Good Monday morning, friends! Let’s start the week off on a fun note. If you’re not already familiar with my guest, Kimberly Rae Jordan, it’s my honor to introduce you. Kimberly is a top-selling contemporary Christian romance author with novels that are impacting the hearts of readers. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know this wonderful author recently, and I’ve personally connected with her and found a kindred spirit of sorts. I posed some questions to her and found Kimberly’s answers captivating. I think you will, too!
Kimberly has generously offered to gift one reader who leaves a comment with an eBook gift set featuring all three of her novels in her Those Karlsson Boys series! You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to win these reader favorites. Here’s the link for the 3-in-1 set which Kimberly is giving away to one commenter. She will gift the winner directly through Amazon. Take a peek!
Now, friends, time to grab a cup of your favorite morning beverage, settle in your favorite cozy chair and let’s get to know Kimberly Rae Jordan.
Welcome to InspyRomance, Kimberly. Can you please tell us three unique things about yourself that we might find surprising?
1) I am an MK. My parents were missionaries in Asia for many years. They went to the mission field when I was just 18 months old. I attended boarding school for my ninth grade and then returned to my “home” country when I was 18 years old after graduating high school.
2) I love Gospel music! Particularly Southern gospel and old hymns. My favorite singer is Guy Penrod, who used to sing with the Gaither Vocal Band. I have gone to several Homecoming concerts and have met Guy, David Phelps, Mark Lowry and Bill Gaither—among many others! I have a playlist of Southern gospel music that I listen to while I write.
3) This isn’t about me per se, but both my dad and my brother are named Winston Churchill.
Wow, I love these and thanks for sharing. Can you tell us about when you started writing and what was your first release? I have loved the written word since I was a young child. Growing up on the mission field in a rural environment meant that we had no television. Books, a few toys and our imaginations were it for entertainment. When I wasn’t reading, I was making up stories in my head. I began to actively write full length stories in my early twenties. Most of those early stories will never see the light of day. Thankfully!
Eventually the internet opened up a whole new world for me, and I was able to connect with other writers who helped me learn and hone my craft. I had to take a break from actively seeking publication for several years because of struggles going on in my life. When I came back to the writing world, I decided to publish a book that was close to my heart.
Faith, Hope & Love featured a missionary setting much like the one I grew up in, and it explored a struggle I myself had gone through recently. It was kind of a surreal moment as I read through the manuscript I’d set aside when life had overwhelmed me. The “me” of so many years ago had written words that the “me” of today needed to hear. Faith, Hope & Love has also brought me some interesting fan interactions which have been a blessing.
Hearing from readers is definitely one of the best aspects of what we do and a huge blessing for me, as well. What types of scenes do you most enjoy writing? I think my favorite scenes to write are the ones that evoke some sort of emotional response in me! If my heart aches for my character as they are suddenly more vulnerable than they’ve ever been, or if I am moved by a character finding their way back to God, I hope that it will also move even just one person who reads my stories.
Agreed. What spiritual insights would you like your readers to take away with them after reading one of your books? Do you feature different scripture/theme verses for each book? I don’t start a story with a theme in mind. I’m a seat of the pants style writer which means I don’t plot extensively before I start to write. One thing I do, however, is flesh out my characters. As the story begins to unfold, often the characters’ reactions and struggles with events shape what spiritual theme comes to the forefront. All my stories are about Christians in varying places in their spiritual walk, but sometimes the spiritual struggle isn’t as strong in some stories as in others.
A reader just recently touched on the spiritual theme in my story, Waiting for Rachel. In it the main character, Rachel, can’t seem to free herself from the sin of her past and what she has perceived as her punishment for it. In her journey, she has to come to the realization that sin once confessed is forgiven and remembered no more. This reader shared how reading about Rachel coming to understand that helped her realize her struggle with that in her own life. I try to allow these struggles to flow naturally from the characters and the situations they find themselves in. One thing I love to do is include old hymns in my stories. So many of them carry wonderful messages that tie in to the struggles in our lives. My parents instilled in me a love for hymns at a young age, and to this day I can sing so many of them from heart. My favorite hymn is I Stand Amazed, but Victory in Jesus, which is my dad’s favorite, is a close second!
Both great hymns of the faith and I love that you incorporate them into your stories. Life application is so important and readers crave that connection to characters in our books.
Here’s the link for Waiting for Rachel on Kindle:
Here’s the link for Home is Where the Heart Is, Book #1 of Kimberly’s Latest Series:
Where you can find Kimberly:
Thank you, Kimberly, for being our special guest today. I wish you much continued success in your future writing career. Friends, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to check out her books. Be sure to leave a comment to be eligible for the giveaway!
Blessings, friends. Until next time… :)
Matthew 5:16
Thank you JoAnn and Kimberly for a fun interview. I always enjoy finding a great new author. Life application is what draws me to Christian fiction. I love to read a book, searching for how God is speaking to me through it. Praying for God’s blessings over both of your writing careers.
Welcome, Kimberley. The covers of your books are fantastic. I can imagine how rewarding it must be to know God’s used your words to touch someone else’s spirit. WOW! What a beautiful opportunity! And more proof the the gift in your calling :-)
Tell you a secret, Pepper…I don’t think Kimberly will mind, but she does her OWN covers. And yes, I believe she does a great job, too. Creating covers is so much fun! Thanks for your comment. :)
Thanks for your comment! I’m so happy you enjoyed the interview and hope you’ll check out Kimberly’s books. Thank you for your kind words and blessings to you!
I have read one of your books and loved it immediately. It spoke to my heart and it had such a wonderful message. My plan is to read more so please continue to write. You are very gifted in the art. I have shared your book with others because I want them to get a message from God in your words. I look forward to reading another book soon.
Great interview, JoAnn. Thanks for introducing us to Kimberly.
Kimberly, it was great “meeting you” here.
Love hearing of another Christian author! Thanks JoAnn and Kimberly. I am new to reading Christian romance and am finding that each book is resonating with me. Whether it is my past, present or future, they make me think and understand why something has or is happening to me and what I need to learn from it. Love that! Blessings and love to all of you Christian writers for getting God’s love, forgiveness, hope and understanding out there for the rest of us to learn from and pass on. Robin Bradshaw Bline
Thanks for stopping by! My perspective on my writing has changed a lot since I started this journey! I wanted to write clean stories for Christians. I saw it as a way to entertain without readers having to compromise their morals with language and content that might be objectionable to them. Along the way, readers have contacted me to let them know how God has spoken to them through my stories. Each time a reader shares this with me, I am in awe of how God works, and it is such a blessing and encouragement to me. Thank you for your prayers for my writing career!
Hi Pepper ~ Thanks for stopping by! Yes, I do my own covers as JoAnne said. It’s another creative outlet for me. :D I am so grateful that God uses something I enjoy doing to touch others.
I’m so glad that you enjoyed the book you read of mine. As long as God continues to open doors for me, I will continue to write! Thanks so much for stopping by!
I’m so glad you stopped by and read the interview! It’s always great to meet people who love to read and who also love God. :)
Hi Robin! Welcome to the world of Christian Romance! You’re in for a real treat as there are lots of wonderful authors out there to read. :D Thanks so much for stopping by!
What a fun interview. Needed this little breath of fresh air this evening.
Hi Andrea! Glad you enjoyed the interview. I’ve only done a couple, so it’s still new to me what people find interesting. :D Thanks so much for stopping by!
My first “read” from Kimberly was “Marrying Kate”. To say I LOVED this book was an understatement. It’s one of the best written books I have read. Yes, I liked it that much. Since then, I have read “Act of Love” from the Typecast Christmas books. If you have not read one of her books…go get one. NOW!!! You won’t be disappointed!!! I have all of her books on my “wish list” to buy, eventually.
Ah, thanks, Terri! I love to hear that readers have enjoyed the stories I’ve written. Each story is so special to me–I liked the hero from Marrying Kate so much I name my son after him! lol The first book (Waiting for Rachel) in my trilogy (Those Karlsson Boys) is free at the moment, so be sure to grab it! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
Loved the interview! We have a lot in common, especially the gospel music. I have been to several Gaither Homecomings. I agree with you on Guy Penrod, David Phelps and Mark Lowry … and include Ivan Parker! I would love to read your books. If JoAnn says you are good, then it must be so!! Blessings to you and your writing!
Hi Susan ~ Yes! Ivan Parker is great too! So many great singers at those concerts. I also really enjoy The Hoppers. It’s been kind of sad as the older ones have passed on, but love seeing the rest (& new ones!) continue on using their talents to glorify God! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Kimberly, it’s been so fun getting to know you! My brother lives in Asia–Korea–now, so I get to experience a bit of the Asian culture via Fb. hahaha.
Your novels look wonderful!
I downloaded Waiting for Rachel today. Look forward to reading it!
I hope you enjoy it, Susan!
Hi Jennifer! Isn’t FB a wonderful way to connect around the world? Back when my parents first took me overseas, letters took 2 weeks to arrive, there was no access to phones unless it was a dire emergency and they announced my brother’s birth to my grandparents in a telegram! lol I grew up not really knowing my extended family, but it’s wonderful to see that’s no longer the case for families who live on different sides of the world courtesy of the internet and things like FB! Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and reading my interview!