I had a lot of fun writing a “Friday Five” blog post last September, so I thought I’d do something similar since today’s post also happens to fall on a Friday. So, welcome to my “Friday Favorites” post!
I’ll be sharing my favorite things for the following five categories.
1) My favorite book this year: It’s hard for me to relax and read when I have deadlines to meet, but I’ll definitely make the time when one of my favorite authors has a new book out. Jenn Faulk is one of them, and boy, does she write meaningful and inspiring CCR! My favorite CCR book that I read this year is one of hers. I wholeheartedly recommend Meant To Be. This story made me swoon, cry, and want to read slower just so I could make the book last longer.
2) My favorite sweet snack: I love the combination of chocolate and nuts, so I was super happy to find Candy Coated Chocolate Peanuts at Trader Joe’s. This is my go-to snack for my late night chocolate cravings.
3) My (current) favorite Bible passage that I’ve been holding onto this year as my family has been going through some ups and downs with my hubby’s work situation:
Psalm 121 (NIV)
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
4) My favorite summertime activity with my kids: I can be quite a workaholic, but when it comes to summertime, I do my best to put on my “mom hat” during the day and leave the work for after my family goes to bed. My favorite activity to do with my kids while they’re on summer vacation involves two words: being present. Whether we’re swimming, going to the trampoline park, taking a walk around the neighborhood, or watching a movie, I remind myself to focus and enjoy our time together. As a mom of a teenager and a pre-teen, I’m becoming more aware of how fast my kids are growing and how precious these moments are.
5) My (new) favorite tug-at-my-heartstrings song: Tori Kelly’s new song, “Sorry Would Go A Long Way“, is one of those songs that makes you pause and reflect. The title alone says so much. And the heartfelt way Tori sings it hits you right in the gut. The lyrics are such a good reminder to not take the ones you love for granted. This is one of the songs I’ve been listening to as I write An Extra Spark, the fifth book in my Spark Brothers series. Thanks to a lot of late nights, I’m halfway through the story and hope to finish it in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait for you to meet Evan Spark and his love, Emma Dearan. These two have a lot of obstacles to overcome to reach their happy ever after, but I promise it’ll all be worth it.
What are your Friday Favorites? Please pick a category (or two or all five) and tell me what your favorites are. I look forward to reading your answers!
Hi Liwen, how fun, thanks for sharing:)
1. Favourite book- too hard to narrow down, I have read and re-read so many books that I love:)
2. I’m not a big sweet tooth- but I do love sticky cinnamon scrolls with cream cheese frosting!
3. I love Micah 6:8
4. A favourite summer time activity- sailing:)
5. I’m listening to Andrew Peterson’s Well Done, Good and Faithful a lot at the moment- pretty powerful no matter how many times I listen.
Hi Liwen! Delightful blog today. Always enjoy learning more about our fantastic Inspy Romance authors and readers.
1. My favorite all time summer read has been the Tuscan Legacy series by our inspiring Inspy Authors with a feisty granny, world travels, and intriguing paintings.
2. I have many favorite sweet snacks and often make a weekly trip to my favorite bakeries. For breakfast I enjoy raspberry scone. Yesterday enjoyed a raspberry chocolate tart or sometimes a lemon tart. My favorite chocolates are Ferrerro Rocher chocolate hazelnuts.
3. Bible passages are many, especially the Psalms. But in today’s hectic world – Isaiah 40:31: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and NOT be WEARY, and they shall walk and not faint.”
4. My favorite summer time activity is to be outdoors. Especially enjoy sitting on our beautiful town’s bluff and people watch. Fantastic view of Lake Michigan and our iconic lighthouse, the Compass Splash Fountain, listening to the music from the carousel, and smelling the delicious pizza while counting the rail cars when a freight or Amtrak train goes by.
5. Heartstrings song is by Rich Mullins: Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love. Love to crank it up while driving.
Best wishes. Looking forward to reading the replies.
I’m terrible with picking favorites.
My favorite book is whatever I’m reading now.
I love most things chocolate, but don’t mix my chocolate with peanut butter.
Same with scriptures, there are too many good ones to choose a favorite.
I love to play tennis, but I do that all year round.
1. Favorite book of 2019: Risking Love by Toni Shiloh
2. Favorite sweet snack: truffles from ALDI
3. Favorite verse: Philippians 4:8
4. Favorite summer activity: bingeing cooking reality shows ?
5. Favorite (current) song: “Lose Myself” by TobyMac
So hard to pick one favorite out of so many! I do love Jenn Faulk’s books too, but how to pick a favorite?? And so many favorite authors! I’m like Merrillee – whatever book I’m reading now is my favorite :-)
My go-to snack these days is Ghirardelli’s 60% dark chocolate squares. If I can have one a day, I’m good.
Ooh, I could really go for a cinnamon roll right now! ;) Thanks for reading and sharing your favorite things, Wemble!
Ooh, my hubby loves Ferrerro Rocher, too! I love that Rich Mullins song, too. I was fortunate to see him in concert during college and it was such a rich, blessed time of worship. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your favorite things, Renate!
Does the same go for chocolate and peanuts? LOL. Thanks for reading and sharing, Merrillee!
I had to smile when I read the cooking reality show part. My family always has the Food Network on when we stay at a hotel during a trip. :) Thanks for reading and sharing your favorites, Lila!
Ooh, I love dark chocolate, too! Good thing it’s healthy. :) Thanks for reading and sharing, Margaret!
Hi Liwen, I’m also terrible at picking favourite books. Even a ‘Top Ten Reads’ list is a struggle for me, lol. I’m snacking on original M&M’s as I read your post. Given a choice at the grocery store, I might pick a Mars Bar or milk chocolate Lindt balls over M&M’s. Thanks for sharing with us. :)
Favorite snack – sour patch watermelon
Favorite book – can’t choose!
Favorite song – Just be Held by Casting Crowns
Hi Narelle! You can’t go wrong with chocolate in any shape or flavor. :) Thanks for reading and sharing!
Hi MJSH! You’re not the only one having trouble choosing a favorite book. ;) Thanks for reading and sharing your favorites!