Hi. My name is Jessica Keller and I believe in romance. I believe in honorable men. I believe one of the greatest adventures in life is completely trusting another person. I believe in faithfulness. Loyalty. I believe in love.
I also believe that all those things are never as easy as they sound. That waiting for love and fighting for our marriages and trusting others can leave us hurt, bitter, or scared. That many people are turning over the wrong rocks in search for meaning, in search of their own worth.
Sometimes it all makes us doubt the love of God too.
And this is why I read and write romance, because in the end every romance book boils down to one thing: Hope. Hope that we can find love. Hope that noble heroes still exist. Hope that we can be forgiven. The hope of redemption.
Spending time reading or writing romance isn’t silly or fanciful. Unfortunately, in the midst of my writing journey I’ve been made to feel that way. But people who think that are wrong. The books I’ve read and the characters who have walked their way across my heart have made huge impacts on my life.
Romance is important.
I’m new around here but you’ll be seeing a lot of me in the next year. I should probably tell you a little bit about myself though, right? How about seven facts about me?
- I have broken almost every bone in my body at some point or another—including my skull, jaw, and ribs.
- My husband and I can hold entire conversations by quoting lines from musicals to each other.
- I’m a mother to one giggly little girl and have been in love with my husband since we were teenagers.
- I love to cook and bake and have been told that all my books make people hungry (apparently my characters cook and eat a lot too).
- I’ve worked as a zookeeper, horse wrangler, and once planned an entire event to save and provide the means to care for exotic reptiles confiscated through smuggling rings.
- I’m a first generation American on one side of my family tree and the other side dates back to before the Civil War.
- My first book released on my daughter’s due date (but she beat my book into the world by a couple of days).
Last but not least, I’m a multi-published author who writes sweet romance for Love Inspired. My debut book was Home for Good and is a standalone (though there are side characters in that book that I want to write about someday). Everything else I’ve published with Love Inspired has been in my Goose Harbor series.
Goose Harbor is a fictional, friendly tourist town nestled within the picturesque sand dunes that line Lake Michigan’s shore in the state of Michigan. Residents of Goose Harbor are quirky and love their town traditions and annual events, but more importantly, they always leave room for love. I’m currently writing the sixth book in the Goose Harbor series and there are plans for many more.
To celebrate my first day blogging on Inspy Romance I’m going to be giving away 2 paperback copies of The Single Dad Next Door (giveaway open worldwide) to someone who comments on the blog today. It’s the third book in the Goose Harbor series (the fourth book releases this August). The winners will be announced on Sunday.
Here’s the blurb for it:
Love Comes Home
All Maggie West has ever wanted is a family to call her own. But her new neighbor, single dad Kellen Ashby, is definitely not the man to make that dream come true. His daughters are sweet and silly, the kind of kids Maggie used to imagine having herself. But Kellen has just inherited the inn Maggie manages—her former family home—and the two butt heads at almost every turn. He’s handsome, and clearly a devoted father, but with all the changes taking place, Maggie worries she may soon be jobless, homeless or both. At war with her emotions, Maggie will have to decide what truly matters—heart or home.
So … since we’re all lovers of romance here, let’s talk! Why do you read romance? What’s your favorite thing about reading romance? Your favorite type of hero? Also, feel free to ask me anything about my books or about the seven things I shared or tell me fun things about yourselves. I’d love to get to know you all better.
Welcome to Inspy Romance, Jessica! It’s great to meet you. Oh my word, you’ve broken nearly every bone? As a child or an adult? Congratulations on your release!
I like stories with happy endings! I used to drive my family a little crazy when I would read the ending first and then read the rest of the book if i liked the ending. I’ve stopped doing that now, but I still like happy endings!
Hi Jessica, Welcome to Inspy Romance, and congrats on your latest release :)
Welcome to Inspy Romance and for your inspirational introduction. Goose Harbor sounds very familiar to SW Michigan with Warren Dunes . I look forward to reading about Goose Harbor. We have a lot in common. I love to cook and bake and care for my comical little granddaughter. Since I was born in Berlin, Germany my sons are first generation Americans from my side of the family, but my husband can trace his family back to Squire Boone. Besides living in Michigan for 50 years, I also live in Chicago in the 1980s and visit often.
I have been reading inspirational romances since being a teenager. Reading romance is about hope. As a young adult and wife, reading romances was about hope to find love with the noble hero; but then as a mother and grandmother reading romances is more about forgiveness and redemption. Always looking for the romance with an edge a unique setting, not your typical hero, or a unique mission or message. The diversity of romance writers and their craft is inspiring.
Best wishes and welcome.
Thanks for sharing about yourself. I enjoy reading romance because I like to see people find that special person and enjoy the happy ending.
Thanks for sharing about yourself. I haven’t had a chance to read any of your books yet, but I’m looking forward to (I was hooked by the blurb from Love Comes Home). I’m actually addicted to romance novels according to my husband–it’s kind of like my caffeine addiction, I feel so much better after a my daily dose of HEA.
To answer your other question, I do love characters that feel real, not the dream hero, but the down-to-earth-this-is-how-a-man-usually-thinks kind of hero. They are so much more easy to picture and dream.
I read inspirational romance because sometimes I need a reminder of the different themes touched on – God’s unwavering love, forgiveness, mercy, etc. Single Dad Next Door is a GREAT book! I’ve read it so please pick someone who doesn’t know how great your Goose Harbor series is to win a copy.
How is the world did you break all those bones? So glad you recovered!
Thanks! I’m glad to be here. Most of my broken bones happened during my teen years, I was too daring for my own good. My teen years were spent rock climbing, white water rafting, and training green broke horses – which is where most of injuries came from :) The jaw was my last break and that was during college … hopefully it’s the last *knocks on wood*
My mom is famous for reading the ending first too! But I get it … I don’t like stories without happy endings either and I’ve read a few books where one of the main characters dies or they don’t end up together (*shakes Nicholas Sparks*) that really bothered me. I read a ton, but I’m careful to only choose books that I know end well – that’s one of the things I love about inspirational romance, we’re guaranteed a happily ever after.
*waves at Narelle*
Thanks for the warm welcome and it sounds like we have tons in common! I’ve lived in the Chicago area my entire life and Goose Harbor is indeed based off of the Saugatuck area near the Warren Dunes.
I read it for the same reason. It’s so uplifting and encouraging to see people love each other well.
YES! If a hero has no flaws or is too perfect I kind of lose interest in him. I’m not a fan of the “Prince Charming” type in fiction. I like a hero with some dents in his character, it leaves more room for redemption.
In my book The Fireman’s Secret, the hero – Joel – set fire to the town’s church as a teen before he skipped town and disappeared. What he didn’t know is that the heroine – Shelby – was inside the church at the time and suffered burns to her arms, legs, and back as a result and she’s lived in hiding ever since. When he returns to town and they fall in love (BEFORE he knows about the scars she keeps covered and how she got them) … they have A LOT to work through when the truth comes out. Because of his mucky past though, he’s actually my favorite hero right now out of the ones I’ve written so far.
Hi Jessica! I love Goose Harbor! I read romance because I want to see characters defy the odds and be together, even when the odds are stacked against them. And of course, I have to see the HEA.
I’m waiting for the story of how you broke all those bones!
I’m so happy to see you here Dawn! Thanks for the kind words about Goose Harbor and The Single Dad Next Door. I’ve had a lot of reader feedback and letters about that book and those characters really touched people. It’s been a huge blessing hearing from so many and has pushed me on as I continue the series.
Most of my breaks came when I used to work with and help train horses. We’d often had green broke ones (which means that they had been born in captivity but had never been touched by a person, and definitely not ever ridden or saddled) and they like to kick, buck, and toss even the best riders during the training process.
Thanks for loving Goose Harbor! I have many days where I wish it was a real town that I could pick up and move to!
I broke most of my bones working with horses … and don’t regret the time I spent doing that (or the breaks!) for even a heartbeat. I don’t ride much anymore, but the knowledge comes in handy whenever I write a western themed book (I have 2 western contemporaries so far!).
Welcome! I love that you can do quote conversations. Hubby and I do that as well, but we tend toward sci-fi movie/TV show quotes. And the Princess Bride. If I haven’t quoted The Princess Bride, the day isn’t over yet. :)
What an interesting share! I think I’ll stick with reading & quilting :)
Less broken bones with those hobbies for sure ;)
And don’t worry … these days I stick to reading, writing, and baking. I hung up my “spurs” a few years ago.
One of my favorites from Princess Bride:
“Cynics are simply thwarted romantics.”
It’s great to meet you, Jessica. Welcome to the group. :) Love Inspired is a great line of books.
I enjoyed reading your post, as well as everyone’s responses. I too like a happy ending. I prefer authors whose heros’ descriptions are long on character qualities and short on heart-stopping gorgeousness :-) I’m glad you survived all the broken ones. I’ve only broken my leg skiing in college, and that was enough for me :-)
Welcome Jessica! Love Inspired books are so heartwarming. I loved what you said about you and your husband’s conversation about lines from musicals. My husband and I can do the same with lines from the Andy Griffith Show.
Welcome to Inspy Romance, Jessica! So great to have you here as part of our family. :) Renate, my family’s roots go back to Squire Boone. And we live near Squire Boone Caverns. Interesting, no? :) Blessings.
That’s so cool that you two have that in common!
I enjoy that readers know exactly what to expect from a Love Inspired book. The promise of a happy ending and a satisfying romance are always there, and always in a manageable read. As an author, I enjoy the challenge of writing a compelling plot in a tight word count. And thanks for the warm welcome.
Hi Jessica! Loved your blog today. I read romance because there is so much ugly in the world and especially in the news and romance counteracts all of that. Do your books just flow out of you, or do you get writers block (or a combination)?
I’ve never been skiing and from my track record … maybe I shouldn’t :)
I’m with you on the hero descriptions too! I’d rather SEE examples of how wonderful and sacrificial he is, than have mention after mention of his pretty eyes.
I love inspirational romance because it can point us to the Great Romance. Watching characters deal with things in life, as all of us do, can be entertaining while pointing a way through our own trials. Welcome to Inspy Romance, Jessica!
I love that we all have these special ways of connecting and having fun with our sweethearts. It makes me smile knowing that other people do this too.
Oh, sister, I feel this so much. I *have* to read and write HEA books because of how the world is and because my day job is in law enforcement and I see the worst of people every day. When people find out what my day job is they often ask why I don’t write suspense or more police-type fiction and I always tell them that fiction is my escape from the ugly realities of life that I deal with for my job on a daily basis.
I could do a whole post on your second question! Short answer: I’m a plotter. I take a long time plotting out the books and characters’ motivations/personalities/struggles before ever starting to write a book. Each of my books usually come from one small idea spark and grow from there (example: for The Fireman’s Secret I was driving and saw a little white church with the sun rising behind it, because of the stained glass the sunshine made the building look like it was on fire. My book started there … who would set a church on fire? Why? What if someone was inside?)
It’s so true! All love points to the GREATEST Love. I’m happy to be here.
Welcome! The Fireman’s Secret sounds really intriguing.
I love that fiction can present truth and be convicting in a non-threatening way. Just yesterday I finished a book that had forgiveness and reconciliation as a big theme and was convicted about a friend I needed to contact. As for the romance, I always enjoy hearing how people got together, whether real or fictional. Really, romance is all around us and is a large part of the fabric of every day life.
Welcome! So glad you are here. Thank you for sharing your life with us. The Single Dad Next Door looks like a great story.
Sounds like a great book. I read romance for the happily ever after.
It sounds like you’ve had an exciting life!! You are a very active lady, involved in all sorts of occupations and hobbies. I’m glad you are a romance writer. I love inspirational romance with charming heroes and and women who love to love them. Can’t wait to read your books!
I love all the happily ever afters.
I was more exciting in my teen years than anything because I worked at an adventure camp. Helping save the reptiles from the smuggling ring was part of the internship I did during college. All the experiences help me write and come up with a lot of different situations to put my characters in. Now I’m married with a kid and live a pretty normal life (although, I must tell you that dancing in the kitchen is a daily occurrence at our house – but that’s about as wild as we get these days).
Me too! There’s nothing like that happy feeling at the end of a good book.
Me too!
Thanks for commenting. I’m happy to be a part of this great group.
Completely! I’ve been convicted and challenged by fiction so many times.
Welcome to Inspy Romance, and congrats on your new release.
I love romance because I am transported to a word with happy ever after.
I love romance books, and I read them as often as possible. I am retired I have hundreds of books on my Kindle. That is my pastime I don’t watch TV I read. I am very excited about starting your books they sound very intriguing. I love romance books with strong Christian characters. Characters that struggle with the same things we all do but love Christ with all their heart.
Welcome, Jessica. I enjoyed learning more about you.
JoAnn! My husband is also a descendant of the Boones! No wonder I like you so much, we’re practically kin! ;)
My husband and I like making up stories from the movie titles that are playing at the theater! So in our almost 30 years of marriage, we’ve made up quite a few stories. I like good clean contemporary Christian romance books and look forward to enjoying your books.
What a great way to explain it – it’s like an instant vacation :)
Amen. I think the best stories rest within the struggles that we all face. One of the most comforting things for me is when I find myself identifying with what a character is facing and then get to see them overcome it. Reading is the BEST pastime, I don’t watch my TV anymore either :)
*waves to Merrillee*
That’s such a cute idea!! My husband and I sometimes put the radio to the instrumental channel and make up a story to go along with the music. It’s a riot.
LOL! Looks like we should all talk genealogy more often.
Small world!
Welcome, Jessica!
I’m so not up on musicals, but I would really love a transcript of a conversation between you and your husband. That would be fun!
Nice to meet you, Jessica! I love reading romance because a really good, well-written romance makes me smile and speaks to my heart. I love an honorable, confident, loyal hero who loves his leading lady like Christ loves the church and helps her know how much God loves her by treating her like the treasure he knows she is. Glad you’re joining the blog here!
Showtunes are our happy place. For our first date (more than fourteen years ago now) he took me to Les Mis at Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre.
*happy sigh* even your description of romance makes me smile.
Awesome, Beth! That is sooooo cool. I do have to say, however, that I’ve always heard Squire was more or less the “black sheep” of the family. I went to an exhibit a few years ago here locally where they had a Bible that had belonged to Daniel. You could still read a lot of the names written inside the front cover. That gave me chills in a very good way! :) I might just have to start calling you “Cuz” or something. Blessings! :)
Very cool! My husband is from Squire’s older brother George IV’s line. Makes you wonder how many Boone descendants there are in America today!
I love Christian romance because God is a part of it and nothing improper will be told in it. I am like you, I love to cook and bake .Love trying out a new recipe each week.
Hi Jessica, so glad you joined the Inspy Romance family! Happy to find you posting on one of my favorite blogs to follow :-)
That being said, I’m on your street team (as you know) and anxiously awaiting Goose Harbor #4, not too long now! Even though it’s a fictional town, I can imagine myself being a part of the community. I live in a small town and I can relate to a lot of that small town feel you bring into your stories! And your characters are so real, it’s like I’ve made some new friends…that’s always a good thing in my book (no pun intended)!
I read romance for the romance factor…..I’m a hopeless one after all! I like knowing that at the end of the book, two people fall in love :-) Sometimes the journey getting there is rough & full of potholes, but that’s the beauty of it all! Isn’t real life like that too? God takes our rough road and makes something beautiful out of it! The most important thing to me is seeing an authors faith as portrayed in the story. God uses each book I read to speak to in me in one way or another. I so appreciate authors who won’t deviate from the truth or water down the message of the cross. It plays an important role in my life and I love to see it do the same for my writer friends!
Obviously I’m not entering the contest as I’ve read this wonderful book! Anyone who reads this will be touched in some way :-) Loved getting to know you a little more here Jessica, I also didn’t realize you work in law enforcement! I had no idea, no wonder you write the kind of books you do and we’re the more blessed because of it!
I absolutely love this post. As someone who is such a romantic at heart, I absolutely agree. I was really encouraged by how you worded it too. Thanks!
I enjoyed reading your post! I like reading romance stories because they end happily! There isn’t any blood and gore or lots of cussing!