Note from Melissa: I’m so delighted to welcome one of my faaaavoritest people to the blog today–Lindsay Harrel. Lindsay is my craft partner, but more than that, she’s my friend and confidante and the person I text with pretty much daily. I get twitchy if more than a day goes by without talking to her. And she’s a soon-to-be new mama, too! I recently had the fun of spending five whole days with Lindsay and two of our other writing friends, Gabrielle Meyer and Alena Tauriainen up in Little Falls, Minnesota, which is now one of my favorite towns ever. Lindsay is sharing about our trip and the importance of friendship in her post today. Enjoy!
The Power of Friendship
By Lindsay Harrel (@LindsayHarrel)
A bosom friend, according to one Anne Shirley (any other Anne of Green Gables enthusiasts in the house?), is “an intimate friend, you know—a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul.”
Have you ever had a friend like that? In my experience, bosom friends make all the difference between a rich life and a mediocre one. Though my husband is my best friend, there is still a need for me to have close girlfriends in my life.
Having bosom friends is especially important to me as a writer. There are so many dreams in my heart – and so many emotions to go along with those dreams – that only my close friends can understand. I’ve been quite blessed with many close friends and was lucky enough to spend nearly a week with three of them earlier this month.
My three friends are also writers, so they understand the ups and downs better than anyone. We spent time together at a brainstorming retreat of sorts, but far more than brainstorming occurred. Yes, we also had fun exploring our friend’s historic Minnesota town, relaxing on a sandbar on the Mississippi River, laughing over conference photos, and watching silly movies.
But more than anything, I will always remember the encouragement of being with bosom friends who just “get” me.
The amazing thing is, God brought these ladies and I together from very different walks of life – and at a time when we are in very different stages of our non-writing and writing lives. It’s amazing to me how people who are so different can still be so much the same, mainly because we share two of the same passions: God and writing.
We chatted about the writing disappointments we’ve faced – not having enough time to write, rejections, forced revisions because we didn’t get it right the first time. But surprisingly, our conversations dealt with much more than that. Because of our connection, we were able to share disappointments and fears in other parts of our lives. In fact, one day I even broke down crying and shared my fear of becoming a mom for the first time and the fact that I don’t have everything under control. My friends surrounded me with love and prayer.
We also talked about the elation of first contracts, the dream of writing full time, the realities of the writing life, and more. And these ladies offered me more encouragement than I could have asked for.
Bottom line: bosom friends make all the difference. My life wouldn’t be complete without them. My writing journey would look very different than it does today – in fact, it would look a lot lonelier and darker.
If you don’t have such friends in your life, pray for them. God is faithful. And remember to open yourself up. It takes courage to share your heart with others – but oh the reward when you do. The power that comes from such relationships is other-worldly, to be sure.
Lindsay Harrel has a bachelor’s in journalism and a master’s in English. Represented by Rachelle Gardner of Books & Such Literary Agency, Lindsay was a 2013 ACFW Genesis Finalist and a 2014 Genesis Semi-Finalist (Contemporary Category). She works in marketing as a copywriter and has worked in the past as a business writer and curriculum editor. Lindsay lives in Arizona with her husband and two golden retrievers in serious need of training. Connect with her on her blog or via Facebook or Twitter (@LindsayHarrel).
Lindsay, I loved your guest post today! What would we do without our friends?! Besides my husband, I’m blessed to have several close friends–one of which I’ve known 30 years! (It’s safe to say we’ve loved each other through thick and thin. She’s a jewel!)
You should have your photo above framed. It’s priceless! (((HUGS))) to you! *waves at Melissa, Gabe, and Alena* :)
Ah, friendships. They make all the difference in my life as I walk along the writing road, yes, — and as I just walk out every day from sunrise to sunset. As I raised my daughters, I told them, “You need close girlfriends in your life!” I’m thankful to say, they have them–and they are each other’s bosom friends too.
Loved your post, Lindsay. Friends are the precious gems in the jewelry box of life. So glad you’re one of mine.
I was just looking through our pictures from the retreat, feeling a need to hold you all close, when I saw this post come up on my Facebook feed. I miss all of you and wish we lived closer. I’m so thankful for my bosom friends. I’m also thankful that God has been faithful to bring people into all parts of my life to support and challenge me to be a better mom, wife, friend, writer, and Christian. Thank you for this post, Lindsay. I loved hosting all of you and I’m already counting down the days until we’re all together again. 57, by the way…
Waving back at ya, Cindy :)
So thankful you’re one of the people I get to call a friend, Beth.
“The precious gems in the jewelry box of life.” Love that, Keli!
I wish we lived closer, too, Gabe! How awesome would it be if we could hang out more than a few times a year? Although if I do up and move to Little Falls like I’m so tempted to, this could be a possibility at least for two of us. I love your town so much! And you (and Linz and Alena) even more. 57 days… :)
You’re another of those gems, Melissa. You inspire me, and you add smiles to my days. :-)
Lovely and true, Melissa and Lindsay. Isn’t it amazing that though I have close friends from and in many nations and walks of life, some of the writing friends I’ve gained in the last few years are those who get (or read) each other and have become some of the closest on earth.
I love Anne of Green Gables! Kindred spirits are the best!
That’s a phenomenon of the writing life, I think, Dee. You can meet people and click so swiftly because of that shared storytelling passion. There’s a heart connection there that’s hard to describe. But oh, I love it. :)
I love Anne, too, Brandy. Although, blasphemous moment, I actually like the 1980s movies better than the books. But I think it’s because I was exposed to the movies first. I have read and enjoyed all the books, though. (And now I’m soooo tempted to spend my whole evening watching the movies…)
Thank you, Keli, and I would say the same right back to you! :)
Lindsay, I love this post so much. And it reminds me: We’ve never watched the second Anne movie in person together! We watched the first one last year…but next time I come to Phoenix, we totally have to watch the next one. :)
Thanks for having me here today, Mel! I’m so blessed to call you a bosom friend. Couldn’t do this writing life without ya! And yes, we definitely need to watch the second Anne movie together. <3
Lindsay, congratulations! Becoming a mom is such a unique experience. May God bless your family. Thanks for sharing your heart with us here on Inspy. It’s always fun to get to know fellow writers.
Lindsay, lovely post :) Congratulations on you baby news! Earlier in the year I did a writing retreat at Phillip Island in Australia with my writing sister, Dorothy Adamek. I cherish the time I can spend with my close writing friends and critique partners who understand the writing life and share the ups and downs of our writing journeys. A true blessing.
Oh yes, I loved Anne of Green Gables and know all about the bosom friend concept, very sweet and rare! :)
Great blog post!