I admit to being a fangirl when it comes to certain authors, and Francine Rivers is at the top of my list. At the ACFW Conference in 2015, I tried not to stare and grin at her too often, but finally, when she was sitting only a table away, I could no longer contain myself and asked if she minded taking a picture.
Now I know we’re all just God’s creation on this earth, but there are such things as heroes, or heroines in this case, of the faith. Many years ago when I’d renewed my commitment to the Lord after a long bout as a prodigal, I began reading Christian books, but they were mostly nonfiction. One of my friends finally insisted I read The Mark of the Lion Series, and my world was rocked. I realized at once the power of story and began the journey of my love for Christian fiction.
Funny side note: I used to pay my daughter five dollars apiece to read Christian books. After the first one of Francine’s she read, A Voice in the Wind, she walked out of her room in tears demanding the next book. They are that good! So…I’m basically dancing with joy that she agreed to answer a few questions for us!
A big thank you sent to Francine for answering, and welcome to Inspy Romance if you’re reading this!
The interview:
Hadassah from A Voice in the Wind and An Echo in the Darkness is my all-time favorite character you’ve written. Which characters are your favorites from your novels?
Hadassah is also my favorite. She is the Christian I would like to be. I have to remind myself that she went through many trials and it was the Holy Spirit training her to obedience. I’m still a work-in-progress.
I can relate to trials and the work-in-progress for sure!
I’m sure you’re not a crazy fangirl like me, but do you get excited over a particular author’s books?
My favorite author tends to be the one I’m reading at any given time. Every writer has a unique voice, and it’s impossible for me to say I like this one over another.
It is so hard to choose, isn’t it!
I know you write both historical and contemporary, and on Inspy Romance, we focus on contemporary, so which contemporary of yours do you recommend for a new reader of your work?
I would recommend The Atonement Child as a first contemporary book of mine to read. It is about the issue of abortion and the rippling effect it has on many people. On the personal side, the character of Hannah is based on my personal experience, and Evie is based on my mother’s. It was the most difficult book I’ve ever written, but also brought me the most personal healing.
That’s an amazing testimony, and the novel is so deep. Thank you for writing through that hurt to expand God’s kingdom.
I’ve heard, and it may not be accurate, that you’ve chosen to take some time off from writing to give time to other ministries and missions. If true, what ministries capture your heart?
I am taking some time off from writing. I usually have an idea building before I finish a project. That hasn’t happened this time, and I sense God is saying it’s time to step back from writing novels and step up on other aspects of my faith walk.
My husband, Rick, and I will be team teaching our Tuesday evening home Bible study group. He has Parkinson’s and it can cause memory issues, so this will help him and make me step up on deeper study. I will also have more time to be involved in our church programs. I was able to work at this year’s Vacation Bible School.
Ministries that matter greatly to me are Redwood Gospel Mission (our local homeless ministry that also has a rehab program), The Bridge (our local pregnancy counseling center), Crossing the Jordan (a local ministry that started five years ago and helps survivors of sex trafficking and also has a men’s program for those overcoming addictions), and the Empire Food Bank.
I get it about taking a step back and stepping up in other faith areas, although we will miss your voice and command of storytelling. Writing does take a lot of time. Your novels were a ministry to so many readers for so many years, and it’s more than fair that others get to have your time now. By the way, I researched trafficking for my novel Tackling the Fields, and that’s such a huge problem. I’m so glad there is a ministry for the survivors in your area. I read your article on your blog about it, too.
Francine, I’m praying a blessing from the Lord to you and your husband, your family, and those ministries. I hope our Inspy readers will join me in that prayer. Thank you so much, Francine, for giving us some of your time today!
Find out more about my heroine in the faith, Francine Rivers, at her website!
Inspy readers, have you read Francine’s books? What would you say to Francine about them? I’m offering to give an eBook by Francine to one person who comments by July 16!
Terrific interview, Janet. Thank you. And I love the pix of you and Francine.
Hi Janet and Francine, great to read your interview. My favourite of Francine’s books has to be The Scarlet Thread. I have re-read this book so many times and always come away with something new to think about/change/reflect upon in my own relationships. And the Shofar Blew also ranks up there as a regular re-read, again for the depth of exploration given to relationships.
Blessings to you both:)
Hi Janet and thanks for the interview with Francine, a new author to me! Francine stories sound fascinating. Thanks Francine for your volunteer work with the down and out, especially your concern with human trafficking. A friend of mine works in that area in Michigan. While living in Chicago, during some harsh winters of the 1980s I feed many a homeless man in the parsonage kitchen. Their stories are heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers to you Francine as you care for your husband. May God give you strength and wisdom. I cared for my father, who suffered memory loss after a stroke. Therefore, your caring spirit touched my heart.
What a wonderful interview, Janet! I’m not sure if I would have been as brave as you to approach Francine. Yay you!
Thank you, Tina! I was so thrilled! Thanks for popping in!!!
Great novels! The Shofar Blew was such a deep relationship book! Blessings!
Renate, Her books are amazing! There are so many heartbreaking stories behind each person caught in those situations. I’m so glad you are helping.
Thanks, Jill! I’m pretty goofy sometimes, but she was so gracious!
Thanks for sharing this interview.
You’re welcome, Merrillee! It was certainly my pleasure!
Thanks for sharing the interview. I am not familiar with Francine’s work but from the interview I will definitely look up her stories.
Colleen, Her stories are amazing! So happy to introduce you!!
What a wonderful interview. Prayers for Francine and her time off that God will bless her as she obeys his will. My mom turned me onto her books and I love how they talk to me and make me a better person in Christ. I have had the opportunity to share my books with other ladies in the church family.
Thanks for sharing this interview, Janet, and welcome to Inspy Romance, Francine!
aaaaaahhhhHH!!!! I’m fangirling with you!!
I’ve read a few of Francine’s books, but not the two you mentioned as your favorites! I’ll have to add them to my wish list :-)
Hi Margaret! I think you’ll enjoy them!! Thanks for stopping in!
LOL! I know you are!
Hugs :)
You’re welcome! It was exciting for me!
Hi Lori! I feel the same way about her books and have shared them often!
Thanks for the interview. I have read several of Francine’s books and loved them all but I haven’t read the Mark of the Lion series yet.
Oh Jessica, I loved those books! Hadassah is an amazing character!
Hi Janet,
So many of Francine’s books have touched me deeply. The Mark of the Lion, The Atonement Child, and The Shofar Blew, And last but not least, Redeeming Love. So many of her books dig down and speak to us in a way that stays long after we’ve read them.
Janet, thanks for posting this blog.
Hi Marylin! Me, too! They do stay with you! Thank you for coming by!
I enjoyed this interview! I love Francine’s books and have read all of them!
Isn’t she wonderful! Thanks for saying hello!
I also enjoyed this interview! I love Francine’s books and I love your books, especially since I live in Oxford (Tula community) and worked at Ole Miss for 25 years!
Hi, Jean! That is so kind! thank you for the kind words! I do love Oxford, and my daughter and I both graduated from Ole Miss. My father grew up not terribly far from Oxford as well in Hickory Flat :) So glad you said hello here.
The one book that stands out to me is Redeeming Love. My sister-in-law actually recommended it to me after reading it herself. That book changed me and broke some pretty heavy chains in my own life that had me bound for years!! Some lies I believed about myself that weren’t true. My goodness I had never had a book (up to that point) impact me that much. I will be ever grateful to Francine for writing the kind of book that God used to speak to me just when I needed it :-)
I am putting the Mark of the Lion series on my must-read list, I’ve heard others say how much they loved it so I must check it out for myself :-)
I just finished Redeeming Love this past week. It was life changing. I’m definitely going to read the ones you recommended. Thank you. Great interview.
I absolutely love her writing. I enjoyed this interview. Have a blessed day.
Thanks for introducing Francine! I got really curious about reading her books!
Hi Laura! I’m so excited you’re going to check them out!
Blessings :)
Hi Jan! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I love her writing, too!
HI Dana! Yes, that the power of story that I was talking about–life changing! Great to see you here!
What an amazing testimony, Trixi! Isn’t it amazing what happens when someone gives their talents to the Lord!
I hope you love Hadassah like I did in the Mark of the Lion series.
I’ve read several of Francine’s books. My favorite so far has to be And the Shofar Blew.
Hi Gail! That’s a great one! I loved it!
It is so great to have authors willing to write about such deep subjects… life changing!
Hi, Susanne! I do think it is brave the subject Francine has dealt with. I haven’t gotten that brave yet in my own novels, I don’t think.
Thank you for the wonderful interview. Francine Rivers is probably my most recommended Christian authors when people ask me who to read! Many blessings to you both.
You’re welcome, Anne! I definitely recommend her, too! Blessings :)
I’ve read most of Francine Rivers’ books and loved then, especially Redeeming Love
I have read a number of Francine’s books and would love to win one! Thanks for the chance.
Hi Rosalyn! I’ve read and loved them, too! Redeeming Love is so deep.
Hi! You are in the drawing! Blessings :)
I love Francine’s books! I think I have them all. I can’t wait for the new one.
I didn’t get through. I would love to win the new one. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Brenda! I put you in the drawing!
They are all wonderful!
Thanks for the interview, Janet. My favorite book of Francine’s is Bridge to Haven, with my favorite character being the ever-faithful Joshua. I was so pleased to give my daughter a copy for Christmas. I hope Francine keeps writing!
HI Judith! I love sharing books with my daughter, too!