Goodness–it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and now we’re already in mid-January! It’s been a cold winter here–the morning that I took the photo of the thermometer (January 1st) we’d dropped to -30 overnight and had -35 to -45 windchills! Needless to say, the horses are tucked in their cozy barn every night. Is it cold where you are?
Autumn sped by with travels and family events. The Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas season always seems to fly by–faster than before with every passing year. But now, the holidays are over for 2017 and we’re settled into several solid months of winter, when it feels good to sit by the fireplace and watch snowflakes swirl past our windows.
It’s also a perfect time to settle back into my office and really work hard on a book due in mid-February. I’m excited about trying to make good progress with my characters and finding out how and when the story will begin to take on a life of its own. With every day of writing, I pray that I can weave in elements of hope and faith and encouragement for my readers, that will leave them uplifted and satisfied at The End. It’s this aspect that gave me newfound joy when I switched from writing secular fiction, and still gives me a sense of peace when I reach The End.
Having you been reading inspirational fiction long? Do you prefer full-length novels? Novellas within anthologies? Contemporary or historicals?
Those who leave a comment will be in a drawing for an ebook copy of either An Aspen Creek Christmas or Falling for the Rancher, two of my recent titles for Harlequin Love Inspired.
Here’s wishing you peace, happiness and every blessing as you continue into the New Year!
Roxanne Rustand
Hi Roxanne, wow that is cold! We are in Summer here, although the last 2 days have felt more like Autumn and we have been wearing jumpers and trackies.
I have been reading inspirational fiction since early high school. My mum was our church librarian and my dad’s cousin was our school librarian, so I had access to loads of great books. I prefer a full length novel, but will happily read a novella if I just want something quick to fill in a short amount of time.
Have fun writing and stay warm,
Good morning Roxanne,
I’m in central Texas and our weather has, as usual, been going up and down. It has been a colder winter than usual here, but I’m thankful for any of the seasons. I just wish I could be somewhere where I would get to enjoy every season to it’s fullest.
I do enjoy inspirational and Christian fiction. They are able to take me to a place where it is wholesome and good. A good reminder of the way things were supposed to be, not what our world has become. ?
I also enjoy historical and western romances. For some reason I really enjoy the middle to late eighteen hundreds. I know it was a very hard time, but it was also a time when people still cared more about each other. I don’t have a preference of full-length novels or series. Just the story line.
I’m glad for you and your readers that you switched over from secular to inspirational books. I’m sure it not only benefits your readers, but it has to give you the satisfaction to know you have achieved what you are looking for.
Speaking of time, it really has speed up. I was telling my husband that the phrase “Slower than Christmas” is not a true statement anymore, that, or I really am getting old. lol
Well, I could go on and on, but I’m sure you have better things to do, like writing us more of your ? books.
Enjoy your scenery with a cup of coffee or a good cup of cocoa.
I will pray for you and your family to have a blessed and safe winter.
God bless my dear friend
Hi Roxanne! Temperatures in SW Michigan this morning are in the teens. We had a thaw last Wednesday. Now back to the cold and gloom, the downside of living a mile from the shores of Lake Michigan. Winter this year hit with a vengeance and we have had snowfall almost every day since December 21. Nice for the area ski resorts, since last year was unseasonably warm with no snow. Definitely weather to snuggling under a cozy blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. I have been reading inspiring romance since I was a teen. Being a retiree, I find my concentration is waning; so I prefer novellas or shorter works especially if I am busy with the holidays, birthdays, or grandchildren. Off to my son’s house, two out of their three kids have the flu. Best wishes. Stay warm and healthy.
It’s cold where I live – highs in the teens and lows in the single digits. It’s not too bad as long as there’s no wind.
I prefer reading full length or short novels. I will read novellas if they are by an author I haven’t read before or are a prequel to series I want to read.
I read and enjoyed Falling for the Rancher. :)
I haven’t been reading inspirational fiction for very long but it’s the only fiction I’ve been reading since I restarted my reading journey. I read almost every genre of CF – but my personal favorites are suspense, historical, contemporary, and Biblical.
I love Christian fiction. My favorite genre’ is romantic suspense. However I read most genres’. I prefer a novel and the longer the better. Novellas, short stories, anthologies aren’t my taste. I read Outlander (over 1,000 pages) in one sitting. However, I will read a novella by a favorite author. If I read a book and truly enjoy it I will go online and leave reviews at various sites.
Hi I love Christian suspense. The length doesn’t matter, as long as it has faith, suspense and love!! I prefer fiction that is relevant to today. Since I started reading inspirational fiction, I am not interested in secular any more. I’d much rather read a clean story!!
I’ve been reading inspirational fiction since I was in high school. Most of what I read is contemporary but there are a few historical authors who I like and I definitely prefer full-length novels, the longer the better.
I found inspirational fiction several years ago and have loved it. I enjoy something clean that also has a message within it. I feel I learn things from seeing someone else’s view. I prefer historical novels, but sometimes opt for novellas when I’m busy or it’s by a favorite author. I still read and enjoy contemporary ones also. Lord bless your new year.
I haven’t been reading inspirational romances for very long, but I really enjoy it and find kind of hard now to read some other books…
I feel the same way about this year, it’s alteady January 15th, when has time gone by?
I’ve been reading inspirational fiction since the days of the Sugar Creek Gang :-) There wasn’t much available back when I was young. I’d wait all year for our summer family camp, when one pastor and wife would run the bookstore. The problem was that I could only afford one or two books, and I’d read those so fast! One time I asked if I could bring back the ones I’d finished and trade it in for another one :-)
I have been reading inspirational fiction for an escape. I also like longer novels which are contemporary and include suspense. I get tired of too many happily ever after stories as I have found real life to be a struggle. The struggles are not in getting to the wedding as most books would have you consider but staying on course through loneliness, misunderstanding and heartbreak. How do we support those children we have nurtured when they walk away from faith and when their brothers ignore them? I realize that inspirational fiction is an escape, but how do we bring hope and peace into challenging and complex situations?
All the best in your writing this year. Very cold here too….-30c last night.
I’ve been reading inspiration fiction for a long time. I like any length and about any genre, because I like a varitey. The temps are falling here & it’s almost to single digits. We had snow off and on yesterday. Good days to snuggle up & read!
It has been very warm here, I want winter weather, but maybe not quite that cold. This year has been unseasonably warm. I love novellas as well as full length novels, historical as well as contemporary. Romance as well as suspence.
It is colder than usual in GA! Teens and low twenties at night, and expected to continue all week! Would love to read your book…I am an avid reader!
Thanks for your giveaway.
I’ve been enjoying love inspired for quite a while. I take for granted that it will be a good read and uplifting experience. I look forward to them whenever I find them. While I usually enjoy the longer novel, I find with limited time to read, I’ve been enjoying more shorter books.
I have been reading inspirational romance and suspense for a very long time. I like full length novels whether contemporary or historical.
So nice to hear from you.! Are you in Australia? New Zealand? How cold does it get during your winter?
Thank you, Kathy!
It such fun to hear from people who are in such distant places from those of us here in the Upper Midwest. And also, fun to hear about the types of books people enjoy.
I enjoy historical fiction too, but you are so right about those times being hard. I figure I wouldn’t have lasted past 30, given the state of of maternal health care then!
Best wishes to you, too!
Oh goodness–I sure hope you don’t catch the flu from them. I keep hearing on the TV news that this is terrible year for it. But what a good grandma you are to go over to take care of the kids!
What a lovely location you have, so close to Lake Michigan. Your area must be beautiful. All I know of Michigan is a road trip to Traverse City some years ago, then on up to Mackinac Island. Loved the entire trip!
Stay warm and healthy, too!
Your weather sounds familiar. Right now the windchill here is -15 to -25 below, it’s snowy, and when I went out to the barn to bring the horses in for the night ,that trek to and from the barn was mighty brisk!
Thank you so much for reading Falling for the Rancher!! It’s always such fun to hear from someone who has read one of my books.
I am working on a new Montana ranch trilogy right now, about three brothers who are cousins of the vet in An Aspen Creek Christmas and Falling for the Rancher. The first book will be out in December….but right now, I have a lot of the book to write and I am hoping for a productive day tomorrow! :)
All the best,
How interesting! We all have unique paths in our reading journeys.
I didn’t read fiction for many years, then a friend gave me a novel by a wonderful author and dared me to put it down. I did, at four o’clock that morning–too captivated to stop. That brought me back to voraciously reading fiction, and eventually, starting to write. All because of a friend.
Did something in particular draw you back into reading fiction?
You are an amazing reader! Have you watched Outlander on television? what do you think of it? Did you read the other books in the series as well?
Author are so grateful when someone enjoys a book and then takes the time to write a review. It’s such a thoughtful gift, and helps other readers decide if they want to take a chance on buying that book or not.
So I will give you thanks, from all of the writers you have reviewed!
That’s exactly how I felt, after i moved from writing secular fiction to writing inspirationals! I was so much happier, and felt like I’d finally landed where I belonged. :)
Hi Jessica,
so nice to hear from you. I love the long length novels too. Once I’m fully engaged in reading a great story I just don’t want it to end.
Hi Diana,
Blessings to you in the coming year, too!
Yes indeed!! My next book it due at the publisher on February 19th, and this month is speeding
by way too fast! :)
So glad to hear that you are enjoying inspirational fiction. I love reading it too!
Your family summer camp sounds like a wonderful childhood experience!
Now you have me very curious, because I’m not familiar with The Sugar Creek Gang and it sounds like fun reading. i need to Google it! :)
What a powerful message you have written here, with so much truth. I will be thinking about your words for long time to come.
You are right–a life story doesn’t end with happily ever afters at the altar. Life is so much harder than that, with ongoing conflicts and struggles, disappointments and misunderstandings….the peaks and valleys, joy and loss. For me, all I can do is pray without ceasing for the right choices, understanding, and the strengthening of faith. In so many situations, heartfelt prayer has brought something or someone into my life who gave me the right answers, the much needed comfort–like after the loss of a child, which is so devastating.
In longing for someone to come back to their faith, heartfelt prayers are what I cling to. So many people stray from their faith, and/or their families and it does seem hopeless. I just pray that age and life experiences and encounters with the right people will bring to them back. Longer literary Christian fiction and trade Christian fiction often deals with deep struggles like these….at least in the ones I’ve read. Perhap some of the others who read this will have some titles to recommend.
Your words “Hope and peace in challenging and complex situations” have given me a lot to think about on this frigid winter’s night.
God bless,
Keep warm, Becky! Thanks for your reply!
Our winter was unseasonably warm and dry, and we thought that was going to last. LOL. Then the day before Christmasand ever since….goodness!
Sounds like you’re widely read. I love all of those, too!
Hi Jackie,
I’m curious….and know this may sound ignorant, but I’m a northerner! Are frozen pipes an issue in the south where you are? Our daughter lived along the Gulf for a few years, and she that was a real problem if cold weather hit.
Hi Nancy,
I agree–it’s nice to have a shorter read when one’s time is limited. So glad that you are a Love Inspired reader!
Thanks so much for leaving a comment!
I enjoy both… especially Love inspired novels. I am also currently reading ” The last Jihad” and it is really good.
I’m guessing I’ve been reading inspirational fiction about 4-5 years now. I prefer full-length novels, but I also find myself enjoying those sets of novellas by multiple authors. They’re a great way to try out new-to-me authors. I like both contemporary and historicals, sometimes I prefer one over the other depending on my current mood. I just love reading! ;-)
HI Roxanne, I am in Australia. Where I live, we average 13-14 degrees celsius during the day, but it is not uncommon to have some days of 9 or 10 degrees. It rarely snows at our house, but on the mountain nearby, there will be flurries or the odd dumping of snow during winter.
Stay warm:)