The four of us on the InspyRomance admin team have a group Facebook chat. Usually we use it to communicate housekeeping items and remind one another of the various chores we need to do to keep everything running smoothly around her. But there’s also a lot of laughter, and hashtags. We are the queens of hashtags.
Anyway, one day not too long ago (that sounds like the start of a fairy tale, doesn’t it?) I popped open our chat to grumble about another post I’d run across that was trashing romance and romance readers, and I think I asked something along the lines of, “Why isn’t there a reader group that’s just for romance readers? Cause I love romance and think it deserves a place to be celebrated all the time without all the naysayers out there.” And one thing led to another and before long, we’d come to the conclusion that we needed such a place and that since there wasn’t one out there, we might as well make our own!
Then we spent an excessively long time brainstorming names. Because, y’all, naming a Facebook group should be easier than it is.
Ultimately, we went for simple and straightforward. What is the group? It’s a place for Christian romance readers to gather. And thus, the group Christian Romance Reader Gathering was formed, and you know what? We’d love you to join us.
The group is still growing (we’re two weeks in and going strong!) and finding its feet. Right now we have 1-2 discussion type posts a day. There’s no promo allowed, so it’s not a place where you’re going to get fwapped with meme after meme by authors, either. (I should caveat the promo bit — we do occasionally mention an InspyRomance author’s sale or new release. Because it’s an InspyRomance spin off group, so we figured that was fair.) And starting toward the end of this month, we’re going to have InspyRomance authors taking over the group for roughly half a day with fun posts, games, and prizes. These takeovers will happen twice a month and I think will be fun extra chances at interaction for group members.
So, if you’re on Facebook, we’d love to have you join us! Just pop on over and click join. (We do ask 3 quick questions to all our members – they’re easy, I promise! – but you won’t get added until they’ve been answered.)
In the meantime, I’d love to get some suggestions of things you’d like to see us discuss in the reader group! Hit me up in the comments!
Wemble says
Hi Elizabeth, I am not on Facebook, so won’t be joining the reader group, but it is a fantastic idea. I often hear disparaging comments about romance fiction and how it is not ‘serious’ ‘intellectual’ etc. and just quietly shake my head- and come read inspyromance:) So, even though you have the Facebook group- please don’t stop inspyromance!!
Renate says
Hi Elizabeth! As a retired literature teacher, I enjoy Inspy Romance and have joined the new Facebook group. Reading and interacting with authors is my passion, so I belong to several readers Facebook groups. Most members of groups enjoy the parties and give aways. Suggestions for topics of discussion are themes in Contemporary Christian Romance, current events, how authors get together for combined works (boxed sets, series, book groups), writers conferences, how do readers meet authors. I would love to meet authors in person, but that is not possible in our small community – plus I do not know besides a library or bookstore; where can a reader meet authors. Hope that helps. Mind still foggy this morning. Best wishes.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Oh my no! InspyRomance isn’t going anywhere I promise! We all love the blog and it is a different medium from the group. So no worries there at all!
(And seriously, kudos to you for avoiding Facebook. I need to dial back my time there.)
Elizabeth says
I agree with Renate’s suggestions. I also like to discuss what can be learned on a spiritual level from books. I think it’s interesting to learn how authors get their ideas for stories. And…I second Wemble’s request above…please don’t stop InspyRomance!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Those are great suggestions, Renate! Thanks :) I’m so glad you joined our group early and that you’re so faithful here. It’s always fun to see when you’ve commented, you always have good things to add.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Love the spiritual theme idea – thank you! And absolutely no worries, like I said to Wemble, InspyRomance isn’t going anywhere. I promise.
Becky Smith says
I’ve already joined and try to pop in as often as I can. I agree with Renate’s great suggestions. I love to hear about background, how authors got together for a set, and all the other things she mentioned. It has been interesting so far, especially to read everyone’s comments. Love the authors in this group!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I’m so glad you’re there, Becky! Thanks for the suggestions – I’ve got ideas percolating!
Diana says
I’ve enjoyed the blog and have joined the fb group. Sorry, I don’t have any brilliant suggestions. Some of the above suggestions sounded good.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Yay! We’re glad to have you! :)
Valerie Comer says
Great ideas, Renate! Thanks.
Valerie Comer says
Hi Wemble! This website will remain our cornerstone. Don’t worry about it disappearing!
Nancy K. says
I have joined the Facebook group and I have been involved with Inspy Romance blog since the beginning. I enjoy getting to know the authors and knowing were they are located. It’s interesting to pick up in the books some of the areas where the different authors live. Elizabeth Maddrey lives in the Washington DC area where I grew up. It’s fun to read some of her books that have the Washington DC area as their location. Hi Elizabeth! Having the different authors host some of the days in the Facebook group sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you will announce ahead of time when these will be happening.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
We will definitely be advertising ahead of time for the takeovers!
And yay! I’m glad you enjoy the DC area settings :)
Jessica B. says
Sounds fun. I like the idea of having other authors takeover for blocks of time.
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Yay! We are too! :)
Linda Rainey says
I love the new Facebook page.
Research and genealogy is a great love so the back story to a book is very interesting.
Marjess Tovar says
Happy birthday and keep the realistic Christian stories inspiring young women to wait for the match made in heaven!
Susan P says
I love that you have a group for just discussing Christian romance! I have a friend who thinks any romance book is just plain bad. I never know what to say to her!
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Fun! I’ll have to think of a good way to incorporate that into the group — some ideas are percolating :)
Elizabeth Maddrey says
Elizabeth Maddrey says
I have a couple of friends like that – it’s so horrible. I just kind of close my mouth and smile. :)
Trixi says
I’m part of that group! :-) I never know what to suggest, so I’ll let others smarter than I am make them.I just like whatever your creative minds come up with!
I also can’t believe someone would NOT want to read romance…that’s like taking half the pages of a book out and trying to read it (in my mind)…!
MJSH says
Joined! I’m starting to use FB more now specifically for following authors and books so I’ll definitely see y’all there!
Kathy Danheim says
Supporting each other. Helping us, your readers, stay focused and knowing how to identify when a book is clean or not. I love to read christain romance. I have read lots of writers descriptions that make it sound that way, only to get into it and then it starts to change. I’m not trying to bash anyone. I just would like to know a better way to recognize the difference before I buy.
I think this could be a benefit to the reader. I have found some books that have both, clean and not so clean versions. That helps.
Sorry I’m already discussing. ? oops, it’s just in my nature. ?
I would love to hear what other kinds of discussions other readers would like to talk about. ?
Linda G R says
Sounds fun. Great work, ladies!
Sabrina Templin says
I didn’t know you had a group! How fun! I answered the questions and am awaiting to be added to the group. I don’t have anything to add that hasn’t already been said, well, no new ideas…
Denise Martin says
I love to read Christian fiction and our local library has several books written by INSPY authors. I am looking forward to reading these authors!!!
Susan Dyer says
Wow! You all sure do know how to put together some wonderful bundles!
Happy Birthday!??
Keeping my fingers crossed!?
Shonda Fischer says
I think this is really neat to do for your readers!
God Bless for doing it. We appreciate it so much!
vera mallard says
I just applied for the facebook group. I think it will be fun.