Jolene Navarro’s Top 5 Reasons to Love a Cowboy
Hello, Jolene here on this fine Friday morning. I grew up in the Texas Hill Country and around cowboys of all kinds. There are the ones that work the land and would rather be out in the cold than locked in a warm comfy office. Then you have the rodeo guys that chase the buckles and have broken bones to prove it. Last and maybe least you find the urban cowboy also known as the drug store cowboy dressing the part, but just doesn’t do the work. He wants to be everything the others are by their very nature. It’s who they are deep in their bones.
The very first stories I wrote had cowboys walking through them. That was before I learned they were a trend. A well-established, long-lasting trend. I love the archetype and the true to life cowboy. They are part myth, part history and part of our modern culture.
So as my eighth Love Inspired book hits the shelves in end of October I’m starting to think I might be building a career on the on this much-loved hero.
It’s a dirty work, but I’m the girl for the job. ?
What is it about the cowboy that we love? Why do we put him in a cart over and over again?
I’m sure there are more than fifty reasons we love the Knight in Faded Denim, but you don’t have that much time to read this post, so let’s keep it to my top five.

Lone Star Holiday Jolene Navarro – Oh, the ways a cowboy moves.
5. The way he moves. Rolling with a fast-moving horse to cut stock or throwing hay onto a flatbed this man uses his whole body to get his work done and most of the time he is not in a rush. That leads to my favorite type of moves. Dancing. No, I’m not talking about the lame line dancing. We’ll leave that to the urban guys. I’m talking two-stepping across a smooth floor covered in sawdust, so the spinning is at its best. I might add that I’ve lost count of the hours my husband has taking me around a dance floor and I loved every minute. I have been known to try and lead. He just laughs, pulls me closer and takes me the opposite direction. On a side note…they are not afraid of strong women. But that might be more because of reason four.
4. Cowboys are masculine. They don’t have anything to prove, they are what they are, and you can take it or leave it. He relies on himself to solve any problems and will help where needed. His work started before the sun is up, and he’s not finished when it goes down. That’s the great mystic of the cowboy hero: He’s comfortable in his skin, but he’s a bit dangerous too. Any man is will and excited to sit on a 2,000-pound animal made of horn, hooves and muscle for 8 seconds has plenty of confidence in his step. What’s more masculine than that? The cowboys I’ve met are down to earth and straight talking. Nothing sexier than that. Which takes us to number three.
3. Integrity and Honor are at their very core. Cowboys are some of the most loyal people I know. From my experience, they are followers of the law unless that law is wrong. They have a clear view of right and wrong, fair and just. If something falls on the wrong side for them they will stand up and fight. In general, they are not fighters, but once they go there, watch out. They will follow through. The cowboy doesn’t back down when he believes in something. They might not be your Sunday church goer, but they have a strong belief in God and see him in the land they love. But he’s not the master of that land, and he knows it. He’s a steward of it, and that’s where that core of honor runs, so deep and strong inside him.

The Magnificent Seven Denzel Washington Chris Pratt
2. Raised with Manners. I’m a true Texas gal, and I appreciate a man with old-fashioned manners. A truck taking me to the door, so I don’t have to walk in heels or in the rain, a hand at my back, and a “yes ma’am” in that slow southern drawl gets me every time. And I can say in the last thirty years of marriage to my cowboy it has not made me less independent and intelligent.
1. The number one reasons I love my cowboy. I mean we love cowboys. They’re hard workers. They learn a strong work ethic early on. They learn to suck it up when they get knocked down or thrown off. Someone that self-sufficient can take of not only himself but the people he loves.
Yeah. He’s a man who works the land, a man who is, in many ways, is not on the highway of the modern world. Rush hour traffic and time cards don’t dictate his schedule. Cowboys, work hard, every day. Grueling physical work that puts those long lean muscles in all the right places. Hello, Muscles (That’s just a side benefit that I might have mentioned earlier) He makes his own way and tips his hat as he does it.
Cowboys are tough, hardworking man that at times can be loners. But how much do we watch that gooey core being exposed to the right women?
That’s what happens into Max Delgado in Lone Star Christmas. He tough and doesn’t need anyone. Until Jackie Bergmann shows him otherwise.

Lone Star Christmas Jolene Navarro Pre-order now to receive October 16
So that’s my five reasons. What about you? Let me know what is it that you love about a cowboy and I put your name in to win my newest release. Or do you have another favorite type of hero. You can tell me about that too.
Hi Jolene! As a Midwesterner German American, my heroes are farmers, especially small independent fruit growing farmers. Without these dedicate men, who rise early with a smile on their face Michigan would not be one of the top producers in the nation for blueberry, apple, cherry, pumpkin, grape. Many of these men also work another full time job, coach our youth teams, are leaders in their church. Often a little rough around the edges they have a heart of gold. Unfortunately not many stories are written about these heroes, who help feed America. Alex at my favorite farmers stand has my vote. Love his FaceBook page and his family. Enjoy your weekend. Happy Writing.
Hi Jolene, I am with Renate- farmers are a definite hero of mine. Large parts of Australia remain in drought, and our farmers are doing it tough; yet they persist on the land rather than taking the easy way out and giving up.
The love the land and love what they do.
Great post, Jolene. As a teen, my dad announced our small town rodeo. I worked the concession stand and hoped to snag a cowboy. I ended up marrying a Texan, but he’s not a cowboy. But those rodeo years stuck with me and books with cowboys started popping in my head. I’ve never really taken the time to analyze why cowboys are so appealing. But you nailed it.
Live this post! BecUse I have always loved cowboys. I’m surrounded by them , lucky me! Young, old, some that ride a horse, others on tractors, but they are the best kind of men! I love strong, quiet, alpha males that respect and adore and protect their women. No city slickers here please. A man who gets his hands dirty, has a dog around at all times, and loves children.
I love riding horses! I love cowboy and any law enforcement heros.
oh swoony blissful sighs. I do love a cowboy hero! For all the reasons you’ve mentioned. I may have to read them again. Several times. ;)
I love farmers. They are some of the same traits as the rancher. Hard working salt of the earth men that do what needs to be done despite the hardships they face. Farms are the backbone of our country. I”l have to see if I can find Alex’s farmer’s stand on facebook. Thank you
Being a Texan, we live in fear of droughts. It’s a long slow death of the land and horrible. One of my favorite books is THE TIME IT NEVER RAINED, It is not a romance, but a real life struggle of a rancher that loves the land and is just trying to survive on of the longest droughts we suffered.
It’s the best any of us can do, right? Love what we do and do it will all of our heart.
You know all about the Cowboy Capital. LOL Every time I drive through I think of you. :)
That is so true about the dogs. They always have one.
They are sexy and love animals.
A lawman on a horse! Yes. I’ve been known to combine those two heroes into one.
They just never get old. <3
Love this article! I think you summarized it up perfectly. I especially love the respect they show their lady. And, yes, I know my momma told me that looks don’t matter, but it sure doesn’t hurt either!
Love those cowboys! The book looks great!
I just love cowboys period!
Loyalty! Number one for me :)
That’s the best.
Yes! Everything you listed is exactly what draws me to cowboys every time. I may be somewhat biased since I grew up on a farm, but I refuse to acknowledge that. ;) I adore them and love their work ethic!
Thank you. The respect is a huge thing for me….yes – we know looks are not everything and will fade, but….
Thank you, Joan. :)
I think growing up around hard working men makes you an expert. :)