It’s Christmas time! How’s the shopping going? This time next week we’ll all be celebrating!
My publisher has one of my novels on sale. Rich in Love is on sale for .99 cents.
While Rich in Love isn’t a Christmas novel, the second novel in the series, Rich in Hope, is a Christmas novel.
Rich in Hope is set in Florida. Jenny wants nothing more than to be alone for a few days before her best friend joins her. Instead, her best friend’s brother, Stephen, comes home early, and finds Jenny there, in his house, the solitary getaway interrupted. Between Stephen and a blind girl named Phoebe, Jenny finds there’s more to life than her career, her career that is now jeopardized, because of a scar on her face. No one wants a model with a scar.
A lot of writers I know have what they call the ‘story of their heart.’ The ‘book they had to write.’ This was not that book for me, but this book was very special in so many ways. God worked through this book bringing it full circle. Some aspects I didn’t even see until I was reading the rough draft, for the third time? It’s crazy how story works.
How God works.
What a wonderful time of the year! God sent His son for us, and Christmas is a time to celebrate the love God has shown all of us. Christmas seems to relax some people, and at times it gives people different lenses to view their family, their job, their friends. And this year is especially precious. I pray all of you can see your loved ones somehow someway. I pray the light and love of Christmas touch you and you will touch others.
And adding to my Christmas fun I read Christmas romances. I watch Christmas movies, I listen to Christmas songs. My daughter and her husband just had a baby girl, so our Christmas joy has already begun, literally. Her name is Natalie Joy! She’s beautiful.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
So, our question today is what is your favorite Christmas story format? Books, movies, or music? One commenter will receive an e copy of my book Rich in Hope.
Lori R says
That’s a tough choice to make but I am going to pick books for my favorite. There’s more detail in a book than in a movie and it’s fun to picture the characters and story.
Lindi says
Good morning! One thing about me. If they make a book into a movie, I HAVE to read the book first, if I’m going to read it at all. Once I watch the movie I won’t go back and read the book. :)
Trudy says
I’d have to say books!!! Second would be musicals, as I love watching White Christmas!! Holiday Inn is my second favorite movie. Of course, the best of all is the Real Christmas story found in Luke.
Linda Hogue says
Books by far! I love to read, and at Christmas time I love a good Christmas story!
Marilene says
Books are my favourite, but traditional instrumental christmas music is also relaxing!
Megan says
Merry Christmas to you! I enjoy both Christmas books and Christmas movies. Lately I’ve been reading more Christmas novellas to kind of help get in the mood for Christmas.
Valerie Comer says
Books… of course! Music comes a close second. I have no trouble living without movies. ;)
Lila Diller says
That’s tough for me. It’s either music or movies. I have a Christmas music playlist on YouTube that I listen to at least once every day starting before Thanksgiving until Christmas Day. I also have a stack of Christmas movies that I pull out after Thanksgiving. I’ve been watching something Christmas-related almost every night, too. I’ve only been reading Christmas books since Thanksgiving except for the nonfiction I’m still working on, but I don’t spend as much time reading as I do on the other two.
Trixi says
I love Christmas movies! One of my favorite ones is “It’s a Wonderful Life” because it shows that each of us are very valuable. The other one I like is the original animated “Grinch Who Stole Christmas” because it shows that anyone can be redeemable. :-) We also love the Charlie Brown Christmas one because it tells the real meaning of Christmas when Linus quotes scripture!
I read more Christmas themed books at this time of year too. Whichever ones happen to catch my eye. I don’t have a particular favorite fictional one, but I love Luke for the birth of Christ in scripture.
As for music, I love the old time ones you would find in a hymn book: Silent Night, We Three Kings, Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, etc. They don’t often play those ones on the radio but I have a Christmas CD I play on Christmas day with all my favorite songs.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Lindi! May the light of Christ shine bright in your hearts.
Alicia Haney says
I love Christmas movies, but then I also love the Christmas books, because a lot of times the book is way better than the movie. I also love Christmas music for sure! Well, I guess you have guessed it, I LOVE Everything Christmas. <3 Have a Great weekend and stay safe.
Deb Galloway says
I can’t decide between books or music. I have to admit I likely would have chosen movies before this year because I have always watched a ton of movies every year-especially White Christmas! But I haven’t had TV in several months and while I miss it some I haven’t had as hard a time as I expected to. I have always been a very musical person and listen to music all the time. And we all love books, right? I will never tire of reading. I will read Christmas books all year & honestly read them more at other times. I always am so busy this time of year and read less. But books are not seasonal for me (no matter the theme), they are simply a staple!
Sandra says
I will go with a book every single time; however, hubby is a TV watcher so I have to give in and watch a few TV shows too. Merry Christmas!
Lincoln says
I think my favorite has changed several times over the years. For many years, it was music. We collected a sizeable group of CDs of Christmas music in all sorts of musical styles. Although I am a movie lover, I don’t feel particularly drawn to Christmas movies unless there is an actor or actress that I enjoy. Reading is still a favorite, of course, Christmas or not!
Remember the reason for the season! Merry Christmas!
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
Books definitely. Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Debra J Pruss says
I actually enjoy a combination of music and books. I have not watched any Christmas movies this season. Thank you for an opportunity.
Lindi Peterson says
I love musicals! And Holiday Inn? The best!!
Lindi Peterson says
Val. We’d get along great. I do like certain movies, but books and music…:)
Lindi Peterson says
I’m reading so many good Christmas books right now.
Lindi Peterson says
Deb, I agree. Books are a staple. I do love reading. I don’t miss television at all when I’m not around it, but I can’t imagine a world without books. Music, too.
Lindi Peterson says
Girl, give me good piano music.. I’m in!
denise says
three-way tie
Lindi says
Merry Christmas! Novellas are a great way to get into Christmas. :)
Lindi says
Lila–A Christmas playlist on You Tube is a great idea. I’ve only been watching Hallmark Christmas movies. I’m not opposed to others, it’s just that I haven’t changed the channel. :)
I’m also not sure why I still love the ones I’ve already seen and rewatch them.
Lindi says
Trixi–Merry Christmas! I love your choice of movies—tried and true-sometimes you don’t know what you’re getting with these new ones. I’ve been surprised more than once this year, not gonna lie.
I love the hymns as well. Sometimes they’re so modernized I don’t recognize them!
Thank you for sharing.
Lindi says
Alicia—I love everything Christmas as well. I agree about the books being better than the movies.
Lind says
Sandra—I read books while watching TV with hubby! Merry Christmas.
Lindi says
Lincoln—Yes–the best reason for the season! It’s His season! Maybe that’s why I like the Hallmark movies–because now the actors and actresses are familiar. :)
Lindi says
Lucy–Merry Christmas!!
Lindi says
Debra–don’t worry about the moving watching this year–I’ve got you covered. I’ve watched enough for both of us. :)
Lindi says
Denise–I can so see a 3 way tie!! I love it all as well.
Natalya Lakhno says
All of it! Merry Christmas <3
Lindi says
Merry Christmas, Natalya!