Hey fellow Christian-romance-novel-lovers! Krista here! I’m SO EXCITED to host my good friend and fellow author, Angie Dicken, on InspyRomance today! She has TWO books coming out this fall, The Outlaw’s Second Chance releasing from Love Inspired Historical in just THREE DAYS!!!, and My Heart Belongs in Castle Gate, Utah: Leanna’s Choice releasing from Barbour in November, so I invited her here to share some of HER thoughts on romance with us to celebrate her ROMANCE book releases!
Savoring the Moments of Romance We Once Knew
I still remember the glimmer in his blue eyes, capturing me across the crowded room. And then on our first date, the leap in my belly when he spoke of his interests that aligned with mine, and his sweet smile when I had his full attention.
As we dated, I recall how much my world was filled by him, how my heart was trained in erratic beats at his nearness, and how a sad wash would overcome me when we were apart.
For over twenty years, I’ve enjoyed the dance from a budding romance to a bloom-filled marriage with my college sweetheart. Sure, we’ve had our moments of gloom, our seasons of valley-walking, but when I look back and think on the moments which set my emotions rolling and my heart tripping, then I find myself ready to write a sweet romantic scene, or enjoy a good romantic read. When I read romance (as well as write it), my heartstrings pull and reverberate with all the love feelings I’ve ever felt. As I read, nostalgia mixes with the joy of a good story describing what I once knew for myself.
Doesn’t a good romance awaken our sleepy memories of what it once felt like to be in love?
Whether true, fulfilled romance or unrequited love lies in our past, the feelings and heartbeats were real. The reason I find myself wrapped up in a good romance time and again, is because my memories awaken and hook me to the heroine’s journey.
There’s an old cliché among authors…I’m sure that even some readers have heard it: “Write what you know”. And the wonderful thing about romance, is that nearly every adult human has had their share of it…whether it ends in heartache or elation, we’ve all felt the swoosh in our belly and the tingles on our necks. Romance appeals to our deepest desire to be loved, and to revel in love as the overarching force of good in life.
After reading romance, we are inspired, aren’t we? Perhaps, a dream has bloomed in your heart, one that entices you to savor the beauty of love and apply it in your own life now. Or maybe, you are being called to reapply love to a relationship that has grown stale and dull?
Romance is at the human core, it’s in our bones. As you read and encounter a meet cute or a first touch, stop and remember when you were a real, live heroine. Rediscover what it felt like. Find yourself in the pages, and cling to what you might have in common with the heroine of the story. Romance is a root in all of us, so why not revel in the art of it on a page?
Angie Dicken credits her love of story to reading British literature during life as a military kid in Cambridgeshire, England. Now living in the U.S., she’s an ACFW member, a blog contributor to the Writer’s Alley, a baseball mom, and a self-proclaimed foodie. Two of her historical romance novels comprise her Fall 2017 debut: The Outlaw’s Second Chance, in September, and My Heart Belongs in Castle Gate, Utah, in November. She also writes historical and contemporary fiction. You can connect with her on social media and learn about upcoming releases at www.angiedicken.com.
Krista here: LOVE THIS!! Readers — what is one of your favorite “romance” memories (keep it G or PG please!) from your young-love stage? Mine was that moment that I first received flowers from my man. It was just 3 red roses, but I remember feeling like I was going to faint straight away right there. A BOY SENT ME FLOWERS. I married that boy less than a year later :-)
Those who comment will be entered to win an ebook copy of The Outlaw’s Second Chance!!!
Hi Krista and thanks for hosting your friend and fellow author, Angie Dicken! As an avid reader, an inspiring romance story may awaken memories and inspiring a couple. After meeting, my now husband of 44 years, being a poor college student on our first Christmas together, he bought me a pearl promise ring. Totally unexpected and sweet, especially since he was not the romantic kind. My final semester at college, I was student teaching in my home town, but commuted to college to finish a final class, and for Valentine’s Day he met me at my class with a single plastic red rose. The winter was brutal and he knew a real rose would not survive my 3 hour class and my hour commute home. In the early 1970s, there were no silk roses. Congratulations Angie on your release and best wishes.
Welcome & congrats !!! The cover of your book would draw me to your book ! Can’t wait to read it !
Thanks for visiting Inspy Romance, Angie! My husband and I celebrated our 37th anniversary a few days ago. We were high school sweethearts at a boarding school with major “social regs” (regulations that determined how guys and girls could relate to each other on campus). My early romance memories are simple – meeting his gaze across the classroom, “accidentally” bumping into each other in the corridors, and skating a few rounds together on Saturday afternoons at the arena – not many, lest someone would notice it was more than casual!
Wow, what wonderful memories, Renate! Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you, Nikki! Love Inspired does such a great job with their covers! Can’t wait for you to read it!
What wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing!
Don’t enter me. Congratulations Angie! I have read and loved The Outlaw’s Second Chance! I’ve pre-ordered My Heart Belongs at Castle Gate too.
One of my favorite romance memories is when my, now husband (of 34 years), asked me if he could kiss me.
My heart melted into a puddle around my feet.
Oh that’s so sweet!! What a gentleman! So excited to see what you think about my November release! Thanks for reading, Andrea!!
Most of my courtship with my husband was by letter, as he was in the Air Force and stationed in Korea. He wrote to me nearly every day! Later I discovered he does NOT like to write letters!! Also, on Valentine’s Day, he sent me red roses!!
I am definitely inspired after reading romance. Sometimes I’m reading in bed with my husband and I make him stop reading his book just to tell him how much I love him (because of something that inspired me in the book I had been reading). He thinks I’m crazy, asks me what kind of book I’ve been reading that prompted me to stop so abruptly, but them when I tell him it’s not a big deal, I just felt inspired, he hugs me and tells me to keep reading these books. :D
He was the first man to give me a flower. It was my birthday and we barely new each other. We were out eating with a bunch of friends from church and I barely knew him, but he gave me a red rose (someone was walking table by table and selling roses so apparently he thought I deserved it because it was my birthday, but none of us had romantic thoughts for each other back then). The next year, 2 roses… then a few months later, we started dating… and we got married a few months after 7 roses (we both finished college and got our masters degrees during this time) and we’re up to 13 this year (2 days before Sam was born.. I barely got to enjoy my flowers).
can’t think of any
Would love to read this!
Your books sound like they would be fun to read. My husband of 37 years isn’t the romantic type, but he brings flowers or chocolates. I know I can count on him if I need anything. We’ve been through valleys and mountain tops together.
Great to see you here Angie! No need to add my name to the pot as I’ve read & reviewed your book. I think my favorite thing about reading Love Inspired books is they always make me think of all the ways my husband shows me his love.
I was the first one to kiss him in our early dating life, and I think it took both of us by surprise! It still makes me giggle and warms my heart 20 years later :-)
Thanks for sharing the role of romance in our lives! One of my favorite memories… my husband took me to a restaurant to ask if we could start dating. We had been friends for awhile, dated different people through our friendship, had our hearts broken around the same time, and ended up hanging out more together….and I remember how nervous both of us were then! Sweet memories.
The night my, now, husband and I decided we were “officially” dating, he was making us a chicken casserole for dinner and he was so distracted by our dating discussion that he forgot to put the chicken in the casserole!
My husband and I have been married for 49 years this year. We met through a neighbor. Our first date consisted of a drive around town and listening to music on the radio. He was a very shy fella at that time. I remember the song playing was Red Rubber Ball. What a song to remember!! We dated for several months and he asked me 3 times to marry him before I ever said yes. Guess I was playing hard to get (?) It was the best and most wonderful thing I have ever done. We have a blessed marriage with hardly no quarreling ever. He is the best person to have come into my life and I thank God everyday for that.
Aw, how sweet! My husband wrote me letters while I studied abroad–before we were married. I love real-live letters!!
I love that reading romance deepens your love for your hubby! Thanks for sharing!
That’s ok! :) Thanks for reading.
Thanks for stopping by, Susanne!
Thank you for sharing. Sounds like perseverance is key to any good marriage! :)
Oh sweet! We have more in common too…I was the first to kiss my hubby in our dating days too!
Thank you for sharing! That is so sweet. :)
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
I’m a little late commenting here, but one of my favorite romantic memories is the first time my husband held my hand. ~sigh~
Hi Angie,
One of my memories would be when my Kidergarten boyfriend who stayed my boyfriend into first grade…in 1st grade he gave me an engagement ring. It was a gold colored plastic ring from the gumball machine. His name was Jason and he was the sweetest. Until I met another Jason….lol but that’s a whole different story! haha! :D