I’ve never really learned to play a musical instrument. Sure, I had a recorder when I was a kid, and I plinked around on the keyboard off and on, but I never seriously played anything. I’ve always wished I had.
I don’t know if it’s a need to have something new to focus on during this pandemic, the fact that I’ll be turning 43 in March, or if I’m finally getting around to it, but I decided to learn how to play the guitar.
I do have a confession, though. Prior to this, I may have held a guitar five other times in my life. There was a part of me that was afraid I’d start playing, realize it wasn’t for me, and quit early on. Because of that, I bought the cheapest guitar I could find on Amazon so I wouldn’t waste any more money than necessary.
To my surprise, I am absolutely LOVING it. Learning the guitar is exactly what I need. I’m gaining dexterity in my hands (I’ve received several bad finger sprains in the last few years, and this has helped with that residual stiffness and pain tremendously). I’m also enjoying the fact that I can practice even when I only have a few spare minutes. Plus, it’s relaxing.
I’ve got lofty goals when it comes to the songs I hope to play someday, and it may take me a while, but I’ll get there. It’s truly never too late to change your routine, learn something new, or pursue a dream.
I’m in the process of writing Marrying Emma, the fifth book in the Brides of Clearwater series. Emma grew up with a congenital heart defect that meant she was sick most of her life. Her situation kept getting worse until, when she wasn’t sure how much longer she had, she finally received a heart transplant.
It took some time to recover from that surgery, but Emma’s doctor insists she’s doing well and needs to start exercising, building her strength, and living again. The problem is, she’s spent her whole life being careful and playing it safe. Sure, she has a new heart, but daily medications, a pile of medical bills, and a lack of focus in her life has left her wondering what she’s supposed to do next.
And then there’s Marty, the guy she works with who is about as opposite from her as they come. He takes risks, he goes through life at full speed, and he’s determined to show her that it’s never too late to embrace life and live it the way you’ve always dreamed.
Marrying Emma is available for preorder now, and will release on March 25th. If you’d like to meet Emma before then, she first appears in Marrying Chrissy, the third book in the Brides of Clearwater.
What about you? Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn?
Did you pick up a new hobby or pursue an interest during the pandemic?
Mary Preston says
I’d love to be able to speak another language. I studied French at school and enjoyed it.
Margaret Bunce says
I actually revived my love for piano during the pandemic. This self taught little bunny found YouTube has a wealth of videos for wannabe pianists! So here I am ten months later and still going strong — mostly!!
Good on you Melanie for getting into guitar!
Trudy says
I’ve always wanted to learn how to play a steel guitar. However, since I have no wrist movement in my right wrist, that’s not going to happen, especially since no music store here has one. I’m still reading a lot, and making cards, and now going through Mom’s things a little at a time. Of course, yesterday I didn’t do anything but read! The first day in a very long while that that was all I did!
Natalya Lakhno says
That’s great! I’ve always wanted to play piano…maybe…one day, when I have more time on my hands :)
Melanie D Snitker says
Learning another language is a great idea. That’s neat you took French in school.
Melanie D Snitker says
Good for you for playing piano again. How fun! Oh YouTube is great, isn’t it? I have found so many lessons up there for the guitar too. Have fun and keep playing!!
Melanie D Snitker says
How lovely to spend so much time reading. I’m glad you were able to do that. Making cards sounds like fun!
Melanie D Snitker says
Playing piano would be fun. I hope you get the chance!
Deb Galloway says
I didn’t start anything new during this Covid season. I had to get used to staying home all the time 6 years ago so was blessed not to have any real change through this. But back when I started my home journey while I was in the nursing home I pulled my embroidery back out. I have done several bibs and baby quilts since then. I also started doing jigsaw puzzles on the computer and it was then that I read my first ebook. I still love to hold a book & always have one to take when going to appointments. I have many more hobbies than I can do but don’t have anything I want to start.
Alicia Haney says
Your book sounds like a great read, and the cover is Stunning! That you for sharing about it. And Good for you, learning to play the guitar and doing good on it! You know, I got myself a guitar 14 years ago, I started learning on it and then I gave it up, maybe it’s time for me to pick it up again, you have inspired me to do that, the poor guitar has just been sitting there. Have a Great rest of the week and stay safe, and you keep on strumming on your guitar and learning the songs that you love . God Bless you and your family.
Sandra says
You can learn to play that guitar, Melanie. Keep picking. I would like to go back to my piano learning. I did get through the first several books, and could play some recognizable tunes. I do fine on the white keys but when it come to the black keys, forget it. LOL
Deb Kastner says
You have inspired me. I was watching The High Kings (an Irish folk band) concert the other night and expressed to my husband that I’d always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Two of my three daughters know how. I do believe I’ll be asking for a guitar as a mother’s day present this year (or maybe Valentine’s day!!).
Can I ask what you’re using to learn? A video series?
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
What fun to learn to play guitar. I always wanted to play piano. Best wishes on your new endeavor.
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s awesome that you do embroidery. That takes a lot of skill and patience!
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi, Alicia,
Thank you so much! The cover was fun to make and fits Emma so well, too. <3 I hope you do take your guitar back out and start playing it again. Enjoy the rest of your week as well!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for the encouragement, Sandra! You should definitely go back to learning the piano. The black keys are SO much harder, that’s for sure. That’s awesome you were playing recognizable tunes. I hope you start playing again!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Deb! I think you should definitely ask for a guitar for Mother’s Day this year. You know, I started out with the Fender video series, but found another one I really like that seems to fit my playing style. It’s on YouTube (though he has a great app) and his channel is called Andy’s Guitar. What I like is he has lessons, but he also has a HUGE song catalogue with instructions on how to play them so you can choose songs you really want to learn and focus on them instead of strumming Happy Birthday over and over. I have a list of five or six “One day, I’ll play that” songs and they keep me inspired to continue progressing through the lessons.
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks so much! I hope you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to play the piano some day!
Deb Kastner says
Wow. Thank you! I’ll check into Andy. I’m super stoked to start!
Melanie D Snitker says
I’m excited for you, too! You’ll have to let me know how it’s going!
Trixi says
I used to love doing crossword puzzles years ago, but then life got busy and I had no time or energy for them. Once everything shut down in March of last year, I found myself with lots of time & boredom set in. So I decided to do the puzzles in our newspaper & my love for them grew again. They don’t take that much time, and it helped me keep my mind off of the negative things all around.
I’ve not picked up anything new but have always wanted to learn how to play a piano. That’s been something I’ve thought about since I was young.
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s wonderful that you rediscovered your love for crossword puzzles. Anything that helps get the mind of the many negative things around is us a good thing. I hope you can find an opportunity to learn piano at some point, too. Thanks for responding, Trixi!
Penelope says
I didn’t pick up anything new due to Covid (besides much more reading) but 10 yrs ago on one of those “monumental” birthdays I told my husband I had always desired to learn to scuba dive, and would he be willing to learn and then go diving with me? He said Yes! We got certified and have been diving regularly ever since. Covid has temporarily curtailed our diving plans but we are hopeful for “after.” We were talking today, and he casually mentioned that diving was something he never would have tried, except for me requesting it. And he is quite surprised to find that he enjoys it almost as much as I do. :)
So I agree, it’s never too late.
The cover on Marrying Emma – that’s lovely!
Malvina says
It’s never too late to learn a musical instrument, and brings great joy. I hope you continue to enjoy this.
denise says
I’m starting to quilt again.
Mary says
I would love to play the piano, but at my age (79) I’m happy to listen to others.
Melanie D Snitker says
Oh my goodness, I love that you and your husband got certified to SCUBA dive together. That is so awesome – and how fun that you dive regularly ever since. Good for you!!! :-D
Thank you for your comment on Emma’s cover! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks so much, Malvina!
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s awesome, Denise! I really admire people who know how to quilt. I’ve always wished I knew how.
Melanie D Snitker says
Piano is so relaxing to listen to, isn’t it? I can plink out a couple of songs on the piano (very basic) and I learned one specifically because it helps our son relax (severe autism). Music is such a blessing!
Sabrina Templin says
i’d love to try piano again and i’d like to get better at knitting and card making and crocheting and I’d like to learn to sew or quilt and maybe go back to school and get a degree in something
Amy Perrault says
I know some of the drums & guitar but would like to learn more. I can play the piano & sing. I can speak English, French, & my Native language but want to learn Spanish.
Sylvain Perrault says
I speak both English & French. I know some guitar but want to learn more also for my daughter & also to learn the piano cause I love it.
Melanie D Snitker says
All of that sounds great, Sabrina! Sounds like you have some awesome goals to work toward.
Melanie D Snitker says
I’m so impressed that you know three languages and want to pursue a fourth – good for you!!
Melanie D Snitker says
Wow, that’s awesome you speak two languages like that. I hope you’ll get the opportunity to learn how to play the piano!
Sabrina Templin says
Welll I haven’t made them goals yet
Right now they are just bucket things