Growing up, my mom was a writer. She sold stories to Sunday school curriculum and magazines, and I’d always get autographed books in my stocking that she’d pick up at writing conferences. We also shared novels, and one novel we both loved was Rainy Day Kisses by Debbie Macomber. Well, my mom wrote to Debbie, and Debbie wrote back. Since then, Debbie has always had this soft spot in my heart.
So imagine my delight when I planned a writing retreat in Port Orchard only to discover that Debbie lived there! I couldn’t NOT write to her and tell her how my writing group watched her movie Dashing Through the Snow at one of our Christmas parties and I own her book Trading Christmas that was set in Leavenworth, Washington where I got married. I also couldn’t NOT tell her the dates I’d be there and see if she was available for coffee.
I received a letter from Debbie’s assistant, inviting me to visit her office and go to lunch!!! I immediately contacted Nicole Deese and Jill Williamson to see if the time worked for them, as well. They made it work.
We arrived to this:
Debbie writes in the turret, and all her people work in the office below her. We knew that, but we didn’t know how to get in. Finally we found the right door.
See the DM etched into the door behind us? We were just giddy to be there. But then Debbie and her daughter made us feel like VIPs.
They had welcome bags ready for us, and they gave us a tour. I filmed the library full of only her books, which you can check out here. You can also watch the video of her telling the stories of all the authors autographs in her collection, including Beverly Cleary who was the librarian who handed Debbie her very first book.
She kept saying, “I’m not a writer. I’m a storyteller.” And she really did tell the best stories. We heard stories about how she started writing forty years ago with a rented manual typewriter…all the way to the plot of her current novel about a pastor and bar owner trading jobs for the month of Christmas. Working title: Christmas Spirits. (Get it? Spirits? LOL)
She took us to lunch, and she even asked her daughter if there was enough room in their private suite at the Seahawks game for us to join them. There wasn’t, but just her thought blew me away.
She also talked about people who don’t like her books. She said whenever someone writes her a letter to complain about one of her books, she apologizes for the money they spent on it and offers to donate that same amount to their charity of choice. Only one of them ever took her up on that offer. But whether you are raving or ranting, she’s made a commitment to write back everyone who writes to her because of how good it felt when she was just starting out and an author personally wrote her back.
I’d taken my own books to get autographed, but she let us pick out more. I also gave her an autographed copy of Husband Auditions even though she said SHE’D ALREADY ORDERED IT! She says she’ll use it for a giveaway, and she shared a picture of us on her social media.
We asked for writing advice and soaked up her every word. Nicole said she’s cried three times already just telling people about this experience. I’m still in awe that this actually happened.
We spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the town where Debbie’s Cedar Cove series (now a Hallmark Channel original) is set. It’s beautiful and ideal and perfect for writing, though we had so much fun it was hard to get any writing done.
Nicole and I wore the panda onesies for Halloween because, as Nicole says, “This is what we do.” We also saved Jill from a giant spider by killing it with an oar. There was neve a dull moment.
I did get some writing done even though the wallpaper on my computer didn’t compare to the view out the window. It was here that I learned I have a certain series being taken to the pub board this month (will keep you posted) and that I wrote the first chapter of a split timeline novel Joanna Davidson Politano and I have been talking about writing for years.
I woke up to this view on the last day, so I gasped, poured myself coffee, turned on worship music, and watched the sunrise from a hammock chair. This may be Debbie’s everyday life, but for me it was a gift.
And it was such a gift to come home with an autographed book to give my mom.
Who is an author you’d be thrilled to meet?
What a wonderful experience.
I’d love to meet Louise Penny – among many.
What a great experience!!! I’ve loved so many of Debbie’s books over the years! It’s so nice to hear that she’s so gracious!
I’d love to meet Heather Blanton, Lisa Prysock, and many more!!! I’ve already met Jo Grafford and Danni Roan, and they are both as nice as can be!!
Hi, Angela! It makes my heart smile to hear about your visit with Debbie. It’s a little slice of heaven. I also love that you and Nicole rocked the panda costumes. “This is what we do.” Perfect!
As for who I would like to meet, I would start with the list of IR authors, with a number of whom I have enjoyed correspondence. Jaycee Weaver, Valerie Bodden, you and Heather Gray would top that list. I think I might add Irene Hannon and Jessie Gussman just for how much I have enjoyed their stories.
I have met one or two of my author heroes already, but I have so many books to choose from. It would make for a daunting road trip!
Thanks for sharing your amazing adventure. It really touched my heart.
It sounds like you had a wonderful experience. I’ve never really thought about which author I’d like to meet. I guess Nicholas Sparks because I’ve read many of his books.
How exciting. You were truly blessed.
I lived in Port Orchard for years and still kind of consider it my home although we have moved across the mountains. My husband still works in Debbie’s community as a paramedic but years ago as a firefighter, he told stories about Debbie M.
Debbie was writing a series where she needed to interview some of the firefighters. She came around and baked them cookies. She brought cookies by for some time. It made an impression. They still talk about her and what a sweetheart she is.
Are you in Canada where she lives?
She blew my mind. As did my latest read of hers, It’s Better This Way.
That’s so fun! Where did you meet them?
I was blessed, as well. And wouldn’t that make an epic road trip???
One of my friends lived in North Carolina for a while, and I was trying to plan a visit around one of Nicholas Sparks’s book signings, but I could never make it work.
A once in a lifetime experience.
What a great story!!! I love your hometown.
That is so sweet of Debbie! She sounds like such a classy lady. I’m glad you got to meet her and visit such a beautiful area. Debbie’s books are so good!
Me too!
I would like to meet Dana mintink, Meghann whistler and anyone that writess love inspired and harlequin heartwarming books.
I’ve actually met two authors & it felt like meeting real live celebrities! Because in my mind, writers are :-) Carolyn Miller who is an Australian author, Regency is her genre and Terri Reed who writes for Love Inspired Suspense.
What I found? They are down home people who are warm, friendly and just lovely to talk to. I guess that surprised me a bit, to be honest. I wasn’t sure what to expect.
I would love to meet every author I’ve ever read a book by! Having lunch or going out for coffee with would be a dream come true :-)
I can’t decide LOL
Wow, what a very nice and very memorable experience for you, how exciting! And what a beautiful picture of the sunrise, so glad you were able to capture it! It sounds like you all had a Great time. I would love to meet Jean M. Auel . Have a great rest of the week and stay safe. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and exciting time you had.
Hi Angela, I did know that Debbie lived in Port Orchard but didn’t know where. My friend lived there and I visited twice. Its such a lovely place. I Love her devotions. So glad you had a great time and she sounds so lovely and down to earth.
I have meet a few authors and its always a wonderful experience. (I met a few in Spokane at a retreat).
There are so many I would love to meet. I would love to meet Cheryl Wyatt also Lacy Williams and so many more. Robin Jones Gunn is another that would be so nice to meet as I love Hawaii and loved her sisterchick books.
Jo actually came to FL to meet me! She and two of her children stayed at a hotel around the corner from my house and all of us went to Kennedy Space Center together. Danni and her hubby were staying at a wildlife management area campground in Kissimmee and we met at a donut shop on the main drag through town. It was about a 45 minute drive for me one way, but well worth it!! Danni, my Mom and I talked for about an hour and a half or so!! I met them both in 2020, before Mom passed in December, 2020.
What a gift! I loved Debbie’s message at ACFW in Nashville a few years ago. She’s the real deal.
Hi Angela! As a retired high school German and English teacher, I have met a few authors. The two most memorable are: In 1996 I went to a German Author seminar in what was the former East Berlin and we read and meet 7 East German authors, who explained life behind the Iron Curtain and after the Fall of the Wall. In 2008 at a Fulbright Summer Conference for Teachers, I met a Japanese children’s author, who survived Hiroshima and wrote two children’s books. In our small community, our local independent bookstore has quarterly author talks. I have attended a few. Met Loreen Niewenhius who did a thousand mile walk around the Great Lakes. Have a few Midwest Authors I would like to meet. Also hope to someday connect with Valerie Comer, when I visit my son in Idaho. Best wishes. Interesting stories.
What a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
In my case, I’d love to meet the authors of this blog, though I’d put at the top of my list Liwen Ho, Valerie Comer, as well as Kristen Iten, and Jessie Gussman.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience as well as the beautiful pictures. I would love to meet Tina Dee, James Patterson, Joanne Fluke or any writer. I have to say that one of the big blessings to come from the pandemic has been the opportunity to meet and become friends with such a wonderful group of writers as well as other readers. Thank you for sharing your time and talents. God bless you.
How wonderful! I’d love to meet Debbie Macomber.
I would love to meet Aspen Faraway. I have a gift book from her signed for my anniversary one year. I live in Canada but 2 provinces between us & she’s an hour ahead of us due to family & friends who live right there. I would love to meet John Travolta though but my godmother did & got stuff signed for me.
I’d like to get Ray Romano in person book signed. I’ve never met him & have his TV series signed but would love to meet him.
What neat memories. Glad you got to share them with your mother. <3
She really is classy.
I know and love a bunch of Love Inspired authors. I hope you get to meet them one day!
I would love to meet both of those authors! Did you meet Carolyn in Australia?
Right? So many options!!!
Ooh. I haven’t read any of her books, but she’s sold A LOT!
I’ve met Robin. She’s lovely. Debbie used to have a tea house in Port Orchard, but they sold it. That would have been a great way for visitors to meet her. <3
I missed that, so I’m thrilled to have gotten to hear it over lunch and ask her advice. You’re another writer that I’d love to meet.
Wow! Those sound like some amazing stories!!! I hope you get to meet Val too. And if you come to southern Idaho, I’d love to meet you!
This makes me want an InspyRomance event!!! <3
Thank you. We would be nothing without our readers. <3
You definitely should. <3
Well, there’s a fun story! And what a treasure to have a book signed for your anniversary. Maybe see if your local writing group or bookstore will invite Aspen for an author talk and book-signing!
How fun would that be? I bet he’s a riot!
Wow! How cool is this?! I’m so excited for you (and *cough cough* a littel jealous too). What an amazing experience. She’s one of my favorite authors.