Hi all! Fall is here. I’m being upfront and honest–I don’t care for Pumpkin Spice anything. I hope you’ll keep reading!!
Seriously, though, I do need your help.
As readers are you interested in meeting the authors whose books you enjoy? I hope the answer is yes. So let’s talk scenarios. Some of you that have been visiting Inpsy for a while might remember me posting pictures of a Reader’s Luncheon.
So these events are so much fun. You sit with an author, you usually get swag, and a nice lunch. We always had a best selling author as a main speaker, a short skit, and we let each author read a small portion of a scene of their book. The luncheon was followed by a book signing. The price of the ticket was around $35 to $40.
Book Signings.
The picture on the left is my daughter and me at one of my book signings. I usually give away a basket of goodies. The bookstore provides a space and an opportunity to sign books that people purchase. The cost of this event is free. The picture on the right is me at a book signing with one of my favorite authors. Also, I would like to say something to readers attending book signings. I can only speak for myself, but I honestly don’t care if you don’t purchase a book. Just coming to the event is awesome in my opinion. I’ve been in situations at times where money is tight, and if the release is a hardback, well, it can be pricy. Especially if you have a cool bookstore close by and they schedule several events close together. (So go, and be guilt free if you just chat with the author.)
Conference events open to the public.
Readers pay to attend book lovers convention. These are all different and different events may or may not cost extra money. Of course there is a ton of reader swag, a ton of authors, and in this shot of an event I was part of we even hired a band. The ticket prices vary depending on how many days you want to attend.
As a reader can you give your honest opinion regarding which of these events would interest you and why? Also, which ones wouldn’t interest you. How far would you drive to attend one of these events? I’d also like to know if you have local bookstores that host events like these. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! I’d also love to hear if you’ve attended an event similar–or different–and what you loved (or maybe an area that could have been improved.)
Thank you so much! For being gracious with your feed back I’ll choose 2 commenters at random to receive a $5 amazon gift card each.
Hi Lindi, these events all sound great! I’m in the UK and I don’t know of many local events like this – occasionally bookshops in the city nearest to me has book signings but I’ve not come across any of the others. I have quite young children at the moment so it’s hard for me to get away so I would need things to be quite local, but pre-kids (and hopefully once they’re a bit bigger and I have a reliable babysitter) I would happily travel to other cities for these sort of events. I love the idea of author lunches and reader’s conventions, not just to meet authors (though that would be great!) but to meet others who enjoy the same sort of books.
Ruthie—I understand about having younger children. And yes, you bring up a great point. Meeting other readers is amazing–you honestly will never run out of things to talk about.
I’d love the chance to meet some of my favorite authors! Things like ACFW Storyfest really interest me but I couldn’t make it there this year. I have gone to an event an author hosted where she put together tours od the historical houses her books were set in. It was so fun, and it was lovely to get to see her on a more personal level like that.
Megan–Well, that sounds like a fun time! How inventive of that author. I’m sure great conversations were had, and great insights into the author were revealed. How fun!
They all sound like fun!! Actually, this year my oldest sister and I drove to have breakfast with two authors!! It was about 140 miles total for me, as I drove to my sister’s and then we went together from her house. It only cost us breakfast, and we each received signed books from both author’s. It was the first time I met one of them, and the second time I met the other, and the first for my sister to meet both.
Trudy—Yay! That sounds fun. Like I mentioned above I don’t believe there would be a silent minute with so much in common. And what a fun day for you and your sister.
sounds fun; maybe if close by
I can not drive and my income is too limited to attend an event.
I would love to but I get anxious around people especially when I don’t know anyone.
I have only been to one book signing. I drove about an hour to a book signing in a bookstore (Barnes and Noble). It was located in a college town. I have never been to any other book event. I walk with a walker, so it is challenging for me to get around. Toledo does have a Barnes and Noble. I have never heard of it having writers come though. I know there is an indy bookstore in Perrysburg, Ohio that does have authors come for book signings. I had planned to go to one there, but it was cancelled due to Covid. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
I am late but I went from my town in South Australia all the way to Spokane WA USA to go to a readers retreat. We had a few LI authors and readers it did conincide with my trip but the retreat was arranged around my trip. Janet Tronstad and Jillian Hart were the authors in charge. Danica Favourite was there at that stage it was prior to her debut book and one of the LIS authors came for awhile. I missed Camy Tang by one day.
I also had lunch with 4 authors in Atlanta including Deby Guisti (sp), Pattie Jo Moore, Missy Tippens and Patty Hall Smith (may have got the surnames round the wrong way). I would go to an Reader appreciation luncheon and for me it would be either 4 hours one way or about 5 – 6 the other.
We use to have a Christian bookshop that had a few authors come for a launch and signing. (small country town so not as many) The local library also does author events.
As for a conference. If it fitted in with me being in the city and easy to get to via transport (some of the Aussie ones are not easy to access by public transport) I would be open to going to a book event. (I don’t travel like I use to due to health issues)
But I want to return to the states and Canada and would love to meet more authors.
Hi Ausjenny from SW Michigan (Midwest USA). You have had some great long distance experiences. I am also late to respond to this post. My SW Michigan community has book signings several times a year at the local independent bookstore Forever Books. As a high school English teacher, at National English Conferences in Indianapolis, Indiana or Nashville, Tennessee I have meet authors. My furthest distance to meet authors was in 1996 after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when I attended a seminar for college professors in the former East Berlin and spent a week with 5 famous East German authors. A memorable experience. Now as a retiree I interact with authors through social media. Best wishes to all. Enjoy the weekend.
Hi—I understand you wanting something close by. :)
Jcp–Be on the lookout for book signings—they are usually free-and grab a reader friend to drive you! :) Blessings!
Lucy–I understand. Some of these events can seem overwhelming. Some book signings are small events. I appreciate your input.
Debra—Ohio!! I was born around the Akron-Canton area and lived there until I was 15. Yes, Covid did stall these types of events. Thankfully they are starting back up again. Maybe one will come your way soon. :)
nice to hear from you. I would love to go to one of these. But I do get a lot from our church who sponsors many authors and musicians. We get to get a book or more or music, we get to talk with the authors/musicians. Etc. It is a great night of fun.
Jenny–Your trip sounds amazing—and Debby, Missy, Patti and Patty are friends of mine. How fun!! If you come back to Atlanta give me a shout! It sounds like you are open to different kind of events. That’s awesome.
Renate–Yes, Jenny has had wonderful author times. Sounds like you have as well. :) Don’t you love it when your experiences impact you? I love the name of that bookstore-Forever Books.
Lori–How awesome your church does that. I love music as well. Sounds like fun times.