Valerie: Hi Myles! Great to have you at Inspy Romance today.
Myles: Great to be here. I think.
Valerie: What made you decide to go for a position teaching first and second grade at Bridgeview Elementary School here in Spokane?
Myles: Well, I like younger children. They’re not as jaded as the older ones. I like elementary school because I like variety. Teaching five algebra classes a day didn’t appeal to me.
Valerie: You’d been teaching in Spokane Valley? Why the switch?
Myles: Yes, I’d been there five years, teaching sixth grade. I do feel I was able to make a difference there. Anti-bullying and things of that nature. But I was getting restless for a change, so when Bianca Lopez moved to Boston and left this position open at BES, I thought I’d give it a try. I never expected to get the job.
Honestly, one of the single female teachers in my school was hitting on me constantly. I wasn’t interested. She stopped just short of harassment. Anyway, I’d rather sidestep conflict if I can, so this position came open at the perfect time for me.
Valerie: Tell me more about this teacher.
Myles: Not much to tell, honestly. Her name is Dakota, and she’s a few years younger than me. Very outgoing and opinionated. Taught fifth grade and felt we should collaborate more, both in teaching and in life. She made me uncomfortable.
Valerie: Uncomfortable enough to take a job in a different city? Wouldn’t a talk with the principal have cleared things up?
Myles: Not really. Her mom is the principal there. Anyway, like I said, I hate conflict, so this was easier.
Valerie: Are you still living in Spokane Valley? Quite a commute.
Myles: It’s not too bad, but yes, I haven’t had the chance to find a place in the city yet. Everything happened so quickly. I’d like to give notice on my apartment there, but first I have to find something closer, hopefully right in Bridgeview. I hear Fran and Tad Amato have a vacant basement suite. I’m going to see it this afternoon.
Valerie: That’s a pleasant apartment. I think you’ll like it, and it’s only about eight blocks to the school. A comfortable walk.
Myles: Or bike ride.
Valerie: True. You like to ride? It’s a bit of a hill getting up out of Bridgeview proper, but there are plenty of good cycling trails in Spokane. The one along the north side of the river, for instance.
Myles: I can bike hills. Not a problem.
Valerie: You like to work out then?
Myles: I invested in a home gym a few years ago, and I’ve always liked to swim. I prefer solo sports to team sports, and fitness is very important to me.
Valerie: How about nutrition?
Myles: I limit trips through the drive-through, but they’ve been known to happen.
Valerie: Do you cook? Or mostly eat out?
Myles: Eating out alone isn’t that much fun, so I don’t do it often. I had a few teacher friends in SV who’d get together for dinner out a couple of times a month. So… I’ve learned to cook.
I’m more a meat and potatoes kind of guy than international cuisine. I do try to eat a balanced diet. Protein shake for breakfast. A couple of sandwiches and an apple for lunch on school days. Sprouts are good in sandwiches, and I like a variety of deli meat. Also, I prefer artisan bread to the run-of-the-mill grocery store bread. Suppers are generally pretty simple. Steaks, pork chops, chicken. Microwaved potatoes. Frozen veggies reheated.
Valerie: Any food weaknesses?
Myles: (Chuckle) Dessert. I like sweets as much as the next guy.
Valerie: So I hear you’re not a fan of the greenhouse and garden project at Bridgeview Elementary.
Myles: I already had my curriculum planned.
Valerie: You know the PTA has worked hard to get this program rolling. They care whether you participate or not. They care a lot.
Myles: I figured that out. A few of the parents questioned my plans. One of them got downright belligerent about it.
Valerie: Let me guess. Adriana Diaz?
Myles: That’s the one. Wow. I don’t know why parents can’t loosen up and let the teacher run the classroom.
Valerie: You think parents should abdicate responsibility for six hours a day?
Myles: Well, not abdicate exactly. But trusting the teacher wouldn’t go amiss. We’re the ones who’ve got education degrees. Truth? Ms. Diaz reminded me a lot of Dakota, and her daughter seems just like her. Seriously. A room full of sweet, innocent six and seven year olds, and then there’s Violet. I bet she demands as much attention as the other 24 kids put together.
Valerie: I’m sure you’re up for the task of winning Violet and her mother over. Are you planning on incorporating the greenhouse after all?
Myles: I might have to, but as minimally as I can get away with. I already told you I don’t like conflict. And Bianca Lopez did leave me several boxes of notes, so I can get a feel for what she had planned and thought appropriate for the lower grades.
Valerie: Wow, you really don’t like conflict, do you!
Myles: No, I don’t. I’ll adjust, I’m sure.
Valerie: We might have to grow you a backbone.
Myles: I’m not sure I like the sounds of that.
Valerie: Tell me about your spiritual journey.
Myles: It’s tied into my parents’ divorce when I was a teen. Dad moved out to a small apartment and got involved in a church. I stayed with him as much as I could and went to church with him. My mom and brothers thought it was ridiculous, but it filled a void in my life.
Valerie: You told me about Dakota, but have you dated much? Looking to settle down and start a family?
Myles: Somehow I got to be 32 without dating seriously. I guess I haven’t actively looked, just stayed busy with my career and hobbies. Maybe I thought God would drop the right woman in front of me, but so far, He hasn’t done that.
Valerie: Are you open to dating a woman with kids?
Myles: I’d really rather not. I’d like to be her one and only, you know? Like I would be hers. It’s not that I don’t want to be a dad, but having shared custody or something doesn’t sound appealing. I want to be the father of my own kids, not some other guy’s. I know that sounds terrible and the older I get, the less likely it is that I’ll meet ‘that’ woman. But it’s still my hope.
Valerie: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Myles: So you think I need to change, is that it? I’m pretty content with my life just the way it is, thanks. All I need is two or three friends, a church to call home, a fulfilling job, and a place to live. Some fresh air and nature. My needs are simple.
Valerie: But if there’s a woman for you?
Myles: Then I guess God will have to make that plenty obvious. The woman I fall in love with — if I ever do — will be sweet and mild-mannered. We’ll spend quiet evenings at home with intellectual conversations.
Valerie: Hmm. You might be in for a surprise or two… and even like it.
Myles: You’re making me nervous.
About Memories of Mist
Single mom Adriana Diaz isn’t about to let the new teacher derail the PTA’s hard work in securing a greenhouse and garden area for Bridgeview Elementary School, but taking matters into her own hands turns awkward when she realizes her attraction to the teacher.
Pro-level conflict-avoider Myles Sheridan finds himself against an entire community with his reluctance to incorporate gardening into his classes. The only thing that could make his situation worse is falling in love with the ringleader, whose child is his most difficult student and whose husband had died a hero.
How can Myles compete with the man from Adriana’s memories? He’s not the material champions are made of. Or is he?
Memories of Mist releases on July 20 and is currently up for pre-order at the discounted price of $2.99, but let’s give away two digital copies here this week! Comment below and let’s talk about conflict! To what lengths do you go to avoid it? Or are you one of those who steps up to the plate immediately, ready to face it down before it grows too large?
Two commenters’ names will be randomly drawn on Saturday.
“Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.”
Now who doesn’t love a guy who likes desserts? Great interview, Val! As for conflict, not a fan. I learned many years ago, sometimes it’s best to hold my tongue and pickup my pen.
I am a conflict-avoider. Would love to read the book to get tips from the pro ? That being said, situations at work require me to step up and face conflict, which totally drains me mentally, emotionally, and physically. But sometimes it needs to be done and done quickly before things escalate.
This book sounds like one I will like. In the past I would tend to blet thins slide and avoid conflict. As I have grown older, not so much. I do not like conflict but I speak out more. BTW, I love the Arcadia Valley books–a wonderful idea with 6 very talented authors! My TBR list just got longer!
Hi Valerie, another book to look forward to:) Thanks for the interview, it was fun. I am not keen on conflict and will avoid where possible, but if I have to, then I will say what needs to be said- quivering on the inside of course!!
Thanks for the interview with Myles. As a retired teacher, I always enjoy a good story with teachers as the main characters. My daughter-in-law is an elementary school principal. I am also active in my grandchildren’s education. Volunteering at their school. Your Farm Fresh series hooked me to following you as an author. I also enjoy reading your Urban Farm Fresh series. My book is on preorder, but definitely wouldn’t be opposed to receiving a free copy. Best wishes and happy writing.
Myles sounds like an interesting guy. I’m definitely a conflict avoider. I’m a terrible debater and can never think of the right words to defend my point. Maybe this book could teach me something.
I think I’m in the middle when it comes to conflict. I used to avoid it at all costs, but learned at a previous job how that can cause situations to marinate under the surface. Now, I’ll try to be straight forward about issues with people I’m in ongoing relationships with, but I don’t seek out conflict with others and feel no need to engage people if the situation is temporary.
I am a conflict avoider! Often try to see what would cause a conflict and try to find a compromise! Keep the peace at all costs.
Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the excerpt. I also try to avoid conflict and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for him and how he handles it! Maybe I’ll learn something along the way.
I’m with you! Not a fan of conflict, either… but it’s a real problem for Myles!
I hear you. When conflict is actually needed, it’s best faced sooner. But it affects me in every way as well.
It’s such a fine balance, isn’t it! Knowing what to let slide and knowing what really must be dealt with! Glad you’re enjoying Arcadia Valley!!
Me, too! Much quivering, and it can take days to get over sometimes!
Keeping the peace is such a good quality. Some people swing in fighting at the slightest provocation, but not all conflicts are worth that, right? Some don’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things, while sometimes avoiding it or compromising work. Other times… bring out the ammunition!
I think Myles would laugh that someone could get tips from him!
I’m not always quick with words, either. That’s one reason I love writing. When I think of the perfect turn of phrase days later, I can edit it in!
That sounds like a very healthy balance!
I”m glad you enjoyed the interview!
What a nice interview,Valerie.
I am very bad about avoiding conflict,I run.
It actually nauseates me sometimes.
Conflict can have that effect on me, as well. Hope you enjoy the book!
I think it depends on the situation or the people involved, so I might be one of those people isn’t afraid of conflict.
I’m apparently in the minority, but I don’t shy away from conflict. I don’t love it, but I’ve always seen it as a fact of life and better faced head on. Problems don’t get solved by avoiding them.
I will say it’s not always the easiest way to be. People tell me I’m not feminine or that it’s unbecoming to be so direct. And lots of others feel that I’m mean or …something. But it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t see the point in hemming and hawing when there’s an issue. It just causes prolonged unhappiness.
It does depend, right?!?
Those are all very good points! And we love you for your directness!
Love your interviews of your characters. Myles spoke like me when I said “no man with kids for this single girl” then what happened I fell for someone with kids?. So Wishful thinking Myles. ☺️
I really enjoy this interview. Thanks for such a fun post.
I avoid conflict in professional environment, but I do think a conflict here and there in my personal life is needed to make relationships grow, specially with those I love the most (contradictory? I don’t think so). I don’t think we all agree all the time, and keeping our thoughts to avoid conflict prevents a relationship to fully mature. Not that having a conflict will always means immediate success, but facing challenges head on is more my thing.
Yes, poor Myles. I did sorta kinda turn his tidy little world upside down!
My sister once said of her husband, “If we agree on everything, one of us would be unnecessary!”
If possible, it’s best to face things when they’re small, before they’ve gotten completely out of hand and require major interventions!
This book sounds so fun. My in-laws live in Spokane and we go there often so I could just picture all you were talking about. Fun!
As for conflict, I hate it. I’m a fixer person, but often I can’t fix situations and it stresses me. I usually pray HARD and try to let God take the lead because if I don’t most often it doesn’t go well.
Thanks for this cute post I enjoyed reading it and look forward to reading the book.
Conflict is so much easier if we deal with things when they’re small! I hope you enjoy Memories of Mist.
LOL! Myles is in for a BIG surprise!
I avoid conflict like the plaque. Loved the interview. I married a man with a child and it was hard a lot of the time but we’ve been married almost 36 yrs and I wouldn’t trade him for anything! Sadly his daughter passed away a little over a year ago.
Ya think? ;) :D
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.
Ooh! I can hardly wait to read this!!! I’m a bit bossy, so tend to get into conflicts and try to tell people what to do ☺
Love it ?
Hint: you might be more like Adriana than like Myles!
Loved this fun interview, Valerie! Sounds like my kind of book…so I will be looking for it soon!
Thanks! It releases Thursday!
Looking forward to your book! I am definitely a conflict avoider. If something really needs to be discussed i can bring it up, but otherwise a soft answer turns away wrath.
I love that response!
When I was younger, I tried to avoid conflict, but as I grow older I realize problems won’t change unless I express my opinion and try to make things change. Trying to live peacefully outwardly, most of the time will leave problems to stew about.
That’s definitely a valid point!
Fun post today! I enjoyed reading it. I can relate to the elementary school scene because I taught special education students for 30 years. All teachers have to try and avoid conflicts with parents and other teachers! Never a dull moment for sure!
I hope I made Myles’s teaching believable in the story!
I don’t like conflict either, it stresses me out and will avoid it if at all possible. I know there are times you can’t avoid all of it, but if push comes to shove, I will stand up for myself. I still won’t like it though!
I like your sister already! ;)
LOL, I like her, too!
I think we’re a lot alike!
Trixi sounds like she could be my emotional twin. I am about as far away from wanting to deal conflict as is humanly possible. It’s a good thing I have God on my side, protecting and guiding me through the conflicts that simply cannot be avoided.
Amen. God is a good guide!
Great interview! I think very few people really like conflicts, or know how to deal with them, but they are necessary every once in a while. I don’t like conflicts but I’m not sure if I don’t get in the middle of many for being a person with strong opinions about things… I am now trying to learn which ones are worth “fighting” for and which ones I should just let go…
So true. Know when to walk away; know when to fight.
Great Interview Thank You for sharing it with us.
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Book sounds really good. :)
It releases tomorrow morning! Not long now. :)
YAY! Congrats Only One More Sleep ( or one long night) and It’s here
I Just put the whole series on My Wish List
Aw, thanks! It’s being delivered to Kindles already!
Haha Guess You are going to have a long night, not being able to sleep. Well I hope you can get a great nights sleep and the great reviews start pouring in tomorrow.
I slept like a baby until a thunderstorm hit and I started worrying about lightning-caused forest fires! But the book is “live” now and the first review is in, so it’s all good. And I haven’t heard of new fires today, though we did get one yesterday about 20 miles away that the firefighters are working on.
That’s not good Hope they get them all out :(
Eventually, but it’s so dry fires are popping up like a game of whack-a-mole gone bad. One of those years.
Well here’s some prayers for a just big enough rain storm because we don’t want it to be raining so much you get mud slides and such