You know that book you read that you adored, and you really wanted to talk to someone about it? Maybe you got some of your friends to read it just so you could compare notes. Maybe you suggested the title to your local book club…
Oh. Wait. You don’t have a local book club? I don’t, either. Then how on earth are we going to chat about the books we love with other fans? Such a dilemma!
As you may have noticed, Facebook has been invented, and with it came the ‘groups’ function. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. Many of the authors you know and love are introverts. Yes, even on social media. Most of the time, I just can’t think of anything spontaneous and clever to say on Facebook. I like to think it’s because I’m saving up my amazing words for my novels, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, I just don’t know what to say and think maybe I’ll post tomorrow. Or possibly next week. And then a month goes by.
Last summer, I decided to start a reader group on Facebook, basically a book club centered around my own books. I talked to my street team about it, and some of them were very interested. (Others probably yawned and kept scrolling!) Problem was, I didn’t really have a good idea of the shape I wanted the group to take. Maybe we could talk about a different book every week? After all, I was about to release my twenty-somethingth title, so it would take a while to get through them all. Then we could figure something else out. It was all pretty vague.
I’ll tell you the truth. The thought of consistently coming up with several conversation starters a week, even centered on a specific title, had me shaking in my boots. But then God sent me a miracle whose name is Paula. Over the course of a few weeks, Paula pretty much took over my reader group, and I definitely mean that in the nicest possible way.
Most of you probably know I had a heart attack near the end of October. That totally stopped me in my tracks for more than six weeks. Since mid-December, my brain cells have finally started clicking together again, and I’ve been able to complete the first draft of Wishes on Wildflowers — the Urban Farm Fresh Romance I’d intended to finish the first week of November, before we left on a cruise. A reservation that was oh, so canceled!
But I digress. While I was truly incapacitated and then slowly getting back to my game, Paula kept my reader group humming along. She communicated with me as needed, gently prodded me when there were decisions to make, and kept both the reader group and street team updated to pray for me and my family. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve come to appreciate and value everything that Paula has done for me! She’s done such a great job that I thought I’d ask her a few questions about the experience.
Valerie: What makes a good group leader?
Paula: To be honest, I have never done anything like this before, and I have never been a part of an online book club before either, so this is all new to me and I am learning as we grow!
I think you have to be passionate about the author and books in order to be a good leader. I have always been a very organized person, so that certainly helps keeping everything on track! I have a very out going personality and love to share the things that make me happy with others. I love to TALK, lol, especially about books, so this is a perfect outlet for me!
Valerie: Why should the readers of this blog post join our reader group?
Paula: I am going to be very open for a moment, and tell you that I have personally dealt with some tragic things from my past through this book club. Honestly, Valerie may not realize the extent to which she has touched my life and helped me heal parts of my soul that I didn’t even know were still broken.
I believe everyone can benefit from this reading group, if you love the stories, being able to communicate with people around the globe gives us all new perspectives on things we might have missed, and opens the door to so many new friendships! We have giveaways of free ebooks and even hard copies sometimes!
Plus you get to have real conversations with the author! I mean, really, how often do you get to do that?
Valerie: Why should readers visit a group like ours often?
Paula: There is always something new going on, we have so many members from all over the world and everyone has something to contribute!
We share our own passions and recipes and friendships! I look forward to learning new ideas and gaining new insights. I have truly felt God’s love through this group of fellow readers and enjoy the camaraderie of being part of such an amazing group of people!
I am grateful for the opportunity to share my love of reading and cooking and God with so many other people from all over.
It is my hope that you will take ride on this journey and grow along with us into the New Year!
All that to say, if you enjoy my stories — the Farm Fresh Romance series, the Christmas in Montana Romance series, the Arcadia Valley Romance series, the Riverbend Romance Novella series, or the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series — you might be interested in joining the reader group on Facebook. I can assure you that the conversations are lively… because Paula leads them and encourages everyone to take part, including me.
Let’s talk.
Friends of Inspy Romance: are you part of any authors’ reader groups? What do you like about them? Or… what do you wish would happen in a group like that? Paula and I are always up for new ideas!
Authors of Inspy Romance: if you host a similar group, feel free to post a link to it in the comments below. Maybe some of our friends will pop in and pay you a visit!
I am in a couple of author FB groups that have members as admins and who do a lot of the leg work. It helps to keep them active and give the author a break. I love the way I can feel apart of a group. I tried to get a book club going in my church but like a few things I have tried I had no takers. (Tried to get a migraine, head pain support group going to and no takers).
Hi Valerie, so glad to hear you are feeling better. I imagine it has been COLD in your part of the world, we are seeing headlines here in Australia about the crazy cold weather.
I am not on Facebook, so am not a part of any chats etc. This blog is the closest I come to ‘chatting’ about books. I think it is fun to discuss what readers learned from a story and how they can apply (if relevant) anything to their own lives/what they can take from the story. That it why I love reading Christian fiction- the insights into relationships with God and others- and hey, of course for the sheer pleasure of reading a great story!!
Blessings, stay warm:)
I am in a couple of FB author groups. I like the dialogue amongst the members but most of the times, don’t have a whole lot to contribute, especially if I haven’t read the books they’re discussing. So many great books, so little time.
Thank YOU, Valerie, it is a joy to be a part of this journey!! I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for all of us!!
I am not in any book clubs, but I am just too busy right now to join any, and my stack of books is too high that I am working through. But – maybe some day. Thankful you are better and that you had wonderful Paula to help you! Have a great weekend!!
I think people have to be extra motivated to join an in-person group! Everyone is so busy these days.
Hi Wemble! We’ve had some low temperatures here in western Canada, but nothing unusual for this time of year. Parts of the eastern USA have had excessively cold weather, though!
I agree – it’s interesting to hear other people’s take-aways. I have one reader who posts lengthy, insightful reviews on her blog, and she thinks very deeply. I usually come away from reading her review of one of my books thinking, “Huh, I didn’t know all that was in there!”
Wow, that last sentence is SO true. So many books, so little time! It’s hard to keep up, even when we really want to!
Thanks backatcha!
I hear you! Life is so busy. I’ve been working on my TBR pile (or list in my Kindle), trying to whittle it down as well, but I keep coming across new books I want to read!
Val–I love this idea of the reader group. I love to talk books!! One thing I’ve done in the past, which I’m aware of now and watch is, I’ve hyped up books so much that sometimes the people didn’t see it the way I did and they were disappointed. So now, if I have a book I love, I GENTLY tell people about it, then when they’ve read it we can chat and I can gush, gush! Paulina–you sound like a dream–thank you for stewarding the book club in an amazing way. :)
LOL, I can see that my enthusiasm for other authors’ books might sometimes be overwhelming, too. At least if I ever got out of the house to talk about them. Yes, Paula is an angel literally sent by God. So thankful for her.
Hello Valerie! In SW Michigan we have been fortunate to have our local libraries and our local bookstore Forever Books have actual bookclubs. For the last three years I have been a participant of the unique monthly evening Book Club for Foodies: Tales You Can Taste, sponsored by the local library and School of Cooking (Martin’s Supermarket). The library procured the books and monitored the discussion. The School of Cooking planned a menu around the book choice and for $20 one learned cooking tips, recipes, and had a tasty evening meal. About 20 women participated and we have become friends. Unfortunately due to management changes at both the library and School of Cooking January 2018 will be our last meeting. Most of us ladies will miss it, because this was our monthly night out when we did not have to cook.
Since I have been retired, I interact with authors around the world virtually thru blogs, Facebook, messenger, and emails. I belong to 13 Facebook Reading groups. Four are single author groups. Three are for new multi author series (Beach Brides, 12 Days of Christmas Mail Order Brides, and Lockets and Lace). The remaining six are multi-author, common genre. Only one of these are a book club: Caroline Lee just started her club this month. She has a topic for each month, with two different authors and their works. We have one week to read the work and another week for discussion. My main Facebook interaction is for Facebook release parties and then a follow up party. If you want more information, please feel free to email me.
As a retired literature teacher and avid reader since I was 10, I enjoy meeting new authors and reading new genre while interacting with authors and their readers. Keeps my mind sharp. Also at the end of a 10 hour day of watching my granddaughters ages 4 and 1, I do not often feel like going out. Lounging in bed with a glass of milk and some cookies with my iPad while winding down from a busy day, is my kind of book club.
Best wishes. One other comment. The groups with a single author do better with a manager. I also am on a review team with one cozy mystery writer, whose husband is her manager and while she has a FaceBook page, we primarily interact with emails. May God grant you strength and health and guide through this new endeavor.
Thanks for those ideas, Renate! There are a lot of things one COULD do, I’m sure. My problem (besides the heart attack!) was picking one and then actually following through. Thank goodness for Paula.
Honestly, lol, I get so much joy out of it, I promise you! You all humble me with your praise!
Thanks for sharing all those ideas Renate! With so much going on in your life, I am honored you are going to be a part of our group as well hopefully you will enjoy it too!
I love to talk books with my friends at church. We swap recommendations. No real book clubs though. No time with our busy schedules.
Swapping recommendations is great! For introverts like me, a “real” book club would mean I had to leave my house on a regular basis. LOL
I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. This is a great idea. Our church has some ladies who are putting together a reading group. I cant wait
That sounds fun! And thank you :)