I’ve been pondering what to blog about on this day before Thanksgiving. It needed to be Thanksgiving related, right? And romance related.
What could that be?
So I sat here and thought.
My husband and I have been talking Christmas gifts for the kids. We’ve decided to go a little light for each other this year, and he asked what I wanted. I gave him my usual answer — books! Because, well, I adore books!
But not just any book. Books that have moved me. Changed me.
And I realized that was it! Today I’d love for you to take a few moments to really stop and think about books that have made an impact on your life. What book or books have changed you?
Take a few seconds… I’m doing that too.
The first book for me is Karen Ball’s The Breaking Point. While the book was published in 2003, I didn’t come across it until a year or so later — right when my marriage was going through some really painful months. Why does that matter? Because the book is about a couple, a Christian couple, whose marriage just isn’t working. They both love God, but they can’t seem to get along for anything. And we’re not talking petty, forced conflict. We’re talking real struggle here.
Karen wrote this book after she and her own husband had gone through rough years in their marriage. She took a very, very painful place she’d been in and poured that out into this book. And as I read this book, for the first time I heard someone — via one of Karen’s characters — tell me that marriage was not my fairy tale. Not my right to a happily ever after. Marriage was one of God’s methods for making me more Christlike.
Wow. That changed me. Completely.
I’m thankful to say that my marriage is pretty stinking good most days — and has been for years. I know God worked on me and my husband and brought us through that time. But I know He used Karen and her words to show me something I wasn’t getting before.
I’m so thankful she wrote that book.
Book number two for me is Francine Rivers’ A Voice in the Wind. (Anyone remember this original cover? This is the one I have.) When I reread it now, I’m always surprised to see that it really does read like a genre romance, a genre I don’t typically like. But there’s also a whole lot of spiritual depth that broadens the book and packs a punch. I identified so much with Hadassah. I’ve often felt plain at best and was so shy growing up and during college. Painfully shy. I loved God. I wanted to serve Him, but I couldn’t talk to anybody about anything, much less about Him. Which bothered me and concerned me about where I stood in my spiritual walk.
If you’ve read that book, you know how much Hadassah grows in this area. She’s shy. She’s told she’s ugly. She loves God so deeply. Yet she’s scared. Scared of where life has put her. Scared of what will happen if she mentions God. So she kinda doesn’t.
She tells stories about Him, but even there she knows she’s holding back. And she wants so badly to be bold for God. So the entire book — and it’s a nice, thick one! — is us watching her go through this change until the very end when she’s so incredibly bold for God.
I read that book repeatedly over a few years, wanting to see that same change in me. And it was Francine, through her characters, who encouraged me to take steps to be more bold. To speak up about God.
I’m so thankful Francine wrote a book that would challenge me in my spiritual walk.
How about you? What books have moved you? I think books that move you have a real chance at moving others, right? Please share those titles in the comment, and then share this post with your reading friends. I’d love to hear what books have impacted today’s readers.
And when you’re done? Maybe it’d be time to let that author know how much they and their book have meant to you. :) That would be a pretty amazing Thanksgiving gift for them.
I like your challenge and I started thinking about romance books and realized it would be quite weak to say they’ve changed my life in a meaningful way other than to make me stop and reevaluate my relationship, but mostly just making me realize how grateful I am to have a wonderful loving and supporting spouse…
I have been currently reading Philip Yancey’s What’s So Amazing About Grace? and this is an old book (1997) that I had access for many years but never really took the time. I’ve been struggling with forgiveness and love towards someone who hurt me and my husband badly a while back, and, now that we moved, I need to be around this person more often than I probably would want to. The many stories in this book and the depth of his approach to the unfair nature of grace has opened my eyes and helped me let go.
I agree Sally, books make the best gifts! One book that came to mind while reading your post was Bridge of Faith by Catherine West. I read it last year, yet the story remained with me long after I read the last page. It’s a powerful story of second chances through God’s love, grace, mercy, and faith as well as forgiveness. I did reach out to the author after reading her book. I think that’s so important.
Wishing you and your family a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
Hi Sally, Happy Thanksgiving. What a thought provoking question. As an avid reader, there are many books that have moved me and impacted my life.
As Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, one book that moves me at this time of year is Caroline Kennedy’s collage of America, A Patriot’s Handbook (published 2003). As Caroline so eloquently states in her introduction: “I wanted selections to go beyond politics yet remain focused on the ideal America. In the process I rediscovered how many gifts we are given as Americans. Among the most precious are the freedoms we cherish we cherish yet sometimes take for granted, the diversity of heritage and experience that strengthens us, a society that celebrates tolerance and community, and the belief in the power of words to change the world.”
A special thanks to all Inspy Romance writers and to all our favorite authors, because your words change our lives – your readers’ lives.
God’s blessings to all Americans this Thanksgiving.
Whatever book I’m reading at the time,the Lord will use to speak to me. I think seeing other struggles portrayed helps us see our struggles in a fresh light and not take our loved ones for granted. I appreciate all the inspiration romance writers!!!! They provide me with wonderful books to read. ?
I’ve always been inspired by Grace Livingston Hill who wrote inspirational romance before it was a genre. She had a challenging life but was able to support herself and her children by writing during a time period in which women didn’t usually support themselves.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I read What’s So Amazing about Grace at my father’s bedside in ICU the week he was dying. That book helped me deal with what was coming in a very real way.
What a great idea, Sally! I love books, my favorite escape and challenge. I read Christy, by Catherine Marshall, as a shy teen. That book showed me that obedience to God could change not only my life for His glory, but lives of those around me. It remains one of my favorites.
I really get how that would help, Valerie. It’s an amazing book for several seasons of our lives. When my grandma was in her last few months we got my grandpa a copy of “A Grief Observed” from CS Lewis (written under the pseudonym N.W. Clerk). I think that really helped him. He mentioned the book many times to us.
Yes, books are always on the top of my want list :-) One time while we were missionaries in Hong Kong, some friends from home were coming to visit, and asked what they could bring us. I sent a list of about 15 books, prioritized by which I wanted most. They brought every one on the list!!!
I have a hard time thinking of books that really impacted me, because so many have. More recently, just about anything by Charles Martin. Further in the past, almost any of Elizabeth Goudge’s books. Her “Scent of Water” is a classic that can be read over and over. In non-fiction, anything by Isobel Kuhn – a missionary to the Lisu people in China a long time ago.
I would have to say there are three —maybe a whole lot more books which have really touched me, however to save time. Here are my three:
Two awhile ago and one just this last year.
The first two were written by Francine Rivers, Redeeming Love, and the Mark of the Lion series.
The most recent one was written by Kristen Heitzmann, Told You Twice. I had the pleasure of helping launch that book and it was so wonderful.
Hi, Priscila. I might disagree with you a bit on saying that evaluating your relationship isn’t a big thing. Marriage is so precious, isn’t it? And if a fiction book can make you step back and take a look at that and perhaps address something before it becomes a big issue? I think that’s a good thing!
I might need to read the book you recommended too. I’ve been dealing with a similar situation over the last year, and it’s been tough to get past it. Thanks for that tip.
I’ve read that book, Jill! It’s a good one, and I love that you’ve already contacted her. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Thank you for sharing that, Renate! And happy Thanksgiving to you. :)
I did not know that about GLH, Diana. Thanks for sharing that. Was she a single mom? Or husband couldn’t/didn’t work?
Oh, that’s a great example! It’s been a few decades since I read it, so I couldn’t remember what it was about. But you jogged my memory. Thanks for that!
Margaret, getting those 15 books must have been so fun! As a fellow book lover, I love that story. :D
Marylin, Francine is such a moving writer, isn’t she? I read The Scarlet Thread as a newlywed. That book had a big impact on me then. And I’ve read Told You So but haven’t read the second one. How does it compare to Told You So?
It follows right after and boy oh boy it’s packed with so many emotions! Have Kleenex on hand! I LOVED the book!
Here’s my review on Amazon:
Are you acting out your life or are you letting people see the real you?
Does it hurt too much if they do, because of all the things you feel are wrong with you?
Do you feel like your life is starting to shatter all around your feet?
These are some of the issues confronting the characters in this book.
This book is Bo and Alexis (Exi)’s story. They are two people who face issues in their own lives that could defeat them if they let them. They are searching for truth and struggling for worth.
I love how Kristen Heitzmann wove this story together. The characters come to life in such a way that I felt I was right there with them. The many issues in their lives at times seemed overwhelmingly. Through this story we experience a world we may not see and I for one have been deeply touched.
This book is full of action, suspense, romance, heart stopping drama and Godly love.
Sally, when you read it it will touch your heart!
Most memorable books … yes, definitely Christy and A Voice in the Wind. And, oddly enough, another Karen Ball title: Kaleidoscope Eyes – not so much for the story, but for the subtle lesson on “normal” vs “different”.
I have not read anything by Francine Rivers. I think I’m missing out and need to change that! I have ordered A Voice in the Wind and can’t wait to read it. Jennifer Slattery and Stephanie Landsem’s books are ones that I’ve read recently that have impacted me. Each one of Cheryl Wyatt’s books always speak to me, either spiritually or in relationships. I love to read and usually get something out of each one I read. The best presents are books!
I’ve read The Breaking Point and it definitely is one that can impact you! The one book that stands out to me as impacting me is Francine Rivers “Redeeming Love”. I read it in a time of my life that changed me completely, and healed an area in my life I had struggled with for years. God used her words to speak right to my heart…I love when a book does that and an author is open to God’s guidance in writing the words He wants them to. You never know how it will impact us readers :-)
That’s a very nice review, Marilyn. Sounds like a great book. :)
Isn’t Kaleidoscope Eyes where she sees colors in everything? Like letters and such? Brandy Valance’s newest book has a hero like that. Very interesting.
Oh my goodness, Sally! You are in for a treat with Francine. Enjoy!
So many people say that about Redeeming Love. It’s a great book, for sure.