VC: Hi, Cameron. It’s good to have you with us here at Inspy Romance.
Cameron (smiles and waves at the readers)
VC: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Cameron: I’m an accountant at Stargil Enterprises in Arcadia Valley, Idaho. I’m also divorced with a pair of twin boys who are not quite seven years old. You can imagine how busy my life is.
VC: I’m sure it is! What’s your biggest challenge?
Cameron: The day after Lisa walked out two years ago, I discovered how hard it is to find reliable daycare in this town. It’s a bit better now that the boys are in school full-time, plus my sister moved here just over a year ago and she helps out some. Now she’s getting married, but our church is opening up some kids’ programs over the summer and then after-school care in the fall, so I think we’re finally set.
VC: Congratulations to your sister. Joanna, right?
Cameron: Yes. The boys call her Aunt Jonah. They’re excited to be participating in her wedding to Grady Akers later today. I’m not so sure they’re up for it, but Joanna insisted, and it’s probably better they stand up front with me than sit with my parents, whom they barely know. I’m sure Mom would pinch them if they wiggled, so… yeah.
VC: Interesting. I’m a grandmother, too, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never pinched my grandkids.
Cameron: My parents are old-school, of the ‘children should be seen and not heard’ belief system. That goes right along with ‘spare the rod and spoil the child.’ Mostly I’m thankful they live in England and just visit occasionally, but they’re here for the entire summer this time around. And, with my sister’s marriage my basement suite conveniently became available for them. I, uh, could use a little prayer for patience, frankly.
VC: Are you considering remarriage? Or maybe I should ask if there’s a chance you’ll get back together with Lisa?
Cameron (shudders): No chance at all with Lisa, trust me. I’ve thought a bit about dating again, but I don’t have a lot of time and, frankly, I haven’t met anyone I wanted to pursue. I’ve also had to really evaluate myself and what I brought to the demise of my marriage. God has taught me a lot in the past couple of years.
VC: If the right woman came along?
Cameron: I could definitely be interested, yeah. I really miss having someone to do life with, if you know what I mean. Plus, the boys could use a womanly influence in their lives. They’re a bit of a handful, to be honest.
VC: Tell me about your ideal woman.
Cameron (laughs nervously): Hopefully she’s a good cook, because the twins and I are getting tired of take-out. She loves kids in general, and my boys in particular. She’s a solid, growing believer who’s rooted in God’s love. She’s got a sense of both humor and adventure.
VC: And pretty, of course.
Cameron: I wouldn’t say no to pretty, but I’ve learned that outward beauty isn’t what counts.
VC: She’s pretty.
Cameron (looks around): Who is?
VC (chuckling): The woman God and I have picked out for you, of course. Enjoy your sister’s wedding, and keep an eye out for the woman of your dreams.
About Rooted in Love:
Alaina Silva returns to Arcadia Valley determined to re-root herself in her faith, but that doesn’t mean no dating, does it? She can totally separate the rambunctious twins in her daycare from their very intriguing dad… for a while, anyway.
Divorcé Cameron Kraus has a busy life with a career and two six-year-olds. Now he’s finally scored full-time daycare at the Grace Greenhouse Kids Program, but his overbearing parents are in town for the summer offering to watch the boys. No thanks. Not when Cameron can see the gorgeous program administrator at drop-off and pick-up every day… and oftener.
But when doubts and trials arise, they must dig their roots deep in their faith and love for each other.
Rooted in Love is available on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and iBooks. Coming soon on Google Play and Christian Book Distributors, as well as in paperback. Click here.
Interested in reading Rooted in Love? I’m offering one reader a copy (e-book only, worldwide). If you’d like to put your name in the hat, please comment before Friday, November 24. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen children do at a wedding they were participating in?
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All images in this blog post were purchased from Deposit Photo.
Oh, this one sounds delicious (as all your books)! Thanks for the giveaway and please enter me.
I have this book, no need ti enter me, but wantes to say how much I adored this story and share mine! I saw a flower girl lay down and go to sleep at the alter she was so exhausted!
Many years ago, when I was a flowergirl, me and my flowerboy buddy ran out of rose petals way before the destination. See, we strewed them quite liberally from the get-go. It’s been a long time, but I think some of the grown-ups may have tried to recover some of the blossoms that we’d ‘left behind’ and put them back in our baskets so we could reach a little farther. But we didn’t make it to the finish line, if I remember correctly. I guess we were about 5 years old.
Hi Valerie! Delightful interview, especially your last comment to Cameron. Made me chuckle on a Monday morning. No need to enter me. I bought the book, read it, and yesterday I wrote my review. Haven’t been to many weddings with children. So I really do not have any anecdotes to share. Thanks for a well written, thought provoking romance. As grown children, we often struggle with the question: Do we still need to obey our parents? Wishing all A Happy Thanksgiving week. So much to be thankful for.
I’m glad it sounds delicious :)
Flower-girling is long, hard work!
I think that’s a common issue!, and a big job for five year olds!
Thanks so much for your review, and I’m glad you enjoyed Rooted in Love! Yes, SO MUCH to be thankful for.
We went to a wedding years ago where the bride and groom had thoughtfully placed two small chairs on the platform for the flower girl and ring bearer. It turns out the ring bearer had just learned to tie his shoes and was looking for long stringy things to practice on. Without her realizing it, he tied the flower girl’s ribbons around the back of the chair. We all watched it happen — very distracting! — but no one on the stage noticed. He did such a good job that when she rose later, she took the chair with her. I’m sure she’s traumatized to this day…
What a fun interview!
Loved the interview, and am sure I would love your book! THANKS for the giveaway
Love it. “Jonah” made me smile.
I loved Joanna and Grady’s story! Can’t wait to read Cameron and Alaina’s!\
I’ve seen kids do a lot of funny things at weddings, but at the latest wedding I was at, the flower girl had a marshmallow bouquet and during the cerimony she started to eat them. By the end of the wedding her bouquet was almost over. I think she was supposed to eat them, though.
At my niece’s wedding, the flower girl came down the isle, and liked it so much, she ran back and started all over again. Her parents grabbed her before she could do it a third time.
Thanks Jackie!
Interesting! I’ve never heard of a marshmallow bouquet. Sounds like that could have gotten quite sticky and messy?!?!
Ready to be in the spotlight, was she? That’s cute. ;)
This is another one I must read.
I can’t think of dealing with two 7-year-old alone. Thank God for my husband. I’ve been exhausted lately and my boy is almost turning 1 but he’s already running all the time. Can’t stand still. Imagine him at age 7?! It will be like running a marathon every week—not.
No funny stories with flower girls. They all seemed to behave or their parents intervened and they were taken into someone’s care for the duration of the ceremony.
I have yet to read a book by Valerie and would love to win a copy of this one. It sounds delightful! Thanks for the chance to do so! ? The funniest thing I have seen a child do in a wedding was several years ago when I was directing a wedding. The adorable little ring bearer walked to the front, took his place, looked around and checked out the wedding party, then walked over to a near-by pew, lay down, and promptly went to sleep! He slept through the entire ceremony! ?
Running a marathon every week… I’m sure Cameron could sympathize with you!
Sleeping children don’t cause trouble, LOL!
I love character interviews, they are always fun! It’s like getting into an authors head :-) (I know a scary place)
I haven’t attended a wedding for many years so I can’t recall any funny things happening with kids, or adults for that matter. I’ve enjoyed reading others comments here though and having a good chuckle!
You’re right, an author’s head is a scary place. :)
Thanks for the book! I was able to download it and look forward to reading it. ? Blessings as you continue to write!