope you can go soon!
Lindi says
Renate–I love when I recognize scenes in the movies and locations. Makes for a great connection to the story.
Lindi says
Lori—I was amazed at the amount of time to shoot what probably will turn out to be less than 10 minutes in the movie. It is a fascinating process! That’s very cool about your cousin being a director. “Rolling!” “Still rolling!” Which translates into–nobody make a sound…..stay silent!
Lindi says
Jessica—How awesome!! And you got stuff. :)
Lindi says
Laurie–I did love every minute of it.
Lindi says
Hi—The title is Stars Fell Again—I wanted to know what the movie was about, so I read up on it. I don’t think the title is a secret, just images from the actual movie can’t be revealed until the movie is released. Like book writing, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a crazy movie that I couldn’t recommend to friends. As far as I could tell it was good and clean.
Lindi says
Cathy–Yes, they were probably extras. I bet that was fun. That was a fun movie!
Lindi says
Look at me commenting on my own post—but one thing I forgot to mention was this. The main actors and actresses were wearing mikes—so when I wasn’t in the actual room shooting, which was most of the time, I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Non-main characters weren’t miked, and loudly stated their lines. So, I really didn’t know what was going on until my husband came out and told me. Ha!!
Kendra Muonio says
No I never been to a movie set cause we don’t watch television or stuff like that
Valerie Comer says
How interesting! I’d love to watch, too, just for the experience. Angela Ruth Strong posted a while ago how she and her hubby got to be extras in the movie made about her book Finding Love in Big Sky. It was fun to watch for her in the movie – she even got one closeup as she bid on something in the silent auction in the movie!
I know Krista Phillips got to be on location during the recent filming of her book-to-movie as well. Can’t wait to watch it!
Lindi says
Kendra—-I totally get that. :)
Lindi says
Valerie—Now that’s a whole other dream come true! Books into movies. I do remember Angela’s book being made into a movie. How fun! I’ll look into Krista’s as well. So for your books, I can see a SERIES…like a mini series for your Farm Fresh books, especially. Wouldn’t that be fun? I could play a grandma role…..:)
Alicia Haney says
Hi, how exciting and how fun for you! I have never been to a movie shooting, but I wouldn’t mind it one bit.Thank you for sharing your experience with us, I enjoyed reading it. Have a great day and a great rest of the week.
Natalya Lakhno says
I’ve never seen a movie in production. It would be interesting 🧐
Lindi says
Alicia—You’re welcome. Have a great week and end….as well. :)
Lindi says
Natalya, For me there were so many aspects I hadn’t thought about. It really brought a new light to movies and storytelling in general.
Megan says
That’s so exciting! I’d love to see a movie being filmed. That kind of work has always intrigued me.
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
How fun and interesting. No I haven’t.
Teresa Warner says
I have never seen a movie shoot but I would love to!
Mary Preston says
I haven’t, but I think it would be fun to watch.
Patty says
I haven’t ever seen a movie being shot, and never gave it much thought. I’m sure it is an interesting process, but also could get very long and boring I would think to just be observing.
Lori Smanski says
So fun. I bet your husband is having the time of his life. No I have never seen a movie shot. No I am not really interested. I have known several people who have seen movies shot and they talk about the back biting and negative going on at the shoot I guess I am not interested in that. But you all must be having a totally different experience. That is very cool.
Melynda says
I haven’t ever seen a movie being filmed, but as a kid growing up in California I did get to se several game shows being taped. Wheel of fortune was one! It was really fun seeing the behind the scenes to that show since even back then it was a cultural mainstay.
Debra Pruss says
No. I have never seen a movie shot. I really do not have any desire to watch one being filmed. I enjoy the end product. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your part. God bless you.
bn100 says
no, but sounds fun
Denise Turner says
I have not seen a movie being shot, but years ago I did get to see as Extreme Home Makeover being shot.
Lilly says
I have never seen a movie being filmed but as a child I passed behind a reporter who was giving a report, I saw the camera and jumped a lot to get on the screen hahaha my mom then took me out of there.
Priscila Perales says
That is so cool that you got that experience!! And I was totally nodding my head along with what you said about editing. As for me, I haven’t seen a movie get done/filmed, but I have an uncle who’s a filmmaker and have heard some funny stories from on-set from him.
Amy Perrault says
Congrats on your husband. I have watched many movies being shot right where I live due to everyone loving our world’s biggest & longest stone bridge. It’s very neat seeing them make the movies. I could have been in them even.
Sylvain P says
I’ve watched them make many Christmas type movies in my little town. I think it’s amazing
Lindi says
Megan–I hope you can make it happen one day. I’m 60+, so……:)
Lindi says
Lucy—yes!! So much.
Lindi says
We’re lucky Atlanta is the scene for so many movies!! I live in a really small town, Ball Ground, and the Tom Cruise movie, American made, was filmed in my town.
Lindi says
Mary—There were so many people there who were professional extras. They do this weekly and really enjoy it.
Lindi says
Patty—A lot of the extras brought books and tablets and such. But I thought, hey, I could do this, bring my small netbook, then write novels while I’m waiting!
Lind says
Lori—I can imagine that taking place like any workplace I guess. We were such a small part and saw only a fraction. My husband said that when he went for the other days to shoot that someone told him this was the best film crew they’ve worked with. No one yelled at them!
Lindi says
Melynda—How fun! Ha…we still watch WOF to this day. :)
Lindi says
Debra—You’ve got it, girl. The end product is worth enjoying. :)
Lindi says
Hi—-It was fun. I’d do it again for sure.
Lindi says
Denise—I was wondering about that show just a few days ago. Wondering how all those people were doing. I never watched an episode that I wasn’t in tears at the end. Were you part of the crowd at the end that would say “Move that bus!”?
Lindi says
Lilly—I think we’re all that person/kid at some point. When I see them on TV I want to wave back at them!
Lindi says
Priscila—yes–I bet you have. They have really long days, too. I hope they get multiple days off between films. I guess that might be up to them? Maybe?
Lindi says
Amy—You’re right. Something like that will draw the movie makers. Okay, so I had to look it up–how incredible!! What history.
Lindi says
Sylvain—So you live in a Hallmark movie town? Oh, this reminds me I did walk through a movie set at our local outlet mall….they were doing edits on a film they had shot in Arizona, and apparently our outlet mall resembled that, so they were doing reshoots. ha!
Valerie Comer says
Sure! You foot the bill LOL and you can play any part you want… we’ll make it happen. ;)
Lindi says
Stranger things have happened! But you have to move south….I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold. Perpetually summer at Green Acres Farm. :)
CarolynP says
I haven’t seen a movie being filmed but my husband is worked in movies & TV for over 15 years. He is currently a Visual Effects Artist to put it in simple terms he turns green screens into what you see on the screen. So I’ve seen the other side of movies – how you make them come alive. I’m constantly amazed by how creative and amazing my husband is, I couldn’t do it that’s for sure.
Lindi says
Carolyn–How interesting? That whole concept is fascinating to me. I’m so glad there are people like your husband that do what they do. :)
Emily Adams says
I have never seen a movie being filmed. This sounds like it would be a great experience!