I can totally identify with the photo of the coffee spilling on the keyboard! Anyone else? As my social media feed (particularly on Instagram) becomes overly filtered and posed, I’ve come to appreciate those people who still share “real” life. Not that I don’t love those beautiful posts–but “real life” stuff has it’s own kind of beauty. I love it when people are authentic and don’t sugarcoat…it’s those people who I think I identify with the most.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m in the process of going back through my older releases and getting them ready for RE-release. It’s kind of fun because to be honest, I don’t guess I’ve read through those stories since I turned in author galleys prior to their release dates. Once a book makes its way out into the world, I don’t read it…because when I read back over my own work, I am never quite satisfied! I’ll always find things to change and fix…and so once release day happens, I really have to just let it go.
So it’s been neat to read my earlier works, kind of like having a reunion with old friends. One thing that’s struck me is that the issues my characters faced in the beginning stages of my writing were a little “easier” than the things my later characters have faced. Those early characters would’ve had picture-perfect Instagram feeds! I think back then, I was scared to tackle things that were even semi-serious, so early on, my characters’ lives were a little simpler and a little more perfect than those of late.
I’m sure it has to do with my own life as well—as I’ve grown and lived through more experiences (both good and bad) I have more things to draw inspiration from. And as I mentioned above, I think the older I get, the more I appreciate authenticity. Life isn’t perfect all the time. But even in the difficult times, there is happiness, laughter, and beauty.
I think one of the things I struggle with in my writing is finding the right balance between “keeping it real” and telling a story that allows readers to escape. I guess I tend to be drawn toward more lighthearted stories for my own personal reading. I love nothing more than to get lost in a story that makes me laugh and even though it may deal with serious topics, it does so in such a way that isn’t depressing. Remember when “chick lit” was all the rage? I loved those stories. In fact, my first two releases were originally “chick lit” style, told in first person point of view with no hero point of view at all.
I ended up having to change both of them for publication—but even today I still enjoy reading stories told in that style.
So when it came time to decide which of my older books to re-release first, I chose one that I think walks a good line between serious and lighthearted. A Wedding to Remember in Charleston is out now, and for those of you who haven’t read it already—here’s the blurb:
Summer Nelson is planning her dream wedding–for someone else. Minimal instructions and a generous budget mean that the successful wedding planner can indulge her fantasies for the extravagant wedding at a swanky Charleston resort hotel. And that’s just the distraction she needs since her own marriage is on the rocks and her future is uncertain.
Luke Nelson has always had trouble sharing his feelings. After months of being separated from Summer with no sign of reconciliation, Luke knows he made a mistake–but has no idea how to fix it.
As Summer arrives at the resort to put the finishing touches on the wedding, the city is shut down in the face of a massive hurricane. Just when she thinks nothing else could possibly go wrong, Luke shows up.
As the gale winds howl, Summer and Luke find themselves stranded together. Can the estranged couple find a way to weather the brewing storm?
A Wedding to Remember in Charleston is available on Kindle now and will be available on other platforms in the near future.
As InspyRomance celebrates 5 years, I’m so thankful for this platform and for the chance to have met so many amazing authors and readers! What a wonderful community this is! You all have been so supportive and given so much amazing feedback—I’ve really loved being able to be a part of things here. I’ve had to make some difficult decisions lately though—my life really needs to be simplified, at least for a little while. One of the things I’m giving up is my place here at InspyRomance—but I sure hope to be back again someday! And I’d love it if you’d find me on my Facebook page or sign up for my newsletter so we can continue to keep in touch.
And now…because I always like your input—I’m curious. If you had to choose, do you prefer a lighthearted read (think romantic comedy) or something that is a little deeper?
Hi Annalisa, I’ll miss reading your blog posts. I feel like there have been lots of farewells over the past week or so :( Best wishes as you move into the next phase of life, looking forward to ‘welcoming you back’ soon:)
I am a mood reader- there is definitely a place for more serious books on my Kindle, but also for lighter reads- totally depends on the mood I am in. Sometimes I will even have one of each going- switching between the two.
Blessings to you and yours Annalisa:)
Hi Annalisa! Even as a retiree, what I read depends on mood and weather. Life has enough troubles of its own, so I usually prefer reading something light that makes me laugh. Best wishes in your new chapter of life.
I am also a mood reader. Lately, I’ve preferred a lighter fare but that’s not always true. We’ll miss you here.
I’m a mood reader. If I’m in the mood for lighthearted that’s what I go for and the deeper ones I make sure to surround with a lighthearted read (before and after) so I won’t be sad if it is that kind of book.
Thanks, Wemble! :)
Thanks, Renate! I am the same way…lately I’ve been reading cozy mysteries because they seem to have a good bit of humor.
Thanks, Sherri!
I’m the same way, Toni!
Wow, so many are leaving. My own life sucks so I guess I prefer more real than rom-com.
Most of the inspirational romances that I read are on the lighter side but I do enjoy reading something a little heavier on occasion. I really like your cover for A Wedding to Remember in Charleston. It’s so light, airy, and happy feeling. Thanks for being a part of Inspy Romance for all of these years.
I am definitely a fan of both, sometimes you just need more hard in depth stories, and sometimes I just like a light hearted read!
You will be missed, best wishes on your endeavors!
Congrats on five years. You are so right, LIFE has a way of giving us experience if we let it. We will miss you on Inspy, but you must go where your heart is telling you to go. I love to read light comedy romance. And I have started reading cozy mysteries this year, and still I like the light comedy with animals ones. Once in a while I do like reading a slightly heavier story for variety. I do have some favorite authors in this genre. Hope you have a fabulous week.
If it’s a contemporary romance definitely light-hearted. It varies by genre for me.
I love the cover of your book! I mostly prefer lighthearted but occasionally will read something heavier. Best wishes for your future endeavors! I’m glad I got to know about your books through this blog.
I almost always prefer lighthearted chick lit. That’s what I read & write. I don’t like gritty, graphic stuff at all. I only read for escape. If I wanted depressing or “real” — as in sinful and dirty — I would just watch the news all the time.
I’ll miss your posts. I hope you come back as a guest to share some of new/old releases. I often enjoy a little bit of this and a little bit of that based on my mood, time to read, etc. So I have all kinds of books that I’ve read.
Annalisa, I love love love the cover of A Wedding to Remember in Charleston!
It’s soooo beautiful. AND…I can totally relate to the picture lol
In regards to your question – it depends on the mood – sometimes I’d prefer something light, sometimes something deeper – love both! Blessings!
I like switching back and forth from something deep, intensely thought-provoking and soul-searching to light-hearted and fun.
Hi Annalisa! I really enjoyed your article. I think it would be fun to go back and go through your old stories. I would be picking myself to death. lol l look forward to rereading each one.
As far as lighthearted or deeper, that’s a hard decision. I enjoy both and it depends on what’s going on around me and my mood. The shape the world is in and having to deal with day to day stuff, I would say lighthearted. But I also like to read about life issues. So, if I can only choose one, l would be in deep trouble. ?❣️
I actually enjoy both. Sometimes you just need to laugh. Thank you for sharing.
If I have to choose only one, I’d want a lighthearted read. Life already has so much heavy stuff that most people just want to escape when they pick up a book.
A lot of great authors are joining though!
Thanks so much!
Thanks! I love cozy mysteries too—in fact I am planning to write my own series.
Good point! Genre definitely makes a difference.
Thank you!
Good point! I lean more toward lighthearted too.
Thank you!
:) Thank you! So glad you like the cover!
That sounds like a good method!
Thanks! Yes, definitely a hard choice. I lean toward lighthearted but every now and then I like something a little more serious.
Laughing is good—I definitely enjoy a book that has some humor.
Good point! I totally agree!
I prefer lighthearted reads, but don’t dislike deeper ones. A book that has deeper themes, but is told in a lighthearted way is my favorite. I’m a homeschooling mom if three and don’t have a lot of brain power to devote to deeper books. I tend to read for a few minutes here or there throughout the day, so I like books that draw me in, but don’t get confusing or feel disjointed if I pick it up and put it down in the middle of chapters.
Sometimes I prefer lighter books and sometimes I prefer ones with a deeper plot.
I just love to read so I enjoy a lot of variety!
I Like Both I just love to read though Thank you and God Bless!
I prefer stories that have more depth, but sometimes a lighthearted read is fun.