Did I ever tell you about that one time I thought I wanted to be a nurse?
Yeah. That didn’t work out.
I was a good student. Not always straight As, but I was close enough. When I entered nursing school, I failed every test in the first two months.
Wake up! You don’t belong here!
So, I shifted over to English concentration classes, and things started to pick up.
Choosing a college major was tough for me. I was decent at learning most subjects, but I didn’t excel at anything.
I remember walking into the last lab I attended in nursing school. The instructor began explaining how to clean a trach tube.
Now, I’d done well at washing my hands and changing the sheets on beds. But that day, I knew in my heart that it took a special person to be a nurse, and I didn’t have what it takes.
Fast forward a decade, and I’m spending my nights with my husband’s grandmother, Nanny, at the hospital. She was there for sixteen days, and you better believe I remembered those old nursing school days. Not what I learned from all of those failed tests, but the dedication and kindness needed to care for ailing people day after day.
When I married my husband, it was because I loved him, and I wanted to make a life with him. Little did I know that I would come to love his family as my own.
When Nanny was sick, she was the best patient that hospital had ever seen. She told everyone to have a blessed day. She thanked profusely. She went on and on about her appreciation for the doctors and nurses. She was a dream patient.
And through all of it, I watched her strong faith in the Lord and her Christ-like attitude wash away the fear and pain. She’s a believer through and through.
Nanny’s faith renewed my own. I strive to be the Christian she is, and it was my pleasure to attend to her in those days. I spent many of those nights sitting beside her hoping my stories would inspire someone the way she’d inspired me with her overwhelming kindness.
Love comes in many forms and sometimes in ways we never expected, like when my husband’s family became my own and I was doubly blessed.
So, when I think of Christian romance, I think of a man and a woman falling in love with God as their foundation.
But when I think of love stories, those come in all forms. Being blessed with two amazing families is a love story worth telling. This is exactly why the stories I write usually center around the cornerstone of family. Two will always be stronger than one, and a supportive family is a gift I’ll always appreciate.
Writing the Blackwater Ranch series made me reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. I’m smart enough to know that I don’t know what the future holds, but I’ll have a big family beside me through it all.
The Blackwater Ranch series allowed me to explore my past. I grew up on a cattle farm, and to this day, everyone in my dad’s side of the family lives on those acres except me and my little family. We live about twenty minutes away, and I still visit almost every day.
The Harding family you meet in the Blackwater Ranch series is my family. They’re the backbone of my upbringing. Down-home folks who work hard and love the Lord. They’re kindness and hope, and I want to share that blessing with readers everywhere.
Someone out there is looking for a home, and I write stories where characters find their place in the world and with our Savior. I love writing books, and each one builds my faith and friendships.
This week, I’m releasing the sixth and final book in the Blackwater Ranch series. To celebrate, I’m putting all the books on sale.
Remembering the Cowboy (Noah and Camille) – Free
Charmed by the Cowboy (Lucas and Maddie) – Free
Mistaking the Cowboy (Asher and Haley) – 99 cents
Protected by the Cowboy (Micah and Laney) – 99 cents
Keeping the Cowboy (Aaron and Jade) – 2.99
Redeeming the Cowboy (Hunter and Felicity) – 2.99
They’re all in Kindle Unlimited, but if you’re not subscribed, I hope you get a chance to grab them while they’re on sale.
This series may be ending, but there is a new story (or six) on the horizon. *Wink, wink*
I want to give away an ebook copy of the newest book in this series, Redeeming the Cowboy. To enter, comment below and tell me what you like most about families in Christian romances. I’ll choose a winner on Tuesday, July 20, 2021.
Your Nanny sounds amazing and her cheerful words probably made the staffs day especially when dealing with other difficult patients. When mum was in the nursing home if she got frustrated and cross with a nurse or nursing aide she would call then in when they went by an apologize. I saw it several times and it made me feel proud of her for doing it.
I like how families stick together, even if they don’t always agree when it comes to difficult times or someone in the family in need they will rise to the occasion. They often make me wish I had had that family. (Not saying mine were bad but after dad died my brother and I were not close, he is over 4 years older and at 16 tried to fill that spot and I didn’t need a new dad). it also makes me wish we had had a closer extended family. I am the youngest on both sides, 4 years younger than my cousin on mums side and about 8 or 9 years younger than the youngest on dads side. Didn’t really have a lot of contact with those cousins and after dad died mum didn’t drive and we are several hundred miles away from the closest relatives.
Oh, what a blessing you have, Mandi!! When my mother-in-law was in the hospital for pneumonia, she, too, would thank all the nurses and techs, even the ones who had to do unpleasant things (like cleaning her trach tube). Some of those techs were in tears for having received Mom’s kindness. It was amazing.
My wife and I have that same feeling of being made part of the other’s family. It is a wonderful treasure.
No need to include me in the drawing. I just took advantage of your sale to complete my collection. :-)
Nanny sounds like a real treasure to every life she touched!
What a blessing, inspiration and example you and Nanny are. In the midst of the most severe lockdown to date, your post helped me be grateful my mum is still with us even if she is in hospital interstate. Thank you. :)
Your Mum sounds lovely!
I hope you enjoy the books!
She is. We’re planning a trip to see the Grand Canyon in a few weeks, and I hope she is recovered enough to enjoy the trip.
She is truly a blessing. Even if you can’t be together with your mum right now, I’m glad you have the ability to keep in touch. Kind words go a long way, and we all love hearing them!
I come from a large close knit family. When I married, I gained a whole new family that took me in and loved me like their own. So I love the dynamics of a big happy Christian family that gets in each other’s business when I read Christian fiction. The more the merrier and the louder the better.
When I was young I too wanted to be a nurse, I never pursued it though. My daughter went to college wanting to be a Doctor, well being a Doctor wasn’t in God’s plan for her, she instead became an RN, she is a very compassionate person and she loves being able to help people and as a nurse she takes more time with patients then a Dr. does, and she loves that. Our son in law is also an RN, so my dream of being a nurse wasn’t in God’s plans for me, but He did Bless me with 2 nurses for me. I was Blessed to be there for both my parents when they got sick and needed help, I was able to help them out and care for them. The farthest I got to being a nurse was being a Nurse’s aid in a Nursing Home which helped me alot in caring for my parents. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story , you are a very caring person, God Bless you. Have a Great weekend and stay safe.
I feel the same way. There’s so much to love!
You’re a very caring person too! Sometimes, our dreams aren’t meant for us, but it’s wonderful that you get to see your daughter and son-in-law fulfil that dream.
You already know I love this series!! When Mom was in the hospital, before being brought home on hospice, her CNA would stay by her bed and brush her hair back, which is what I did a lot while I was with Mom there. She would tell me how sweet Mom was, and how she loved getting to take care of her. It was nice to see them take such good care of her, and I know it wasn’t just when I was there. One of the nurses did everything in her power to get her supervisor to let me stay with Mom at night, though they never did break that rule. I was so glad when we finally could bring her home, though she was only home five days before she passed.
Nurses are certainly special! I’m so glad you had kind nurses when your mom was in the hospital.
Family is such a blessing. My mother in law was a wonderful woman who helped fill my heart when my own mum passed away while I was still a young mother. My in laws were a gift to me from God.
I enjoy the love, care and devotion they have for each other. It is not what most of us receive in life. Many of us come from split homes. Parents who have issues themselves. Life is not always so easy. It is nice to be able to escape into a book where life is so peaceful and content. God bless you.
I love the closeness in family series, I especially enjoy seeing extended family supporting the couple in the book. Or sometimes pushing (gently, of course) the hero/heroine together and doing a little matchmaking. That’s always fun!
So for me, the closeness, support, love, family bond & everyone having fun together are so nice to see in a story. Yes, there might be a bit of fussing or misunderstanding sometimes…but there’s still love & working things out because of that love.
I felt when I got married that I got closer to my in laws & we were close since my husband & I were young kids. I love to read stories with families bonding & becoming very close as well to support each other in them.
I enjoy stories that there’s a lot of love, caring, & family members there to help each other through everything. It shows the true meaning of love.
I like it when families in Christian romances go to church together and all share the same faith even if they sometimes fail, have different points of view, or stray.
I come from a family where no one is Christian, only my parents have faith in God the rest are atheists, agnostics, Jews or fans of Hinduism or neo paganism, so I do not have many people who support me in my faith or strengthen me, meetings of Large families often include many attempts to mislead / convince me to try non-Christian things, or that living as a young Christian causes you to miss out on the “best of life”, then you can already share the gospel several times each time you see them no one seems very interested.
I’m so glad you have that blessing.
I think we’re all searching for family and a place to call home. My hope is that we all find that happiness.
Those are all great aspects of family in stories and in life.
I had the same experience. It’s wonderful when romance and love bring further joy to your life.
Yes. Love isn’t always romantic. Family love is special.
I’m so sorry you go through that. I admire you for holding true to your faith. I hope that one day their eyes will be open to the love of our Savior.
I like large families in a Christian romance series, where each book centers on one family member and their romance, but other family are there as side characters. I enjoy the family gatherings and wondering who the next book in the series will be about. And seeing them all go to church together.
I enjoy small or large families in books but the thing I enjoy the most about them is the interplay between the characters whether siblings or parents. That and the fact that by the time you finish the boom you often feel a part of the family.
They support each other no matter what and they are not afraid to tell the truth as it is!