Are you wondering at what is first? And what is last? We’ll get right to it.
It is the FIRST post of our annual BIRTHDAY BASH! It’s so much fun. We’ll have great prizes, blog posts, and interaction with readers. We are so appreciative of everyone who reads. And we love to give away books! And speaking of books……..
I was recently at the Turning a New Page Book Festival. What I great time!
They had scheduled an all day event. Authors came and spoke on panels. I was on the Happily Ever After panel. (Of course!!) I attended several of the panels, had a great lunch, met so many wonderful people, and enjoyed listening to writers and readers alike talk about their love of writing and reading. Our last speaker of the day was Elizabeth Musser! If you’ve never read her books, run and read them. The Swan House is one of my favorite books of all time.
This was the 3rd or 4th time I’ve heard Elizabeth speak, and it’s always a blessing. The Turning a New Page book festival was just what this January needed! A spark to ignite all the feels for readers and writers, both! Everyone who attended already have said they are coming back next year.
Okay, so we know it’s the FIRST day of our annual Birthday Bash……so where does the LAST come in?
Well, it’s the LAST day my book, Rich in Love, is on sale for .99 cents. (E book copy!)
I have always loved this cover. So my quick, to the point synopsis is this: Ann has to spend a million dollars on herself in 23 days with a handsome accountant, Brett, by her side the whole time making sure she follows the rules. And yes, there are rules. And Ann, well, she hates to shop! But, she accepts the challenge, and you’ll have to read to find out how it all turns out.
In honor of our birthday bash I’ll give a randomly chosen commenter a 5$ Amazon gift card. (anyone who comments by midnight Sunday, February 18th, with a .com email address.) What are we commenting about you ask? Great question!! I have more than one.
Do you like to shop? For yourself? Others? (I do love birthday shopping for others.) Could you spend a million dollars on yourself? (No houses are allowed to be bought.) I’d love to hear your views on shopping.
Oh but I want to buy a house! ok if I had 1 million 3 hundred thousand I would buy this house from my friend and put on solar. With the other million I would spend some on the garden getting some established trees for shade and screening. flowers, bulbs and other stuff. Would get some new clothes which I really need. and with the remaining $990,000 I wouldn’t have a clue.
I do like online shopping for gifts as I often get them shipped postage free. I need to have a reason to shop when I go to the city or even regional centre I have limited time so normally have a plan. I like grocery shopping although am now going less. trying to go once a week or twice at the most. Maybe if I had unlimited funds (not on a tight budget) I would like to just shop for the sake of shopping but I very much doubt it.
We have Boxing day sales the day after Christmas I have been in Melbourne a few times to go to a sporting event. Even if I had more money I would still choose the sporting or other event over shopping. One year the cricket ended a day early and I was like I am so bored (wasn’t the only one) and decided to go to the movies. picked the longest one playing. it was the first Lord of the Rings trilogy it was being replayed just before the second one came out. Best way to spend an afternoon.
That sounds a great concept for a book!
I’m not that into shopping, though I love buying presents for people, I usually shop online now for convenience.
Was it allowable to but property in the rules? I could definitely spend a million on a house – prices are high where I am but it would get us more space and a big garden which my kids would love! I would find it hard to spend a million if property wasn’t allowed, especially over a short time like in the book, if it was over years i’d happily give up my job and usu it to pay bills! Maybe some amazing art? Although I don’t know where I’d display artwork that coat more than my walls lol.
I do love to shop, especially for my grandchildren. I would not spend a million dollars on me. I don’t need anything. Now if we could choose a house I would spend some of the money towards that but certainly not a million dollars!
I love shopping for other people, but don’t think I could spend a million dollars on myself. I really can’t even imagine how that much could be spent on one person within a certain timeframe if houses aren’t allowed.
Happy Thursday Lindi! I enjoy window shopping in stores, so I can see colors, feel fabrics and just browse. Some of my best finds have been when I wasn’t looking for a specific item. Not sure I could spend a million dollars on myself. I am always looking for bargains – whether for groceries, clothes or gifts. For this 70+ year old retiree, I am in a major house remodel. The last week I have been shopping for a new master bath (tub, vanity and fixtures), flooring for our bedroom wing. Our remodel will not even make a big dent in a million dollars. Our family dream if we had money to spend, is for a family compound with separate homes and acreage, solar and wind power with a small lake. Looking forward to reading Rich in Love. Enjoy your weekend.
I like shopping to a degree – one or two stores and then I’ve had enough. I love shopping for others. I enjoy shopping for things for me as long as it’s not clothes – I don’t like clothes shopping and wish I had a stylist!
Shopping isn’t a favorite pastime of mine. With prices today, spending a million dollars on myself may be possible, but I think I’d be overcome with guilt not sharing the wealth.
Jenny–I love your catalog of what you would do. Your statement, ” Maybe if I had unlimited funds (not on a tight budget) I would like to just shop for the sake of shopping but I very much doubt it.” was interesting to me. I wonder that as well. I’ve never had that kind of money that I could just go out without thinking of a budget. And like you I’m choosing events over shopping. :)
Ruth–she couldn’t buy a house with that million. And she could only spend 50k on a car–which really dates the book as now the big SUV’s are closer to 70K. I think each transaction couldn’t be over 10k? I just had to keep them together and show her annoyance at having to do something she hates in order to get what she’s always dreamed of—but is it really?
Lori R—I occasionally shop for my grands, but girl, they have so much!! It’s crazy. I usually give them a book. I can’t believe the accessibility to “things” now–that weren’t even a possibility when I was a kid.
It was tough……there is a funny scene where she is trying to buy some shoes—shoes she’s always obsessed over–until she actually has the money to own them. Funny how things work, huh?
I would most likely buy things for my adult children and grandchildren to help them not half to struggle so much in this economy. Like rent, reliable car to get to work, Tuition for school after high school, etc.
For me I would buy tickets/tour pkg for traveling with my husband. I’ve wanted to do an Alaskan cruise and go to Hawaii again. I would need new clothes for the traveling.
Oooohhh–I like your dream…living with family close. :) And hey, I need a bathroom remodel as well. But mine isn’t happening for a while. A girl can dream though! I’ve found the loveliest bedspread I want to change my bedroom and bathroom over. Purple velvet–it is gorgeous!!! I pray your remodel goes well.
Ellie—we are alike!! I wished I had thought of hiring my girl a stylist–that could have been fun. Great idea, though. And I would LOVE a stylist!
Beth–I totally understand–but there was more to come if she completed the challenge. And that she could share all she wanted!
Darla—All those things you mentioned sound lovely!! I do love traveling and would do that A LOT if I could.
I don’t like to shop. I would buy land for an equestrian park for my DIL. That is the one thing that is missing in our area and in our lives. Our property is too small to exercise horses enough and then we could open it up to other local horse people, too.
I’m not much of a shopper and I think it would be very hard to spend one million dollars on myself. I feel like I wouldn’t even know where to start.
I do love to shop! Especially for other people. I try to make notes when someone I love mentions something they would like or an idea. comes to my mind.
Wow, I love to shop, I don’t do it a lot because, well, money!
It’s fun to read everyone’s responses. I’m not a big shopper, and have always been really frugal, so have a hard time splurging. The idea of spending the money on travel would be fun, especially since I’m old enough now that I don’t like flying the cheap way – I could go first class! :-)
I don’t like shopping for me, though I do like shopping for others. I used to really like shopping for wedding gifts for friends and baby shower gifts. Now, I’m more into buying gifts for family and friends at Christmas. Well, to spend a million on myself?? First thing, I’d buy a car. The rest, I’d like to give to my favorite charities and save some. I’m not sure I could spend that much just on myself! Well, books could take a nice chunk (they’d have to be ebooks, as I’d never have enough room in my house for that many!!!!). I can’t think of enough clothes I’d ever want to spend that much! I’d take a few trips, but even that wouldn’t spend that much!
With how expensive everything is, I suspect that with a complete spa treatment in a luxurious place, hair and nails done, a new wardrobe of designer clothes, handbags, shoes, jewelry that matches It’s going to cost a lot of that money, let’s add buying some luxury editions of classic books and hardcovers from others…oh and a latest model cell phone.
If after that there is still money left, I think I wouldn’t know what to do hahaha because well, surely there are ways to spend even more money on yourself but it would be enormous uselessness…at least the clothes, the cell phones and the makeover can be used On a day-to-day basis, I don’t know.
I think shopping can be fun but most of the time I end up exhausted.
Buying perfume, cologne is fun, some makeup is the same (it expires after a maximum of 1 year sometimes a little more so it doesn’t pay to have huge collections of makeup) but clothes? Finding cute and modest things for girls my age is exhausting hahaha. Many of my winter clothes have been a gift from my grandmother who has good taste in summer. I recently bought some cotton t-shirts, the rest I already have some dresses and shorts, that’s enough.
I don’t know what I would do with a million dollars to spend freely without rules involved, possibly invest to earn even more and fulfill my crazy dream of having an orphanage house/mansion for orphaned children where I would send them to good schools, I would have psychologists to help them and people taking care of them who really want to work there and give them love too.
A girl can dream.
Oh I can’t believe I didn’t think of this! Traveling first class sounds fun…I could go on a tour around the world trying pastries from other countries.
I love shopping for others, and if I have a friend or my daughter with me, I like to shop for myself. There would not be a way I could spend a million dollars on myself if I couldn’t spend it on a house!
I’m not a fan of shopping per se, prefer to get in, find what I want (usually preplanned) and then out away from the crowds. Having said that a million, but no house, yes absolutely I could easily think of appliances, furniture, books etc that could be purchased and given away for others to enjoy (I love seeing others enjoy unexpected surprises). Or someone asked me once which book would I like and after pondering it what a great present it would be to purchase either every book in an author’s catalogue or for every book owned at a vendor to purchase the remaining catalogue for the author. And how amazing to be able to purchase entire catalogue’s and donate them to school or local libraries where they are restrained by what they are able to purchase, now that would be fun spending!
Depending on what I’m shopping for, then yes, I love to shop for myself and for others. I especially love to shop for others when it comes to books, because I enjoy the challenge of finding a story the other person will love. (I hate clothes shopping, though!) :D
I do have friends who cry poverty but are infact well off (just looking at their wardrobe they could wear something different every day for weeks and still have things to wear) Me I would run out in a much shorter time. Its see something buy something. I am see something I like work out if its a good deal and I would use it then may buy it. I grew up with parents who grew up in the depression. They never bought anything if they couldn’t pay for it outright. They had one store charge card but they always had the funds to pay it was just easier to use when having to buy via post. I knew we were not well up and had to be careful but I loved handme downs cos they came from cousins and were always well made as 2 aunts were professional sewers so the clothes lasted. I know I did miss out on things but it taught me to budget and that if I cant afford it save up or find an alternative. I have a credit card that is always paid off. I like to be able to save and then when I go away like when I went to America and Hawaii I did spurge on some items. One time I started saving all the coins to pay to go to a few cricket games when a certain team was coming to play I had 4 years to save and I was able to go to 2 different states and pay for accommodation, tickets to see 2 games (a 4 day and 5 day) as well as my own capital. But I really don’t think I would waste money if I suddenly became rich. I would take more holiday/vacations and spend on the accommodation but to just go shopping probably not. But if someone wants to give me a million dollars and says not to be spent buying a house or house improvements (not including gardening) I am willing to see what I would do!
Shopping is kind of exhausting for me because of my migraines but there are things I enjoy getting for myself and yes definitely others. I’m not sure if I could spend a million dollars on just myself and really wouldn’t want to especially with being able to buy a house and I guess it would depend if there was a time limit. I mean eventually I could spend a million dollars but it is going to take years and years and years….
I love shopping for gifts. It is so fun to find the perfect gift for a friend. I also enjoy shopping for myself but I get tired out pretty quickly
Not a huge shopper, but my 12yr old is and she could definitely give me ideas on what to buy. I think I would start by buying an infrared sauna and a hot tub. Maybe some fancy workout equipment? Could you remodel a room in your house or is that against rules?
I am not big on shopping at all. Helps that I don’t have a lot of money to shop with. I’d be happy if I could do all my shopping online to avoid the crowds. I do think that I could spend the money though, a house , car, etc.
Your book sounds like a fun read, I’ll check it out.
Beautiful cover! Love it!
Do you like to shop? Hm…depending on the mood
For yourself? More for others :)
Could you spend a million dollars on yourself? Can I invest? lol
Linda–That sounds like a great idea!!!
Patty—That’s a great idea. I do that sometimes too, but not as often as I should.
Margaret—I’ve had to be very frugal—-and it does teach you a certain way to spend–or not spend!! And first class is something I haven’t done–maybe one day.
Trudy–wedding gifts!! And books!!!!
Lilly—okay, girl, spa–and books–let’s do it. :) I forgot about perfume….and make up. Fun things!!
Denise—I do love watching Lottery Dream homes!
Dianne—Yes–Series!! And donations to libraries would be amazing!
Elizabeth—clothes shopping is terrible–well, the trying on part. I hate that!
Joannie—Ann, the girl in my novel, had 23 days to spend the money! So it was a challenge for her for sure!!
Angeline—What a beautiful name–(The girl in my book, Ann, dreams of having a beautiful name, like Angelina–close to yours–but…. I can’t give away spoilers!!) And yes, shopping for friends it fun.
Melissa–What a great idea!! Sauna and hot tub. Well, she had to spend the money on herself–and she didn’t own a home, so that wouldn’t be a part of it. But it’s a great idea for later—maybe when she has a house–and more money. :)
Cindi–Thank you!! And you know, I don’t like shopping at malls, but we have a few outdoor malls here that aren’t too bad.
Natalya—Thank you!! And no, she couldn’t invest the money–but in the future!! If she passes the test.
Hi Lindi! I used to like to shop, but not so much now. However, I can online shop with the best of them. I’m not sure I could spend a million dollars on myself unless I could book some trips to be made at a future date, then shop for a new wardrobe for each trip. That would still be a stretch to spend a million. Now, if I could spend that on others, I might be able to come close.
Your book sounds like a fun read.
Hi, I mostly like to shop for others and no I would not spend that much on myself.
Yeah there’s no way I could spend a million dollars in 23 days only on myself. I have too hard of a time shopping for myself whether or not I have the money for it, I still want to pick things up for others.
Alicia–there was a means to the end–promise!!!
Thank you. Trips and wardrobes sound like a great way to spend money.
Yes, I love to shop. No, I do not think I could spend a million dollars on myself. The home and yard renovations to make it easier for myself and my husband who are handicapped would never come up to that amount of money. I am one who likes to give. I know so many organizations who do fabulous work. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
I enjoy shopping. I definitely could spend the million dollars. One of the things I would do is take my whole family on a Mediterranean cruise. Think of the precious memories we would make.
I don’t do much shopping, mainly the grocery store or Walmart.
On my way to check out The Swan House and Rich in Love 👀
As for the shopping, I could shop for books anytime so I guess I do like it :) And I absolutely could spend a million on myself aka on books, both special editions and not and I could afford to reopen my childhood library too!! Unless if we’re not allowed to buy properties at all…but we can rent right? 👀
I generally do enjoy shopping, both for myself and for others. However, with the “not a house” restriction I can’t imagine being able to spend a million dollars on myself. I have a strong desire to be a good steward and I’m much too frugal!
I enjoy shopping for books, does that count? Shopping can be fun, but it depends on who or what I’m shopping for as to how fun it can be.
yes, for everyone
Shop for both myself and others
I never particularly enjoyed shopping at stores/malls but now that online shopping is so prevalent I’m in my wheelhouse! I have boxes being delivered on a regular basis filled with goodies I’ve picked out!
I’m not exactly a fan of it, but if accompanied by my mom, I love to.
Simply beautiful
Happy first day of the Inspy birthday bash! 🥳
I have never been to a book festival, but it sounds like so much fun! I have met a few authors & gotten books signed & I treasure them ❤️