Sometimes in our lives we hit these places where God has so much more He wants to give us, if only we’d let go of clinging to our own plans and let Him!
I needed to make a decision last week. Probably not a huge decision, but you know how sometimes things can feel so much bigger than they are? I’d had that nagging uncomfortable feeling all week of being out of step with God, that I’d somehow taken a wrong turn and wasn’t following His path anymore. Not a good way to feel.
I wanted to get back to feeling right with God ASAP and to be clear I was doing what He wanted me to, so I spent most of Sunday in prayer and journaling, seeking guidance on where I’d gone wrong. One thing I knew for sure, it had something to do with that decision.
It wasn’t like it was a moral issue or a faith issue or an issue where it would hurt anyone else, no matter what I chose, so there wasn’t an easy clear-cut right or wrong. It was just one of those, “Do I give up this? Or do I give up that?” questions. I wanted two things, and I could have one or the other, but not both. I felt a lot of fear about giving up either. I weighed them up, I did a chart with pros and cons, I asked God to show me which he wanted me to choose. Yet I still wasn’t getting an answer.
Finally. I gave up. I said to God, “I give up. I don’t know what You want me to do. I can’t decide.”
Of course, being God, straight away He gave me the answer.
It didn’t matter which I decided, as long as I decided for the right reasons. The reason I couldn’t get clear, the reason I felt so much fear and anxiety around the decision, the reason I’d felt out of step with Him, was because I wasn’t trusting Him to take care of the outcome. I wasn’t stepping out in faith, I was stepping back in fear. I was clinging on to my plans, afraid He wouldn’t support me if I didn’t do what made worldly sense.
God wanted to show me that doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and with the wrong attitude was just as destructive of my peace as doing the wrong thing.
He showed me that the decision wasn’t as important as making it with the right attitude. If whatever choice I commit to is done whole-heartedly, with a loving attitude, trusting that He is in charge, then He will take care of the outcome.
I’d focused on external things, and that cost me my peace. As soon as I gave up doing it myself and asked, He stepped in to help me to focus on Him and my walk with Him instead. It didn’t matter which option I said “Yes” to, as long as I also said “Yes” to God!
Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out.
Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favour that God has to ask his advice?
Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes.
Romans 11:33-36, The Message
Catriona, the heroine of my story More than Friends in the Splash! summer romance anthology also needs to learn to say “Yes” to God, and let go of a decision she made for all the wrong reasons.
It’s funny how God is always teaching me the same spiritual lessons as my characters!
I’d love for you to share in the comments the best things you’ve had happen from saying “Yes” to God!
Autumn, your sentence below really resonates with me. Thanks for your inspiring and challenging post :)
“God wanted to show me that doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and with the wrong attitude was just as destructive of my peace as doing the wrong thing.”
I’m glad it resonated, Narelle. It seems to be one of God’s biggest lessons for me lately. He is so good! He doesn’t just give us lessons, He supports us every step of the way. LOL, my problem usually is letting Him! :)
What a great post, Autumn. Yes, we need to listen to God and what He wants for us. Life is so hectic and confusing sometimes. I think when we slow down and actually listen and give up our power to Him we can soar. Blessings!
Thanks! “I think when we slow down and actually listen and give up our power to Him we can soar.” This, exactly!
I think my favorite thing you said here, Autumn is this : “He showed me that the decision wasn’t as important as making it with the right attitude. If whatever choice I commit to is done whole-heartedly, with a loving attitude, trusting that He is in charge, then He will take care of the outcome.”
I’ve been in the same kind of situations where either decision was correct, and God left it up to me to make it. I really don’t like it at all, it’s just too hard for me to make a move without knowing with certainty which way He wants me to go. It’s frustrating and uncomfortable!! But it’s those times when I cling even closer to Him, listening more intently for His still small voice in everything around me. And then I get in the right attitude and one way seems better than the other….and FINALLY, I get the peace about it that I was looking for! I guess I never really thought about my attitude towards some decisions…..and it makes so much sense what you said. Because I have experienced it just that way! I need to have my heart in the right place so I can hear Him gently whisper in my ear the right path for me…wow! Thanks for this post today, so encouraging :-)
I’m so glad it was encouraging :)
“But it’s those times when I cling even closer to Him, listening more intently for His still small voice in everything around me. And then I get in the right attitude and one way seems better than the other….and FINALLY, I get the peace about it that I was looking for!”
This is what I learned the hard way too. To go quiet and really listen to Him. It’s just too uncomfortable not having that blessed peace. I miss it so much! But sometimes the harder I clamour for an answer, the further away I get from that stillness and openness of heart and mind His Spirit can speak in.
I always love your comments! I learn so much from them! :)