It is fitting that this final segment of our Love is… series falls two days before Christmas, a day we celebrate one of the most crucial, selfless acts of love — the birth of Jesus. He knew when He chose to come how it would all end, and He did it anyway. He gave up everything He was entitled to in order to provide what we needed.
[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Cor. 13:7-8a (NIV)
I wish I could love like this. I know I want to protect those I love, but sometimes I hurt them. I want to always trust, but people will fail me and betray that trust, which makes it harder to trust in the future. I want to always hope in the best, but we live in a fallen world and my hopes are often dashed. Many times. I want to always persevere, but sometimes I feel like giving up — and sometimes do. :(
My failings get in the way of loving perfectly. Unlike God, because
God always protects.
God always trusts.
God always hopes.
God always perseveres.
God never fails.
God is on the job. ALWAYS. He never quits. “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” (John 5:17 NIV, emphasis mine)
When we wonder where He is, He is there, working. We don’t always see what He’s doing, how it will work out, or even IF it will work out, but He’s working on our behalf. His end goal is for our best. In order to get there, we have to walk through valleys, climb mountains, ford rivers, stumble over pebbles, and, sadly, we sometimes have to fall. But He is ALWAYS there, ready to be whatever we need — light in the valley, support on the way up, steadiness in the rushing waters, faithful when we stumble, and a comforter when we fall. He helps us to our feet and guides us to where we need to go. He never leaves us or forsakes us.
As this series and year comes to an end, I want to thank InspyRomance’s faithful readers. You make writing worthwhile. Your encouragement is a boon to a struggling writer. Twenty seventeen has been a tough year for me, writing wise. Many times I wanted to give up, but your words of encouragement, your LOVE has helped me persevere. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In addition, comment before tomorrow evening (12/24) at 7pm, and you will be eligible to win an e-book (winner’s choice). I will choose two winners.
Merry Christmas
May your hearts and homes be filled with love and peace this season.
Links to the other Love is… posts:
- Part 1 – Love is patient
- Part 2 – Love keeps no record of wrongs
- Part 3 – Love is kind
- Part 4 – Love is not rude
- Part 5 – Love is not irritable
- Part 6 – Love is not jealous
- Part 7 – Love is not boastful or proud
- Part 8 – Love is not self-seeking
- Part 9 – Love rejoices with the truth
Hi Ginger, you planned this series well- or God did!! I have been listening to for King and Country’s Christmas songs a lot in the lead up to Christmas, their song “Baby Boy” is a particularly beautiful reminder of God’s love and the hope that we have because of Jesus.
Keep writing Ginger, I have enjoyed all your books to date and am eagerly anticipating more. Don’t doubt that God uses your writing to touch the lives of others. You and the other inspyromance writers are definitely on the ‘thankful for” list!
Hi Ginger! Your love series has been inspiring! Thanks for sharing with us.
I think that ultimately we may want to love perfectly, but we won’t be there here on earth; so we must ask God every day that He teaches us to love the way He does, because only through Him we may have a small chance of loving a little bit as we are supposed to.
Hi Ginger! Thanks for sharing your insightful thoughts on 1 Corinthians 13 – the LOVE Chapter. Nice closure to 2017 – love never fails. While life may hand us curve balls, we know who holds our future. Blessings in 2018 – a new tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you Ginger, all the Inspy Romance authors, and their readers.
Amen. He NEVER fails.
Merry Christmas.
Thanks so much for sharing what God has been teaching you about love this year! Merry Christmas.
Thanks, Wemble. I know I speak for all of the other writers when I say we appreciate your prayers, encouragement, and your reading time, lol.
God did time it perfectly, didn’t He? It sure wasn’t me.
? Merry Christmas. ?
That is so true, Laura. I can not love perfectly. My sinful nature prevents it, but I can strive toward perfection, and pray A LOT. And sometimes I just ask God to love through me ‘cuz there’s no way I can do it.
? Merry Christmas. ?
Thank you, Renate. Like Wemble said above, God worked it out perfectly. He knew when I started when I would end.
? Merry Christmas. ?
Not ever — even when it seems like He has.
? Merry Christmas. ?
I’ve definitely learned a lot in the past few months about how to love.
? Merry Christmas. ?
I have loved this series!! Thank you for these posts! Have a Blessed Christmas!
I have read a few of these, and need to go back and read the rest. Thank you so much for doing this series of blog posts. Merry Christmas Ginger and the other Inspy Writers.
Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!
You are a new to me author and your books sound lovely. Thanks for sharing.
I’m so glad, Becky.
? Merry Christmas. ?
You’re welcome, and thank you, Andrea.
? Merry Christmas. ?
You’re welcome, Margaret.
? Merry Christmas. ?
Thanks, Nancy. Welcome to Inspy Romance.
? Merry Christmas. ?
Have a blessed and Merry Christmas ??
Thank you, Lucy. You, too.
? Merry Christmas. ?
Merry Christmas, Ginger. I pray 2018 is a fantastic writing year for you and the rest of the Inspy team as well.
beautiful and I loved reading it. How can I go back and re read the others?? Merry Christmas.
This has been such a lovely blog series to follow! As readers, it’s awesome to know that you feel our support & love the same way we get inspired from your writing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and a very Merry Christmas to all of the Inspy writers!
Thank you, Sherri.
Merry Christmas.?
Thank you, Andrea. The links for all of the others were at the bottom of the post, just below my signature.
Merry Christmas ?
Thank you, Teri. I’m glad you liked the series.
Merry Christmas ?