Have you ever been so busy that you literally feel like you can’t handle even one more thing?
Life gets like that sometimes, doesn’t it? And the holidays are especially challenging to our schedules, our calendars, and our ability to rest.
Matthew 11:28 tells us to come to Christ, that He will give us rest.
What a beautiful picture of rest and peace and comfort!
As believers, we know we’re supposed to get our rest from Christ. That may not be Christianity 101, but it’s at least in the 102 course. It’s something we know deep down in our marrow.
By God’s grace, we find rest in other ways, too, though.
Some of us find rest by hanging out with our friends. (Introverts might be politely coughing right about now.)
Some of us find rest with our church family. For some, simply being in church is restful.
My husband and I recently went to an art show. That’s totally not my norm, but it is my husband’s sort of thing. He probably could have spent another hour or so there. Being there was restful for him. (We left when we did because he took pity on me.)
I know people who find watching sports restful. Or even those who find playing sports restful. I might enjoy the former, but the latter is beyond me. I’m so uncoordinated, it’s ridiculous. I know a runner, though, who says that marathons are restful. She might come out of it physically exhausted, but the way she has to block everything out to focus on her running for such a long duration means that she is forced to turn off a lot of the things that normally take up her head space. As a result, that marathon becomes a time of spiritual, emotional, and even mental rest for her.
I can sort of relate to that. Taking a break – getting rest – can be as simple as experiencing a shift in focus. Thinking about something else for a while can give you the distance you need to get perspective on the something. And that perspective can be invaluable. I’m not going to lie, though. Sometimes we do this as avoidance, too. So we have to be careful. There is a difference between taking a break from a problem and outright avoiding having to deal with the problem. But that’s a post for another day. 😉
I like to read at the end of the day. I read at other times, too. But I especially like to read at the end of the day. I escape into a story, and I get that nice little mental rest that helps me to relax before I turn in for the night. If I were more self-aware than I am, I could probably feel my blood pressure dropping as I read. (This is a running joke in my house. I say that I hurt myself. My husband will ask where. And I’ll say something like, “I don’t know. It doesn’t hurt right this second.” My lack of self-awareness about these sorts of things has become somewhat legendary…)
Anyway…what about you? In what do you find rest? What helps you calm the busy-ness that so easily consumes our lives this time of the year? And if your answer is also reading – share some book titles with me. Bonus points if it’s by an Inspy Romance author!! 😊
One commenter will be randomly selected to win a $5 Amazon gift card. (To buy books with, of course. 😉) The winner will be announced in the 12/10/23 Sunday Edition. You must have a .com email address to be eligible.
Exercise for me focusing on something else helps to calm my mind.
Reading and colouring. Actually, when I cannot write, nor read anymore, colouring helps me relax.
Reading, doing word searches or jigsaw puzzles, or even just hugging/petting my dogs
First I make sure that my Christmas shopping/sewing is done by either Thanksgiving or end of November. Than when stress hits, I love to read, make greeting cards, sew
Reading is my biggest, but making cards and doing embroidery rank up high, too. Riding my bike is also up there! I couldn’t ride from October until yesterday, and I missed it, much to my surprise!! I finally rode yesterday, and it was great!! It’s a recumbent stationary bike, so I can ride in any weather! lol! I’ve been riding it twice a day, half an hour each time, so yesterday I started with one half hour ride. I’m looking forward to building back up to my normal! That’s my absolute best prayer time!
Going for a walk with our pup, or having a relaxing dinner with family, sitting outside on our swing and reading if it is nice outside, or just listening to music, making crafts also. Have a nice day and a great week.
Exercise is such a healthy outlet. What a great way to calm the mind and get the mental respite that you need!
I’m not remotely artistic, and coloring would probably cause me more mental stress than rest – so I LOVE hearing that it works for you! I have a friend who not only colors to help her relax, but she also uses it to help her focus. She reads her Bible with colored pencils in-hand so she can mark, circle, draw, etc., on the pages. It helps her to highlight the areas where God is speaking to her, and the time it takes to do the drawing helps her to meditate more deeply on the Word itself. Coloring – or anything artistic, really – is such a creative way to relax. Thank you for sharing!
Ha! You and me both! I don’t do holiday shopping anytime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can barely convince myself that I need to go grocery shopping during that time. ^_^ Although, if I’m being honest – I’m already way behind on my Christmas cards this year. I should get going on those sooner rather than later…
Amen! I also have a recumbent stationary bike. Although, just to be clear – I don’t ride it with any kind of regularity. I should. And I feel better when I do. But…I don’t. Like you, though, I enjoy using that time for prayer, too. Any kind of exercise (that doesn’t involve actual pain) has always been a good time for me to pray. I think the activity helps to empty my mind of all the busy stuff that usually takes up space there so that I can really focus on talking to – and listening to – God. Thank you for sharing!!
Outdoor swing – I love it! The last time my husband and I went camping, we stayed in a little log cabin, and it had a porch swing. I sat out there for ages just listening to the breeze in the pine trees. It was so relaxing!! It sounds like you have a lot of ways to relax and find that rest that you need. Thank you for sharing!!
My grandfather and I used to do jigsaw puzzles together. I do enjoy them, and they do calm my mind…but I don’t ever actually make the time for them. That’s one of those things I think, “When I retire…” But who knows when that will be? ^_^ And pets – yes! They’re great for finding calm and comfort!!
Long walks help, reading of course.
I find rest in reading or in going outside and playing with my dogs. Just something that helps me mentally take a break and focus on other things is how I usually reset. Merry Christmas to you!
I’m in a season where rest feels quite a challenge, particularly this time of year with little ones. I do love to read or listen to audio books, particularly old favourites.
(Don’t add me to the giveaway thanks as I’m in the uk)
Spending time focusing on prayer and meditation helps calm me along. Baking and reading are other ways I enjoy relaxing.
I like to do diamond art and read. I have read ARCs from nine of the Inspy authors, but I’m on the ARC team of four of the authors.
Yes, it is reading. Right now, I am reading a book club book, Brenda Novak’s newest. I also have been relaxing playing Hallmark Channel’s Matching game. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Reading, it’s the only time I can just let my brain relax and focus on just one thing. Unfortunately, I don’t get as much time to read as I would like, but some is better than none! Plus I like to read for hours at a time and read a whole book at a time, I find reading just a chapter or two at a time not that relaxing.
Reading is definitely my rest time. I end every day by reading until I fall asleep. I can focus on the story & not the 10,000 thoughts racing around in my brain. It’s the only way I can get to sleep unless I’m extremely exhausted.
I just finished reading A Christmas Waltz for Linda by Donna K. Weaver & started The Baby’s Christmas Blessing by Meghann Whistler, and I have Freelance Fiancé at Mistletoe Inn by Lillian Joubert up next in my TBR list. I only read Christmas books ever year from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day or so 🥰
For me I have to rest of I have a seizure or a horrible migraine that leads to a seizure. So I have to have time during the day with quiet and I read. I calms me down and slows me down.
I haven’t been able to do that much bcz I’ve been taking care of my bf who had surgery. So I had a seizure 2 days ago.
So I’ve been down for 2 days.
I didn’t get to read this yesterday because I was busy all morning, and then needed to relax in the afternoon, and being a rainy day, I sat in my beanbag chair by the fire and read all afternoon :-) There are times when I’ve thought I needed a nap, but just taking the time to read has rested me enough I never took the nap :-)
I used to colour with markers the textbook pages in order to learn easier definitions, formulas, terminations at grammar (Romanian or foreign languages) when I was in high school and in Uni. Well, even for PhD. My textbooks and fiches were coloured in order to remember better.
Ah…walking. Are you in a city environment or something more rural? And, yes! Reading. :-)
Merry Christmas to you, too, Megan! And thank you for commenting. That change of scenery can often give us that “reset” we need. And pets help, obviously. ^_^
Thank you for stopping by the blog today, Ruthie! And yes – rest can be so hard to come by when you’re the primary caregiver for a person – whether they’re young or aged. As someone who was a work-from-home mom for many years, the kids’ naptime was when I did the bulk of the work for my job, so I never even got to grab those few moments for peace and quiet and rest. I’m praying that you do find some rest in this busy season of life!!
Baking – I think you’re the first person to say that. So interesting! I’ve been baking the last few days for Christmas baskets that we bring to our homebound folks at church, and I have to say – baking is *not* restful for me. I’m definitely not wired that way. I envy you a tiny bit. Prayer and meditating are also very good ways to calm the mind and find some rest. (And reading, of course!) Thank you for sharing!!
I have no idea what diamond art is. You’ll have to tell me more… ;)
I hear a lot about the Hallmark channel around church. It’s definitely something the ladies I work with enjoy watching. Good call! Merry Christmas!