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Have you ever been there?
You have great plans, but something — or many things — happens to prevent you from fulfilling your plans.
So it was with me.
In January, I told you I would release One Choice on the 15th. I think it was the 20th or later when that happened. I procrastinated on the edits because I hate them so much.
I also said I’d release a short devotional titled Love is… in February based on the Love is blog series that I did here last year. That didn’t happen. After a number of people read it and gave me feedback, I realized it wasn’t anywhere near ready to release. I need to learn more about nonfiction. When I feel I can have an excellent product, then I will release it. If you’d like to know when it releases, please subscribe to my newsletter and/or blog (both sign-ups are at the bottom of my website – www.gingersolomon.com).
Second Choice released last week. Again, a few days late, but OUT! Yippee!!!
I’ve also begun writing a new series. I plan to name it the I Am Series. They’ll be contemporary romance novels based on the I AM statements of Jesus. For the first time in months, I am EXCITED about a story. I can’t wait to share them with you. Stay tuned for more information on those. Again to stay up to date, check out my website to sign up for my newsletter and/or blog.
My family rarely gets sick, but this year most of us have fought a cold — not the flu, thankfully. The cough lingers for weeks. I’m on week three, and MAYBE getting to the end of this bug.
There’s also love in the air at my house. One of my children (to remain unnamed) hopes to have a fall wedding. *happy squeal* I have prayed for them for so long to find the mate God meant for them. It’s awesome to see it happen. :D
So to celebrate, I’m doing a giveaway. One winner may choose from any of my published novellas or novels that are available on Amazon. You can see those here: Ginger’s Amazon Author Page. The giveaway will end on March 23rd at midnight.
How do you overcome disappointment (in yourself) when your plans go awry?
Hi Ginger, congrats on the wedding, how exciting:) I have 2 boys (still little) but already I am praying for God to prepare someone special for them, and to prepare them for someone special.
Hmm, I guess to overcome disappointment I try to focus on what God has done for me, the amazing people He has placed in my life- generally look for the positive. Not always easy, but I try. My husband is very practical, so he helps too:)
Your new series sounds exciting- can’t wait! I know you don’t post about them here, but I’m also looking forward to the next Scottish Castles book too:)
I hope your cough goes away soon. It’s awful to feel miserable for so long. Also, thank you for home schooling. Children have found a much better education from home. With 7 children, it’s understandable you didn’t make your deadline. Keep up the good work!
Hi Ginger! Hope you feel better soon. I finally succumbed to the cold yesterday. Hubby had it last week. Feeling old today as my oldest son celebrates his 40th Birthday. Can’t be 39 any longer! Congrats on the upcoming wedding. How do you overcome disappointment (in yourself) when your plans go awry? First we learn from our short comings and remember that every day is a new day! God forgives our short comings, so we should forgive ourselves, not dwell on our disappointments, but move on. Definitely easier said, than done. Best wishes. Happy writing.
Hi Ginger. Sorry about the cold. I had a one day cold in February. Unheard of at our house but I was so thankful (and shocked) when I was so much better on the second day.
I disappoint myself so often I should be a master at overcoming it by now. ;-) My testimony is basically God is faithful even when I am not. He has forgiven me much and I try to remember that when I start to feel judgmental toward others.
Lord bless! Congrats on wedding! Plans frequently go awry, but God is with us regardless! Even more surprising is when things go the way we think they should. Feel better soon.
Congrats on the upcoming wedding! And, yes, sometimes things really do get in the way. God has His reasons, it seems…
Thanks, Wemble. Focusing on God’s blessings is a great way to get past the disappointments in life.
And thanks for your support.
Hi Ginger, hope you feel better soon! A cough is the hardest thing to shake. My hubby and I have been blessed this winter with neither of us getting that nasty flu or a cold. We both got a flu shot back in the fall. Congratulations on the upcoming. I try not to dwell on it when my plans go awry. I just pick myself up and tell myself that I will do better the next time. I have learned as I have gotten older not to be too hard on myself. The one big thing we are dealing with that has been such a big adjustment is having our daughter 2,000 miles from us. Her husband joined the Air Force at an older age of 37. They are at their first duty station in Las Vegas. We are very happy for them but sure do miss them.
Thanks, Karen. I still have some cough, but it’s only occasional, more likely pollen related than anything else now. Thankfully.
I wish I could blame the kids for my procrastination, but I can’t. Four are graduated, and three of those live outside of my home. The fifth hasn’t “officially” graduated, but she’s dual enrolled at the local community college for her senior year. Numbers six and seven are 15 and 13 (getting ready to turn the ages over in a few months), so don’t need tons of oversight from me.
The tardiness of those books are ALL my fault. Or maybe Facebooks. LOL
Thanks, Renate. I am definitely feeling better than when I wrote this. :)
I’m so sorry you and your husband have caught a bug.
I say you can be 39 for as long as you’d like. :D
Oh, yes. Me, too, Sherri. Remembering God’s faithfulness to forgive and help me up when I stumble helps me move forward.
I’m so glad your cold was short lived.
Why are we surprised when God answers our prayers? I have yet to figure that out.
Thanks, Valerie.
Yes, He has His reasons. I just wish He’d share them with me once in a while.
Thank you, Nancy. I’m so glad you guys have been able to avoid the sickness.
I bet you do miss your daughter. I miss my grown kids at times and they all live within 45 minutes (though they rarely come home, so…). Shrug.
I remember Proverbs 3:5&6 and not get discouraged.
Sometimes, we just need a break, Ginger. When I just can’t seem to get things done, if time allows, I take a break – a few days or a week – it seems to get me back in the groove. If I have a deadline, I try to finish early, with a at least two weeks or a month to spare, so I don’t feel so pressured.
That’s an excellent verse to remember, Marylin. Thanks for the reminder.
What a great outlook, Shannon. I need to get them done in advance. My trouble is edits. I like the writing. :)
Hope you’re feeling better, Ginger! The pollen has really gotten to me this year. I would love to win your giveaway!
Lol! Rather than procrastinating, just consider it “seasoning” as we let it simmer til it’s ready.
I’m sorry, the pollen is affecting you, Jackie. It’s so early this year, at least where I live.
Good luck. ;)
If only, Anitra. It’s already simmered and about to burn. :D
I totally get the “life got in the way” idea.. and I’ve been away from commenting for this very reason — there’s no me time, barely no work time, and scrapping for family time. So there, I’ve missed both Belikarian Weddings Series books, but I’m happy to read about it (I’ve been trying to find some me time while in the bus to/from work). I’ve saved it in my wish list and hope to get to it soon. Congrats on the wedding.
I keep reminding myself that they’re just seasons, Priscila. Seasons of busyness. Seasons of boredom (yes, I’ve had one of those. It was SHORT, though.) Seasons for joy. Seasons for sadness. But all seasons should include love. Ohhh… I am so talking to myself here. :)
These are NOT new books. They are re-releases. I’d hate to have you buy them and then realize you’ve read them. They have different covers, but are the same books as before – same titles.
You know what, the titles did seem familiar.. I just thought it was a spin-off of your Belkarian series. I haven’t had time to read for a while – at least not a full book. I miss it, but know I have little time.
I know there are seasons, I’ve been here before, and I know it will go away, but just like you said, we plan, we commit, and then we have to go back and plan a more realistic timeline. Hopefully my boss gets that well too :P
Bosses rarely understand that. BTDT, though it was a long time ago.
Congrats on the wedding in your family. They are such happy occasions.
I handle disappointments by remembering that I have to give my plans to God, and trust Him that He is in control, and He isn’t surprised when things don’t work out like I tried to plan. Sometimes I’ve had to completely give up my plan, and other times it was just delayed. The ones that I had to give up were the ones that I really had to cling to my trust that God would somehow use it for my good.
Hi, Ginger!
It’s always good to hear from you. Please don’t be disheartened with timelines. Sometimes, they just are not reasonable. For whatever reason.
We can be patient.
I’m excited to hear about your new series. Praying that you will find great joy and spiritual growth in the writing of it.
Praying for your health, as well
Take good care of yourself and enjoy your family.
Many blessings,
I try to learn from the disappointment but don’t let it bog me down. I’m trying to help my children learn these lessons as well.
Thank you, and yes, they are.
It’s so hard to give up “our” plans. God’s plans seem unattainable at times. And you’re right, we have to trust God as we release our expectations and hold tightly to him.
Thank you, Linda, so very much.
Ahh… teaching children about disappointment is hard — ON US. lol
When life gets in the way, I just go with the flow.
I might be surprised at what is going on but God isn’t.
He knew all about it, so I just sit back and let Him tend to the details.
What a great way to look at bumps in the road (or goats as the picture above suggests), Janet.
I trust in Jesus and rely on Him in times of trouble. He is there for me all the time and ask Him for help when things do not go my way and Him to help me.
Jesus is always the answer. That’s what we say in our house. :D