Show of hands, who all likes to be able to identify with the main character in a story? *Raises hand*
It’s such an important aspect—to be able to feel for and care about the fictional people in the books we read. I don’t mean to say that they have to be exactly like us (which would be impossible since we’re all different!), just that there needs to be something that we can relate too. And an author has so many avenues to draw from to do that. Backstory, personality, quirks, motivation/goal, conflict, etc.
In my most recent series, Sewing in SoCal, the books each feature a woman with a very strong (and often very differing from the other friends!) personality. We’ve got the hardcore environmentalist that needs to learn to chill a little, the social media guru that throws out gasp-inducing red herrings so no one will find out about her health issues, and the preschool teacher who is so sweet until you ask her a direct question and she hits you with the brutal truth. Five totally different characters but there is something within each one of them I think everyone can identify with (or at least I hope so!)
I’ve been asked which character I most resemble from the series, and the funny thing is, when I got to thinking about it, I most resemble not one of the women, but one of the men—Malachi Thomas, the hero from Jocelyn. He’s shy and a bit awkward, just like I am. However, I will say that there is probably a little piece of me in every character I write. (However, the ones *most* like me are Emory Blake from Bookishly Ever After and Mckenzie Graham from the manuscript my agent is shopping around to publishing houses). But now let me turn the tables and ask you the same question. Which Sewing in SoCal character do you most resemble?
Below is a little quiz to help you answer that question. Keep track of your answers by writing the corresponding number to each answer on a piece of paper then tally the total at the end.
A. At a restaurant, which would you be likely to order
- Spaghetti and meatballs – 1
- Steak and potatoes -5
- Quinoa salad with fresh garden organic veggies and herbs -10
- Chicken pot pie with a flaky, buttery crust- 15
- Authentic South American beef empanada -20
B. You’re relaxing on the couch. What do you put on the TV to watch?
- A family movie – 1
- Project Runway – 5
- A documentary – 10
- The Sports Channel – 15
- A musical – 20
C. On a shopping trip, you’re most likely to buy…
- Craft supplies – 1
- A sundress – 5
- A gift for someone else – 10
- A football jersey – 15
- A vinyl for your record player – 20
D. When in an argument, do you…
- Tell the truth even if it means hurting the other person – 1
- Try to keep the peace – 5
- Use logic but ignore feelings – 10
- Totally avoid the issue – 15
- Make sarcastic remarks – 20
E. What is your personal style of clothing?
- Doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it’s comfortable and functional – 1
- Boho chic – 5
- Retro all the way – 10
- Yoga pants and baggy cotton shirts – 15
- Faded jeans and snarky graphic tees – 20
F. What do you find most romantic?
- Grand gestures that leave no room for doubt that the person loves you – 1
- Secret looks and heartfelt text messages – 5
- Someone who can tease and push you to be a better person – 10
- Being persistently pursued – 15
- Someone writing a love song to you – 20
Score of 6-25
You are Molly – Kind and compassionate, you are a natural caregiver. You love making other people comfortable and have a love of learning and teaching. You uphold the truth and abhor lying…even if telling the truth has uncomfortable consequences. You’re not the most confident of people, but you’re willing to be vulnerable and risk your heart for someone special.
Score of 26-45
You are Jocelyn – You are at war with yourself. You crave stability but also have a secret passion for art and design that you are afraid to explore. You are sweet natured and an instant friend to everyone you meet, putting even the most introverted person at ease in your presence.
Score of 46-75
You are Nicole – People may thing you’re abrasive and a tad condescending but that isn’t who you are at your heart. You’re actually a very loving and conscientious person, always thinking of others. A little high-strung, you have a hard time relaxing and having fun.
Score of 76-99
You are Amanda – You are private and like to carry your burdens yourself instead of sharing them with other people. You will push people away because you think that’s what’s best for them but you are always right by their side if they ever need help. You are witty and enduring but you need to work on being more vulnerable.
Score of 100-120
You are Betsy—Your go-to reply is usually something sarcastic or a deadpan look that says it all. A person of few words, you express yourself through music more than anything else. Loyal to your friends and family, and you would sacrifice anything to help someone close to you.
How did you do? Do you think you resemble any of these Characters?
Just a note, Betsy releases in 3 days! Grab your copy from Amazon or download and read with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
I’m a Molly alright!!
I’m Betsy. And I’m pretty ok with that. I’m also really looking forward to her book coming out!
I’m Nicole. And I have enjoyed these stories I have read so far. Definitely love the premise. Sewing is almost as much a love for me as reading.
Um, did we lose Amanda? Poor kid struggles as it is. Just sayin’…
As a guy I still feel drawn to the main characters, both male and female. My wife and I are the opposites of the stereotypes. I’m the more romantic. She is the more focused and goal oriented. So I can still find some connection to the ladies of Sewing in SoCal.
I’ve read all the series so far (and am eagerly awaiting Betsy). I would have to say that I connect most with Amanda and some of Betsy. Betsy is the one who makes me laugh the most. I mean, really, a virgin rum and coke or virgin mimosas? Totally awesome. Amanda and I share the sense of loss and confusion about how to deal with the painful parts of life. In the end, I have found that it makes for a more compassionate heart but the getting there can be hard.
Thanks for this series, Sarah. I have really enjoyed it.
I got Nicole and it’s pretty spot on 😊
My total said Nicole, but maybe I thought too much about it I didn’t think enough about it because I don’t think I really relate to that description. I think I’m more of a Molly
It says I’m like Molly, but since I haven’t read any of the books, I can’t honestly say if it’s right or not.
I got Nicole but I think I’m probably more of a Betsy.
Oh my goodness did I seriously leave Amanda out? Ugh. I’m totally blaming my horrible math skills on that one. So sorry! And out of all of them, Amanda is the one I’ve gotten the most message about people feeling seen and represented in a story.
She’s a sweetheart!…most of the time lol
Just three days! I’m really excited about readers being able to have the whole series.
I love Nicole!
Haha this is definetly not a science and you know you better than these questions so if you identify with Molly then yay! Molly is a sweetheart.
As a mathematician, I can assure you that you should be kind to yourself in this. It turns out that voting systems are *really* hard. Almost no one gets them right. Skilled or no. Toss in a description for Amanda and we’ll figure it out from there. :-)
Oops! I see you already got Amanda in there. You go!
She’s a sweetheart so I’m sure it’s true. :)
I got Jocelyn. I’m not sure about the passion for art and design, but I do agree with the rest of it. The first question about choice of restaurant was hard because it depends on what kind of food I’m in the mood for. They all sounded good! And the fifth question about clothing, I love to lounge around the house in my sweats and baggy shirts, but if I go out, it’s jeans and a t-shirt all the way…lol! So while some of the answers depended on the situation, the end result was pretty accurate :-)
I can also relate to Amanda, where I tend to be a more private person & need to learn to be more vulnerable. I’ve gotten hurt in the past when I’ve shared some very personal things, so it’s made me a bit wary. I really, really have to know someone to know they would never hurt me in that manner and are genuine in wanting to know me…faults and all…and still love me for who I am.
Molly also has a lot of traits I have too. Her compassionate nature and wanting to care for those she loves is right up my alley. I try to be a true friend who loves people for who they are, but also at the same time, want to help them be a better person. I’d rather tell the truth and be ridiculed than lie & feel guilty for it. Ultimately, I have to answer to God for what I say or do, so that makes me want to seek truth & honesty. Of course I would never be deliberately cruel or mean spirited to someone!
So all that to say, I can see many of my own traits in several characters! I love when I can connect to a character in a book & see my own self in them :-) It definitely makes the story more real in my mind
Wait, now that you changed it, I’m Amanda and that fits.
That was so fun to do.
It actually fits me!
I’m Jocelyn.
As I read through the questions and answers I was trying to think of the characters.
Sarah, this was fantastic! Thanks!
I think so too
I got Nicole, though if I had gone with a different answer to one of the questions, I could’ve gotten Jocelyn. So, while it seems I do have a bit of them both from their descriptions, I look forward to reading their books and finding out. :)
I’m glad it was fun!
Oh! Once you read them it’ll be fun to find out which you feel you identify with more.
All of us have many layers…just like the characters!
I’m a complete oddball. I resemble none of them.
Oh that’s too bad. I’m sorry you couldn’t identify with any of them.
I am Nicole and yes, that’s sums it up for me. :). Have a Great weekend and stay safe. This was fun, Thank you.
Hm…I am Jocelyn; although, I’m an introvert myself :)
Haha glad the quiz was fun and actually matched for you. Have a great weekend!
Im an introvert as well. Did the rest of the description match up?
By the numbers, I am a Jocelyn, but I am really a Molly. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your new release. God bless you.
I got Jocelyn and I can totally see it. I do have a secret passion to be an author that I’m too nervous to act on haha I was even accepted to a creative writing degree program at the college I work for that I’m afraid to start classes for 😂 totally Jocelyn
You can do it!!!
fun quiz; not really any
I’m Molly & I think I’m just like her.
I got Jocelyn although a couple of questions I didn’t really have an answer.