I’m from the South, and “It’s fall, y’all” is a common phrase you often hear this time of year. Many of my friends started sharing posts on social media back in August about how much they were looking forward to the “BER” months which bring Friday night lights and pumpkin spice. Even though I’m a summer girl, fall certainly has an appeal. I think the excitement of the upcoming holidays helps bring everyone into a festive mood. My daughter just turned 16 and was planning her annual birthday visit to the corn maze months ago before the temps ever dipped below 90. She loves fall!

Ashley Fretto Photography
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is drive through the mountains to see the beautiful changing leaves. Check out this gorgeous photo my talented friend took this past weekend. It’s peak season here in Western NC, as you can tell from the colorful landscape! I also love fall festivals, the county fair, candy corn (the pumpkins are the best), pumpkin spice coffee creamer, and cuddling up with a good book. Toni Shiloh shared some great fall reads in her recent post, but any book will do for me when I get the opportunity to read.
There’s also something about fall that makes me want to write. Not that I don’t want to write any other season, but maybe it’s the days getting shorter, so I have to stay inside, or it could be the cooling temps outside giving me a cozy vibe while wrapped in a blanket on my couch. Whatever the case, my brain seems to kick into overdrive when I open my computer. I’m hoping this fall will proceed a finished book
To celebrate some of the things I enjoy about fall, I wrote a bonus scene for my Finding Home series, where you can catch up with some of the characters in the series. This short story is a fun scene with the Davis family preparing to attend a church fall festival. If you’d like to read it, click here!
I’ll leave you with one last treat. This apple cake recipe is one of my fall favorites. If you love apples, make sure to try it (and it’s just as good if you skip the icing).
I’d love to know some of your favorite things about fall. Leave a comment and I’ll pick a winner to receive a $5 Amazon gift card.
Hi K Leah from BRRRR Michigan! Some of our region has snow. Winds are blowing and howling. Lake Michigan has 15 feet waves. Mother Nature is confused – December weather, not fall weather. At least we didn’t loose power, as parts of Northern Indiana.
As a retiree, I do not do summer heat, so I appreciate fall. Fall with delicious apples. Michigan grows 16 different varieties. This year was a bumper crop. Hope farmers were able to harvest all before this cold snap. A trip to our neighborhood pumpkin farm is a must. DeVries Family has been selling pumpkins for 50 years. Gorgeous fall foliage colors, especially along Lake Michigan’s shore. Spiced hot mulled apple cider, pumpkin bread, pumpkin roll, pumpkin cake, and pumpkin pie. PLUS great colorful fall decorations, fall festivals and MONTH to be THANKFUL. Best wishes. Happy Writing.
I love the cooler temperatures so I can wear my sweaters. I love the beautiful colors on the trees and I also enjoy decorating with pumpkins. It is such fun going to the pumpkin patch.
Cooler temps and color leaves.
Thank you for the recipe, it looks great.
I love these autumn months, we don’t have so many fall traditions and festivals here in the UK (or even pumpkin spice which I always think sounds delicious!) but the leaves are turning, it’s getting colder and the nights are drawing in leading towards Christmas, what’s not to like?!
I love taking my children to stamp through the fallen leaves and we have bonfire night on November 5th which is great fun watching fireworks.
To me, fall always meant football games! I have a son who played from age 8 through college! Tailgating, wearing team colors, cheering from the stands.
The things I like about fall are the cooler temperatures, the beautiful fall colors of the changing leaves, snuggling up wearing warm sweaters and with warm blankets. This time of year I switch from iced coffee to hot coffee and hot chocolate. The picture you shared is beautiful.
Have a great day.
I love the beautiful autumnal sights and smells Mother Nature gives us in the fall. I love that football is back and in full swing and, of course, my birthday!
I like making a apple cider, maple bars, and homemade apple cider with my family we make it usually every year but haven’t made it this year it still feels like summer here on Sunday it was 85 degrees so I’m ready for cooler weather.I also like when the leaves start changing colors .
I used to love going to NW GA to see the changing leaves and the much cooler weather!!! Now that my busy season starts in October, I don’t get to do that anymore. My aunt and uncle used to own an apple orchard, and this was also the best time of year for apples, too. My parents and I would go up and haul quite a bit of apples back, especially dried apples, so that Mom could make fried apple pies. Now, I suffer through fall to winter, as Florida rarely participates in fall.
welcome today. thanks for sharing your recipe. this looks fantastic. I am looking for a simple dessert recipe for the crock pot. my sister is moving so we are all bringing a crock pot meal to share. so she doesnt have to cook.
Your comment made me so happy! I love all the fall things you mentioned except the cold & snow. haha!
The pumpkin patch was always a favorite when my kids were little!
Love the leaves!
My kids used to love making piles of leaves and running through them. My parents live in the middle of the woods and have TONS of leaves. They would make a pile halfway up the house and disappear into it and just giggle. I miss those days.
We used to go to my alma mater’s football games a lot when the kids were younger. Those were always fun times when we would tailgate.
That picture is just beautiful, isn’t itl? I’m so glad my friend shared it with me. I drink coffee year-round, but I crave it more in the colder months.
Birthday months are always fun to celebrate. Happy Birthday!
You must live near me because it was warm here this past weekend too. I had on a t-shirt and shorts. And today the high is 52, so it’s never true fall until about mid-November and we usually go straight to winter. lol!
Mmmm… fried apple pies! That sounds like my kind of treat.
That’s a wonderful treat for your sister. I’m sure she will appreciate it.
Seeing fall leaves.
Hi, I love the cooler temps of fall and I love the sound the fallen leaves make when I step on them. I love planting the chrysanthemums and also pansies. I love walking our pup in the cooler temps. Have a great evening and a great week.
I love to see the leaves on the trees changing colors, the briskness in the air and all the fall decorations. It’s one of my favorite seasons.
The Apple Cake does look like a treat.
I like the cool after the hot summer weather. The autumn colours are beautiful too.
Yes, they are beautiful!
Fall flowers are really pretty!
Me too (but only second favorite to summer)!
I love the colors of fall for sure!
I enjoy watching the leaves change to the brilliant colors of red, orange and yellow. I also enjoy being able to have the doors and windows open to enjoy the fresh air before it gets too cold. I enjoy seeing all the new Christmas books that are coming out this year. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
cooler weather
Love it. It’s the prequel to Christmas!
It was 28 degrees when I got up this morning. Brrrr!
I like the cold Autumn and sitting by the stove drinking tea and reading.
That sounds perfect!
I love seeing the leaves changes color and getting to wear sweaters because of the cooler temperature.
I live in Michigan and love when the leaves start to change colors. I also look forward to college football, GO BLUE!
Hoodies are my favorite!
Fun fact: I had a Mickey Mouse Michigan baseball hat I wore all the time growing up because I liked the colors. lol!
Fall is my favorite season because it starts to cool down here in Atlanta GA. I also love to watch the beautiful colors of the leaves as they change.
I’m not far from you in NC. Yes, it’s beautiful this time of year.
I love the changing leaves, the colors are beautiful this year in mid Michigan! I also love that my birthday is in the fall.
Cozy sweatshirts
The chance to pull out the blue jeans and sweaters! I’m in South Carolina, so sometimes I have to wait a while.
I’ve been to NC in the fall, yes it’s very beautiful there too. I also love to go on drives and admire the leaves as they are changing into the brilliant shades of fall. I sit in my backyard every day listening to music and while I read just to enjoy how many more leaves changed over night. It’s so peaceful… ❤️