Over the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about my brand. That’s the image readers see when they hear my name. Sometimes writers fall into them, but at other times we have to fight to figure out where we fit in the grand scheme of writing.
InspyRomance’s brand is FALL IN LOVE WITH A GOOD BOOK.
I write romance (or I wouldn’t be here, right?). Right now, all of my published works are contemporary. But as my writing career goes further, I’d like to expand to historical, and maybe into the fantasy realm–though if I do that, I’d probably use a separate psuedonym. And at some point, I might like to write some non-fiction.
But in all of that, I want to keep my brand. So, what is it?
Let me back up a minute, actually a few years.
When I first started writing and learned that the fastest way to up my readership was to start a blog, I considered my life and what I could blog about. I have a great husband who doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body. We are financially stable. We have seven children. I’ve lived in poverty and in prosperity. But what does any of THAT have to do with writing romance novels. Very little.
There’s a quote by Alphonse Karr that says, “Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” Since I’m a HUGE fan of roses, I used this as a basis for my blog, which I named A Bed of Roses…Thorns Included.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realized that THAT is my brand. I write about real life. Love is beautiful–like roses (or most flowers), and yet it can cause a lot of hurt–thus the thorns. We accept that to love we are taking the chance of being hurt. It comes with the emotion, the choice.
This week, a friend’s daughter passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was ten years old. I know without a doubt that my friend would NOT have given up those ten years of loving her daughter to avoid the pain the last few months have wrought on their small family.
Despite the pain (the thorns) we make ourselves vulnerable to, we still must love. We must enjoy the roses–the good times, the simple joys of seeing another smile just because you’re near, or the pitter-patter of your own heart when someone you love gives you a hug.
Anyway, enough waxing philosophical.
This past Easter, I saw another quote that touched my heart and filled my soul with thanksgiving. It says, “When life is not a bed of roses, remember who wore the thorns.” Despite a thorough search of the Internet, I could not find anyone to attribute it to, but I loved it just the same.
So I prayed and considered and prayed some more. How could I incorporate those two quotes into something that readers would understand without a great deal of explanation. This is what I came up with, though I’m not sure it’s final just yet. :)
Finding faith when your bed of roses includes thorns
So, now, I’d like to know what you think. Is it understandable? If you’ve read any of my stories, does it fit? Does it speak romance? Can you think of a better way to say it?
Blessings, and thanks in advance for giving me your perspective,
Jill Weatherholt says
I think it’s perfect, Ginger. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
Jennifer says
I like it ☺
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I’ve always loved your tagline, Ginger, and the thought behind it.
Gingers219 says
Thank you, Jill. I’m sure my friend appreciates the prayers a great deal.
Gingers219 says
Gingers219 says
Thanks, Elizabeth. I tossed up a few things in the air and this one landed in just the right place. Haha.
Colleen says
I really like your quote. It’s catchy and it speaks volume.
Gingers219 says
Thank you, Colleen. That’s what I was hoping for.
kathleenefriesen says
These days I find myself in a bed of thorns. Thank you for reminding me to look for the roses.
Winnie Thomas says
Life includes a lot of thorns. I love your reminder to look for the roses, and be grateful for what we do have! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and talents.
Marylin Furumasu says
Great quotes! I’m amazed how you worked through and got just the right tagline for what you write. I also LOVED the quote you found about thorns, it really bringings us to the only One who matters. I look forward to reading more from you.
Priscila says
I like your rationale and your brand. It’s a noce idea and made me think of Clay’s story in Broken Holiday.
Gingers219 says
It’s hard sometimes to see those roses. We have to force ourselves to look past the problems to see the good. I pray that your thorns grow more roses very soon.
Gingers219 says
You’re welcome, Winnie.
Gingers219 says
Thanks, Marylin. The thorn quote showed up on FB. I can’t take credit for finding it, only copying it because it is so applicable to my brand.
Gingers219 says
That’s it, Priscila. I want my stories to reflect the hard times, but always have a happy part too.
Wemble says
Like it- that is true romance, through the roses and thorns:)
Gingers219 says
Thanks, Wemble.