The other day, I saw a number of bloggers talking about the book characters they would like to have as their BFF. Now, to me, BFF means Best Friend Forever, but I’ve also seen a number of people use it to mean Best Female Friend — and in fact, all the lists I saw were focused on female main characters. (Though the bloggers we also female, so maybe women only have female BFFs? I don’t know.) I blogged in May about my disappointments with the difference between female friendships in romance novels and reality. So if one of those Fs is for Female, we know I’m going to be struggling to come up with someone to wear the label.
For most of my life, my friends have been guys. In high school, my mom used to joke about my harem when we’d all get together and hang out in our basement. But they were my buds — and let’s face it, guys are so much less complicated than girls.
When my husband and I met in college, we became friends very quickly and I just kind of eased into his group of guy friends. That didn’t change when we started dating. And it really hasn’t changed in the twenty four years we’ve been married. Granted, many of the people we hang out with are couples now, but most of the time the friendships started between the husbands and I met their wives and we forged a relationship as a result.
In my books, the guys are always so much easier for me to write. I enjoy having a group of three or four guys get together to play video games or something else (usually something nerdy, because, well, I like nerdy guys) and rib each other while solving the problems life has thrown their way. I’ve had people comment that my guys are their favorite parts of my books–I imagine my high school harem helped me with that.
So the reality is, while I would have a super hard time coming up with a list of female characters I wanted as my real life BFF, I can come up with a ton of guys who I’d like to hang out with in a completely non-romantic way. These aren’t book boyfriends — these are just guys who I think would be fun to have over for burgers and cards. (Now I feel like I need to caveat here that this is not an all inclusive list, because really, there’s a limit to how much anyone wants to read, right? And I’m always so nervous choosing a selection of books to talk about because I hate the idea that someone would feel left out. So I’m begging my fellow authors to please know I love them and if they were left out of this list it was purely based on word count and space and isn’t anything personal. I promise. XOXO.)
Caleb Graham in Heather Gray’s An Informal Introduction. Oh man, he’s awkward and funny and has the perfect blend of deadpan and caring. I’m 99% positive he’d have some of the funniest and best stories to tell once he got started.
I also think Jaycee Weaver’s Garett Wilson from Love, Laughter, and Luminarias would be fun to hang around. He gets geek, which is a big plus, but he’s also good with doing the friend thing with girls. (Not all guys understand how that works.) And I think Garrett and Caleb might just have fun together, too.
Have you met Liwen Ho’s Spark brothers? They would all, I think, be awfully fun to have over for supper — together or individually. (Of course since I’m organizing a board game night, they’d just have to settle for hanging out with Caleb and Garrett as part of the crowd.) And I’m not going to choose just one of the brothers – they need to all come as a clan.
Valerie Comer writes a great hero. Since I cheated with Liwen, I can’t just use all the guys at Green Acres. (But really, I’d love to spend a week up there, and the guys are a big part of why.) It was tough, but I think Brent Callahan in Dandelions for Dinner edged out the rest of them by a hair. Some of that is because as much as I adore Brent, I almost equally disliked Allison at the start of the book. And Brent handled it. It’s good to have a guy who can roll with things–and then stand firm when needed–in your crew.
And I think maybe I’ll round out my far from complete list with Lee Tobin McClain’s Lucas Morales from Joy of My Heart in the Arcadia Valley series. Lucas is a bit of an unplumbed depth, but he still knows how to have fun and would be, I think, a great addition to a group of guys to have over for nachos.
Now it’s your turn! What male characters have you read lately who you’d like to hang out with in a completely platonic, BFF kind of way? (Or maybe you don’t like having guy friends – that’s cool too – tell me why!)
I’ll choose a commenter on Wednesday to win their choice of my ebooks.
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your list- and your why. This one is tricky- I think I would rather hang out with the girls and meet the guys through them.!! I always find it amusing that I have two boys when I grew up in a female household- my mum, sister and I, totally opposite to me being outnumbered now!!
Sparks brothers would be pretty cool. Denise Hunters’ trio of brothers from Summer Harbor, Maine would be awesome as well.
I like both guys and gals, Liz! My favorite place to want to hang out would be Bridgeview…..Marietta and I would have a blast!
Hi Elizabeth! Delightful blog. I can relate, not sure I had a BFF. My favorite guys in literature are the Baxter boys – Malachi, Micah, and Jonah. Maybe because I worked in a bakery and still visit my local bakeries regularly. Another guy that I identified in literature is Jordan Haines in Carol Moncado’s Heart of a Prince. Always enjoy an aware strong male figure. Now as a retiree, I would love spending time with Caleb Blume in Marion Morrison Ueckermann A Time to Push Daisies. As a mom to 3 sons and grandma to 2 grandsons, this blog made me chuckle even before my morning cup of coffee. Best wishes.
That’s fair! And all of the guys I mentioned (and all the ones I didn’t, because space) have great gals, so it would work.
I laughed though, because it was my sister and me growing up and mom used to bemoan the fact that we were both tomboys. Here she had a female majority and we just wanted to help Dad change the oil in his car.
I’m so behind on my Denise Hunter books. I need to bump them higher.
Oh Marietta. She’s a kick. And she has some excellent grandsons who would be fun to have over.
I’m so glad you love my Baxter boys. They’re so special to me.
I think that might be one of Carol’s I’ve missed. I’ll have to rectify that! Jordan sounds great.
I love that series of Marion’s!
Garrett would be awesome to hang out with! I would add Sean Fitzgerald. I think he’d be fun to go shopping with.
Yeah, Sean would be a lot of fun to hang with. (I was trying to not use just all ofy own guys ;) )
I’ve thought before about how fun the Sparks brothers would be to hang out with. Of course, my husband and their wives would be there as well. Same for the guys in your peacock hill series. They seem like a fun group and I’d love to try the famous nachos!
I would love to hang out with the boy crew from The Last Summer by Brandy Bruce – especially Jason. They are all great and supportive guy friends.
Oh for sure! They’d make great couple friends too :)
That one is still in my TBR pile. Sounds like I need to bump it up.
Hi, Elizabeth! I would love to hang out with Noah Hansen because he is just so dog-gone cool and good-looking. And, he rides a motorcycle. How cool is that !? (Ta’Mara Hanscom’s ~Caselli Family series)
Ok, since we’re talking someone we’d like to hang with as friends, I have to choose Charley from Irene Hannon’s Hope Harbor series. He’s a painter, with a unique knack of wisdom and knowing what to say to point a person subtly to God and in the direction they might should go. He also makes wonderful fish tacos!! How could you go wrong?
Guys with British or Irish accents. Those are the most fun to hear in my head as I’m reading, so hanging out in person would be entertaining. Oh and guys that play guitar! It was always fun to be around those guys in college :). Colin O’Bryan is fresh on my mind since I recent read Kinsale Kisses (though I realize he is American and didn’t have the Irish accent).
I like Matt and Jeremy and the guys from the Peacock Hill series. I think they would be fun to spend time with. I also like the Baxter brothers. I like how they support each other, and a few bakery items would be a plus!
Oh, those grandsons of hers! I’ve still got a few whose lives need meddling with.
Thanks for the shoutout for Brent Callahan! He was awfully fun to write.
I think I’ve read all the books you’ve mentioned – some of my faves for sure! The first books I read of yours were the Taste of Romance series, and even then, I felt your strength was your guy characters’ relationship to each other and their banter. They definitely carry the show… and that’s been true of every series you’ve written since. I <3 your guys.
I think it would be fun to hang out with the Sparks brothers or some of the guys and girls in Milan Watson’s Colorado Crazy series that I have just finished reading.
Motorcycle rides would be fun!
Oh he’s a great choice!
I love Colin. :) I bet he could pull off a good accent if needed.
I do agree…I’m such a sucker for an accent.
Aw. Thanks! I love those guys – and yes, bakery treats are a plus!
Aww …thanks 😍
Ohh. I don’t know that series – I’m going to look it up!
Loved this post! I’m still waking up (been up for awhile, but not fully awake :-)) so can’t think of any to add, but sure enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and suggestions! I didn’t have any brothers, but have quite a few boy cousins who are really good friends.
When I was in elementary school my guy and girl friends was fairly even. But once we moved from Colorado to California at the start of 6th grade I never really had male friends who were just male friends and stay that way. But then again I also haven’t had a ton of friendships with girls either. Am an introvert who has trouble connecting with people. Have been used and abused a few too many times.
There have been some great suggestions – and I love when I can add to my TBR. :)
Big hugs. I know the used and abused feeling. People are messy.
This is hard for me as I haven’t read anything this year (I know gasps all round) I want to but just struggle. I am going to the city early Sept and know I will have lots of reading time as I have 2 hours to wait for a friend I am staying with. She has a meeting and I will be needing to do something.
I do remember a few books where the male character I identified with more than the female. In real life at singles camps I was the kid sister type figure. The one some of the guys seemed to confide in about girls. These were not guys I was attracted to they were nice guys and friends but I sometimes wondered do I seem like a safe bet that guys can talk to but would never want to date! I guess while I hoped to find someone my reason for going was more to be with singles who understand being single rather than being at a camp full of mostly married or engaged people. Finding someone would be a bonus. I also learnt some people put on a persona at camps. Go with the flow do what everyone else is doing but in real life are more for a better word boring. I meet a guy I liked he liked me but meeting in the real word he was so different so set in his ways and didn’t join in the fun. I tend to do the same away from home as home. Ok I may got to places I can’t here but he was totally different. (totally of the subject). I find even at church I gravitate to the men’s group at times cos they talk about things I am more interested in such as sport.
I’ve also had an easy time hanging out with male friends though I think today I have a good balance. I realized I had an easy time hanging out with them but my long-lasting, confident friends are women (mostly). My husband is definitely my best friend and we started like that for at least a couple os years before dating (we’ve been together for 13 years). I even remember some friends making comments about us possibly dating and me dismissing it completely. Oh well.
As for book friends, I think I need to sleep on your question because can’t really think of anyone right now but I know that’s not because I wouldn’t be friends it’s just because I’m drawing blank.
I can totally relate to this – I was often the girl guys would confide in about their romantic interests. It wasn’t always a joy.
I hope you get some great reading time in soon!
It’s definitely got potential as a tricky question. :)
I have often had to remind myself that just because hubby and I were friends before we dated it doesn’t mean every relationship has to be that way. But gosh I think it sets you up nicely if you can swing it :)
I can relate! All my childhood friends are guys :) I grew up in the neighborhood with all guys LOL And I disagree with people who say that you cannot be JUST friends with a guy.
However, when I read books…it’s hard to imagine being just friends with the main characters lol
Oh you can totally be platonic friends with guys – I’m with you! :)
And maybe it’s because I really dislike the book boyfriend thing that I go straight to friends when I’m reading.
Yes! That was totally me in U, lol! I’ve always gotten along better with guys than girls, but now that I’m working, I’m learning about the female side too :) Since lately I’ve been reading Historical, I’ll go with some of the people from your list: the Spark brothers (yes, as a gang, since they seem more fun that way :D), the Valerie Comer ones (I know there are many, but so far, I’ve loved everyone that I’ve read about in her Farm Fresh Romance Series), and I’d also add Kristen Iten’s billionaires (though we’ve yet to know the last two).
Hi Elizabeth! I love this blog!
I love your books and I also loved the Spark Brother ‘s series from Liwen!
I do have my BFF’s since kindergarten and elementary!
Oh, I’ll have to check out those billionaires, I haven’t read those yet.
Thanks! And wow! Since Kindergarten! That’s awesome — I remember my best friend in Kindy’s first name but I don’t know her last name, so have no way to even try to look her up. They moved half way through 1st grade.
Growing up with two older brothers, my friends in school were usually more boys than girls. Probably because I would have rather been playing sports than dolls. lol
Fun post! I’d love to hang out with all of Toni Shiloh’s heroes, and Sarah Monzon’s Carrington brothers! 😍
I think it is so interesting that you had mostly guy friends growing up. My oldest son and his girlfriend just broke up. But they are still best friends. And they were talking about their relationship and how weird it will be when they start dating new people. I’m glad to hear that friendships can be maintained.
I would love to spend time with John a former Navy Seal in True to You and Corbin in Falling for You. Both of these characters are in books by Becky Wade.
Hi Elizabeth!
I grew up a tomboy. I LOVED hanging out with the guys and felt most comfortable with them. Unfortunately now I am in my early 40’s it’s tough to find that same thing. I have one guy friend who is older but he also is like a big brother . I talk to him every day. But no harem right now. I hung around the guys and played football and such with them as a child and in elementary school, but it kind of ended there. :( Know any guys looking for girls that can be friends? Online only is fine , too! :D I miss the male perspective and would love to have some guy friends again!
I truly can’t think of any in books that I would want just as friends. Gilbert Blythe is the only guy that comes to mind and I’d have a maaaajor crush on him, so he can’t be chosen. So I’m no help in that dept as far a book guy BFF!