Have you ever tucked a dream in the back of your mind as something you’ll do someday, but not today?
That was me with indie publishing. As you may know, I write for Harlequin Love Inspired. I enjoy it and intend to keep writing my series romances, but I have been envious of the indie authors that get to write whatever is on their heart without the rules that by necessity mark a Harlequin book.
I’ve wanted to dip my toes into the indie world for years, but frankly, fear has always held me back. There is so much to learn, not only about publishing, but about marketing. But when I got the opportunity to contribute to an indie boxed set with other Love Inspired authors–with the themes of Cowboys and Christmas–I knew my time had arrived. I plugged my nose, closed my eyes, and jumped in.
To my surprise, the water is warm. I actually enjoy absorbing the masterclasses that teach me about marketing. I get to make some of my own graphics for advertisements. I chose my own cover artist for my novella, currently exclusive to Cowboys Under the Mistletoe, and consequently I nearly swooned when I got the first look at my cover. Perfection!
So with no further ado, I’d like to introduce my novella, Wilde About You, part of the boxed set Cowboy’s Under the Mistletoe.
Prologue: December 15th, 25 Years Ago
Being a flower girl was the best thing ever.
Three-year-old Riley Weaver loved getting to wear a frilly bright purple dress and carry a basket with matching ribbons down the aisle at her Auntie Heather’s wedding. Auntie Heather had let her choose her own dress, one that floated when she spun around.
Which she liked to do.
A lot.
At the rehearsal, she didn’t get to toss any actual rose petals in the air, but now that the actual wedding was underway, her basket was full to the brim with pink, purple and white petals. Today, when she danced up the aisle, she would get to make the path pretty with all of the petals.
The only bad thing about Auntie Heather’s wedding to handsome Travis Wilde was the annoying ring bearer, Matthew. All he did was scowl and complain, and yesterday, when no one was watching him, he’d stuck his tongue out at her.
She’d stomped his foot in response, but she’d been caught and had been reprimanded for it.
Stupid boy.
It was all his fault she’d had to sit perfectly still on a chair in a corner for a whole five minutes, and not talk even once.
Worse, Riley didn’t think Matthew really felt the heel of her foot at all when she’d stomped on him, since he was wearing cowboy boots.
He wasn’t even a real cowboy. He was too young for that. She doubted he could even ride a horse.
Anyway, cowboys were yucky and smelly and lived all together in a messy barracks.
She should know. She lived on a big ranch. Her Daddy was the boss of a whole bunch of cowboys, but he made sure Riley stayed as far away from them as possible. Daddy said his little girl was too good for ranch living, and as soon as she was old enough to go to school, she would be attending a private, church-sponsored boarding school where she would have a proper upbringing.
Riley’s Mama said Daddy spoiled her too much.
But just now, Mama was the one spoiling her and fussing over her. Mama applied a hot iron to Riley’s hair, turning it into soft ringlets, and then pinned the long strands up on top of her head into cascades of curls.
Riley asked if she could wear makeup like the bridesmaids were doing. She was so excited when Mama said yes that she squealed and whirled around three times, admiring the way her dress spun high around her. Mama laughed and told her she had to remain perfectly still as she dabbed Riley’s eyelashes with black mascara. Then Mama brushed her cheeks with a rosy pink powder and finished with shiny lip gloss that matched the roses in her basket.
Riley stared at herself in the mirror, hardly believing what she saw. Mama had made her extra pretty for Auntie Heather’s special day. Riley almost felt like it was her special day, too.
There was a photographer in the room snapping pictures with a long-lensed camera. Riley beamed and posed when the photographer crouched to her level to take several pictures of her.
She held up her arms and twirled, enjoying the swish of the soft fabric as it floated around her. The bridesmaids laughed and clapped, telling her she was the most perfect flower girl ever.
Riley knew she wasn’t perfect. She got into trouble too often for that, and then she had to tell Jesus she was sorry.
But this day was going to be perfect, she just knew it.
A man Riley didn’t know knocked loudly on the door to the room the ladies were dressing in and stuck his head in to say it was time for them to line up for the wedding.
Riley’s heart was beating super-fast as Mama took her hand and led her out with the bridesmaids, while Auntie Heather lingered behind to make final touches on her veil.
Riley could already hear music playing inside the church by the time they stood in a nervous group just outside the door to the sanctuary, whispering excitedly and making finishing touches on each other’s gowns and hair.
Mama leaned down and kissed Riley’s cheek. “Don’t be nervous, honey. You’re going to be great out there.”
Riley wasn’t nervous. She was just antsy, ready to do her part and be the center of attention for a little while. She wanted everyone to see her beautiful dress.
Another man Riley didn’t recognize arrived with the naughty ring bearer, who was now dressed in a black tuxedo and shiny shoes.
Unlike Riley, Matthew looked miserable. He frowned so hard his dark eyebrows touched each other over his nose when the man pressed a frilly pillow with the wedding rings tied on them into his hands.
Somebody ought to say something to the boy. He was going to ruin everything if he kept frowning. No one would want to watch him act that way while he walked up the aisle. He was supposed to smile and make everybody happy.
He’d better not mess it up for Auntie Heather or Riley might just have to stomp on his foot again. She bet her shiny shoes with their square heels would cause more damage than the sneakers she’d been wearing yesterday.
Also, Matthew’s bow tie was crooked. Probably because he kept yanking at it and sending it all askew. But again, everyone seemed to be too busy to notice him.
Mama was still holding Riley’s basket of roses, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.
She marched up to Matthew and rolled her eyes when she met his gaze. He was taller than she was, but that was fine, because she could still reach high enough to do what needed doing.
Before Matthew could protest, she reached up and straightened his tie.
She didn’t even notice the wedding photographer was there until she heard the snap-click of the camera.
Riley didn’t understand why the photographer would want to take a picture of her straightening the stupid boy’s tie, but she didn’t have time to think about it, because just then the doors opened and Mama handed Riley her basketful of rose petals.
The wedding was starting.
I hope you’ll enjoyed this little snippet, and I encourage you to grab the boxed set, only $0.99!
Tell me–do you have a dream you’ve tabled, kept on the back burner for the future? What’s stopping you from making today the day? I will choose one random commenter to win a copy of the boxed set Cowboys Under the Mistletoe (in Kindle eBook only. Sorry!)
I also have a Harlequin Love Inspired, Texas Christmas Twins, out this month, available for preorder now and in stores November 21st.
Wemble says
Hi Deb, congratulations:) Your story sounds like fun- I can’t wait to read how Riley and Matthew meet up again… and fall in love of course!!
Gingers219 says
Welcome to the river, Deb. It’s always flowing and changing, but the water’s fine. ;)
lelandandbecky says
Congratulations! I see more and more authors going into the indie market. I love the book covers. My hubby and I share a dream of being able to visit every baseball stadium. So far we’ve made it to 6 of them. Now that my hubby recently retired, our dream is to enjoy each other and relax.
Tracey Hagwood says
Hi Deb~
Your prologue hooked me (just the way it was supposed to ;-).
I can already see the handwriting on the wall, so I’m headed over to amazon to buy it.
I love the Wilde About You cover too.
Congratulations on making one of your dreams come true!
Susan Johnson says
I can’t wait to read the whole story. Thank you for the chance to win this set. Cowboys and Christmas, what a great combination.
Margaret Nelson says
Congrats on taking the plunge! I just got up, and can’t think of any dreams I’ve tucked away :-) Need to go fix breakfast…
Paula says
Very cute scene of the flower girl. Don’t really have a dream that’s on the back burner waiting to be fulfilled. We retired two years ago so Just day to day keeping busy without the pressure of a job is fulfilling. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
Beth Gillihan says
Great excerpt! I can’t wait to read the rest of the story! Have a great day!
Autumn Macarthur says
LOL, adorable intro!
Lori Smanski says
congratulations. Please don’t include me in the give a way. I don’t read kindle much. But I have a dream of having my own Long Arm Sewing machine some day to do my own top quilting. It may never happen, because we just don’t have the space for it, yet on the other hand if they keep making them smaller, it may
janet estridge says
It seems to me that Indie Publishing is the best of both worlds. Good for you to follow your heart.
cherylbbookblog says
Congrats! I am looking forward to reading more about Riley and Mathew. Keep up the wonderful writing.
Amy Johnson says
Adorable excerpt.
Deb Kastner says
It was a real kick to write. And it was inspired by my oldest daughter when she was a flower girl at three years old–I have the photo to prove it!
Deb Kastner says
Honestly, I’m not sure why I was so afraid of it.
Deb Kastner says
Oh, that sounds so fun! Very unique, too. My hubby recently retired, and we’re still trying to get in the groove, since I’m still working harder than ever.
Deb Kastner says
Thank you, Tracey. It’s so exciting! Thanks for picking up the boxed set. The other four authors are spectacular. I know you won’t be disappointed!
Deb Kastner says
Cowboys and Christmas…how could I turn this one down?
Deb Kastner says
I am not a morning person at ALL, so I don’t expect others to be able to think coherently before breakfast. =)
Deb Kastner says
Based on how it’s been with my hubby retiring last month (he’s disabled,) we’ve found he’s been plenty busy and doesn’t rest as often as he should.
Deb Kastner says
Thanks, Beth. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you love the rest of the story.
Deb Kastner says
What an exciting dream! I’m not very crafty, but I have a good friend who loves quilting!
Deb Kastner says
Thanks, Cheryl!
Renate says
Congrats and fun blog! So many interesting holiday books to choose from. I have been blessed to have many of my dreams fulfilled: a degree, marriage, children & grandchildren, travel from coast to coast and to 9 foreign countries on three continents, but one dream that is still on the burner is to write and maybe even publish a book. I had articles published in my college newspaper and edited a seminary wives’ newsletter, but I have several ideas for novellas. Grandma Moses became a painter at 90, so I still have a few decades to accomplish my dream. LOL. Even though retired, watching grandchildren is a tiring job and writing will have to wait a few more years. Best wishes. Happy Veterans Day and thanks to all who served. Happy writing.
Debora Wilder says
Congratulations on stepping out and indie publishing. I agree your cover is gorgeous! The excerpt from your story is wonderful. I have to find out how Riley and Matthew get together. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the boxed set.
Deb Kastner says
It’s exciting to think about the opportunities yet ahead of us. I often watch my grandkids so I know how tiring it can be. How exciting that you’ve gotten to travel so much!
Cassandra M says
I would like to one day finish my book. I began it last spring but haven’t worked on it since last summer when my back issues got to where I couldn’t sit for hours in the desk cheair and write. I have never written a book before but I got 30-40 k words so far on it. Just haven’t felt inspired after quitting for so long.
sbmcmh says
No dreams that are tabled here. But I did enjoy the snippet from your novella. Thanks for sharing!
Andrea B. Brooks says
Congrats on taking a new writing adventure. I have read your books and I like them. No dreams, although I have wanted to start a lending library to where my friends and family can enjoy my books(I have a lot) to read. Happy Thanksgiving.
Lucy M Reynolds says
I find some of the best reads are Indie books. Congratulations
Priscila says
I think you’ve mentioned this book before but i still find the scene adorable.
Congrats on your first indie. I personally prefer them because they fell more like Christian romance books and Harlequin is mostly just sweer romance.
Laura says
Sounds like a great story! Such a sweet scene! Can’t wait to read it! Congratulations for being brave to go after your dream!
Emma says
Hi Deb, congratulations. I am looking forward to reading Cowboys Under the Mistletoe and Texas Christmas Twins .. I don’t have a dream that’s on the back burner waiting to be fulfilled. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I enjoy reading your books
Trixi says
Our someday dream is to buy a 5th wheel & truck combo to both live and travel in! Of course it’s on the back burner since my husband is far from retirement and there’s no way we can do that just yet. :-)
Congrats on going indie Deb! I know quite a few authors who are both traditionally published and indie and they love it!
Walter Daniels says
Welcome to the indie experience.