Tropes are a big part of romance novels and romantic movies. One trope is the the love triangle. I enjoy watching the romance movies on Hallmark, and often there is a love triangle in the story. Right from the beginning you know which one the hero or heroine will choose. Most of the stories have a heroine with a boyfriend or fiancé, and then she meets an old flame or a new man that captures her interest, although in the beginning she denies that interest. Occasionally, there is a hero who has to choose. One of my favorite Hallmark movies is Love on the Sidelines. In this story the hero has a girlfriend when he hires the heroine to be his personal assistant. He eventually realizes the girlfriend is all wrong for him as he admits his interest in his lovely assistant. This one kind of has a two-way triangle because he thinks his assistant is dating his buddy.
These heroines or heroes have to do some soul searching to find “the one” for them. Here are some questions they have to ask themselves as they make this decision.
1. Who do I like better? (That seems like a given.)
2. Which personality meshes with mine the best?
3. Am I being honest with myself about my feelings?
4. Am I making the right decision for me?
5. How will my decision affect family and friends?
In answering these questions the heroine of hero may have to talk it over with a friend or take time to be alone to make that choice. Then there is that “aha” moment where the hero or heroine finally realizes which is the better choice.
I haven’t written any truly love triangle stories. The closest I’ve come is in my marriage-of-convenience book, A Baby to Call Ours, in which the hero’s former girlfriend moves back to town.
When I was in college, I dated two guys at the same time. A friend of a friend set me up with a blind date with a guy from out of town, and then a week later another friend introduced me to a guy from town. I dated them on alternate weekends until they both wanted to go out on the same weekend. I had a decision to make. I eventually chose the blind-date guy, but in the end I wound up with neither of them. Although I hadn’t agreed to an exclusive relationship with either of these guys, it still felt awkward to be dating them both. Have you ever been part of a love triangle? How did it work out? What do you think about love triangles in books or movies?
I’ll be giving away an ebook copy of A Baby to Call Ours to one person who leaves a comment. I will choose the winner on February 29, 2020, leap day, at 9 PM MST.
Renate says
Hi Merrillee! I enjoy watching Hallmark movies with a love triangle. Enjoyed the movie you mentioned. So you had me thinking. Yes in college for about three months, I also dated two guys at the same time and they had the same first name. I knew from the beginning that I would break up with them, but enjoyed their company as a friend. Then I met my husband and that changed everything. Love triangles create tension in stories and your questions make the story, so I enjoy them more in movies than books. A picture is worth a thousand words. That is why I think I enjoy the movies better. Best wishes.
Paula Marie says
I love to read these stories, but have never lived one out!😁
ChristieU says
No I haven’t been in a love triangle.
Valerie Comer says
They’re hard to pull off in the usual romance format with alternating POVs from the hero and heroine! Should the author add the third POV to keep the reader in suspense?! Or maybe it’s okay the reader is smarter, more in the know than the heroine!
I’ve only written one novel (yet) that really flirts with the idea of a love triangle (Sweetened with Honey) but there was more to her indecision than just not making up her mind.
Lila Diller says
I’ve never been in a love triangle, but I often used to fantasize that two guys liked me at the same time — never happened. ;) I actually used that dream as the basis for my very first novel, Her Heart’s Decision. (It’s free when you sign up for my email list at if anyone is interested.)
Megan says
I like love triangles in movies because it usually results in some good character growth and fun moments.
Paula Marie says
Don’t forget Berry on Top….kinda sorta
Trudy says
I’ve never been involved in a love triangle. I don’t think I’d want to be, either!
Lincoln says
I could never handle the tension. The few times I even came close to dealing with conflicting love interests (either competing with another guy for a girls affection or with two girls interested in me) I ran for the hills, LOL! As a result, I generally don’t enjoy the love triangle trope while reading or viewing. The tension I prefer is two hearts struggling to figure it all out.
Lori R says
I enjoy love triangles in movies and books. I did date 2 guys in college at the same time but not for very long.
Lori R says
I enjoy love triangles in movies and books. I did date 2 guys in college at the same time but not for very long. I decided I just wanted to be friends.
Merrillee Whren says
Renate, interesting that you dated two guys with the same name at the same time. My daughter dated two guys with the same name, but not at the same time.
Merrillee Whren says
Paula, even though I enjoy the movies, real life love triangles don’t work for me.
Merrillee Whren says
Christie, good for you.
Merrillee Whren says
Valerie, I agree.
Merrillee Whren says
Lila, interesting premise.
Merrillee Whren says
Megan, do you like love triangles better in movies than in books?
Merrillee Whren says
Trudy, that’s what I discovered.
Merrillee Whren says
Lincoln, I agree with your thoughts. I believe that’s why I really haven’t used a true love triangle in any of my books. I just find it interesting that Hallmark uses that a lot in their movies.
Merrillee Whren says
Lori, I think eventually we figure out that we like one better than the other.
Valerie Comer says
Huh, never thought of Berry on Top as a love triangle wannabe!
Renate says
Merrillee, I think it is easier to portray – one sees the person. Valerie Comer explained it well in her comment from an author’s perspective. Three POVs isn’t easy to write in a narrative form. In a movie script -much easier. That is why I love reading and at other times binge watch Hallmark movies.
Daphnee Reynolds says
I have been involved in a love triangle. I had been separated from my husband and wanted to try to work things out with him but I was seeing an old boyfriend too. They both found out about the other and I ended up with the old boyfriend. I had to let the ex-husband go. I finally got my head on straight hahaha. But it ended up not working out with the old boyfriend either. Sort of like your situation. The old boyfriend is still a friend of mine and I’ve been married to the love of my life for almost 13 years.
Merrillee Whren says
Daphne, I’m glad you finally found the “right one.”
Jennifer Hibdon says
Love triangles can be interesting! Thanx for the giveaway.
Jessica B. says
I read a historical romance recently that had a “light” version of a love triangle and I enjoyed it. The heroine grew up thinking she would marry one guy but he left to work abroad for a year and she ended up falling for someone else. However, when her first love returned she had to decide who she really wanted to be with.
Tina says
I like the love triangles in Hallmark movies, but I always feel bad for the person that gets “let go”, even if he or she is sort of a jerk.
I haven’t been in one, thankfully!
Kathy Schnitz says
Never been in a love triangle (or not even close!). I’ve read some books with them but they’re not my favorite.
Merrillee Whren says
Jennifer, you’re welcome.
Merrillee Whren says
Jessica, yes, that sounds like a plot I would enjoy also, the return of an old love.
Merrillee Whren says
Tina, that is the bad part of love triangles. Someone usually gets hurt. But sometimes, the one who is let go realizes it’s for the best.
Merrillee Whren says
Kathy, I agree that they aren’t my favorite. I wanted to see how others thought in light of so many Hallmark movies having them.
denise says
I haven’t been in a love triangle.
I love the Hallmark movie, Love on the Sidelines.
Linda Herold says
I am a one guy at a time girl. I don’t mind love triangles in books as long as there isn’t cheating involved.
Lisa Stillman says
I’ve never been involved in a love triangle. It is one of my least favorite tropes.
Paula Marie says
Lol, Kass might have felt that way….
Caitlyn Santi says
In general, I’m not really a fan of love triangles. I do think I like them a little more in movies though. 🙂
Ausjenny says
I haven’t really been in a love triangle. At a singles camp one guy asked me to be his partner for the dinner/cruise night and we got on well I even spent a week with him and his family (new it was over within 10 mins of getting off the plane) But that Easter I found out that another friend I made at the camp really liking him. (Ironically I don’t think he ever really saw her as more than an acquaintance).
I tended to be the person the guys would talk to and tell their issues (this happened so often at the singles camps) It was almost like they didn’t see me as a girl but more as a sister or someone to talk to.
I have never been in a love triangle!
Merrillee Whren says
Lisa, I’m with you.
Merrillee Whren says
I feel the same way you do, but I wonder why it is so popular in Hallmark movies.
Merrillee Whren says
Linda, I think it works better that way.
Merrillee Whren says
Denise, it is definitely a good movie. I have it recorded so I can watch it whenever I feel like it.
Merrillee Whren says
It’s interesting how you can suddenly know a person isn’t the right one for you.
Merrillee Whren says
Sarah, I would say you haven’t missed anything.
Melynda says
Thankfully, I’ve never been part of a love triangle in real life. I do enjoy reading them, but don’t usually love movies with them unless the third person is an unpleasant character for some reason. Seeing a nice, kind person get hurt takes some of fun out of the story for me. Reading it doesn’t seem as harsh, but what really takes the book up a notch for me is if that third character ends up with their own story being told in a book next.
Abigail Harris says
Love triangles are not my favorite trope but I do like them sometimes. Your book sounds wonderful!
Merrillee Whren says
Melynda, I read a book recently that had a love triangle in it, and I wanted the dumped guy to get his own story. I asked the author if she was going to let him find love, but no, she wasn’t going to write another book in that series.
Merrillee Whren says
Abigail, I think it’s all in the way it’s handled.
Natalya Lakhno says
All I can after reading your post is I’ve been young and didn’t think well lol 😂 I’ve dated too…and almost got married but God had other plans for me when He moved our family across the ocean! I’m forever thankful ❤️
Susanne says
Not really a fan of them!
Suzannah Clark says
My grandparent’s love story was a love triangle. He was a preacher engaged to a woman in his church. When Pearl came in late to his service, he was smitten. He always said it was love at first sight. He broke off his engagement and drove my grandmother to her home after the service. They were married 3 weeks later – until he died 49 years later.