The last couple of months have been kinda tough. Not busy, non-stop deadlines tough. Not bad things happening tough. Just tough.
You know that sort of day, week, month?
In many ways, I’ve been coasting. Life should be easy. No more new releases since meeting three book deadlines in a row in June and July.
And no story words. No writing at all, apart from journaling.
That’s the problem!
I could treat it as a vacation from work, some much needed rest. Time to focus on my marriage and my home, often neglected in the rush to meet book deadlines. Time to make space for more worship, more quiet time with God. Time to take better care of myself, to make lifestyle changes to live in a simpler, healthier, more balanced way.
Working on all that non-book stuff does feel good. In so many ways, I needed this unproductive, fallow time. The same as God told the Israelites to allow the ground to rest every seven years, and plant no crops, so the break gives the soil a chance to become more fertile for the following six years of farming. More than that, the break from working the fields gave the people a chance to renew their trust that He would provide, as He did in the desert.
He’s used this time to bring me nearer Him and to bless me in surprising and unexpected ways. My home and marriage are both better for giving them more time, too.
But… but… no story words! For twelve whole weeks now. It feels a lifetime!
I can play around making book covers. I can edit chapters I’ve already written for old unfinished stories. I can crit friends’ work. I just can’t seem to produce new words. It’s like that part of my brain is switched off.
And I really really REALLY want to be writing! I may need to drop all my solo book release plans for now. But I can’t drop the multi-author projects I’ve committed to. Those books have to happen! Besides – so many book ideas! So many characters and stories flashing around my brain, like fireflies trapped in a jar, wanting to be free. But I just can’t unscrew that lid. It’s too tight.
I’m not sure why the word drought. Could be, I simply needed a rest. Could be, it’s something to do with a flare-up in the right-sided brain changes this pesky illness has caused (hope not!).
Or it could be, God wanted me to have some time out to focus on what really matters most.
He’s been teaching me a lot, this last couple of months. How to REALLY love my husband despite the challenges, and treasure my marriage and our home. How things work better when I follow His leading instead of doing what I want to do. And just recently, how to be content in all circumstances.
Okay, so God still has some work to do on that one yet! But I’m getting better at seeing the rainbow, not just the storm clouds.
Like the girl in the picture, who could get sulky because the clouds and rain have ruined her day at the beach. Instead, she’s all “Wow, wet sand!” So much wonderful, glorious, squidgy sand to play in! And when she looks up, she’ll see the rainbow, the one I missed when I first chose the photo. It’s subtle. It’s not a big bright right-across-the-sky make-a-wish sort of rainbow. But it’s there.
A reminder that God keeps His promises. Always has. And He always will, in His perfect timing.
This word drought will end. My story words will get written when they need to get written. And in the meantime, I’m listening to His nudge to write another devotional. I didn’t exactly plan to write the first one, Lessons from Pollyanna: Using her Glad Game to grow spiritually and have more joy in your life! After that one published, when He started reminding me He wants me doing more like that, I did plan to write a companion devotional, focusing on another well-loved children’s classic. Sometime. When the next six or seven or maybe seventeen romances were done.
Nope. Not gonna happen. Not those romances, and not that devo, either. Not yet, anyway!
Because God knows way better than I do what I need, He’s surprised me with a whole new assignment. LOL, and just now, a new title, too! “Abide in Me” – Learning to find the rainbow in life’s storm clouds, will be a devotional focusing on the words of Jesus, and His miracles. In the writing, there will be deep healing for some hidden-away broken places in my heart, mind, and body. It’s already started, soft and subtle and easy to miss. Just like that rainbow. But just like the rainbow, it’s there.
And like the rainbow, that feels very much another miracle!
Has God ever surprised you by leading you in a totally unexpected direction? Or what rainbows are you seeing in your life right now?
One comment made on this post before October 16 will be chosen at random to win an ebook copy of Lessons from Pollyanna.
I’m grateful to say that since writing this post a couple of days ago, story ideas have started popping again! It’s looking as if I can write romance as well as the devotional. Yay! I have a LOT of story ideas. :)
But I’m running way behind on stories I hoped to have written by now. As an apology to my newsletter subscribers for not delivering yet on the free Love in Store novelette I promised them, I’m making all the ebooks in that series free this week. I want my friends here at Inspy Romance to know about it too!
Book 1, the The Wedding List Is always free. Believe in Me, A Model Bride, Forget Paris, and Teapots & Tiaras will be free from Tuesday 10th through Friday 13th only!
Books 2-5 are Amazon only, so if you get your books from a non-Amazon online bookstore, just let me know.
Wemble says
Hi Autumn, glad to hear you have stories and words:) I love your analogy of the fallow field- what a powerful system God gave to the Israelites (and us in a weekly day of rest), and how beautiful to connect it to seasons in life. Thanks Autumn:) Love that subtle rainbow and the reminder of its promise!
Narelle Atkins says
Hi Autumn, Sending you big (((hugs))) and prayers as you wade through this tough season. I’ve been in a dry season, word-wise, and my time away from writing has been fruitful in other ways. Our writing journey’s mirror our lives, with unexpected twists and turns. I’m glad the story ideas are starting to flow again. :)
Jill Weatherholt says
Beautiful post, Autumn. I’m happy that once again the words are flowing. Often after a dry spell, some of our greatest accomplishments blossom.
Renate says
Hi Autumn! Life definitely has its challenges, especially when thrown a curve ball in a direction we didn’t expect – caring for family, career changes, moving,retirement, death of a loved one or friend. Rainbows – a wedding and birth of a child, plus more. Blessings as you find new words and thanks for an insightful blog.
sbmcmh says
Thanks for the post! Dry seasons are hard… being led in a different direction harder… but He promises to be with us always.
Walter Daniels says
In August of ’77 I ripped my right knee apart (destroyed 3 of 4 ligaments), and still learning to see the blessing (*many*) that it brought me.
lelandandbecky says
Wow! This is a powerful and wonderful post! I’m so glad that I stopped by today to read it! When I read posts, I often end up singing a song, and this one reminds me of the song that says: “rejoice in the wilderness. God only wants to abide in you.” Wildernesses are hard to rejoice in. Loved, LOVED this post! It is so encouraging, and I’m sure that it will bless and encourage many – me included. Thanks for sharing!
Lori Smanski says
great post. sending you hugs while you deal with it all. I can totally understand. God has used me in areas that I would never have thought of. He will stop my sewing so He can get my attention and turn it elsewhere. Recently he did that so that I would be able to help out at church in a specific spot. Wow it is so cool to see where he leads us. thanks for willing to be vulnerable and open. have a blessed week
MFLiteraryWorks says
Thanks for being real with us. As I was reading this post (before the end) I thought, why doesn’t she write devotionals? I’d pick one up! I’m so glad God has opened your mind for new words, and you were being willing to trust Him. I’ll be praying for you as you continue to “Rest in Him.”
Valerie Comer says
Praying for you, Autumn! And trusting with you that God has His hand on this fallow time.
Kathryn Schultz says
So glad I stopped long enough to read this message from you. Just what I needed to encourage me today I’ll try to be patient waiting for _Abide in Me_, but I am looking forward to your help to see the rainbows in the recent storm clouds we have been experiencing with our bipolar son. I am holding on to trusting that God has some purpose in all this for him and for us that we can’t see. Also I’m very excited that tomorrow I’ll be able to get the last book of the “Love in Store” series I hadn’t been able to order. Thank you SO much, Autumn!
Jackie Smith says
Thanks for sharing, Autumn. Praying for you and trusting that God is leading you!
Autumn Macarthur says
I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Wendy! God plans everything perfectly.
Praying you plenty of rainbows and not too many storm clouds. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thanks for both the hugs and the prayers, Narelle! Yes, God makes use of the fallow or dry seasons in other ways, which aren’t always so immediately obvious, but are there and are real. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thanks Jill! I hope that’s how it works! Busy day today, so plenty of ideas for my story are popping, but no story words yet. Hoping tomorrow!
But if I still can’t write, it’s good to know God still is using this time in other ways. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thank you Renate! So true, life is always filled with unexpected challenges. And thankfully, unexpected blessings too.
Autumn Macarthur says
He is! He keeps His promises, always. And that’s what makes it all possible. Thanks for reading and commenting! :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Ouch! I’m glad you’re seeing the blessings, and praying many more blessings for you!
Autumn Macarthur says
Thank you for YOUR gift of encouragement, Becky! I’m glad the post spoke to you.
And I love that song line. So true. The way through any wilderness is keeping our focus on God.
Autumn Macarthur says
You too, Lori! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. God does lead us in surprising and amazing directions. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thank you, Marylin. Your prayers are so appreciated. :)
I’ve started a new devotional, and I know writing that will be an incredible experience. I learned so much and grew so much nearer God doing the last one.
Not exactly story words yet, but ideas flowing fast for a new romance, too, so I’m hoping!
Autumn Macarthur says
Thanks, Valerie. <3
He does, He always does.
Autumn Macarthur says
Hugs, Kathryn. Praying for you, your son, and your family as you weather the storm clouds. <3
I hope you get time to read and enjoy Teapots & Tiaras. Anita is one of my favourite heroines.
Autumn Macarthur says
Thank you, Jackie. :)
Andrea B. Brooks says
Beautiful post.. I always look forward to these posts. I love watching rainbows and when God answers prayers, I feel that He shows me rainbows.
Laura says
Thank you for your post Autumn. It was inspiring!
Priscila says
Love all your books. Cant make up my mind if my favorite one is Forget Paris or Teapots and Tiaras.. probably Forget Paris. Anyway, it´s always inspiring to read your words — romance novels or blog posts. Thanks for your hard work. Sorry life is hectic right now.
Trixi says
Remember there are seasons in life and maybe it’s your season to rest and take a step (or two) back. God will give you the words when it’s time again :-)
One unexpected road He took us on almost two years ago is when my husband switched jobs when he wasn’t even looking to. We look back on that now and realize it was perfect timing in every way. So many positive things have happened since then that it’s hard to list all the blessings that’s come from the change :-) All I got to say is: God is good!!
Praying you will have peace and rest and know God is working even when it seems you’re in the middle of the desert!
Alexa Verde says
So sorry I missed this post, Autumn! What an amazing, profound post! I’ll keep praying for you.
Alexa Verde says
And so kind of you to make all your books in Love In Store series free. I love your books!
Autumn Macarthur says
That’s a lovely thought, Andrea!
When I see a rainbow, I always thank God for His faithfulness in keeping His promises!
Autumn Macarthur says
I’m glad you found it inspiring, Laura. <3
Autumn Macarthur says
Praying things slow down a little for you, Priscila! And thank you for your kind words on my books – that made me smile. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thank you for your prayers, Trixi. I’ve been feeling both better in myself and a lot more clarity since Monday – so I’m sure the prayers are helping.
God is definitely working in all this! I am sure I got too busy following my own plans, and too ready to believe my plans were His. Nope! His plans are waaaaay better! Different, but sure to be better. Just like with your husband’d unexpected job change. :)
Autumn Macarthur says
Thanks, Alexa! And you know I pray for you too, my friend. <3
Autumn Macarthur says
I’m so glad God inspired me to make the ebooks free! :)
That was an unexpected and very last minute addition, late on Sunday night, not many hours before the post went live!