Here’s your question of the day: e-books or print books—which do you prefer?
I’ll give you my take on this, first as a reader, then as an author. As a reader who grew up in the “dark ages” (AKA. before the internet, cell phones, e-anything), I think print books have a bit of nostalgia attached to them. I used to love going to the library as a kid and I loved bringing my kids there, too, when they were younger. There’s something so satisfying about holding a book in your hands, even one that’s a little worn, because that’s a sign that it’s been well loved.
I must admit, though, that ever since I started reading books using the Kindle app on my phone, I’ve found e-books to be SO convenient. You literally have access to a whole bookstore with a few taps of a screen and the ability to bring books with you anywhere you go. I especially appreciate being able to read at night in the dark while my hubby is off in dreamland.
Now, as an author, there’s nothing cooler than holding a print version of your baby in your hands. A paperback just feels more official, especially when you get to include a personalized written note and your signature inside. Yet, e-books are once again so much more convenient when it comes to publishing. We don’t have to worry about printing or shipping issues, such as books being printed backwards or being damaged in the mail. With e-books, we can rest assured that the preview we see on our computer before we hit the “publish” button is what readers will see on their devices. It’s also a simple fix for authors to upload a new manuscript should we need to fix a typo or update a social media link in the back matter. We can also do this for print books, but we of course can’t update the information to books that have already been printed.
And in case you were wondering, expenses do play a factor in my love for e-books. Authors typically make about the same in profit for print books as we do for e-books due to the printing cost involved. This is unfortunately one of the reasons why some authors (myself included) don’t offer print versions of their books because print covers are more expensive to have made.
All that said, authors love it when you buy our books in any format! We know everyone’s resources are limited, so we appreciate it so very much when you choose to spend your time and money to support our passion and work.
So, tell me, e-books or print books—which do you prefer, and why?
Giveaway: I’d like to give away a $5 Amazon gift card. One winner will be randomly chosen from the comments below. The giveaway will remain open until midnight on Sunday, January 24th.
I much prefer paperbacks but have given in to the convenience of ebooks. They go anywhere with me. I still read paperbacks in the pool.
I will always prefer a hard copy. Mostly because my eyes don’t like to read for long periods on a Kindle etc. Besides, a tree books just beats an e-book every time.
Ebooks except for books special to me. Space is at a premium at my place. Too many people lovin’ books to store them all. 😁
While I have way to many print books I much prefer ebooks. I can read them on the kindle or the computer and have the print the size I need. (on computer I don’t need glasses with kindle and books I do). I also have issues with my wrist and thumb and holding a book is more painful than computer or kindle. I also like the convivence of ebooks. We don’t have a local bookshop and rarely get to the city. Its cheaper and easier to buy ebooks.
As a reader these days, it’s e-books all the way. However, as a lover of a comforting environment, paperbacks and hardbacks are the best. My dream home (at this point, probably celestial) will have a huge library; multiple levels, sliding ladders, spiral staircases, a separate area with a fireplace and wingback chairs and perfectly placed lights. The chairs will have side tables for cookies and milk (or coffee!) There will also be several large tables on which to spread out books for research. Bibles, concordances, dictionaries as well as books on science and mathematics. And of course, fiction, fiction, fiction.
I guess that means that e-books are the stop-gap while living in this fallen world. Print on paper has a foretaste of the eternal, at least in my opinion. Watch. We will get to heaven and all the books will be gone because every one of us will be storytellers and every time we get together we will share another tale of how God showed his love to us. And new stories that showcase the image of God in us as creators of our own worlds where love and adventure and joy will flow from the very heart of the Almighty.
While we are waiting, anyone got a good story to tell?
I prefer ebooks because they are so easy to take with me and I can adjust the size of the font too.
I love print books but I understand your argument for e-books!
I’m an ebook girl all the way. I get cranky now if I have to read a hardcopy.
I prefer Print.
I love the ebooks , I was big on hard copy books til my daughter and son-in-law gave me a kindle for Christmas about 8 years ago then I was hooked. I still have my kindle but rarely use it because I have the app on my phone and iPad. I always have a book in my hand and sometimes I’m reading 2 books at a time one on my phone and one on the iPad.
Print books all the way!! I just don’t like reading on a screen. So much of life is on a screen these days that’s its wonderful to be able to lose yourself in the pages of an actual book.
I don’t have to worry that my device has enough charge and I can pop in a sticky note if I want to refer back to something quickly.
Yes, my bookshelves are overflowing, but I like the comfort of knowing that I can just pull one off the shelf and loan it to a friend – that’s something you can’t do with an e-book.
I love holding a paperback, but I’m running out of room for books in my house, and I can have soooo many more in my Kindle cloud!!! I loved the convenience of just carrying my Kindle with me to Mom’s doctor appointments so much better than carrying a paperback, though!! I can see pros and cons with both, and cost of the paperbacks is a big one. That said, I will still buy some paperbacks, as some ebooks published traditionally are just as expensive as the paperback, and in that case, I’d much rather pay for the paperback!
I love print books and keep collecting them. I like the comfort of books surrounding me. However, I have about 1800 ebooks on my kindle and iPad. I frequently give in to the free Christian ebooks on Amazon and have recently been buying old favorites, or new enticing ones for $1,99. I’ve caught several new releases that are available for a few days at that price! So, I utilize both. Often a book on my kindle and one print at the same time. I use my kindle at breakfast and lunch to get more reading time in.
Ebooks have become my favorite over the last few years. I am like you in my appreciation of the nostalgia of printed books, but have come to love the convenience of ebooks, especially the way my Kindle can easily fit in my purse (and I can read on my phone). And reading in bed while my husband sleeps! We have that in common, too :-)
I love paperback books but they are uncomfortable to hold, (I have arthritis in my hands and fingers) and I can’t adjust the font to be bigger, so I generally read on my Kindle Paperwhite.
Ebooks are so much more convenient – always with me via computer, tablet or phone. I am still rather obsessed with books on a shelf though.
I love ebooks. I can take hundreds of books with me whether I have my phone or my tablet.
I prefer print books. I love the smell of books and I like to hold the book in my hands instead of a e reader. I also love adding to my bookshelf as books are like trophies to me
So, I’m like you! I grew up before e-anything and love the nostalgia of print books, but since I began reading and reviewing novels on my blog I’m a total convert to e-books and my Kindle. I can afford more books as e-books than I can print, and I can carry a virtual library with me no matter where I go. I just see all that as major positives!
I firmly he!d to print books until I had to have heart surgery about 5years ago. During a procedure before the surgery, I realized it was very tiring to hold a print book while lying on my back. So I got a cheap tablet and found all sorts of new favorite authors, along with the joys of carrying lots of books with me on trips, reading while my hubby sleeps, etc. I still have lots of print books, but am very thankful for the cheaper prices (most of the time) of ebooks.
I’m another “ebook all the way” person. There are several reasons. First, we have a small house and hubby and I are both book addicts. I’m so thankful he reads digitally as well because we are OUT OF ROOM for more paperbacks, and he can’t let them go… Also I’m thankful our book-loving kids took their collections with them when they moved out!
Second, price point. I can read two to six times as many stories for the same amount of money.
Third, availability. I live rurally. Our small-town bookstore only carries bestsellers in a few genres. The library is likewise limited. But I can read ANY book in print on my ereader with just a couple of taps. I love that.
Fourth… and this one stands alone and would be enough even if the other three were NOT true. I have a weird eye disease and I can no longer read paper for pleasure. If I really have to, I can make out the words, but that’s no fun. I can adjust my ereader to make the font larger and bolder so the text is a pleasure to read.
I like both e-books and print books for different reasons, but my personal favorite is print books. That way I can share them easily with others, and I don’t have to worry about having my device charged because its a paperback.
I love print books & grew up loving my library…whether it was the public one or school one. Remember the Scholastic book order you would get in elementary school? My parents let me pick a few to buy & I LOVED getting them.
In recent years, I’ve found a love for eBooks as well! Especially ones I can borrow from my local Overdrive digital library or Kindle Unlimited through Amazon. There are books that only come in the digital format & I’ve enjoyed reading them. Also, some of the Inspy Romance authors here have ebooks available in KU & I’ve discovered quite a few new-to-me this way over the past year.
So I’d say I have equal love for both formats…though I STILL love a physical book in my hand :-) No batteries required, lol!
Hi Pam! Paperbacks in the pool sounds like a juggling act, but relaxing, too. LOL. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Mary! That’s a good point. It is nice to be able to rest your eyes after looking at a screen for too long. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Melody! Haha, too many books is a nice problem to have. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Ausjenny! Oh yes, being able to adjust the print size on an ebook is a big plus. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Lincoln! What you described, your dream home and heaven, both sound so lovely! As an author, I’ve come to see what a great storyteller God is. It would be awesome to sit in His presence and tell stories together. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Lori! Yes, those are two reasons why I like them, too. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Marilene! I totally understand why you would love print books though. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Beth! Oh no. Cranky enough to join the circus? LOL. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Kim! Good to know! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Brenda! Wow, 2 books at a time. The nice thing about ebooks is that you don’t have to worry about forgetting where you left off. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Beth! So, so true. It’s nice to live in the real world and get offline, isn’t it? Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Trudy! Good point—it does seem more worth it to get a paperback over the ebook if they are the same price. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Paula! Wow, that’s a lot of books! You sound like a seasoned reader. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Stacey! High five from another night owl. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Kimberly! Yes, ebooks are so much easier on the hands. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Sandra! I get it! Books on a shelf just look so satisfying. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Merrillee! Yes, for sure. It’s amazing how many books we can have access to that way. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Cathy! I totally get that—books are special, just like trophies. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Nicole! So many positives with ebooks, right? I’m just glad we have both options available. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Margaret! So glad you found a less tiring alternative and also that the surgery went well. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Valerie! Yes, several people have mentioned the benefit of changing the font for ebooks. I’m so glad that works out for you so you can continue reading! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Megan! There is nothing quite like being able to hand a book to a friend—it’s like sharing a piece of you. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Trixi! Oh my, yes, Scholastic book orders are so fun! Too bad we stopped getting them now that my kids are in middle school. That’s great that you’ve found new authors through KU. Thanks for reading and commenting!
For my kids, I definitely prefer print books. (They have too much screen time already with virtual learning & entertainment. Plus they learn so much about concepts of print from holding an actual book.)
I started reading on the Kindle app the past couple of years & it has significantly increased the amount I read. I realized I enjoy reading in bed, and it’s much easier to do that anytime if my husband is sleeping. And it’s super convenient. So at this point in my life, I prefer e-books for myself.
I prefer the ease of ebooks. I never run out of books. My husband says that I have so many that I’ll never be able to read them in my lifetime. Sounds like a challenge!
Hi, I prefer print books as I am not very tech savvy, plus I love holding a book. Have a Great rest of the week and stay safe.
Honestly, I like both equally. I like how convenient ebooks are to have and I love the smell of hard copies and just seeing them on the shelf makes me happy
Hi Akemi! Good points! I agree that print is definitely better for kids. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Lisa! Haha, sounds like you’re up for the challenge! :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Alicia! So true, there’s nothing like holding a book in your hands. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Marisela! I totally get that—seeing a shelf full of books makes me happy, too. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Paperbacks all of the way!
I like paperbacks but e books are easier for me to read
Hi, both print and ebooks have their place. Print for my Bible, craft or other how-to books and cookbooks for browsing for inspiration. Ebooks for reading for fun.
Started reading ebooks because my bookshelves were all packed to overflowing. Wouldn’t give up my kindle. Love being able to adjust the font size. It’s lighter to carry. Plus, with Kindle Unlimited, a lot of ebooks are free like a library book. Can also get ebooks from my local library and other sources.
Also buy ebooks from my favorite authors. Since the print on some of my fave books was too small to read now, I bought again as an ebook. If I love a book, have no problem reading it again – an excellent, well-written book has so much more to offer than just the plot.
I am in love with e-books!! They are so easy to buy!! Most print books I read have to be ordered on line then wait for delivery, and then find somewhere to put them!! Lol.
This girl embraces the good things about technology!
I’m like you in that I love print books! I love to hold a copy in my hands, especially as a way to get off the screens I’m on all day. I also love bookmarks and dog-earing the pages with my favorite quotes. And I love re-reading my old favorites — all in print, because it’s harder to remember an ebook, even if I loved it.
But ebooks are cost-effective and easier to review in general, because of the highlighting tools available. It’s harder to flip back and forth between the table of contents in an ebook, though, so I rarely read nonfiction that way. But especially for quick novellas, which I read the most, they work great.
Last year I wanted to get through my print stacks on my floor but ended up reading so many ebooks that I never got to them. This year, I’m only reading a few ebooks for launch teams (which is another reason I like them as an author) but focusing on those stacks of print books!!
I love any kind of book, print is always super lovely – feels terrific and love the scent of a book and the cover and everything. But ebooks give my arthritic hands a nice rest, especially if the book is thick. An ereader is also fabulous to load up and take on a trip or public transport – tuck it in your bag and go with a library – plus, I never have to give books away because of lack of space, they’re mine to keep forever on the device.
Print is lovely, but the convenience of e-books wins me over!
I read ebooks because of the convenience of font changes. But I still like paperback books. I like to see them on my bookshelves and to hold them while reading them.
Definitely print.
Hi Abigail! Cool! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Angeline! That seems to be the case for many people. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Mary! Great explanation! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Margaret! I’m with you—there’s a good side to technology. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Lila! I hope you make good progress on your stack of print books! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Malvina! All good points! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Natalya! Exactly how I feel. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Judy! Yes, there’s just something neat about holding a paperback. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Lucy! Print is special, isn’t it? Thanks for reading and commenting!
I read both. I have a kindle and read ebooks, but I still love print books. I’m about 60% ebook to 40% print.
Hi Denise! That’s a nice ratio. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Great post! And a hard question, lol. But I think I’ll go with e-books. First, because they’re budget-friendly, and second, for the convenience of carrying so many in one device :)
I have both but love Paperback Print more then ever!! I just love that I have the book & can go get it if my ereader is charging while outside at the water.
I only like Print. I’m more of a older type person & like to read from Print books like libraries & everywhere has.
We, as a family, own thousands of paper books.
I prefer e-books.
They are easier to find, to carry, to find the place where you left off reading (even a year later—I just got back to an action/adventure book I quit reading at Ch 20 about a year ago.)
My the first 40 yrs of my life, my favorite places were quiet libraries and book stores. When coffee shops entered book stores & libraries allowed coffee, I was in heaven.
Then my hubby gave me his old ipad one cmas & urged me to stop buying pbs & try converting to e format. He made the deal sweeter by offering to cover the conversion cost of my oldest & most favorite books. I was resistant at first for sentimental reasons, but as you said, I now have 100’s of books at my fingertips and I rarely read my “unconverted” books still on the shelves – which rather makes me sad when I think about it (the font seems so ver small now).
Prior to ebks, I always traveled w 3-10 bks, anywhere, just because. I always packed minimal cloz, simply to accommodate the books in my luggage! Now, I can travel w a backpack & hundreds of books on my iPad/phone. Sweet! I just started trying audiobooks in Jan. I am thrilled to discover that they work perfectly for long driving trips; bright, sunny beaches; times when I can’t see very well w my iPad. So although w reluctance at first, I have fully embraced technology in reading. But I am sad to have left the Wonder of browsing books sifting through the lovely covers in the book stores. Now I shop entirely by author emails/various websites.
Hi Priscila! It is a hard question, isn’t it? :) I’m with you on why I like e-books. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Amy! Not having to charge a print book is definitely a plus! :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Sylvain! Libraries are a great resource, aren’t they? Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi MaryEllen! Oh yes, the “bookmark” feature is so useful. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Penelope! All the changes that come with technology are bittersweet like you say. But I’m glad you’ve discovered what works for you. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hello Liwen I only do the print books as I am an older lady who I guess you would say don’t do change very well at all! I love holding a print book in my hands to read I don’t think I would ever get use to the e-books Sorry I just Love the print books and I don’t do the e-books! Thank you for asking!
I love ebooks! I love having easy access anytime I want a new one. This blog has introduced me to a lot of new-to-me authors. I love being able to read anytime anywhere. The downside – I get stuck reading one after another with no end in sight
Hi Sarah! No need to be sorry! Print books are timeless. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Nancy! So glad you’ve found new authors through InspyRomance. But yes, there seems to be no end to the number of books we can read! Thanks for reading and commenting!
I also grew up in the dark ages. The library and bookstores where my best friends. There is nothing like holding a wonderful book in my hands. The smell as well as the texture. I also have problems with my eyes. I have struggled to read on my tablet and kindle. I really prefer a book that I hold in my hand.
Hi Debra! Yes, I do agree that the smell and texture of books is something special. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
I’m old school and believe there is nothing quite like a print book to hold on to. I refused to read an ebook until a couple of years ago but when I did I hate to admit I loved the convenience of them. Nothing will ever stop my love of a printed book, I am always reading at least one. I don’t have any way to read ebooks except my laptop so I always carry books when I go to appointments but at home it’s mostly I read ebooks. They both have their place for me but I have many more on my various places on the computer than I will ever be able to keep in print form!
Hi Deb! I like how you put it—that both have their place. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!
I still prefer a print copy. I ike the look, the feel and the smell of them. I even like the smell of old books.
Hi Linda! I do agree that old books have a neat smell. :) Thanks for reading and commenting!