The other day I went to a book festival event near my hometown. This secular event had a number of high profile Australian authors speak, include Tom Kenneally (author of Schindler’s Ark which became the film Schindler’s List) and Candice Fox, who co-writes with James Patterson and has had TV shows made of her books. I wasn’t one of those speakers. Instead, I sat with nine other local authors in an ‘author’s alley’ set up, where we tried to convince the passing reading public to check out our bookish wares. I sold a few books, including some to the librarians, and while I made some good connections with people, and the overall experience was okay, it was also kind of hard.
I’m way more used to speaking at church and womens’ meetings, of having people actually want to talk to me about my books. I’m less used to the polite aversion of eyes as readers walk past the (desperate) authors trying to ply their goods. And as an introvert, after a while it gets a little tricky to paste a smile on your dial, especially when people bypassed my table to speak to the woman parked next to me who was dressed as a white witch. Honestly, at times l felt a little small, looked past, and ignored.
Sometimes that’s easy to feel as an author. It happens when everyone seems to be singing the praises of a new release from somebody who already has best-seller status and you’d love a fraction of their sales. Sometimes it’s in the knockbacks, the endorsement requests ignored from fellow authors, the awards others win, the longed-for deals others make, contracts others sign that you wish were yours. Envy and comparison are things we can struggle with. Just being real here.
But I’ve also come to learn that with writing there are seasons. That God is working things out for our good. That a no might actually mean not yet. That it might also mean He’s saving us FROM something that would not be of benefit, and saving us FOR something better. I think that’s part of what trusting God means, trusting that He will open the right doors and close the wrong ones as He sees fit. I’ve seen God do that many times in my life and in my writing career.
One of the authors doing the guest talks didn’t just glide by. Candice Fox went out of her way to talk to various of us locals, and I thanked her for taking time for stopping to talk to those of us on the ‘lower rungs of the author ladder.’ She said she doesn’t see authors through the lens of sales or awards, but that each person is there because they pushed through and completed a book and got it published. Then she looked at my books, asked which was dirty, to which I said they’re all clean, then she said she liked the title of The Breakup Project and bought it. Now I have no idea if she’ll ever read it (it’s pretty Christian), but I pray that if she does that God might somehow touch her heart. Who knows if I was there for just that moment?
I have to admit that I like her philosophy. People are people, all with stories to tell, and it’s the complexity of our humanness that we use to craft our words to connect with and inspire and hopefully entertain readers. And I don’t want to dismiss people, or weigh my – or others’ – value according to temporal measures, but see them as beloved by God. That’s part of what I try to reflect in my romance books.
I think I’d do the event again. It had its hard moments, but it was also good to offer a contrast to some of the darker books out there, to have something suitable for the poor embarrassed lady who simply wanted a clean romance read. And while at times things may seem a little awkward or tiring or we’re ignored I think it’s good to reflect and remember that God can use each of us for His purposes, wherever He sees fit.
And that’s something I’m honestly honoured to be part of.
Now over to you.
Have you been to hear an author speak? Do you go to book festivals, book signings or other book events? What are some of your most memorable author encounters?
I have been to a couple of book signings where the author gave a talk.
Mem Fox, the children’s author, gave such a fabulous talk and reading.
What a wonderful post, Carolyn. I recognise the struggles you describe deep in my bones. Thank you for being real! And you’re so right about how we can trust God, even with the closed doors and the “nos”.
I’ve not read Candice Fox’s books, but I’m doing a writing course where the instructor uses one of her opening chapters to illustrate writing techniques. She’s a brilliant wordsmith.
The only author event I’ve attended was really special. I was in 5th grade and the children’s author Gordon Korman came to our school, read aloud a chapter from one of his books, and encouraged aspiring authors to keep writing. :-)
God had you there for His Glory even though we don’t always see or understand He was working. I believe you were the light in the darkness.
No I have never been to anything like that or ever met an author.
As a kid my mom used to read a lot of Tomie dePaola books to my brother and me and when I was 10 I had the opportunity to go a book signing event that he was doing. I thought it was pretty cool to meet the author of the books I enjoyed reading.
Bravo Carolyn!
I think you were brave to try something different. Great you were able to be a representative for Christian Fiction. I pray that author would read your book and be touched for God! I bet God used you to touch others that day, too! And He used that experience to help you grow!
I love your attitude of being a servant. Blessings to you and your family!
Yes I have heard christian authors speak from our church, and then their books were on sale afterwards. We have a number of signed books from those authors. It was a pleasure and fun to hear from them. Thank you for sharing your experience today.
Hi, Carolyn! Your post resonates with me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your heart here.
For several years (much younger years) I thought I was working toward a degree that would enable me to teach at the college level. God allowed circumstances which took me out of that path entirely. It took 20+ years to realize that he had not thwarted my dreams but had given me new ones. He also allowed me to dodge a bullet because I would have been ill suited to work in that environment for the long haul.
I have found that showing Christ to others by simply being a kind and decent person can have a huge impact. We are all at different points along the journey. Some plant, others water, God grants the increase. It may have been that, not only did He have you there to receive something from the experience, He had you there to provide something to the experience to others. I have learned some important lessons (not all of them pleasant but good lessons nonetheless) from being in secular places.
I haven’t been to book events but I have had wonderful interactions with published authors right here at IR. Most of that has been via posts here but several have grown into email exchanges that I now treasure. I have met music artists whose work I have enjoyed and that has been a blessing as well.
Who knows? Maybe that white witch needed to know that being a Christian romance author was a real thing that a nice person could do and not turn into a raving maniac. Job well done. :-)
I haven’t been to a book signing, as the ones close to me are not Christian, and I don’t want those books. I have met two authors, and look forward to meeting more in the future, if it works out. I’ll actually be meeting up with an author at the end of this month, though not for a book signing, but for brunch!
I was never good with puplic speaking and don’t think I would make a very good salesperson.
I’ve been to two book signings. I’ve met quite a few authors and have become friends with a few of them.
First of all, I can relate to you so much Carolyn! My husband was very gracious to take me to an author event about 4 yrs ago at a bookstore two hours from us because one of my Love Inspired authors was going to be a part of it (she lives in Beaverton, a suburb of Portland OR). She was the only Christian writer & it was a bit awkward for me as a reader to be surrounded by secular authors who I’ve never heard of nor would read their books. However, like Candice did for you, I didn’t look at them for the kind of books they wrote, but I looked at them as people who published books and succeeded in a dream they had. We had some nice chats & they were wonderfully warm & friendly people!
Then I met you (and your lovely husband) at the Christian bookstore in the same vicinity as where the other author lives. That was a great environment because it was Christian & just “felt” different. Well, I also found you and your husband to be warm & friendly and it wasn’t awkward at all. :-) I saw the delight on peoples faces who came to see you & it looked like there was some wonderful conversations going on too. What a fun day that was!
I also agree, that sometimes God puts us in places to shine our light to a dark world. I think maybe He put you there that day so that Candice could not only read a clean book, but for the Gospel message to spread through your story. Only the Lord knows how He will use it, but He did use you to plant that seed. He NEVER wastes anything….ever! I think of the story of Esther in the Bible, God put her in the place He did for just a time as that. He can do the same for any of us & I LOVE that! Even in uncomfortable & awkward situations, we just have to trust Him and keep on shining our light!
Mem is fabulous, isn’t she? I think that’s the thing with author talks, you get all the fabulous insight and inspiration about the why that really helps bring the book alive! Thanks for sharing.
Ooh, I LOVED Gordon Korman’s books! I found his kids books so funny (I still have them). What an experience! Thanks so much for sharing.
I choose to believe that too. One day I hope you’ll meet lots of your author friends!
Yes! So fun to get to experience something like that. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much Paula. I can only pray God uses my feeble efforts for His glory. Appreciate your encouragement.
It’s always fun to hear the motivation for why people wrote that particular book, isn’t it? I have another opportunity to do that next weekend in a church environment, so that should be fun :)
Thanks so much Lincoln. That is indeed so important to remember. Our God has good plans for us, and we can trust Him. Thanks so much for sharing.
Well brunch certainly sounds fun! What a great way to connect! (I’m a fan of brunch anytime…) I hope you are both blessed and encouraged!
Book signings can be so fun! And it is fun connecting with authors, and learning more about the stories behind the stories, isn’t it?
So many Amens to this, Trixi. I really appreciate your support and encouragement for me and for so many other authors. Thanks for your encouragement today xx
I’ve never been to an author talk but I would love to! among other reasons, no author that I admire or like has come to my country or city that I know of.
I found it interesting what you mentioned about how in your Church everyone is interested in your books vs. in this secular event. Since I have known Christian fiction I have realized something similar, a well-known author among Christians can be a total unknown in the world of secular readers. An author whose books are praised among Christians for being biblical and confrontational may be hated for that very reason in the secular environment.
I think it’s normal…the world doesn’t love the Bible or Jesus so why expect non-believers to be attracted en masse to a Christian author?
Also authors who consider having a modest or small success should always remember that there are people who would like to be in their place such as those who have not yet published their first book or are just beginning to write.
So many good points here, Lilly. It’s easy for all of us to at times fall into playing the comparison game, which is probably why God tells us to keep our eyes fixed on Him!
Thanks for sharing.
Did you get a photo with any of the guests?
I have been to a lot of book signings, Most were for Australian Cricketers (Steve Waugh many times) After getting a book signed by Steve Waugh I was with another cricket fan and Glenn McGrath was at another store signing. there was no one in line so I go his book signed and a photos.
Only been to one Christian author book launches and signings which was here at the local Christian bookstore (which is now closed).
I have also been to an Author talk by an Author from Adelaide with a daughter living here. I forget her name but writes rural fiction
There is an upcoming Author event of an author who is writing about WW1 Nurses.
I have been to a readers retreat in Spokane Washington State. We had 3 LI writers (and a couple just visiting for the day) and some readers all due to Goodreads. It was so much fun although I missed the first day due to being on tour. It was done to fit in with my trip to America.
I also got to meet a few other LI authors and aspiring authors in Atlanta. They took me to lunch and we have a wonderful time.
haven’t been
No photo of me with them except for one I took the next day when they were doing their panel. It is fun to see authors sharing about their books, isn’t it?
I hope one day you get the chance to.
I’ve only had a personal book signing with a friend but otherwise I have not yet to see an author I’m into to go get a book signed.
No, I have not been to any signings but my area there isn’t a lot either.
I have only met one author in person and she lives here in my town. I bought a book from her and she signed it. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
Thank you so much for sharing. I have met one author. Actually, it was just last week. I was anxious about making the trip. I am disabled. I was concerned if I would be able to walk to get into the bookstore as well as make the trip home. We had a wonderful time. I would do it again. God bless you.