Have you ever used this phrase as an answer when someone asked you why you did something? Did you give this answer because you weren’t sure why or just because? Today you’re in good company because it’s Just Because Day. So how do you celebrate?
Maybe you could have cake and ice cream for breakfast while wearing your shirt inside out. Just because. That’s something silly, but you could also do something helpful like a random act of kindness. Send someone a card, or call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant. Do yard work for a neighbor. A few years ago, a neighbor boy and his father helped us spread gravel in our yard. I’ll never forget that kindness. (Here in Arizona many of us don’t have grass. We have pea gravel in our yards.) It could be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in line. There are hundreds of kindnesses you can do. Just because.
This day is a chance to do something out of the ordinary, get out of your rut, and do something crazy for no rhyme nor reason. Add some spontaneity to your life by taking an impromptu trip or surprise someone with flowers. Just because.
I have a lot to share today. Just because. The first book in my Pinecrest series is on sale today for 99 cents. You can get it at these retailers.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3459ErK
B&N: https://bit.ly/3bMbzUY
Kobo: https://bit.ly/3446apv
iBooks: https://apple.co/2UCRjPD
So just because I’m going to share the cover for my upcoming novella which is part of the Puppies for Christmas series of novellas. It will be on preorder for 99 cents beginning on September 1. It releases on October 22.
Just because I’m going to give away another novella about a puppy and Christmas, Puppy Love and Mistletoe, to one person who leaves a comment. I will draw the winning name on August 28, 2020 at 9PM MST.
What would you do just because?
“Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.”
This is the first time I have heard of this day. I will have to think ofsomething to do, just because.
Wow, I have never heard of Just Because Day….. thank you! I kinda live just because everyday 🙃
I’ve never heard of Just Because Day, but this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing, and I’ll be sure to do something Just Because!
I have never heard of Just Because day. I think my kids and I will celebrate this every year, just because.
I love this idea! Reminds me of “Random Acts of Kindness.” I will have to look for something to do “just because.”
By the way, I love your name! I assume you pronounce it like mine but I have never seen it spelled that way. :)
I think this would be my kids’ favorite day LOL
Why did you do it? Just Because ;)
I love the cover of Puppies for Christmas novella – I can hear Jingle Bells in the background <3
Gina, it was new to me also, but it sounded like a good day to celebrate.
Paula Marie, that’s me, too. I’m not much of a planner. My life is mostly spontaneous. Just because.
Trudy, I think the best part of this day is doing something kind for someone else.
Lori, good idea. Do something unexpected.
Marilee, yes, it does remind you of random acts of kindness. Do something unexpected for yourself, and then do something unexpected for someone else. Just because. I always say my name is pronounced like “merrily we roll along.” Then people will remember my name. The spelling is a result of having a mother with the maiden name of Merrill. They just put two “e”s on the end and got my name. I always thought of the name, no matter which way it’s spelled as a happy name.
Natalya, thanks. Yes, it does sound like the kind of day kids would love.
I’ve always thought your name was beautiful. What an interesting story! Imagine if they had added a different suffix, just because :)
Never heard of it as a day. I stopped saying just because, because people would get a tad crazy when I said it. Now I say, why not or it felt great!
I’ll always remember a time, back in college, when I was in line for the printing service yet about to be late for my next class, and this guy (who was part of the exchange program), noticed me and decided to let me go ahead of him in line. It was such a “simple” gesture, yet it meant the world to me in that moment. So, you’re definitely right :) Just Because Day sounds like the perfect day to do a random act of kindness ;)
I’m another one who has never heard of “Just Because “ day. Will try to think of something, maybe when I get home to hubby. Have a great day, just because!!
I’ve never heard of this day before, but its a neat idea! I’d probably do a spontaneous girl’s day out somewhere, just because.
Ah, it’s National “Just Because Day” :-) I love that it’s gives us a good excuse to do something for someone just because. I try to practice this as much as I am able to, maybe not everyday because I may not have opportunity. I always let someone else go ahead of me in a line, or other random acts of kindness. There was one time when I was grocery shopping and I was in the self-check line. When it was my turn, I noticed a $5 bill laying on the ground dropped by someone who just got done checking out. I quickly picked it up and told the young lady that she had dropped it and then handed it to her. She was very grateful and said thank you….then I overheard the person behind me say something like “that was so nice to do”. I know a lot of people would have pocketed that money, but I would never feel right doing that! Maybe it’s a rarity today, but I not only got to show how it SHOULD be done, but also demonstrate what God calls us to do for others. Sometimes it’s that silent witness that can speak into someones life .
Maybe you do things “just because”, but you please the Lord when you do! That’s the best reward in my book for doing things “just because” :-)
John 3:16 in action!
Beautiful cover. I love Christmas-themed books.
Sounds like a great excuse to go do something fun.
I’ve never heard of this day. Thank you for sharing.
I don’t think I’d ever heard of this day either. I had a candy bar (small, fun size) with my lunch, just because. ;)
Eat ice cream for dinner!
Dianne, thanks. And LOL on the different suffix.
Dianne, I think “just because” is a great answer. It gives us a little freedom.
Priscila, thanks for sharing that. How nice, and it made your day.
Kathy, I hope your “Just Because Day” is great just because.
Megan, that’s a good idea. Just the chance to go out somewhere in these days is a treat.
Trixi, that’s so nice that you knew who had dropped the money. I found $20 in the parking lot and had no idea who had dropped the money because there was no one around. I decided to give it to Hands of Hope, which is a local ministry to women with a crisis pregnancy. They help women keep their babies.
Denise, thanks.
Susanne, absolutely.
Lelia, you’re welcome.
Lila, good choice. I had a chocolate cupcake with cream cheese frosting.
Jessica, that is a good “just because.” I like to have popcorn for dinner. I miss going to the movies and having popcorn.
Long ago, my dad and I got tickled by something from one of the Alice in Wonderland books, the idea of the unbirthday. You only get one birthday celebration a year. Imagine how much fun you could have celebrating unbirthdays: parties to host, cake to eat (with ice cream, of course – or just because), presents to share, hugs and kisses, encouragement to be offered. Why? Just because, of course.
I’ve learnt to follow the little voice inside, which you understand, many others cannot handle the suggestion of anyone upstairs though. Since I discovered how crazy “just because” can make people, I sometimes use it to have a little fun with controlling friends and then when I start laughing at their lecture, it helps de-stress them!
Actually I just realised I discovered a new Christian suspense author, Robert Goluba, last night and I kept his details open in my browser just because! Maybe it was for this post, I haven’t read his book yet, however if anyone reading this loves Christian suspense maybe this is an opportunity for you. I was surprised because I hadn’t seen books by a male Christian author before and I love suspense!
What a wonderful experience Lincoln!
Lincoln, that’s a fun idea. I’ve heard of half birthdays when you celebrate on the half year of your birthday.
Dianne, I have a particular memory from college. I really liked electronic music and the movie, Chariots of Fire, had just come out. The title theme was a beautiful piece, heavy on the synthesizers. My dad sent me the album as an unbirthday present. Very special.
I played hookie from work many years ago! My brother and I went to opening day of San Francisco Giants baseball–Just Because!
This is a new day to me, I’ve heard of national coffee day but never just because day, lol.
I’ll have to read this book someday!
Wow I’ve never heard of Just Because Day
didn’t know there was a day called just because day. I have said just because before or just because i can.
I had Macca’s for lunch just because. (well I needed a treat after doing the cleaning at the church).
Sounds fun. I know I’ve used just because for a number of reasons
JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO I grew up hearing my mom say this to my three brothers all the time. And honestly, i disliked it a lot. I just didn’t understand why she was saying it. So I never used it with our kids. I would give them an answer and or a reason. I really like the results with that a lot better. Never told my mom though. I dont think she would have understood. That is ok. I learned a lot from her and I love her for it all.
Lori, you could turn your thinking on the phrase around and make it your own with something fun to do just because.
Ochegba, I think we all have.
Linda, that’s a fun just because day.
Abigail, there are days for just about anything now. Find something and celebrate just because.
Angeline, now you know, so you can celebrate just because.
Ausjenny, what is a Macca? I’m glad you were able to celebrate just because.
We used to give that answer to our kids. When they’d question something, depending on the situation, sometimes we’d say “just because I said so”. They have a day for everything now, don’t they?
I love the idea of choosing a day to do random act of kindness for someone.