We took our only child, Logan to Bass Pro in Springfield for the first time when he was three. It was a big hit

Logan with Dallas bear Nov 2014
and since then the store has become a large part of our family memories. We’ve made the trip to Springfield twice more over the years. When we go to Texas to visit family there, we stop at two sometimes three stores on the way. Along with two Cabela’s. We haven’t been since the stores combined, so I don’t

Logan and Dallas bear Dec 2015
know if they’re all still there or not.
In 2014, I took a picture of him in front of the grizzly bear. After that, it became a tradition and we see how much he’s grown by where he comes to on the paw. As he got older, he grumbled about having to pose for me, but humors me anyway.
I always think the poor taxidermied animals were prettier alive. I like the housewares section and browse there for a while, then I find a recliner there or go to the bench by the fish tank and read a book. It’s funny how just about every other store you go to, the men are waiting on benches while the wives shop. At Bass Pro, it’s the opposite. I nicknamed the store, Hotel California from the old Eagles song – You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave – because we’re always there for HOURS.

Logan with Dallas bear July 2016
My husband has never been a hunter or fisherman. But Logan is. I had to put away my feeling sorry for deer years

Logan with Dallas bear Dec 2018
ago and now there are three taxidermied trophy bucks on our wall in the family room along with a wild boar. All had the misfortune of running into our son.
For his eighteenth birthday this year, we wanted to do something special and create a lifetime memory for the occasion. The weekend before Christmas, we took him to Memphis for an early present. He knew we were going to Bass Pro at the Pyramid. But he didn’t know we were staying there in a hotel room. Since he loves all things fishing and hunting, he absolutely loved our surprise.
For us, it was the perfect family trip. Possibly our last as a family since he graduates in May. Bittersweet. He wanted his Dad in the picture with him this year. In hindsight, I wish I’d grabbed some stranger and gotten in the picture with them. We spent his birthday with a photographer coming to our house to take casual senior pictures on our land and then a family lunch, just the three of us, at our favorite local restaurant. Where did the years go? Where did my baby go? Questions every mom has asked I’m sure.

Logan & Grant with Memphis Bear Dec 2019
So is there a place that’s special to your family? Somewhere that holds fond memories? Tell us about it and get in the drawing for a copy of Texas Hill Country Redemption. U.S. and international included. This is my book that releases in April. The winner will need to be patient since I may not get my author copies for another month or two. But as soon as I get it, I’ll mail it out. For international, the book will be available March 17th. Deadline for the giveaway is Jan 17th.
Thanks for a chance to win
Sebago Lake maine.
Lake Sunapee, NH is a special place where my family would go every summer and my relatives would come and visit us on the weekends. We lived over 650 miles away from there and my relatives so I have loads of fond memories!
Any where in Colorado. My husband loved CO and we would go at least once a year. I miss no longer doing that. I’m a native Texan and have always lived here. I understand about the hunting. My dad, husband and son in law were/are hunters. My daughter doesn’t mind the heads and trophies but I was glad when I moved into my senior apartments I no longer had heads on the wall. They really didn’t bother me but just weren’t my decorating preference. I did have a few guests over the years that we had to take them down to let them feel comfortable.
Happy New Year Shannon! Thanks for sharing the memories. Visited a Bass Pro Shop in Indiana. Took lots of pictures. Great place to wander, especially in the winter. Reminded me of the Field Museum in Chicago with all the animals. Our youngest son celebrated his 30 birthday yesterday. He moved to Austin and the Texas Hill Country in November – 1400 miles from his mother. Hope to visit Texas in April during spring break. We live in SW Michigan across the lake from Chicago. Our family special place is Chicago – especially for baseball season. With our two oldest sons we lived in the Chicago area during the 1980s. We enjoyed the museums, the Christmas market, the auto show, Navy pier, the aquarium, Lincoln Park zoo and baseball. After moving back to Michigan, we visited Chicago several times a year, but now prefer back road trips with less traffic and people. Best wishes.
Louisiana holds a special place because that is where my husband is from and where our daughter was born.
Little River Canyon hold special memories for us because we went there a lot as a family. My mom would pack us kids and food up and we go would camping there. She always did stuff with us and now that she’s gone these memories are precious.
We have always enjoyed taking pictures of our family at Droop Mountain Battlefield. We love having a picnic and enjoying the view.
I love a little British Columbia lake which was about halfway from our home and my sister’s home when our kids were growing up – we’ve since moved. We all loved camping and exploring nature together and met there multiple times for camping weekends. So many good memories! So many family stories start with, “remember that time at Summit Lake when…?”
Lost Maples State Park in Texas
What a fun way to mark the passage of time! I think for us our place would be Sun River, Oregon. We took our boys there every year since they were babies. My youngest actually started walking while we were there. :)
Thanks for stopping by, Martha.
I’ve never been to Maine, Kim. The coastal life there makes a great setting for books I’ve read.
We visited Arkansas like that when I was a kid, Lori. Both parents are from AR, so all of our family was always here, while we moved around. We had lots of summer visits until we moved here when I was twelve. Now we make those visits to Texas Hill Country to see my husband’s family.
I’ve been to Colorado once, Margie. I went to a writers’ conference there with two other writers. We barely got out of the car or the hotel, but the mountains were pretty. And very different than the ones in Arkansas. Our mountains are covered in trees, while CO mountains are bare. Texas is my 2nd favorite state since we make frequent visits to see my husband’s family there. Our family room is cabin worthy, but my living room is pastel pretty the way I like.
Happy New Year to you, Renate. There were live ducks inside the store in Memphis. I’d never seen that before. I lived in Michigan when I was 1, then Chicago when I was 2 until 7. I don’t remember much except there was a lot of snow. We travel through Austin on our TX treks. Your family outings sound fun.
I’ve never been to Louisiana, Angie. We watch Duck Dynasty, even since they cancelled it. I would never go in that water. I’m not fond of gators.
The Catskills for me growing up!
I had to google where that is, Kathy. I’ve been through Alabama a lot. We lived in Georgia when I was 7 to 12 and visited family in Arkansas every year. Since we moved to AR, I’ve visited Georgia 3 times. I’ve never been camping. I’m not a rough it kind of gal. It would take an RV with electricity and plumbing for me to go camping. My hat’s off to your mom.
I had to google where that is too, Lucy. I’ve been to West Virginia once. My husband’s grandparents lived there. I lived a few miles from Stone Mountain in Georgia when I was a kid. We toured the grounds of old cannons and plantation houses countless times. One year, we toured a bunch of battlefields on the way to Arkansas.
That sounds fun, Valerie. As long as there was an RV, electricity, and plumbing involved :)
I’ve never been there, Beth. That’s close to where my husband’s family lives. Maybe we’ll get to check it out some time.
I’ve never been to Oregon, Kimberly. Now that’s a good memory.
I’ve never been to New York, Paula Marie. I knew where it was, but googled it to look at a picture. It’s gorgeous.
Love the cover of your book!!! We always visited relatives when I was growing up, so all of my memories revolve around NW GA. For Mom’s 80th birthday, my three older sisters and I decided to go away with her, just the five of us, for birthday. It became a tradition for about 10 years. We went twice to Americus, GA, where there’s quite a few things to do, Amelia Island, St. Augustine, Tarpon Springs, and others. Our favorites were Americus and St. Augustine.
Hey Trudy, I do too. The cover artist really did a great job. I lived north of Atlanta for five years. We were really close to Six Flags and Stone Mountain. It was a great place to grow up. We’ve always visited relatives for vacation too. Arkansas when we lived away and now Texas with our son.
We like to hike Pickle Springs Conservation Area.
Thanks for a chance to win! We don’t really have any special places but we did always enjoy Disney World.
Our family has been going to Gatlinburg, TN, my entire life. My parents said they first took me when I was six months old and I started carrying my daughter at the same age. Most years, we go twice – in the summer for vacation and in December to see the lights.
Looking forward to your new book and thanks for the opportunity!
Caddo Lake is where I spent every summer. It is my childhood. My grandfather worked for Texas Forest Service and kept Caddo State Park during the 40’s and 50’s. It is a mystical place, in the early mornings fog will rise over the river and Spanish moss hangs from the Cypress trees. It is the only natural lake in Texas.
I’ve never been there either, Joan. The pictures I found when I google it are really pretty.
I’d say that’s a special place, Megan. I’ve never been, but I grew up about five miles from Six Flags over Georgia. It was awesome. I had old cousins, so I spent my summers there from age 7 – 12.
I’ve never been there either, Linda. I love family vacations.
You paint such a vivid picture, Jacqulyn, you might be a writer. That’s right on our trek where we cross over into Texas. You make me want to visit next time.
Gatlinburg,TN is one of our favorite places
My wife and I just enjoy the experience of traveling together. We’ve been blessed to be able to visit many places with happy memories in everywhere from Hawaii to Maine. The best memories are connected not with the places but with the people. Many trips have been to see our kids and grandkids (a military family) and others to attend business events with many folks who have now become like extended family. Many of the places have been beautiful but it has been the relationships that have made them special for us.
That’s the 2nd Gatlinburg, Shelia. It must be really great.
Our travels are more about family than places too, Lincoln. We’ve never gone anywhere just to sightsee. All of our travels have been family or business. And I know what you mean about the business events. I’ve been to lots of cities for writers conferences and made so many friends in the writing community. It’s like going home when I get to see them.
Happy New Year and it doesn’t take children long to grow up that’s for sure Thanks for sharing I love The Beautiful Pigeon Forge TN. It is so pretty there ! The book sounds like a great read Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy New Year to you, Sarah. They do grow way to fast. I’ve never been to Pigeon Forge but I always thought it sounded fun.
No special place. Anywhere family is is special
What a cute series of pictures, thank you for sharing them with us! We try to make an annual trip to Red River, NM to boat and camp during the summer. It’s very nice.
So true, Sandy. My favorite trips are to see family.
W live 10 miles from tourist attraction lake, Lisa. And we never go there. I like to swim in chlorine and my husband doesn’t like water period because he almost drowned twice as a kid. There is a river on his dad’s property in TX. It’s shallow in parts and private, so we like going there. I wade while they swim.
I love the pictures. We love to visit family in KY once a year. Its great fun for all. Thank you
Thanks, Beth. I wish all families could live close together. But then we wouldn’t have a reason to travel as much I guess.
Our large family loves to camp and fish and the campground we go to is a favorite family spot.
We always get our picture taken at the big rocking chair in Silver Dollar City. It’s fun to see how the kids have grown.
Camping always sounds fun to me, Michelle. As long as there’s a camper with electricity and plumbing. My son loves to fish. When he was younger, I’d go to the pond with him and sit in a lawn chair while he fished.
That’s a great way to measure, Rachel. I hope your kids never outgrow that.
my family loves to go hiking. when we are in the woods we are happy!
The special place for me is Portsmouth NH. It is where I met my husband and where we were married.
I love hiking, Susan. But I have rules. It can’t be got (to me that means warmer than 75). It can’t be snake or tick season. So there’s a short window in the spring and fall perfect for hikes.
Awe, those are sweet memories, Laurie.