The other day, I asked what folks would like to see around here and while we didn’t get a huge deluge of answers, one thing mentioned was more character interviews. This worked out nicely for me because I love interviewing my characters and I needed something to post! (So hey, thanks for the idea!)
I am reaching into the wayback machine briefly here, but I figure it’s always better to start at the beginning, right? And so we’re scooting back to my debut novel, Wisdom to Know, and meeting the hero: Kevin McGregor.
Me: Welcome, Kevin!
Kevin: Thanks for having me.
Me: Since you’re here on a romance blog, let’s start out by having you tell us a little about your love life.
Kevin: Um. That’s not going to take very long. See, there’s this girl–well, woman–I’ve been in love with her since high school.
Me: Aww, high school sweethearts! That’s delightful.
Kevin: Oh no. No, no, no. We’re not sweethearts. I mean, I’d like us to be. But she’s got me pretty firmly located in the dreaded “friend zone.”
Me: Ouch.
Kevin: Tell me about it. I spend entirely too much time hearing about her dates with Brad. It’s always Brad this and Brad that. And she doesn’t get that Brad is not only a loser, but he’s cheating on her. Again. I don’t know what she sees in him.
Me: Hmmm. Have you asked?
Kevin: Ha. ‘Cause that’d go over so well. Though…I can probably guess. First off, he’s into politics, so she sees the potential for a high-profile life down the line. And money.
Me: Um…that doesn’t really make her–what’s her name?–sound all that worth chasing.
Kevin: That’s the thing though, Lydia’s not really like that, not at her heart. She puts on a front–she’s definitely got some issues about how people perceive her–but under that she’s great. She has the most incredibly caring heart. I just wish she’d let herself remember that.
Me: So nothing in the works to win her over?
Kevin: Oh, I’ve got irons in the fire. I’m just trying a subtle approach. I keep hoping that if we hang out as friends enough that maybe she’ll start to see me as more than that. I have it on good authority that she’s the one for me.
Me: Oh? Whose authority?
Kevin: You’ll probably think I’m nuts, but God made it pretty clear back in high school. I’ve been holding on to that ever since.
Me: You don’t think maybe you were wrong?
Kevin: Nope. I just think I need to wait – after all, Abraham had to wait quite a while before Isaac was born.
Me: True enough. Well…good luck.
Kevin: Thanks. Hey – I’ve gotta run, I was going to swing by Lydia’s and see if she wanted to grab a bite. All part of my plan, you know?
Me: Sure, sure. Thanks for stopping by!
You can read the first chapter of Wisdom to Know here.
If you’d like to win a copy, leave a comment telling me when you first thought you’d found “the one” and whether or not you were right. I’ll pick a winner or two on Saturday (the 19th) – mention whether you want ebook or paperback.
This is going to sound corny, but for me it was literally love at first sight–and a blind date, to boot! A friend of mine and her husband were bragging that everyone they’d ever set up had gotten married, and I made an off-the-cuff joke about how I should be next. But when my friend called me and said she had invited a guy to dinner and wanted me to come, I wanted to back out. I’d only been joking! The laugh was on me. I took one look at Joe’s big blue eyes and I was a goner. I went home and told my friend, “I hope Deb and Kastner sound good together because I’m going to marry that man. Six months to the day later, I did.
Loved the character interview – now wondering what Lydia’s interview would sound like. :)
Aww! That’s awesome, Deb! :)
Jen, maybe I’ll chat with her next time. She’s a little feisty, so I always enjoy having her around. :)
I love your story, Deb! And I bet your friends were gloating…
I enjoy character interviews, too. :)