Are you staring at your calendar, like me, and wondering how it can possibly be July? Where has my summer gone? I told someone at church that I wanted my June back!
Why? Because life got in the way of all my writing — and house organizing/cleaning — plans. I was going to tackle a different part of the house each week and do a little deep-cleaning. Let me tell you, when you homeschool and run your own microbusiness during the school year, the house needs some attention come end of May.
But, as it turned out, so did other areas. We had a beautiful flowering tree in front of our house. It was one of the reasons we bought this particular home. And that tree died sometime between last fall and this spring.
Major bummer.
No worries. We’d just buy a new one and plant it. Not a big deal.
Except that it turned into a big deal. The bushes near the tree were slowly thinning due to a lack of sunlight there, so we pulled them out too. Then my husband decided to put in a tiny retaining wall on one side of the planting area so he could kind of berm up the area and shape it more to his liking. Which meant buying lots of dirt. And mulch. And four new plants instead of one.
At the same time, our church was re-landscaping the entire front of our auditorium. Now we don’t have a big building so it’s not as daunting as that sounds, but Steve and I did all the plant shopping for the area. Last tally had it at about 60 plants. Which we ourselves shopped for at a handful of nurseries, all at least thirty minutes away from our church.
Talk about a job!
Then there was mulch that needed to be bought. Thankfully, church people showed up to plant the majority of the plants so that wasn’t on me. (Because I don’t know that they would have survived me planting them. Let’s be honest!)
On top of that, I had writing business I’d been putting off for awhile that needed to be done. Kids who needed new summer clothes because they insist on growing each year. The list went on to minutiae there that we can all relate to.
There were whole days where I wasn’t even home to do any writing. To not do what I felt needed to be done — my stuff. And it would be easy to complain, which I realize you might think I’m doing at this point.
But in the middle of all this unexpected crazy business, I got to spend a lot of time with my husband. We had fun driving a golf cart together at one massive nursery, picking out plant after plant after plant for the church. I got to see a professional landscaper’s design come to life… and that got the book ideas turning. What a fascinating profession! Hmm. This would be interesting to work into a book someday.
I got to spend one-on-one time with each of my kids, while shopping for clothes for them, and my relationship with each of them deepened just with that time spent with them. I’ve enjoyed days outside in the beautiful early weeks of summer, and I’ve taken time to stop and look at the beauty that is God’s nature planted around my home.
In short, I’ve realized it hasn’t been time wasted. Yes, I didn’t accomplish as much book work as I had planned, but sometimes our plans just aren’t God’s plans, are they? (That sounds familiar from somewhere, right?) Unexpected time spent with our spouse, our kids, with our church family, with serving God is never, ever a bad thing.
This summer I guess I’ve learned to go with the flow more. To see the beauty in whatever God brings me each day. To pay attention when He turns my work time in another direction and be thankful for whatever opportunity He’s given me.
I hope you’re getting you summer goals done, but I also hope that you’re able to see past when life gets in the way to whatever God might be showing your or gifting you.
How is your summer going? I’d love to hear what you all have been working on this summer!
HI Sally. Totally agree, July already!! We are well and truly into Winter, yet, despite the cold days (today would not have topped 9 degrees!) we have been blessed with clear, sunshine during the day. It is our term break, and I am enjoying lazy mornings- no rushing to get out the door to school each day. I’ve been catching up on the cleaning that does not happen during the school term, and can totally empathise about growing kids- all those winter clothes that no longer fit!
Thanks for this lovely reminder…but, yes, I’m not sure how June disappeared either. :-)
Hi Sally! Thanks for your post. Yes, I can hardly believe that the year is half over and that I have now been retired for five years.Time flies when you are having fun! My summer has been very relaxing. I thought I would be watching four grandkids ages 11, 9, 3, and 5 months old Monday thru Thursdays. While it is unfortunate that my daughter-in-law broke her wrist on June 7 and couldn’t work as a dental assistant, it has given this sometimes exhausted grandma, a much needed reprieve. Even though I am still an earlier riser, I enjoy being in my PJs till noon. Spend the time enjoy the chirping birds, drinking my morning coffee and reading delightful stories published by amazing authors. We will know today when my daughter-in-law returns to work. She is hoping the doctor will remove her cast today. Happy Writing and enjoy the last two months of summer break.
I can’t believe how fast time is passing too. I’m equally sad and relieved.. my son is growing up too fast and work is pilling up too much, but it’s so beautiful to see him growing and maybe when the new season to apply for job comes, I’ll have a chance, so bring it on. (mixed feelings all over)
I just had a sad morning hearing the neighbors taking down a second tree this week. It had a beautiful shade and added to the beauty of the neighborhood. I don’t think it was dead, but rain season is coming and I can understand it is big enough to represent a risk of falling. (We had a few issues with that in the area last year.) Still it was right across the street and I’ll miss it. I could see it from my window. (mind you that living in a big city, trees are rare and to be cherished.)
Wemble, somehow I didn’t realize you were in the Southern Hemisphere! So school and winter for you… That brings a whole lot of “life getting in the way,” doesn’t it? :) Enjoy however many more lazy mornings you have.
And it happens every year, doesn’t it? You’d think we’d be used to this by now… :)
Your poor DIL! Not fun. But I’m glad it’s given you a reprieve. Enjoy those mornings!
That is a bummer about the tree! We’ve got a row of them behind our house, but they’re not ours. But they are tall and getting kind of old, and my husband is always watching them during a storm (we live in Kansas so storms have been coming through pretty routinely until this month!)
It’s challenging to think about going back to work. Because it’s not like the work at home gives you a break either, right? I’ll be praying you make the right decision for you all when the time comes.
Thank you for the reminder to pause and notice the beauty and blessings God gives us every day. Hubby and I are planning a move from VA to SC and we are waiting for God’s plan. We need patience. While we wait, we need to notice all HIs blessings. :-)
Hi Sally,
I’ve just been enjoying reading A LOT!
My summer has been pretty low key and that’s fine with me. I can’t believe it’s half way through and I know the next month will be my busiest right before I go back to work, but that’s okay.
My husband is a bit jealous because he has go to off to work each day and I get to just stay at home for these three summer months. I keep telling him, it’s just because I need the break from special children in need of attention, love, guidance, acceptance, and instruction every day. It’s sometimes very draining emotionally and physically. These three months are a way for me to recharge and get back to loving what I do.
My time has been spent reading….a LOT! Also, recuping from back surgery…doing physical therapy, seeing doctors.
I hope the rest of your summer goes well, Sally!!
The years seem to go by faster and faster and I don’t know where the time goes. So far haven’t done much this summer, but we usually don’t. One child has already attending camp and another one goes this weekend through next week. I love the facility and sure wish I could stay a week at camp, lol.
We’ve been moving, moving and waiting. Getting ready to go to the beach with 7 people in a van that seats 8?! We helped move our daughter and son in law and son last weekend. We’re still in a guest room at our daughters house. Our new house is almost done. The loan is almost approved. One car and most of our stuff is in nearby storage. Fortunately its climate controlled . It’s packed floor to ceiling and wall to wall by our son and sons in law. However the loan people want 2015 taxes which are buried in there somewhere. The hard drive crashed so they aren’t on that. The car is in a parking space there. We try to keep remembering to be thankful for our many blessings. We’re are looking forward to the beach. The rest of our kids will meet us there!
Waiting is tough! I pray your move goes smoothly and God shows you where exactly He wants you. And isn’t it awesome how He does give us blessings while we’re in limbo?
Marylin, both of my parents are school teachers. My mom actually just retired. Teaching is an awesome, necessary job, but I agree on the workload! You really don’t get 3 months “off,” not when you count in cleaning up your room, setting up your room, in service, and then just the amount of hours you work in those 9 months!
Enjoy your reading!
Back surgery??? Oh no! New injury? Old? I sure hope your recovery is going better than hoped for!
My two teens got back from camp last weekend. If it weren’t for the super thin mattresses… :) Glad you’re having a relaxing summer!
Oh my goodness, Diana! Argh! All that paperwork to get a new home. It’s stressful, isn’t it? Hope you had fun at the beach (how can you not, right?) and that the taxes show up right away when you go digging for them. What a summer!
I realized earlier today that the date was 7-7-17! Where does the time go?
As small business owners my husband and I don’t get much time away so we are really looking forward to four night on Hilton Head Island later this month!
I’ve been working on my massive TBR pile…but I think that’s a never ending job…lol!
I love how when we change our thinking to a more positive perspective, it changes our whole attitude! I hate grocery shopping, but when my husband is along, I don’t mind it so much. It gives us time together that we wouldn’t otherwise have. I need to work on this too, turning my thinking around. We naturally tend to turn to the negative, don’t we? And it’s always a work in progress, at least for me :-)
Lovey post and a great reminder, Sally!
Not doing much outsude, except going to Dr.
It’s too hot.
Indoors I have been reading.
Small businesses are the best and worst, lol. I hope you guys have a fabulous time away.
I was telling my son the other day that if he focused on the negative, that was all he’d ever see. It’s a habit, looking for the good, isn’t it?
And nicely done, Trixi, for working on your TBR pile. :D Super important!
Heat! Yes, I don’t like it much myself. A few summers ago, almost all of the days in July and August hit 100 degrees. It was miserable. Now we get close to 90 and I’m like, I can do this!
Stay cool and read on, right, Linda? :)
It is really sad to see the trees go, but I understand their fear (and hear yours). The area I live in is not known for storms, but in the past two summers things were quite ugly and now everyone is worried and the ones who can, get the trees down. It makes me sad because a neighborhood with tall trees is unusual in the city, but safety trumps beauty.
As for jobs, thank you. I appreciate every prayer I get. ;) Enjoy the rest of summer.