I was in fourth grade the first time I ever got a book that had been signed by the author. Children’s author Barbara M. Joosse had come to visit our school to talk about writing (and I even got to work with her on my own story). At the end of her visit, I was so excited that we got a signed copy of her book Anna, the One and Only. I still have it!*
I also autographed my very first book that same year. As part of Barbara Joosse’s visit, our school held a book fair. Students each got to sell copies of books they had written (they cost something like 10¢, but still, it was the first time I had ever sold a book!). My book had the catchy title, “Enemies Are Friends.” My parents, of course, bought a copy, and I signed it for them. I still have that one too!
Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to sign hundreds more books. For several years, I wrote children’s nonfiction, and one of my joys was visiting schools to talk about writing. And of course, the students always wanted to purchase signed books. It was so fun to give them their books and watch them read what I had written to them. I always liked to think of the possibility that maybe, just maybe, one of them might be sparked to want to write (and sign!) their own books after that, the same way I was after Barbara Joosse’s visit. (It was also fun to have kids who hadn’t ordered a book come up to me with a piece of paper and ask for my autograph—it made me feel like a celebrity. A celebrity with a crayon sometimes, but still.)
Although I no longer write children’s nonfiction or visit schools, I still have the delight of signing books. Nearly every month, I give away a signed book from one of my series in my newsletter (you can sign up here if you don’t already subscribe!).
And I’ve also recently decided to offer signed paperbacks through my own online store. The best part is, I can actually offer them at a lower price than an unsigned paperback from Amazon! If you’re interested, you can check them out at Boddens’ Books & Such. Why “& Such”? Well, you can find not only my books at the store, but also bookish art inspired by quotes from my books and designed by my husband. We also have other fun book-inspired art, as well as journals and even Hope Springs and River Falls postcards!
Since signed books make a great gift for the reader in your life (or yourself), I did a little digging to see if any other CCR authors offer signed books. So far, I’ve found that Mandi Blake does—and right now she has a big sale going on! You can check out her store here.
Now I need your help. Do you know of any other Christian romance authors who offer signed books for purchase? If so, please let us know in the comments. And if there’s an author you’d like to purchase a signed book from but you can’t find a way to order one, you can always contact them directly to ask if it’s possible. Whether or not they have one available, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to hear from you.
What about you? Do you have any signed books on your shelf? Did you win them, purchase them online, meet the author in person? If you don’t have any, who would you love to have a signed book from?
*I went looking for my copy of Anna, the One and Only after I wrote this post and discovered something: it’s not signed to me but to my sister! Since she apparently didn’t want it (why else would it be on my shelves, right?), I’m going to call it my first signed book anyway (after all, we’re sisters, so we always share).
Most of my books are ebooks because I live in Africa but it was very special to be able to give my two sisters who live in the USA, signed books by Shirley Corder, a South African author.
I don’t have any signed books, I mainly read ebooks at the moment but I think they’re a lovely idea and would make a great gift.
One of my favourite books from my childhood was Dodie Smith’s ‘I Capture the Castle ‘ and one of my cousins tracked down a first edition for a special birthday for me – I love it, but a signed copy of that book would be even more amazing.
I do have quite a few signed books!! I’ve met quite a few authors in person, too!! I know Heather Blanton will sign books, Jo Grafford/Jovie Grace, Danni Roan, Jessie Gussman, to name a few! I know there are more, as I’ve seen them mention it in their newsletters, but names are escaping me!
I live near Mt Hermon, California, and got to go down once and meet Karen Barnett, who signed one of her vintage national park books for me! That was really fun.
International shipping definitely makes it harder to get signed books, but I’m sure your sisters were excited to get those signed copies of Shirley Corder’s books from you! A great gift!
Oh wow! First editions are a great gift too! I mainly read ebooks too–they’re so much easier to have with you wherever you go. Harder to sign though, lol. :)
That’s great! And as excited as you are to have those signed books, I’m sure the authors were just as excited to sign them for you. Thanks for the list of authors who offer signed books! I was hoping someone would know lots of authors who do!
Oh wow! That sounds so neat! It’s always fun when you can meet the author too.
I have a few signed books that I won.in giveaways but after I read them I give them away .
welcome today. I have many signed books on my shelf. The ones I love the most are from authors that have come to our church over the years. Such as Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Love and Respect, Red Hot Monogamy, etc…. Plus a lot of fiction that I have won books
It’s always fun to win a book–and to share it!
That’s wonderful! It’s always great to meet an author and come away with a signed book. Or to win one!
Hi, how exciting and how Awesome for you!! Yes, I have some books that have been signed that I have won and I also have some that have been signed when I purchased an authors book after I talked to her. Have a great day.
I have one signe book that I won from you from your monthly drawing that I treasure! (I never won anything until then!) I also won one for my cousin in Florida, because it was February! Valentines month! I was so excited! I told everybody! I also have one book signed by the author called “The Math Whiz”, because my Mom and I met her at an event years ago and we are both math whizes, so she bought me the book and got her to sign it! It was a good book, and it means a lot.
Aww, yay! It means so much to me to hear that you treasure that book! :) It’s so fun that you to to meet the author of The Math Whiz and have her sign your book. Sounds like a special memory!
Yay! Signed books just make such a great addition to any book collection. :)
My kids have autographed books from authors who visited their school quite a few years ago. I gave my son’s to him for his kids, but I still have my daughter’s. I have several signed books as well. One from Jessie Gussman as a birthday gift. One from Emily Conrad and another from Caryl Lawrence McAdoo, both prizes. I think I have others (maybe one of yours) , but I am on vacation and cannot check. I have also checked out and placed an order from your store. I purchased the journal, one for me and one for my daughter-in-love. I can’t wait to actually see it. I love the quote (and song) “All is Well With my Soul”. Thank you. ❤
I love to hear about all of those signed books! :) Thanks so much for ordering the journals. They’re on their way and should be there soon! I hope you and your daughter-in-love enjoy them!
yes, any
I know that Anne Perrault also has signed paperbacks that she sells. I have signed paperbacks from authors that I have read ARC’s. I was able to meet Brenda Novak (she is not a Christian writer) at a book signing. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Any signed book really is great. :)
Thanks for sharing about Anne Perrault’s books! It’s so fun that you have signed paperbacks from authors whose ARCs you’ve read.
I do know some offer signed copies but I cant remember who. I do know Robin Jones Gunn use to offer book plates to put in her books (I have one of them).
I have quite autographed books that I won on different sites and when it was cheaper for the author to post to Australia. So are just signed. but many are to me and it feels so nice.
I have a few I met (on my trip to America)
I did buy a few books that were shipped to my friends place I was staying by Vickie McDonough They were only signed not to Jenny.
My first signed book would have been a Cricket (the sport) book and I would have either went to the cricket and gotten it signed or to a book signing.
(I have an autograph book make that many autograph books which are signed by people I have met, sports people mainly cricketers and a few others. If I had been able to meet authors I probably would have them in there too)
PS I would do the May I please have your autograph and sometimes they would say no or not now. I said to one Thats ok have a nice day and he turned around and said I will sign it now.
Book plates are a great alternative, especially with the cost of international shipping! I always love when a book is not only signed but personalized–it just makes it that much more special. Neat idea to keep an autograph book!
I love that! A great example that kindness does make a difference. Also, I have the hardest time understanding why people would say no (although I suppose they might have to get somewhere). Maybe it’s because I couldn’t imagine saying no, lol!
Its is normally the cricketers (most people I ask) and sometimes if they sign one then heaps want it. Some cricketers are very hard to get an autograph from. and it can be they are in a hurry.
Its amazing how many never say thank you.
The player above there wasn’t many fans around so it wasn’t going to delay him with lots of others asking.
They would also come up with comments instead of no like I will sign when I come back out (me knowing there is a back door so no) or I will sign out the back which they may have but the public couldn’t get there so again no. One player acutally said I will come back down when I put my gear in the dressing room. My mind said nope he wont come but I did stay there and he called me over to the stairs and signed it asked where the other person was to which I didn’t know but knew he didn’t think he would be back. The player said If I say I will come back I mean it (if you see the person tell him I came). So I got the autograph. (Most don’t come back).
With Authors its different cos its normally at an event and for authors if they are rude to readers at these sorts of events readers talk Doesn’t matter if they are award winning if they are rude for no reason they lose readers. If it is at a private event that is different.
That makes sense, especially if they know they’re going to get caught there for a while with all the people who want a signature. It’s great that you stayed for that autograph! And you have a good point about authors–it’s a completely different kind of situation and relationship.