I’m so honored to be critique partners with the fabulous author, Jennifer Rodewald. She’s such a versatile writer, and her latest novella proves that even more. It’s an absolutely scrumptious story! I asked her to share an excerpt for Inspy Romance readers today.
My name is Kirstin Hill. I’m a simple girl trying to figure out life in a small town. There are a few things you should know about me before we begin. I grew up in the city. I’m a teacher–a first year teacher (some of you understand that significance). And, finally, when it comes to cooking, I’m a disaster. Maybe none of those things seem story-worthy, but trust me, I have a story. I call it The Cupcake Dilemma, and it literally changed my life. How? I’m glad you asked.
It all started with an extra assignment delegated to me at school right before Valentine’s Day… but before we get too far, let me begin by stating this clearly. I was voluntold.
So without further ado, here’s a small sweet taste of The Cupcake Dilemma!
Monday’s spelling list included the words cute, cookies, correct, and for bonus points, unicorn. While my second graders were busy practicing word usage by creating sentences with their word lists, I made up my own sample sentence.
This afternoon Ms. Hill will learn the correct way to bake cookies with the cute baker. And unicorns will appear on Main Street.
I felt sweaty in my teal super-soft cardigan and hoped that my nylon-and-lace flowy top underneath the open sweater didn’t have pit marks. What in the world was Ian Connealy thinking? Clearly he hadn’t understood the depth of my kitchen ineptness. He was a baker—in his business, surely taking on a large order of cupcakes was a good idea.
“Ms. Hill?” Keegan Kent waved at me, the tone of his voice letting me know that this hadn’t been the first time he’d tried to get my attention. I snapped from my dazed stare at the Smartboard upfront, where the word list glowed on the LED screen.
“Yes, Keegan? Do you need help?”
“You were staring,” he said, one ornery eyebrow raised.
“I was just thinking about something I have to do later.”
“Must be something hard. Your forehead was kind of mushed up.”
“Thank you, Keegan. Did you have a question?”
“No. Just wondered if you were okay.”
He smiled—it looked like a Dennis the Menace grin, all mischievous and cute at the same time. Kind of like Ian’s grin when I’d skulked up to the cash register where he was wiping down the counter just before Anastacia and I had left Saturday morning.
“Okay, you have a deal,” I’d mumbled, looking at Ian like he was in for it. Because he was.
Cue the cute troublemaker grin. “Excellent. We’ll start on Monday afternoon.”
My right eyebrow rocketed toward my hairline. “We will?”
“Of course. One must practice.” He continued working, as if this were a normal conversation.
“When did you think we’d have time to practice?”
He stopped, his chin tilted while his face radiated little-boy mischief. “I just told you. Monday afternoon, whenever you get done with school. And then Tuesday. After that, Wednesday.”
I braced my hands on my hips. “How do you know I work at the school?”
His eyes rolled as if I were the crazy one. “Ms. Kirstin Hill. Second-grade teacher. Likes the Rocky Road Toads, Red Velvet Delights, and occasionally will go for the Dark and Dangerous. But I think that’s only for a bad day. Keegan Kent is one of your students, and here’s a bit that maybe you don’t know, but you might need to—” He leaned across the counter and dropped his voice to a whisper. “Pretty sure the kid’s got a crush on his teacher.”
All of that ended with a wink, and then Ian crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels—a silent sign that he thought I should be impressed.
I blinked twice and stared at him for two more breaths after that. “Are you a stalker?”
Laughter shook his shoulders. “Nope. Just a guy running a business in a small town. And since you’re the new teacher, you get noticed.”
I crossed my arms. “Anastacia’s a new teacher too.”
“Right. Married to Mitch Campbell, the new and only doctor in town. Likes the Carmel Fudge Smudge, and Mitch goes for the Simple Spice. She’s a coffee drinker, but I’m pretty sure he only ever drinks water. They’re complete opposites, but it works for them. Anything else you want to know?”
I fought against the amusement tickling my mouth. The smile pushed its way out anyway, and I shook my head. “What time again on Monday?”
“Whenever you get here. I close at six, but we can work after that if we need to.”
I turned to go but stopped two steps toward the exit, glancing over my shoulder at him again. “You might regret this.”
“I doubt it.”
“You could call my mother—she’d corroborate my story.”
“I’m not scared.”
“Hope you’re insured.”
He’d laughed, and I’d left with a burned-in impression of the smile that resembled Keegan Kent’s.
Recovering back to the present, I glanced over at Keegan again. He sat with his shoulders bent over the desk, scrawling out his sentences with that yellow number 2 pencil. After a moment, he glanced back at me and grinned when he found me watching. Both eyebrows wiggled up and down, and he waved.
I barely held in a snort-laugh. The little rascal was cute, and he knew it. Pretty sure Ian had been just like him at age eight.
A quick glance at the clock told me it was 2:52. Thirty-eight more minutes and I’d dismiss the kids. Another hour’s worth of work waited for me at my desk, and then…
I’d find out how much Ian was like eight-year-old Keegan. And he’d find out how kitchen inept I really was.
Heh-heh-heh. The gleeful chuckle floated through my mind. I was ready. Pretty sure Ian was not.
Do you love it yet? I’ve read the whole novella, and I know you’ll enjoy it! Thank you, Jen!
Jen lives and writes in a lovely speck of a town where she watches with amazement while her children grow up way too fast, gardens, and marvels at God’s mighty hand in everyday life. Four kids and her own personal superman make her home in southwestern Nebraska delightfully chaotic.
She would love to hear from you! You can find her at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjenrodewald
Twitter: @JRodes6
Instagram: author.j.rodes
Preorder your copy of the The Cupcake Dilemma for only 99 cents!
Jen is graciously offering one of her eBooks to one person who comments here by February 5, reader’s choice! (void where prohibited)
Hi Janet, this book looks fun, thanks for sharing more about it. I have read a few of Jen’s other books and have enjoyed them all.
Hi Janet and Jennifer! Thank for sharing an inspiring story. As a retired teacher and home cook, I enjoy reading stories about teachers and who doesn’t enjoy cupcakes. Ordinary Snowflakes: A Rock Creek Christmas Novella was a fun read. Best wishes and Happy Writing.
I love the cover of this book and the excerpt included here makes me really want to read it! :-)
This sounds like the perfect book for Valentines Day so even it’s timing is right. I still haven’t read the book that followed Blue Columbine. I need to step up my pace! Thanks for the excerpt, ladies.
I love it! Thanks for sharing.
This book sounds so fun and cute!
Hi Wemble,
Isn’t she great!
Hi Renate,
I’m a terrible baker so I can definitely relate!
Hi Ellie!
The cover is precious :)
Hi Sherri! Yes, you don’t want to miss out. I have trouble keeping up with my reading list, too.
Hi Andrea!
You’re welcome! Happy to share!
Hi Melynda! It couldn’t be cuter, or should that be more cute?! Where’s my editor?
What a great excerpt from your book. It sounds like a fun story.
Hi Tammy! Jen’s written an adorable story~
This book sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait to read it!
Hi Katie! You’ll enjoy it!
I love that this releases on Valentine Day, and it does sound like a scrumptious story! When I clicked on her twitter account, it said that account was suspended. Is there another account for her? I loved meeting Jennifer today! Thank you!
Hi Becky! Yes! Perfect timing! I’ll mention that to Jen about the Twitter. Probably a typo.
It does sound like a fun story.
It sounds fun and interesting. I’m a fairly good cook and baker except for pies. But my sister was another story. In cookies, she tried using baking powder as flour. Not a good thing. Thanks for this opportunity.
So much fun, Margaret! Blessings,
LOL, Nancy! Your sister might relate to Jen’s character for sure! I’m not super patient about measuring ingredients which may be the problem I have with baking.
Thanks, Janet and Jen, for the post. I had already pre-ordered this book, and now I’m even more excited for it. It sounds like a perfect book for February.
Oh dear! That’s weird, I just tweeted a little bit ago… @JRodes6. Maybe a glitch? I’m sorry! Thank you for stopping in and chatting with us today–and hopefully we’ll get that straightened out.
Thank you, Wemble!
I’m completely jealous! Like my character, Kirstin, I’m a kitchen-fail girl. Glad there are others who make our taste buds happy! :)
Thank you, Ellie! I hope you get the chance to read it–I sure had fun writing it! :)
Psss… Sherri, I’m WAY behind my TBR pile too. So many good books…. ;) Thank you for including mine on your list! <3
Thank you, Andrea!
Hi Melynda! I sure had fun writing it, so I hope readers have fun diving into it. :)
Ah, thank you Tammy! :)
Thank you, Katie!
:) Thank you, Margaret! I hope you get the chance to enjoy it.
I LOVE that, Nancy! Sounds like your sister and I are two peas in the kitchen-fail pod! :) She might enjoy The Cupcake Dilemma too! ;)
Ah, Winnie, thank you so much! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it. :)
This looks like a wonderful book!!
I haven’t read any of her books but this one sounds fun.
Oh, this story sounds so cute! I work at a school and I can just picture the scene. I Love it and can’t wait to read it.
Thanks for sharing this tidbit.
Hi Marylin! You’ll love it!
All her books are awesome!
Blessings :)
It is so cute!
Hi Winnie! You’re in for a treat!
Sounds like a wonderful book. Loved reading about the book and the way she used a funny sentence using the spelling words. Would love to be entered to win an e book.
This sounds like a fun book!
Loved the post!
So much fun, Phyllis!
Thank you, Carole!
Hi Andrea! Yes! That was creative!
Thank you, Emily!
Thank you, Jessica! I had a lot of fun writing this one! :)
Thanks, Marylin! I hope you get the chance to check it out.
Thanks, Andrea! Best of luck on the drawing for the ebook! ;)
Thanks, Phyllis! I had a ton of fun writing this one. :)
So glad you enjoyed it, Carole! Thanks for stopping in. :)
Janet and the Inspy team… thank you so much for hosting me today! What a fun time! I’m so very honored to be here.
Great excerpt. I definitely want to read this story! Thanks for sharing!
YES! Goodness gracious, y’all! This story is SO WONDERFUL!
Hi Beth! You’re welcome! Enjoy!
Well, hey, Beth! Great to see you here!! It is wonderful! Thanks for chiming in!
Hugs :)
This book. ? Loved, loved it.
Hi Christina! Thanks for chiming in!
I think I’ve only read A Carpenter’s Daughter yet but I really enjoyed that story.
Yeah, the kids grow up in the blink of an eye. My baby is now looking at colleges. Where did the time go? We should have had 7 kids…..lol then we wouldn’t be empty nesters quite so soon.
I haven’t read any of this author’s books before. I enjoyed the writing in the excerpt, so I’ll have to check out her books.
Hi Danielle! So glad you found our about Jennifer here!
Arletta, The Carpenter’s Daughter is a great novel! So true about the kids. Mine are both in their 20s now.
So excited to read this book! I’ve read a couple and I’ve loved them. This one looks like lots of fun
Hi Sabrina! You will enjoy :)
I look forward to reading it.