Have you ever gone out of your way to meet an author in person? Do you keep an eye out for events that might include either authors you enjoy reading, or new-to-you authors?
I once had the opportunity to say hello to Karen Witemeyer at a book signing a few years back. I’d spoken to her a couple of times through Facebook, but it was a whole different thing to go there, chat about her newest book, and then come home with a paperback copy of A Worthy Pursuit signed by her (an excellent book, by the way).
Karen was incredibly kind and took the time to speak to everyone who came in.
If you have attended an author meet-and-greet or a book signing, what about it made the event especially welcoming? Or, if it wasn’t a particularly enjoyable experience, why is that?
I ask because I’m going to be signing books at our local bookstore in a couple of weeks. I want to set up my table and be as welcoming as possible to potential readers who are going to take time out of their busy lives to come by and say hello. I’ll have a variety of books for sale, free bookmarks and magnets, and candy. Because who doesn’t love candy?
All I can say is that I’m looking forward to connecting with readers and visiting with them in person, an opportunity that doesn’t come around often enough.
If you happen to be in the Boerne or San Antonio area on May 8th, I’d love to see you there!
The Boerne Bookshop Event Page
Mary Preston says
I have been to 2 author events over the years. Each time the author spoke for a little while about their writing and books. I found that fascinating.
Ausjenny says
The first author I met was in grade 6. Our teacher was reading Colin Theile books to us (author of storm boy). He came to speak to the grade 7’s but heard we were reading his books and came and spoke to us.
then I went to a few signing of Cricket (sport) players who had written books to get them signed. and have a photo taken while I was getting the book signed.
I have only been to one signing here and they had a talk about the book first.
I have meet a few authors (One came in to the local bookshop run by volunteers when I was that volunteer) I was so excited
I went to America and meet a few authors in Atlanta for Lunch then another on in Williamsburg. Then went on a retreat with a few authors and readers. That was so exciting. I have also met Narelle Atkins a few years back and that was so much fun.
Renate says
Hi Melanie! This retired English teacher has met many authors of YA books at English Language conferences over the years. Several spoke. Met Poet Laureate Ted Kooser. In our SW Michigan our local independent bookstore Forever Books had evening book talks. Authors gave a short talk and then we had the opportunity to ask questions and have books signed. In October 2019, my book club friend and I attended the SW Michigan Writers Conference were authors gave presentations and sold books. Giving readers a photo opportunity, asking readers how you can personalize the book you are signing, plus a book mark giving the back story to one or several of your books. Candy is a plus. Best wishes.
Trudy says
I’ve met two authors, though not at an event like yours! One actually came to visit me for the weekend with two of her children (teenagers). We went to Kennedy Space Center together and the beach. Another author set up for she and I to meet at a donut shop, and I took Mom with me, and we sat and talked for a few hours! It was great!! She ended up becoming Mom’s favorite author, and both are favorites of mine, even before we met.
Jcp says
I would also having a giveaway that anyone can enter at the store especially since it mother day weekend. Men can give your books to their moms or wives along with standard flowers.
Judy says
I’ve been to an author panel and several readers’ conferences. At the conferences, we were able to sign up for “workshops” with the authors. I met authors who write books I don’t read because of the content but they are charming women I continue to follow. I also had a fan girl moment with a favorite author, Hallee Bridgeman. :) Little gifts meant everyone came away with something; bookmarks and pens were the most popular. It’s been a lot of years, and I still have some of the bookmarks.
Melissa Henderson says
I love meeting authors. Attending book signings and author events is fun. As an author, I enjoy meeting people and signing books for them.
Margaret Nelson says
It was fun to think about how to answer this question – I have two relatives who are authors. I got to meet Tari Faris at my church – her grandmother and my mom were college roommates! I’ve got several other friends who are authors. My one “fan” type meeting was when Davis Bunn was speaking at the Mt Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference. I live real close to Mt Hermon, so went down there around one of the break times and hung around until I could say hello. He was very gracious and welcomed me to sit in on the rest of his session. He also offered to autograph a book, but I’d forgotten to take one :-(
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for sharing, Mary! They sound like fun!
Melanie D Snitker says
All of that sounds like so much fun! Obviously having Colin Theile come and speak to your class was very memorable. And your opportunities to meet authors and go on a retreat sound wonderful. I’ve never been on a retreat as a reader or author, but it’s something I would love to do some day. How neat that you got to meet Narelle!
Melanie D Snitker says
I love that you’ve met so many authors over the years. Wow, how cool! Thanks for your thoughts and ideas, too.
Melanie D Snitker says
Both times you met authors sounds awesome, Trudy. How fun! And very personable, too, which is great.
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s a great idea, thank you!
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s awesome, Judy. Thanks for sharing! I love that you got the opportunity to meet Hallee, and that you still have some of bookmarks you got.
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Melissa. It’s definitely fun both as an author and a reader!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for sharing, Margaret. That’s wonderful you had the opportunity to meet Davis Bunn. I’m sorry you for got to take one of his autographed books, though. But even more important was getting to meet him and the memories of that and the session.
Amy Anguish says
Meeting other authors has been one of my favorite parts of being an author myself. And Karen Witemeyer is one of my favorites, though I haven’t gotten to meet her in person yet. Have so much fun at your signing. I am still new enough that it blows me away to have people want my signature. :-)
Natalya Lakhno says
Anyone coming to CA? I’d love to attend a signing :(
Alicia Haney says
I have only met one author in person and she is a local author. She had a book signing once in one of our Living History Days here in town , I bought her book and she signed it, she is a very sweet lady, just like a lot of authors that I have met and chatted with online, who are so very sweet and nice. Have a Great week and stay safe.
Megan says
I met Tamera Alexander at a book signing. She was so nice. I even got to have a picture taken with her. I think the main thing that makes it so enjoyable is just having that time to speak with the author and their kindness in spending that time with you.
Narelle Atkins says
Jenny, I hope we can catch up again in-person soon! Melanie, definitely bring candy and chocolates. Have fun at your book signing. 😊
Debra J Pruss says
I was to be at a couple of book signings last year, but they were cancelled due to Covid. I would love to be at your book signing, but I live in Ohio. I hope you have a marvelous time. God bless you.
Debra J Pruss says
The book signings I was going to go to last year were cancelled due to Covid. I would love to be at your book signing, but I live in Ohio. I hope you have a marvelous time. God bless you.
Melanie D Snitker says
Right?! I feel the same way about people wanting my signature, too! ha!
Melanie D Snitker says
Awww! I hope you’ll get to go to one soon!
Melanie D Snitker says
That’s awesome, Alicia. Thank you, I hope you have a great week, too!
Melanie D Snitker says
That sounds like a wonderful opportunity, Megan. She sounds like a really nice person
Melanie D Snitker says
Oh, Covid made so many things difficult last year! I”m glad things are slowly starting to return to something of a normal. Thank you! <3
Trixi says
I met Carolyn Miller (an Australian author) about two years ago when she did a book signing tour in America. She came to a little Christian bookstore about two hours from me & I brought a book of hers to sign plus bought her new book (which she also signed). I met both her & her sweet husband and was amazed at how down to earth she was. Isn’t that funny?
Then I met Terri Reed (Love Inspired Suspense author) almost two years ago at another bookstore about an hour and a half from me. She actually lives near where she was doing the book signing, so she didn’t have to travel far. They had several different secular authors there, none of which I knew though. It was just lovely to talk to her because I also was on her street team. It was super special to meet her in person since I’d only known her through the FB street team group, her books and communication through email. Again, I was just surprised how down to earth & friendly she was.
I had a chance to meet Tina Radcliffe (another Love Inspired author) in Washington state for a writer/reader conference, but I couldn’t convince my sister-in-law to go with me & I didn’t want to go by myself (she lives 4 hours away). My plan was to stay with her for a few days, drive to the motel where Tina was going to be, and then drive back to my sister-in-laws after the event. It would have been too far just to drive there for the meet and greet myself. I was super bummed about it! :-(
I live on the Oregon coast and a lot of authors I know live too far away….but I’d sure love to meet more!! They’re like celebrities to me :-)
denise says
I’ve been to a lot of author events. I even went on a field trip, of sorts, with Dani Pettrey. We toured Fells Point and took a tour of the harbor in Baltimore, seeing sights from her books.
Amy Perrault says
I’ve met an author or two in person & got there autograph in my book. I met one by a group online in my area who is epileptic like me & she had wrote a story about her life till she had surgery & how the surgery worked & it was a great book. We got together at a restaurant for lunch & live close to each other. She gave me chocolates to help with a fundraiser for epilepsy. We usually get together at least twice a year but it’s been hard the past years with the virus. I got for my anniversary a signed book from an author I really like that thought it would be a great gift & I loved it. It’s great to meet authors & I’m trying to work on a few books myself.
Lincoln says
I know I’ve gotten autographed books but I don’t think any of them were in person. I did get to meet a favorite Christian recording artist and had a very pleasant conversation. It’s fun to realize that creative people are regular people, too.
For your signing, though it might be time consuming to put together, you could make a sampler CD of first chapters or short stories from your backlist either as a giveaway or for collecting emails for your contact list. Definitely have a clipboard for email addresses. Also be ready with business cards that have your name, web site and email contact. They make good bookmarks, too! Tuck one in when you sign their book.